• Published 30th May 2013
  • 700 Views, 54 Comments

The Art of Magic II: Secrecy of the Facility - Rarity Belle

The duty of the Facility never ends, there's only more that gets added to it. The sudden return to the mythical ancient unicorn capital is one of them. The employees have to give their best to keep up with everything, or perish with time itself.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Bodies of crystal and no soul

The workers of the future today

If it was only so simple

“But what I don’t get Mush, is how in the name of Luna can you have a crush on Keeton? I mean, I am way more handsome than he is, plus only half as insane,” the stallion spoke with a sick chuckle while his eyes fell over on the mare who sat next to him. He kicked his hind legs on the small table that stood before him while he enjoyed his break. One of the few moments of rest in the hellhole.

“I don’t know Corron, I just have it. It, it’s a bit complicated to explain to another stallion,” the mare replied while she gained a deep red blush on her face in response to his words. They found themselves in the small canteen that was located in the department itself. Only two windows were to be seen and they both looked out over the hallway the triplet of stallions rushed though.

“Aah, don’t be into it too much. Relations here don’t stand long and you know it better than any of us. Either one of the two goes utterly insane.” Corron said while he closed his eyes in an attempt to take a very light nap. But he kept his ears perked to her words.

“I know, I know,” added Mush to her words, appearing lost in her thought.

“Heh, still can’t get the image of Kooiman’s jaw being destroyed by whatever it was that you had,” Corron then said in the hope to lighten the mood a bit.

Mush turned her attention away from the dull gray walls for the very first time. She just stared over to the stallion. She wondered just why he changed the subject so quick in her mind. “With a wrench and don’t go and feel sorry for him. For he knew none of us couldn't stand him out,” she spoke as her reply. Mush didn’t wanted to discuss anything about the incident.

“Aye, that is true. As much as we are friends, I hate being his bucking translator. You think they can refund an normal Equestrian course for him?” Corron said before as he placed his fore hooves behind his head. What followed was a chuckle from him, before he shook his head.

“If he is able to speak at all when he returns maybe. Never seen a jaw that fractured.”

“You know that Medic can do pretty much everything, right?”

“Don’t get me started," she spoke while she closed her eyes. The horrible images of her body that laid on the makeshift operation table shot before her eyes once again. It happened years ago, but Mush was caught in a terrible accident which caused a metal shaft to be impaled in her body. The thing did miss her vital organs. Yet to remove it out of her body was still something easier said than done. Even Medic thought that it was impossible at some points during the operation.

A couple tears built themselves up below the eyes of the mare. Corron knew he had tugged on her heartstrings a bit too much. “Oh yeah, I remember that one… ‘Cuse me for bringing it up again Mush,” he spoke when his eyes opened again. They got placed upon her in a gentle manner.

“It, it’s alright Corron, I just was on the wrong place at the wrong time,” she said while she gave him the smallest of smiles while she wiped the tears away.

“You sure about that?”

Mush gave only a simple nod to his words and opened her lifeless eyes once more while she leaned back in the little couch they found themselves on.


Time didn't progressed long before the door of the little canteen swung open and another stallion entered the room. The white coated, bloodstained stallion didn't spoke a word to the two and only gave a simple nod. He took place on one of the chairs that stood there and found himself staring right into the black hind hooves of Corron. “For Nightmares sake you red idiot, hooves off the table! There are some that are willing to eat here,” he snarled to Corron.

“Hm? Did you say something, Bloodshed?” he spoke in a teasing tone while one of his eyes opened up just a little bit.

Bloodshed huffed a little bit before he opened his lunchbox. “Yes I did, hooves off the table.”

“Fine, fine,” he replied in a nagging tone and removed his hindhooves from the table and allowed the other unicorn to be able to eat. “There, happy now pretty miss?” he spoke in teasing undertone.

“Much better,” spoke Bloodshed while he took out a sandwich with cheese. Mush had to be doing her best not to chuckle at the two foals. She closed her eyes again and leaned even further into the couch. “Is it true?” he asked while he turned his slightly red rimmed eyes over to the green mare.

“What is?” Mush replied to his question without even looking up.

“Your eyes, that they stare into your soul, almost sucking it out?”

“Is that what they say nowadays? No, they do not suck out your soul, but they are great for making you feel uncomfortable.” Bloodshed gulped a bit but also swallowed a piece of his sandwich while he quickly turned his attention over to the space between the two other ponies. “I thought so,” she spoke chuckling before shaking her head lightly.


