• Published 31st May 2013
  • 2,105 Views, 35 Comments

Spero - The last Hope - Ice4smaster

Earth. Now just a memory for those who escaped, and what left was a total uncertainty for them all on-board Spero, a gigantic starship. Built to ensure Humanity future, even if the hope to reach a new world where they could restart...

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Chapter 4 - Forget all what you knew...

Twilight Sparkle woke up in her personal chambers, she slept perhaps 3-4 hours. Wasn't much, but it was needed, and she did feel more collected, even calmer then yesterday, of course the though of an Alien space ship, massive in size was heading towards Gaia, and potentially dangerous too, was all but 'fuzzy and warm'. She sigh, rub her eyes, and look out the large window of her room, the sun was up already, and now was time for her to be up as well. With no hesitation, she left her bed and went straight to the chamber own bathroom to take a quick shower. In less the 15 minutes she was ready and hurry up to meet with princess Luna.

The corridors of the castle didn't show any change, the guards line up as they always have, and every servant, noble been doing there own business of the royal castle, and bow to the new princess as she passed in a hurry. She still couldn't get her self costumed to all this royal treatment, and could very well understand her mentor why she insisted ever time, when possible, to just drop formalities. It was annoying, and today it seamed to have an special, extra edge on her.

Twilight noticed a commotion up ahead, and the sight was alarming once she spotted her mentor. She stood there with out her royal jewellery, and she just got close enough to hear her mentor. “I'm sorry my little ponies, but today court have to be cancelled, please return tomorrow. I really I am sorry.” Celestia spoke in an audible but calm and comforting tone, but Twilight knew right that’s just the surface. The nobles didn't like it a bit, but after a little while they did leave. Twilight just arrived beside the Diarch, who great her with a sweet smile, not show any sign of trouble. “Good morning Twilight Sparkle, did you sleep well. “ “Good morning Celestia, yes thank you, I have slept well, but could sleep some more” Twilight laugh, it was forced but for the shake of the show before the nobles she did so. Celestia just nod with a smile and called Twilight to follow her to one of the smaller conference room. The tension in the air was thick, soon they arrived to the room in question, it was small in terms of the Castle, but it was quite sizeable still in every day standards. Luna was already waiting inside. “Good morning dear sister, and Twilight” Greeted them the younger Diarch. “Good morning Lulu.” Celestia smile, she always felt warmer once she see her little sister, even insight of events of this morning. She took her place at the head of the long table, Twilight and Luna sat on her sides, she took in a deep breath, then she began.

”There are lot to discuss today, even before the security meeting with the administration.” short pause, she look into the eyes of her sister, then her student, then continue and cut straight to the point. “Today, this early morning... they have arrived.” Both younger princess sat there in silence, not because they not been shocked, they been shocked such they could not respond in any means for long moments, cope to process the words of Celestia. “It's the Aliens.” as she continue, to make the point sink in even more. “There scouts have arrived to explore our lands.. I saw six appear in the sky and make there way down to Equestria. From there closest fling machine to me they dropped a smaller machine, an miniature airship. I've decided to act and follow it.. and I did manage to capture it with a little trick, with out use any force, but I’m afraid there are more machines around.” She look around, if they have any question to her. “These machines are, intelligent, and with out better word to put it, curious. The one I faced of didn't show any sign of hostility towards me. I'm quite sure it been created to this sole roll to fulfil, and it was observing and sampling the apple trees of Sweet Apple Acres when I float before it, and it began follow me slowly. I managed to lure it into the barn. It remained and didn't attempt to escape, but it show signs of distress, even before enter the building, yet it followed me, as of now I dispatched royal guards to keep an eye on this strange machine.”

