• Published 31st May 2013
  • 2,096 Views, 35 Comments

Spero - The last Hope - Ice4smaster

Earth. Now just a memory for those who escaped, and what left was a total uncertainty for them all on-board Spero, a gigantic starship. Built to ensure Humanity future, even if the hope to reach a new world where they could restart...

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Chapter 7 - The coming tidal wave of fate

The sun was about to vanish on the horizon as the A.A.R.D was getting close to the Castle, when a sudden purple flash appeared before it not to far away. The machine came to an halt, Trixie look behind her self as good she could considering her all, but comfortable state, injured, and hold in the air hight above the ground. An very familiar voice, for Trixie an annoying voice greet her. “Trixie! Sweet Celestia, you-” “Hello Twilight, uh.. lets skip the obvious parts. Yes I am injured and in pain, but alive, and I can thank that to our alien friends.” She felt a purple aura cover her and she gently float, the drone relish it's grip as well, fold the arms back. Trixie couldn't help but began exercise her asleep fore legs and shoulders, with some audible pops. Trixie gave her most smug, supperior, egoistic look she could muster.. for 3 sec, then she just shook her head and smile. ”You can be so annoying Sparkle, but I’m so happy to see you now.” Twilight had all the emotions that possible run through her in this short moments, fear, shock, surprise, bafflement, anger, confusion, and happiness, in this order. “I see you are still a showmare Trixie.” “Yes. Yes. I always be one, and now I am truly the Greatest and most Powerful unicorn in Equestria.” Added a trademark smirk, the princess could chickle and roll her eyes. “Alright miss Powerful, it's time to tuck you in a hospital bed.” some worry now shown on her as she looked closer the magician. “It's really looks bad.. we better hurry..” “I.. know, I have a feeling I won't dash around even after i'm back on my hoves..” she sigh deeply. “but i'm alive, and I’d prefer if we go slowly, so the machine can keep up with us, and that the lest my legs move around the less painful it is..” Twilight nod and place a hoof on Trixie's shoulder and slowly continue there journey to the castle, she made sure be very careful with Trixie in her magic grip. The drone just simply follow them home. “Can I keep it?” Trixie gave an amused smile, Twilight began laugh at this one. “Hahaha, I see our next pet play meeting back at Ponyville, you with the Machine.” She just wipe a tear, and Trixie nod with a big grin “You know a mare like me need a matching pet!” They laughed, non less Trixie winched a little. “Sorr-” “Shush! You spent to much time with Fluttershy haven't you Sparkle.” Dead serious look then melt quickly into a smile. “Yeees.” Twilight reply the showmare.

A little time passed “Twilight.. could be possible, that I can remain with you and the other princesses. this is history, and I think I can help too with my illusions to communicate with these beings.” “You are in a terrible shape Trixie, and no, i'm not underestimate your resolve and strength, but truly you must be tended... Maybe we can get a work around and you can stay with us in the Canterlot library during the day time. But now you must be in the Hospital for a night..” “I still prefer to be in this full time.. Doctors could tend me there couldn't they.. and I just feel it's better if I’m there.” The young alicorn just look at her then nod “I try, but if Celestia and or Luna says otherwise you definitely can't stay, for a few nights until you patched up..” “Then one way ticket to the Moon please!” Twilight just rise her eyebrow. “You are CRAZY!” she just grunt and hold hear forehead with a hoof. “Glad I still have my 'touch' as always.” Twilight just grunt louder to this, defeat, she didn't argue with her. Trixie just put hoof on Twilight shoulder, she look at her, and sigh, gave a smile. “Alright, I stand up for you, you win now. Trixie, flavour the victory over your nemesis.” “I do, my nemesis.” Trixie already began work her brain, what pranks she could pull on Twilight. They would laugh at it afterwords and when she got a prank perfectly the face on the alicorn was the most priceless thing ever seen. At least one field where she could consider her self best the element bearer.