Meanwhile in his office, Keeton let his blue eyes stare over the map of the ancient times. The time where Cloudsdale had just been raised up from the ground and the Capital of the Earth ponies was working on its strong fortification. It where those times that had been impressing him since he was just a young colt. Times of war and disharmony. The three races that clashed against each other while trying to gain more land.

Though he didn't truly mind the peace between the races as it was. For it helped all of them in so many ways. The unicorns didn't have to fear a sudden platoon of patrolling Pegasi in the air that were on a collision course with the Facility. Something that was quite different in the months before the banishment of Nightmare Moon.

With his office located close to the spiral staircase that lead through the whole building, his ears caught the sound of hooves coming down from it. “This isn't right, all the workers are down here," Keeton thought out loud while he rose his head up to the door. The stallion wondered just who would enter his domain. Out of safety reasons for himself, he folded up the charts again and let them rest upon his desk. After that he turned his eyes back over to the door. He waited for that what came through it. Whatever it would be, good, bad, or something in between.

The clattering of hooves became louder as the seconds passed by. In his mind he didn't count three sets of hooves, but four. “All the officials, and a new one?” he questioned himself before he took place in his chair again. Keeton allowed his elbows to rest upon the desk and his fore hooves to fall against each other while letting his head rest on top of that. “This shall be interesting,” the stallion said while a deep smirk appeared on his face.


When the door did finally swung open it revealed the animated bodies of crystal and they came walking in without a word spoken. With the sight that fell into his eyes, the blue coated stallion blinked a couple times in utter confusion. Though within a second had he removed his body from the chair. “What in the name of Tartarus is this!?” he almost shouted while he walked out of his office.

All the employees that worked in the main boiler room took note of the bodies that came in and dropped their work. Each of them turned themselves around while their attention was fixed upon the things. Those mysterious things that marched in a perfect line. Some started to whisper that they were the new security feature that had been doing its rumor for weeks by then.

The animated humps of crystal made their way over to the door that led over to the engine room. Keeton knew more than enough in that moment, it would cause bigger troubles than he was worth. The stallion rushed over to the things while he charged his horn up in order to keep the door shut. “Not a single soul has permission to enter there! Not without any higher authority,” he spoke up. He had assumed a pose showed he was ready to fight them if he had to.

Though the crystallized ponies came to a standstill and didn't even bother to turn themselves over to him. They just stood there, as they waited for the door to open.

“Hey! Are ya idiots hearing me? Even with yar fancy diamond cloths, ya are not going to make it in there. The levels of corrupted magic are simply too high!” he shouted out even louder over the sounds of the raging fires, whistles of steam and the jamming pistons.

A bright flash of raspberry aura'd magic appeared just behind the blue coated stallion. Keeton left his fighting pose and turned himself around once more. He carefully placed a hoof before his eyes in order to still see something. “Oh crap," was all he could say in response.


Out of the light that was created she stepped, the highly insane, under official. Her mulberry coat still hinted the strains of blood while her red rimmed eyes got focused on the stallion while a smirk was to be found on her face. “Keeton, why aren't our new workers on the place they need to be, hm?” she spoke in a sickly kind tone for her appearance.

“U-Under official Sparkle, I d-didn't expect ya to, quite literally, drop by. But ya have to know, that even with those suits, the levels of magic simply are too dangerous to let a single soul be working in there.” Keeton managed to speak with a polite tone in his voice.

“Good thing they don’t have a soul then,” replied Twilight while she passed him.

“E-Excuse me?” Keeton asked confused. He turned his body around to keep her within his eyesight. Something was going on and he needed to know exactly what it was.

“These, are the new workers for the engine room, Keeton. Imprinted with all the knowledge there is of them. They do not eat, they do not sleep and above all, they can’t become corrupted. Now, open the door or I do it for you,” added Twilight her words. She only turned her head over to him. He received the mad glare in her eyes and felt a shiver down the spine.

“Of, of course,” the stallion said before his horn discharge itself. With it, was it made possible to unlock the door. “But let them enter as fast as possible, I do not want to lose even more workers. And ya know how stupid those from the holding department are when they come here.”

“I understand that completely, Keeton,” spoke Twilight before she allowed her own horn to charge up again. With a simple movement of her head did the heavy locks of the door unlock themselves. Most of the workers took cover as if there was a bomb behind it. The stallion took a could steps back from it out of pure fear. There wasn't much he feared in the place, but the engine room was definitely up there. Twilight on the other end gained a grin of utter insanity while she watched the events. Their fright, was her delight.