Celestia finished her story. Twilight and Luna sat there, awe and fear in there heart. But the fact that this device did not caused any harm, and acted 'friendly' was at least reassuring, that maybe these Aliens not want blood shed. Twilight broke the haunting quiet of the room first. “That is.. I don't know how to even began.. it's.. lot to take in.” Diarch nod comfortingly. “Sister, are you sure there are more of these.. mechanised scouts?” She look to her sister. “Absolutely yes, Luna.” “So we need to find them before they can cause any trouble, panic..” Said Twilight “Indeed, that's the most importance at this time. And I believe me and Luna should find the rest as we are in full grasp of our powers, abilities and life experience, and if by any means, something goes wrong, handle it with confidence.” Celestia gave an comforting smile to the young alicorn “Twilight, in the mean time I like to ask you to have a closer look on the machine I trapped at Sweet Apple Acres, and with the help of the royal guard move it to Canterlot 'quietly' tonight... also I believe you wanna meet with your friends, they are the few we can entrust with the truth of the present and likely events regarding the Aliens.” Twilight nod in agreement, she felt some calm now, her mentor amazed her how calm and level headed she handle this situation, which freaked her out, even Luna, though she handle it quite well too. They had a clear plan for the day, then hit Twilight. “Celestia.” “Yes Twilight.” Respond Celestia, as well earn Luna's attention. “Shouldn't we call Cadence? I know she have the Crystal Empire to govern, but if we all have to focus on round up these Alien machinery in Equestria, then we lose time to make the proper plans to handle the arrival of there large space ship and the possible outcomes of the event, and I think she could began work on these plans with the administration.” “That is an excellent point you have there Twilight.” Both celestial sisters smile acknowledging the brilliant idea of the youngest princess. ”Now I believe we have our tasks to do, if anything to be change, we shall notify each other through letters.” And with this Celestia concluded there quick meeting, and left to do what has to be done to protect there beloved subjects.

Time have passed rather quick for all parties, Humans and Ponies alike, as events continue to roll around the captured drone. The time delay still was considerable but less and less as the Hermes rocketed towards the planet. On board now, the Captain and the scientists lead by Alex watch the terminal for 'live' footage. They did so after the guards arrived a hour earlier, they got there observations on there armour and weaponry, otherwise it was uneventful but they knew well, if armed forces appear, and go by there own way of fantasy, like many of those scifi stories, they knew things will began unfold now in a stead rate, and didn't want to miss out.

“So.. what do you think that large, white one was?” Asked Kim looking at Alex who was thinking quietly, only wonder his eyes on the captain for a second then back to the big screen why tapping the pen tip to his mouth, then he spoke. “I for one, would say some leading figure or at least some short of guardian, as she seamed to be commanding in her presence, and the physical attributes tend to point in this way as well. I mean the sheer size, both wings and horn, and large present on her body. Sure it didn't wear any armour as these guys, soldiers... but they are all simply smaller then her, and only sport a horn, or a pair of wings.” “So it could been a ruler of some short.” “That's seams to be right guess, but rest assured, a unique individual among these ponies.” Finished the expeditions lead scientist. Kim just nod, so far these assumptions stood there ground, though he turn around and call out “Jane.” “Yes Captain?” Answered the one of the terminal operator at navigation “Could you bring us some food and drink? I doubt a nuclear charge could move these guys away from the screen, hack I doubt my self I could miss a moment out. But I’m afraid soon there be multiply black holes consume this ship at current rate.” He chuckled, Jane smile as well to the remark. “Sure thing Captain.” She gave a quick look around “anyone else?” Some nods from the crew. “Okey, then we going to have a launch in the bridge today, Captain, you going to clean up.” she added joking to her commanding officer, as well refer to a rule of his own of the captain, food only in the mass and nowhere else. Kim just answered dismissively with a smirk. “Yeah yeah, today we just a bunch of kids stuck before the TV, we are just chained here haha” She just propelled her self out from the bridge while shake her head and giggle. The lighten up approach the captain took for the day helped to cool the nerves of every one on the ship.

The data they received just keep grew and grew thanks to the other drone, and that after the catch the master AI of the orbital modules commanded the rest to be more careful and avoid the locals and be more stealthy, with some small alterations made by the Hermes after they could get through the events and the time delay they still suffered due the distance. They been surprised the locals didn't capture or find more drone yet, but they knew well they be looking for them, and they use the time and opportunity to gather more inlet while they could.