They finally arrived to the castle, and every one got some taste of showmare stubbornness, Twilight just said to play along, it's less headache and she could truly help. Once Trixie injuries been tended, took an hour, she just dizzily lay on a massive pillow, the painkillers work in her body, and that was needed, as the doctors had to brake her leg agen to then put it back the right way the bones.. She gave very little sound and hide it well how painful that was, only few tear that managed to escape shown it, but her pride to uphold, especially after she pull through to stay made her not to show it. She then call out for the others, was time to share what she knew, there could been a chance they didn't cover this with the aliens, with all the obstacles, and she was sure she miss things as well...

they... eat.. meat?” meek voice of Cadance broke the silence. “They eat plants as well.” Answered coolly Trixie “That makes them omnivore.” Cut in Twilight. “That's should be fine then, so long they don't wanna eat ponies.” state it Celestia, and continue. “But might be still problematic at the beginning, and sure to be mighty awkward for us have a meal with them if they choose eat meat.” “I'd suggest we postpone our dinner some, considering the subject.” Cut in the Lunar princess, all present nod in agreement. They sat down and discuss all things, and possible outcomes. Luna was very interested about there space fare technology and knowledge of the stars. Trixie was more curriouse about there illusion and how they communicate through such distance. Celestia was a bit reserved, mainly as she wanted all her Ponies safe with absolutely no chance given to things go wrong. Cadance saw how the oldest princess felt uneasy and sat next to her. “Celestia, I know what you thinking, concerns, but we have to be open, when we meet the Gryphon’s first, it was difficult at first, but things have settler down, turned out good. And those were darker ages. We are much better now then in the dark past, and have experience with other races, it will be fine.” Celestia just listen to her words, and take them in, nod finally, then spoke. “You are right, and I know with my mind that is the way to go, but I just feel the stress in my chest, the fear, if it won't be alright. They do deserve a chance, and I going to give it, but little and careful steps, I don't want miss understandings to take a bloody tool on any of us.” She look up, through a large window, into the night sky, behind her the large canvas, with all alicorns 'sign' for friendship.

“Well, this was a long and eventful day, and I think it turned out well considering everything.” Began his speech Captain Kim Lee to his crew on board the Hermes, “We have learned many things already, and yet we have to step on this new rock that, as we all hope, can call as our home soon, and a peaceful home.” He look around “We have to be careful, patient, understanding, and not rush into assumptions if a conflict occurs as we are an old race, we had our share of conflicts, quite bloody ones at that, and to many. We know suffering and despair, but if we remain level headed, we can experience happiness and security.” His eyes were ablaze with inspiration. “We have a chance to restart, and not just that, the ponies, natives of this world, there leaders offer us there friendship and consolidates, as they know the fate of our world now, and what we been through. Let us not put our selves to shame, and ruin all the efforts, sacrifice, memory of our ancestors, they gave up hope and give it to us, and it's our time to live up to the challenge. To rebuild or civilisation, reborn anew, better then before, wiser, smarter humanity from our century and a half dimming ashes, into a flame that never go out.”

The Hermes finally began it's deceleration, gaining orbit around the world, now bellow them. Soon two smaller, next generation manned shuttle would descend, with anti gravity field generator, to allow it to levitate, and thus land and take of ease, able to make several trips back and fort orbit and the surface. The landing site already decided, and the crews picked. Final preparations been made in the shuttle bay

“Are they ready, lieutenant?” “Affirmative sir, packed and ready to launch.” “That's good, Alex, we shall let them know our shuttles on the way soon, and give the relative coordinates to there castle of the planned landing site.” “Right away Captain.”

Kim was watching the large display, showing the Hermes in it's, now, stable orbit around the world. Also visible the planned path of the shuttles with the landing site and the castle. Another screen show the specs of the crafts, cargo and crew with there tasks. Skimming through all this mass information, the captain gave an approving nod, turn around and gave the order. The mission is paramount as the remaining humans back on the massive Spero began prepare for the colonisation, and the constant steam of information is crucial, but more so, the diplomacy with the natives, so they can have a chance to rebuild, and ultimately the fate will be linked.

The shuttles left the Hermes, the first one activate it's main plasma thrusters and began a direct descend towards the surface, soon the second craft follow suit. It be still some time until they reach the atmosphere.