Under the loud metal screech the door that led to the deadly engine room had opened once again and out of its gaping hole came the fog of the corrupted magic did its turn. The stallion’s eyes shrunk at the sight and he could only pray that the under official kept her word.

The crystal bodies made their way quickly into the room and Twilight closed the door once more before locking it back up ever so tightly. With the final lock that fell back into place again, she turned herself over to Keeton and spoke her words in the kind tone. “Now, that wasn't all too bad, was it?”

Keeton shook his head as her words echoed through his mind while he tried to be the rough and tough stallion he always was. “No it wasn't. I shouldn't have doubted yar intellect,” he spoke up in a sarcastic tone.

“Good, good. Now carry on with your normal duties down here, Rarity wishes to get the Facility moving again, asa-bloody-p,” spoke Twilight while she made her departure through the door that led to the staircase. Twilight wasn't in the mood to argue the sarcastic tone with him as she had more important business to do.

The stallion kept his mouth shut tight until the door fell in its lock. After it had closed again, his entire voice turned into a voice filled with anger while he made his way over to the small canteen. “Like I don’t know that! Thank ya for telling me, under official Sparkle… Been talking to that horse for weeks about this… Princess Celestia’s proud student, puh! My bucking behind!”


Meanwhile in the little canteen, Mush, Corron and Bloodshed were exchanging the very story of just how they got into the Facility. While he ate his sandwiches, the white stallion did his story. “I was in the need of a job, failed at a couple others until the letter laid on my doormat. Course I took the job right away, I mean, how many times does an employer come to you? Little would I know it would be here,” he said to the both of them.

“Boring story if you ask me, but one that is highly understandable given the bit crisis that is going on. Heard some counties are almost bankrupt,” spoke Mush. She opened her eyes once more and just gently stared over everything to be seen. The dull gray walls, the windows and door, the table and the free chairs. But in the end she let her eyes rest upon the stallion that did the words.

“I don’t get it to begin with, how can a country become bankrupt?” Corron spoke with his head leaned upon his right forehoof which was laid on the tabletop. The glance in his eyes gave away that he tried to think about the matter. A matter of which he understood little to nothing.

“Hell if I know,” Bloodshed replied, “never studied Economics.”

“Has something to do with the treasure chest. But I heard that the pegasi got the hardest hit of all the three races. The entire Weather Corporation up in Cloudsdale almost got shut down if it wasn't for Celestia. She gave some of her funds meant for her school over to them. Gotta admit, bold move. But one that saved our flanks. Can you imagine how things would become if it didn't happen?” said Mush before she came out of the chair a bit more. The green coated mare laid her forelegs on the table and her eyes glared over the two of them while she waited for the answer.

“The Everfree would expand. You know that the weather there flows freely right?” answered Corron. “Remember that we once decided to fly over it during the middle of a storm? Barely made it through… They say we are insane, but the ones that are truly insane,” he pointed his hoof upward as if he was aiming through the floors, up to the highest office.

“Never met any of the three,” replied Bloodshed before he finished his last sandwich.

“Be glad, for when you have to go up there it mostly means bad news for you,” the red coated stallion spoke with a dark chuckle.

“Enough of yar bloody talks, make some room will ya,” the voice of Keeton echoed through the room. Both the mare and bald stallion rose their eyebrows. Bloodshed moved a little bit with his chair in silence so that he could take place with another chair.

“Bad day, I take?” Mush spoke softly towards him.

“Don’t get me even started. Say, who are ya?” the foreman replied while he let his eyes fall upon the stallion next to him.

“Bloodshed sir, joined the department about a month ago,” he replied in a soft tone.

“Huh, I don’t seem to remember ya. What is yar normal station?” Keeton asked further.

“Boiler thirteen.”

“Celestiadammit!” the stallion almost shouted. His raise in tone startled the young worker.

“S-Something wrong?” Bloodshed carefully asked as both Mush and Corron got a deep smirk on their faces but tried to conceal it.

“How could… Who placed ya there to begin with!?”

“A, a blond coated stallion, sir.”

“Kooiman.” The blue eyes of stallion began to fill themselves with despise in an instant. All while he tried to keep his sanity together. “Seriously, if it wasn't for his engineering skills, I would have thrown him into the Maker myself a long time ago… Return to yar post, yar break is over, right?” Keeton was at the point of breaking. The strain of the day had almost become too much.