Jane got back soon enough with some assistance from another member of the team, carrying some medium sized crates, packed with space food. Some one in the crew grunt, rest just chuckled. It was food, with all the needs for the body, but that taste any good, well that was a totally different story. They began eat all the different flavoured creams. They longed for chicken meat, which they had on board the Spero, but was considered luxury. It was a true challenge maintain and feed the little populous of the massive ship, about 42000. Of course many more could fit on the ship, but most space was taken up by storages and 'space farms' that ranged from the conventional plants and some animals to the less conventional micro biological ones where they used genetically engineered bacteria’s to produce proteins and different vitamins at a higher efficiency and speed then normal plant grow would allowed, of course the result food product were at a mass, they sure ranked as the lowest for the taste buds of every living beings, humans and animals. They limit the population as well, they flew through deep space, there was no where to expand, gain more resources, or more power then what they carried . So efficiency, recycling, and monitoring became the second nature, which wasn't the case back on Earth while existed, where humans waste and pollute unresponsively as they 'pleased'. Fate was a strict teacher to them during that 157 years in deep space, and even though they reached an new world, that be there new home, there was many more things to do before the colonists could land, regardless how much they itched to grasp soil under there feet, and be in the wast open, under a blue sky with every instinct in there body. They had to endure the hardship some more time, especially with the world they soon to set foot have a native, intelligent, civilised specialises that was a match to there own intellect, sure technological far behind. And they had to come to terms with them, in a way or another before they could truly start call home this world.

While the crew tried to enjoy there meal the A.A.R.D feed show things about to get accelerated agen. “Okey here's a new pony, look at that, it's just like the large one was.. wings, horn.. but smaller.” Said Captain Kim as he pointed to the screen the view shown a smaller pony, who they believed to be a ruler, judging by the jewels worn by her. “Indeed, and look, she looks kinda scared from our little drone.” said one of the scientist at the back ground, Alex just turn around. “Alright, I don't mind some discussion but now this is our work, note everything, we continue the meal later, come on people, be serious.” “You heard the man so focus!” Commanded the Captain, now devoid of all humour. All eyes were respectively on the large display or on the smaller tablets of there own with the shared feed, began take notes and discuss the new figure. The drone feed was clear and began track the new pony with it's camera as it walked around the drone, stopped at times, walk back some as she observed the machine, with obvious being careful. Alex turn quickly to Kim. “Sir is this a type 23A drone isn't it?” “Yes it is Alex.” “Should we activate the greeting protocols?” “We could do that, but wasn't that designed in the first place to determine the observed species intelligent? And we know well they are intelligent for a fact.” Alex nod “Yes, but this could be a start, while I could get around some stuff later and make an updated version, but I really feel, it be good to try it, and see how they react. ”An quiet chatter of agreeing nods echo on the bridge. ”Then work your magic Alex. But as for the latter, I do would like if we could get a direct conference feed established through the drone. Once the time delay not so immense.” “Of course Captain” Acknowledging the captain commands. After a few short types on the it's holographic keyboard, the new directive been sent out to the drone. Would take about little more then19 minutes to reach the drone at that point. And for the time being they would continue watch the incoming video feed, and analyse it.

Back on planet Gaia, 20 minutes back in the past, Twilight been walking around the drone, curiosity overpowering her fears as she began take in every details of this strange little airship machine, still it had the rough size of a royal chariot though. She walked close to the ever following eye of the machine, lean in close to have a good look at the optics, as they worked, visibly zoom on her, situated inside a glass like orb, the head of the construct. She was fascinated by the level of quality the whole machinery, she couldn't even put a her hoof on it, how it worked exactly, as she couldn't sense any magic in it, not even a trace of it. A voice called out for her from behind.

“Ah don't know Twilight.. ish it a good idea get so close to that thin'” Said Apple Jack. “I think.. it should be alright Apple Jack.” reply to her friend concerns, with some uneasiness in her, but far more curiosity, she continue inspect the machines optical unit. It didn't look like eyes, but had some similarities as two larger sensor spaced inside inside the orb, while other smaller ones arranged in a different setup entirely. She careful reach up with her hoof to the orb to get a feel of the material. It looked like some polished glass but it didn't feel such rigid as she could feel it bed a little to her pressure, nor the sound it gave to a slight tapping on the material. The drone did react by move it's focus on Twilight hoof for a short moment before redirect it to her head, but other then this didn't do anything else, nothing hostile or sudden, just watching her. After some moment she step back and began take in the other features of the machine frame, slowly pull it's hoof over the surface. It was a very strange material, it felt very strong, yet had some flexibility, all had to be light weighted considering it was floating and no magic nor some short of wing like flap anywhere to fight the gravitational pull. It was also very smooth, like it been polished to perfection, so much not even miniature unevenness could be seen as she looked close the surface. The colours looked strange it, it was clear it was painted, but it was perfect, sharper then a blade transmission between blue and yellow painted parts or even between metallic parts, agen no unevenness. The sheer quality and unknown technological solutions, ways it reflected, left Twilight feel like a little filly and wonder. Everything she learn and knew thus far and help a quick and easy understand, solution to any issues, all have failed her. These Aliens were way far ahead of them, and with out magic! That’s the only thing she felt her self be sure of, nothing else.