Twilight at this time sat at the Observatory, watching through the large telescope with Luna. The young alicorn found the impressive spacecraft with the help of Luna who was in meditaion, using her spirit walk spell. The view was impressive in all aspects as Twilight could guess how big that ship above was, and she had a fair guess this was a thiny ship compared the big one to follow. She witnessed as two smaller ships departure and with bright blue flames began fly towards to there world.

Luna was following the shuttles in her spirit form. Her senses far heightened in this plane of existence as well being bodiless she could fly through, peek into the machines, she curiously check on the piloting creatures. 12 in each ships, as far she could tell the taller ones be slightly taller then Celestia, and the shorter ones about to be slightly above her self. She could feel, see there life force too, beings with out any magic in there veins but augmented by unnatural substances, objects, small and large, be in form of a cloth, an item, or part of there body, flow in there blood. They truly fascinated her with concern in the mix. They purely and exclusively relay on there ingenuity and knowledge they accumulated through uncountable generations to make up to there fragile and exposed bodies. They, indeed be taller then the ponies, but there muscles weaker then there's in it's natural state with out there technologies. They lack of fur, claws, or any fangs to fend them selves agents other wild creatures or raw elements. She could feel there inner beings, like as she could put her hoof, between worlds, mix of good and evil, an undefined souls, with no ultimate goal, never be satisfied in there curiosity or desire, weak and yet so strong. They non stop strive to be more, get further, faster, stronger, and show to the nature of this whole universe, no mater how exposed they might be, they will shine in the deep dark of the cosmos, or die to do so. She could see well, Celestia intuitions be right to be very gentle with these beings. They can be the greatest ally, or the most unspeakable enemy if treated ill. And they been through lot and desire nothing else then a true home once agen that was lost. She remain a little longer take in all she could see then return to her body.

“They are nothing alike we could ever witness on Gaia before..” Luna spoke up, earn Twilight attention, by brake her glare at the massive construct up above the sky. “I can sense it, it's just baffling how they created new form of life, those machines back in the library.. designed, built, and yet like half alive, and no magic, or shred of soul within.” “That, is just a part of it, Twilight” She gave a quizzing look to the Princess of the Night, but about this moment two more join there ranks. Celestia and Cadance. Luna gave a nod to her elder sister and the Love princess, eyes lock for short moment then she began. ”They are.. with out better word.. dual in every sense and nature. They are so fragile that a magicless unicorn could tackle them and yet so powerful they can go up agents the power of gods... cursed and blessed with no true fate, goal, strive endlessly and capable for the greatest kindness to the most horrible of genocide... alike.. a strange mix of white and black magic, sole oppositions and yet mixed in a strange harmony within..” “So we must be careful with them..” concluded Twilight after listen to Luna. Both celestial sisters nod in unison. “And so we shall do so.” added Celestia, then Cadance join in. “And so they should receive love.. they might not have the hole within there heart healed, that is the loss of there world, sacrifices, and there own nature, but it can be comforted.. most of them could feel content and happy for real.” Twilight, like the others look up to the night sky.. ”Guess they are, strangely.. alike us.. but with out limits.” “Precisely.” smile Celestia, and so the four immortal goddess began talk how to proceed, and ready there ponies for the immanent arrival of the new sapient species to the world of Gaia, and the details of the true, first, eye to eye contact at the place they designated through there machines vivid illusions.

Unknown to anyone, humans nor ponies something bad to happen. Like faith being sadistic and bored. A small crack spread across the surface of the second shuttle, small, invisible, unsound, yet spell disaster to those who on-board, behind or bellow, but if this would not be enough, there more surprise to arise while for now most souls blissfully unaware of things to come, both on Gaia, and on the Spero.

Author's Note:

After some pause here is the newest chapter. The phase of the writing now slower as the little holiday i happen to enjoy have ended, but that just slows me down, and won't stop me.

As for the grammar part, i look hope some one could help me with the story on this department, and I would be in great debt and gratitude.

Hope you enjoy as the story unfolds more.