The white coated stallion gulped at the little outburst. He didn't know just how fast he needed to pack his gear and left the three of them. It was when the door fell shut behind him, Keeton managed to calm himself down from everything that had gotten across him in the past minutes. He brought his forehooves to his eyes and rubbed them under a groan. He seemed to be done with it all.

“What happened?” Corron bluntly asked eventually.

“New workers…”

“Now that isn't that bad now is it?” Mush replied to him. She allowed her eyes to fall on the both of them, watching over them with a careful expression.

“Yeah, ya weren't there when those, things, came in… Ponies made from crystal… Where did those three got that idea from!?” Keeton spoke up while he kept rubbing his eyes.

“Wait, what?” Mush turned her head over to Keeton and simply blinked a couple times.

“Ya heard me, those three created ponies out of humps of crystal that will be working in the engine room. What is next, the whole Facility?”

“Ha! If it comes that far, the current workers will spill out the secrets, or end in a body bag,” Corron chuckled to himself. In his eyes was there no other way it could have ended.

“It’s the last one that I fear,” Keeton spoke while he removed his hooves from his eyes. He then fixed the cleaned eyes on the stallion. His forelegs crossed themselves on the tabletop as a deep sigh left through his nostrils. It troubled him a lot more than it should have.

“Won’t be that bad right?” Mush spoke up as she allowed her gears to grind over the matter.

“We shall see and hope,” he spoke while leaning back in the chair. “But enough of this crap, how’s business for the both of ya?”


“Come in,” the voice of Rarity echoed through her office after she heard a knock on the door. The door opened and in its gaping hole was nopony else then Twilight herself. Her red rimmed eyes glared over the room where both the white coated mare and Trixie could be found. She then walked in. Rarity sat –as per usual– on her chair behind the desk whereas Trixie leaned against the desk. “Good to see you, Twilight, I assume the task given was a success?” she said upon the entrance.

“Not for the complete one hundred percent yet. I still need to dig through the archives to look for more data about the engines. Blueprints don’t exist anymore but notes might be left and right. I don’t want to be disturbed for the coming couple of hours. If you need something from it, I suggest taking it now. For once that door falls shut behind me, it won’t open until I am done,” the mare spoke while she stood in front of the desk. “And here, how are things going about?”

“Trixie shall indulge the greatest of fears within the very hearts of the unworthy’s,” the other mare spoke up. She allowed a deep grin taking form below her muzzle.

“I shall do my best to let both find and get some of my magic to be flowing right through the very vent that is connected to the engines reservoir. They knew what they were doing, all that time ago I am afraid. Not a single ounce of magic is able to be called up there and if luck isn't on our sides, they are just what they always have been, humps of diamond simply waiting to either get crushed, collected or sold,” spoke Rarity before she removed herself from her chair. The mare walked up to the window where she had a perfect sight on the processing department.

“So the tasks are known, only the execution awaits. Then so it shall be done. I will meet you both in a couple of hours again,” spoke Twilight up before she turned herself around and left the office. She would have made her way down a floor while she collected the magic within her body. She guided it over to her horn before the door of the archive opened on itself it.

Twilight made her way inside and let the door fell shut behind her. Twilight turned herself around in order to face the door again before the hum of magic only become even more and an arcane circle came around it. It was through this circle that the room would be literally locked off from any living soul within the Facility. “Now then,” she spoke while she let out a peaceful sigh leave through her nose, “let’s find some of those records.”


Twilight had begun on her time consuming search, Trixie had left the office as well. She was on her way to the holding department in order to change her attire. Only Rarity was left in the office and she kept watching the visible department for a little longer. She enjoyed the sight of the unworthy unicorns being broken, if not completely shattered, where they stood.

Eventually had she turned herself back over to the desk and took place in her chair again before she summoned a map of the whole Facility. Before her eyes did the arcane map of the whole building emerge. A map that was created by the first manager and edited by the ones that followed. It showed the many pipelines that were moving through it and her eyes spotted the engine room. Ever so carefully she maneuvered over the map with a hoof. Her eyes followed the pipes to the very vent the corrupted vapors would make their exit into the air.

The vapors where an interesting thing on their own. For they had ability to just drive a pony insane in just a matter of seconds. When one came in the contact with the air it appears to be far lighter than it. Therefore simply raising up further in the atmosphere and into space, where it can’t do any form of harm.

“Now this is something interesting.” But as she watched a bit more, it became all clear for her. “Eureka!” she shouted before she leaned back into her chair. “There is a small hatch, just before it leaves the Facility, if it is possible to get my magic into there and make it got against the stream, it should be possible for those humps to stay alive. Only if...”