Twilight sat down and on her hunches after few more minutes observing the drone, she even fly around it, intrigued by the dark bluish miniature panels covering the machine atop, and now just write everything down on a scroll, levitated in the air with her quill and a small ink pot. The Cameras were lock on her, but she got used to the stare of this machine. But something got her attention rather quick, and beam of light appear, earn an alarm from the guards around her. She reacted quick enough to calm them down, withdraw there spears, while she watched the newest wonder of this Alien device, not sure is it safe or not non less. She step closer as an large transparent field appear, puzzled even more as no magic at all, yet it gave the near split image of a spell of Trixie used before, but then agen, far more refined in every detail. It keep tracking the young alicorn. The images appear on this strange display, 4 geometrical object, and it was repeating it periodically. “Now that’s something. It's trying to communicate!” She clapped her hoves together in her excitement, not that her now blazing enthusiasm shared by the others in the barn. She studied it for a short time then she just followed her hunch, flash her horn with magic brightly 4 times, as 4 object composed from light appeared agen. This got a reaction from the drone, it stopped repeat the geometrical object, instead it show something new. She quickly recognised what it supposed to be, it was showing a solar system, the home of the Aliens likely. The image zoom on in the 3rd planet with a moon, and gave a clear view, shown Earth in full colours, clouds, forests and patches of greys which turned out to illuminate once basked in the night sky of this world. Cities, immensely large cities as the realisation hit her. So this was the home world of the Aliens. Then the display changed agen, this time show what appeared to be the Aliens, bipedal creatures, almost furless, two tall which and two small. It was clear, Adults and there offspring’s, males and females. Twilight just clapped her hoves together agen with a huge grin on her face and began note everything frantically with her quill, held in her magic. The image changed slightly agen, indication the female, show the offspring’s being carried in there mother, mammals. She couldn't believe how similar there biology is in the basic sense, two gender, and actually be mammals. Another change appeared on the screen, this time show like portrays of these bipedal creatures in a smaller window, linked each time to the 4 illustrated characters, display the variety of this Alien creature. Later on displayed images and short recordings all across from Earth, give an glimpse of this world, that no longer exist, and only a memory for the Humans, this program though pre dates the time before the rough planet been discovered, and never been updated since then, there were more pressing issues back then and got forgotten during the trip in deep space. The recorded message came to an end and after a short pause it start agen from the geometric symbols.

Twilight look back at the machine, content, this was science, history in the making, and she being the lucky one who could unlock this little message of this machine, a greetings from the approaching aliens. Sure this didn't mean they come in peace with not dark, ulterior intents. But do show they capable approach friendly, fuelled by curiosity to learn. She quickly got out two new scrolls, and write a letter to the princesses of her positive findings. Rolled it up and with a little concentration and a bright flash, both vanished in a small bright purple light.

The crew, the scientist of the Hermes sat there in silence now and once agen attempted to stomach what the saw on the Terminal large display. But soon the Captain voice broke this awkward quiet. “Could some one call a cleaners.. I think all the modern physics law been shattered just now.” They just gave up, all they knew failed to explain from that moment on the magenta pony began levitate that set, scroll, quell and ink pot with purple fluorescing energy field around these objects and her horn. “Well that's.. something new” Said Alex finally “At least we got some short of answer how they can create so detailed objects with out hands.” they agree on this for sure. “But wow... Kim.. I think we need a Jack Daniels, right about now..” concluded the saddened lead scientist. “You see, I told you all this is Madness, and just forget Kansas, Sparta and Disney Land.” The captain just laughed after this, madness, amusement how all his scientist collogues been pulverised in there belief, like there is no such thing as magic, as what exactly looked like, if have to go by the fantasy literature. “Alright... 10 minutes brake, try to gather up all those scientific minds of you.” with this Kim resume his food, as he watched as the alicorn restart the greeting message once more and comically watched it up close to evidently take in every details that possible from the holographic image...