There was a small, wondering twinkle came in her eyes. Rarity rose back up to the map, following the pipelines once more. Though that time she also reached for her signature glasses. Glasses she hadn’t worn in some time. All in the attempt to see if she had been looking right.


“So that is how the whole thing works then, isn't it?” Twilight mumbled into herself after having spent hours upon hours in the archives. Through countless documents had she been looking already. She had found some very useful information about the engines that were thought to be lost. “I only hope that Rarity already found that where she has been looking for,” the added to her words.

The unicorn placed her eyes back on the documents that were discovered. She read through them once more. Twilight just wanted to have all the information in her head for the transportation of it. The last thing she needed was to come back with nothing to show for it.


Through luck in her gazing she did manage to find it. The first time had Rarity glanced a bit wrong, the second time she was certain that she had the right tubes and thus found the right vent. There was only one last thing to do and that was waiting for Twilight to return back to the office. “Soon enough we shall be there, soon enough we do not have to roam around anymore,” she spoke up.

The door of her office swung open at the same moment she spoke her words and in the entrance the mulberry unicorn could be found with the many documents levitating next to her. “Soon enough indeed, if you happen to have found that thing already,” Twilight spoke up.

“Questioning me again, Sparkle?” the manager replied with a sick grin on her face.

“Questioning? No. Wondering on the other end, yes,” she said while coming closer.

“Anyway,” Rarity continued on, “I have located the very exit valve of the engine’s reservoir. There’s one catch, it is hidden somewhere deep within the Facility. It is right between the ninth and tenth floor. Just behind the most eastern hallway that leads from the catwalks, there is a door sealed tightly and it is there, it can be found. Ready to leave when you are.”

“Why haven’t we found it before then?” Twilight asked with a wondering gaze.

“Tartarus if I know, it is the same question as why didn't we start up the engines earlier,” replied Rarity before she shrugged with her shoulders.

“You do have a point there though,” said Twilight before giving a couple nods. “Let’s suit up then. And you sure Trixie doesn't need to come with us for this?” It is still a bit too sudden if you ask me...what has startled you so much that you want to return to the city in such a hurry? What is haunting you? It was a thought that went through Twilight. She never told it to anypony, but she had been wondering the entire operation from the start.

“She stays in the holding department for the time being. Besides, if we do not make it back, there is always her to lead, right?” Rarity spoke while hoisting herself from her chair. She made her way over to a small locker in the room and out of that she took her signature bloodstained hazard suit and mask. A sigh of nostalgia left her nose as she hoisted herself into it. “I suggest you do the same, Twilight,” were the last words that Rarity spoke.

The mare nodded before she turned herself around again and left the office with a rather quick pace. She went two floors down to her own room. There was a reason of why she went a lot faster than normal. The reason behind it was that she also took something out of the archives that she didn't had to. Something that was supposed to stay behind, hidden within the walls themselves.

Once she reached her quarter, Twilight took out the very bottom document she had gathered and glanced over it a bit. Soon enough, there was a single tear that made its way down her cheek. On the file stood a set of words and a number. The mare sniffled one time softly and with her hoof she removed another tear from her eye before the file was placed under her pillow. With her eyes she gazed one last time of the words before she mumbled them quietly. “T. Sparkle...”

Twilight turned herself over to her own locker and began to suit up as well, she was ready to quit the roaming nature of the Facility. But above all, she was ready to watch the mythical capital of her very kind. A city thought to be long lost by the two other races.


Many of the young adults were literally shivering within their cell, waiting for anything to happen to them. None knew what would happen, but they all knew they wouldn't come out of here alive.

Tik, tik, tik, tik, went above the heads of ponies in one particular cell and some of them dared to look up as others simply curled up even tighter into a ball, wishing it was all a nightmare. Above their little heads, high on the catwalk, she emerged. A Trixie who wore her full attire of suit and mask. On her right forehoof had she something that appeared to be a small, gloved dagger that covered the entire hoof.

Upon the sight of the madness did the ones that had the courage to look up, gulp loud. Some even lowered their heads already. They felt that it was all over. That their end had come and they would be next. They wouldn’t have been far off though.

“Welcome, welcome and welcome,” Trixie spoke in the muffled voice, “all of you are carefully chosen to become the very elements of what we as unicorn race use every day. Soon enough will your little bodies be broken, crushed while your spirit will be destroyed like it is nothing. And for what you ask?” Trixie began to snicker behind her mask as the visible gaze in her eyes turned to utter madness. “For magic itself!”

“Y-You wouldn't dare!” a young mare spoke up. Her eyes kept themselves fixed upon Trixie.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” the mare replied while her horn charged itself up. The aura wasn’t only around the horn of Trixie, but also around the mare that dared to speak up. The pony who dared to speak was brought up to eye height with the madmare. Who in return was willing to speak some hard words with her. “Now, now, now, there’s no need for those words,” spoke Trixie in a tone of utter insanity. All of the sudden there was a sharp pain went through the body of the mare. Trixie then removed the dagger out of the young mare her liver who screamed in utter agony from the pain that rushed through her. “Were you saying something, unworthy?”

Through her teary eyes she looked at the mare and shook her head in a disagreeable manner. “Good,” answered Trixie before she let her horn discharge itself and the unlucky mare fell down to the hard ground. On impact did she broke both of her hind legs. Yet Trixie didn't care for it. Soon she would have been broken anyway. “We do or we don’t. We never dare anything,” were the last words Trixie spoke before she left the holding cell as a whole.

With her gone, there were some of the other captives made their way over to the injured mare and began to take care of her the best they could. But that was a thing easier said than done for her tibia had been broken in two places and ripped itself through the skin. She sobbed quietly in her miserly as one of her co-captives pressed its hoof firmly on the stabbing wound while others tried to nurse it.


In the very bottom floor of the Facility had the red, corrupted magic gained a burst of a mixed blue and raspberry colored aura while it raced through the many pipelines. But where the corrupted magic was thick, the new magic was much thinner and therefore able to make its way through the metal pipes and cracks within them. The new magic made its way right into the humps of crystal. Which began to mutate the humps of crystal into the ponies they were. They all just worked on the very engine with the knowledge gotten through the new magic flow. That new flow of magic, was their source of everything. Sleep, food, knowledge, everything they could have thought of.

Within a couple hours had the Facility kicked back into its highest possible gear and was more than ready to continue the journey to Tol Ret Nac. Everypony in the building heard the roaring engines start up once again and the difference that was created into the movement speed. But the most remarkable fact was that all of them quickly adjusted themselves to this new routine of labor.


Some days had passed by and Rarity found herself sitting behind her desk. Her eyes glared over the map she had gotten from Keeton. After careful glancing did she gave a little nod. The mare removed herself once more from her chair and out of the door. She maneuvered her way down towards the rooms of Trixie and Twilight and gave a loud knock on each of the doors.

The two mares had lost all their track of time and basically fell asleep when they wanted or needed. There were no windows in the whole building and clocks hung on certain places. Both a sleepy Trixie and Twilight opened their respectable door and they simply gazed over to Rarity. “The time is nigh, we are approaching the city at last. Come with me,” she spoke with a smile. One that went from ear to ear in an eerie manner.

When the words echoed through their ears, the eyes of both the mares shot open. They almost jumped out of the room to follow the managing unicorn. None of them could actually believe it that after all the time they would finally be seeing their very own mythical capital.

With some time having progressed, the three of them found themselves on the very cloud where the Facility stood on. All three gazed in the far distance as before their eyes the very air started to ripple and twist. “They know we are coming, Twilight. If the city reveals itself, we do the same,” explained Rarity. But only after she took note of Twilight's odd expression. The mulberry mare nodded while she kept her attention to the twisting spot of air. And it was after a few seconds it become visible. The one place where a unicorn could really be, a unicorn.

The metal city within the air hung there as if it was the most normal day of the week. Its industrial chimneys stood high in the skies while smoke was blown out of some of them. A cloud of white smoke with bits of black hinting within them were the ones the lest them. The houses were just boxes stacked upon each other but the architecture was that of classical unicorn design. Straight lines and sharp edges were perfect for interlocking with things.

The dominant color of the whole city was the same grayish color the Facility had but there was the coloring of many gems to be found as well when Trixie gazed even further. Gems always had been something dear to the unicorns as a race. Rarity loved them more than anypony in the facility.

In the very middle of the beautiful looking city stood a building made of the purest metal ever seen. Making its way down the spire where the mythical rivers of liquid platinum. All three of the unicorns knew that it was there where their beloved princess had lived and was buried.

The full glory of the city was catching each of their eyes, all three of them gained a grin upon their face. A grin of complete madness. They were so close to returning him, Though there was one little problem. They were coming in far too fast.