• Published 13th Feb 2012
  • 2,444 Views, 24 Comments

My little Dashie (Fan Epilogue) - sh1v3r

A short Epilogue i wrote. Origional story "My little Dashie"by ROBcakeran53.

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I am not sure if you will ever read this, but even the illusion of talking to you gives me comfort. It’s September the seventeenth. Your birthday. I am still going to celebrate it every year, I even made a cake.
I still watch the re-runs of friendship is magic on TV. every time, I tear up, and miss you more. I know it’s only been a couple hours since you left, and it’s only been a couple of months here, But it has felt like a hundred years.
Hell, who am I trying to fool? Dashie, I never told you much about my life before you came into it. All that you should really know is that it wasn’t good. Dashie, I need you more now than ever before. It sounds selfish, but I would give everything I have, just to get a sign. A sign that even though we arent together, that you are happy. I want what is best for you. I will always love you, and I will never forget you. My little Dashie
-you’re Daddy.”
I set the paper and pen down on the small coffee table in front of me. It saddens me greatly, to think about the fact that by the time she has completed one full year in equestrian I will be long gone, and she will be the only one who remembers me. It saddens me even more to think that I cant tell anyone about Dashie. People will thank I am insane.
I scanned through the paper at least ten times. Thinking about how I can make it perfect. As I scan the paper I get lost in thought. My eyes are still moving over the piece of paper in front of me. Every single memory I have of her, rushed to the front of my mind. I couldn’t control myself anymore. A tear fell loose from my eye and rolled slowly down my cheek. Eventually jumping on to the paper. The tear hit one of the words, causing it to absorb into the ink.
That one tear was just the beginning. I soon let go, I stopped fighting it. Once one tear falls, it is like a dam breaks. Every tear leaves the eyes in what is now, a constant stream down my face. Every single one landing on the paper, leaving a small dark blotch where they land. I cant help but let the tear stains remind me of the letter she wrote me when she left. To this day, the words always ring in my head,

For fifteen years you took care of me. For fifteen years you loved me, played with me, and made sure I enjoyed my life in a world not meant to house me.”

“I love you daddy. You helped shape me into the mare I am now. I'm not sure what is going to happen, if I will remember any of this or not, but I want you to know that you did a darn good job of raising me, even if I was a bit stubborn at times and short with you during others.”

“Your little daughter always.”
“Your little Dashie forever.”
“Rainbow Dash.”
I lay down on the couch that I was sitting on. Tears were now gushing from my eyes. I cried for about thirty minutes before I fell asleep.
I had a dream. Well I didn’t seem so much as a dream, but more like an extremely vivid memory. It was of the day she first said “I love you daddy” I watched myself kiss her on the forhead. I walked out of the room as she closed her eyes. She whispered under her breath,
“I will always love you daddy, and I will always be happy. I will never forget you.”
“I promise you, I will never forget”
I had only wished that it was real, that was what I wanted to hear when I wrote the letter. My heart felt as though it had stopped beating, that is when I woke up.
Everything seemed different. It was now dark outside, crickets were chirping, and the last bit of red glow from the sunset radiated off of a cloud. I look around and realize, I’m wrapped up in a blanket. It was a blanket I had given to Dashie, when she was a filly. I had long since folded it up and stored it in a closet. Another thing that seemed out of place is the fact that my fireplace was in full roar. I have never once lit the fireplace since the day she found out the truth, and we had come inside from the rain.
I continued to look around. I noticed the time. I had been asleep for six hours. That would make me four hours late for work. I rush over to check the messages on the answering machine on my phone. I had three missed calls. All were from my manager. I had never been late for work before. I suppose there is a time for everything.
My energy was drained, I could barely keep my eyes open.I sat back down on my couch, and let out a sigh. I continue to look around, my mind racing. I eventually look to the spot in which I had placed my letter to Dashie. My heart sunk to my feet. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I must have been hallucinating. She knew, I asked for a sign, and she gave me one. In place of the letter I had once written. Was a cyan feather.

(All rights to the original story and its corresponding characters from “My little Dashie” go to ROBcakeran53. The My little Pony: Friendship is Magic characters belong to Hasbro. )
(A shout out to ROBcakeran53. I read your story, and I loved it. You have great talent. My goal is not to rip off your story. I don’t wish for this to be any kind of sequel either. This is only something I wrote, almost as a deleted scene. Or alternate ending. I would really like to hear thought and opinions on this story.)

Comments ( 24 )

I really enjoyed reading this. :pinkiesmile:

Great job. :twilightsmile:

I really liked this one.
Very good job! ^^

Made me tear up:fluttercry:

I really apologize for any grammatical error. I wrote this at 1:00 AM my time.:derpytongue2:

That was nice and succinct, and brilliant work for one in the morning, I applaud you! You didn't touch on or edit any of the events of MLD whilst maintaining coherency. Being able to write epilogues for another Fanfiction is a great skill, and one I do not posses. Great work, I'm jealous!

P.S I nearly cried. I was closer there than with the original. :raritywink:

@khroam believe me when I say this my friend. Anyone can write. It just takes inspiration. Mine is music. You just have to find yours. It will happen within time. P.s thank you for your support.216953>>

That's really nice of you to say :pinkiesad2:, I've got a FF in the pipeline, it may be on my profile. PM me if you fancy helping me edit and iron out any creases, I'd really be honoured. After that shameful ,neigh, dishonourable self promotion let me say this, I got my eye on you. Stay good at this, 'cause if you don't I will hunt you down and chain you to a computer. :pinkiehappy: Have a nice day now.


P.S No, seriously. I'm watching you.

Listen to this piano piece I wrote, while you read.

217327 I would be glad to help you out in any way possible:pinkiehappy: as long as it doesn't involve anything along the lines of blood and gore:pinkiesick:

Blood and gore? What do you take me for? (I think I should talk less to Zecora). But, honestly I would read cupcakes, rocket to insanity etc. Out of mmm... curiosity shall we say. I would never stoop so low as to... *shudder* :rainbowderp: I also loved the soundtrack you've now provided, it is very ambient, and quite understated - it's a wonderful fit. Rest assured, I will torment you with PMs and opinions ahem... FOREVER after your generous offer of help.


217879 what can I say? I'm an anti-troll. The Internet is infested with trolls. So I have sworn to start the anti troll revolution. I plan to make trolls the 1%. Love and tolerance. Forever.:twilightsmile:

And they will fear your wrath. Resistance is futile, they will be assimilated into the herd. Why do they delude themselves? :facehoof: You are the creme de la internet, you all are. Remember that. Here, have a smooshy Rainbow Dash :rainbowkiss:



Anti troll revolution? ATR.
Really? O.O

218326 think about it. How many mlp:fim videos have you seen on YouTube, where there are hundreds of trolls, peppering the comments with lots of anti brony material. It's time to exercise our love and tolerance, and be the nicest people we can be. Thus I wish to create the anti- troll revolutio, and take back the Internet. Viva la revolucion.

@ sh1v3r

Omg, you have a dang good point my friend! I'm not trying to doubt you or anything but I sure hope it's successful, i really do! FIM is my favorite show, RD is my fav pony, and it does get irritating and sickening when i see...Uh... "Material"... done about her, or with her in it. *shudder*
Don't ask. :pinkiesick:

218701 Tis going to take time my friend. Time, a home website. And publicity.

Oh! Speaking of FIM. Are you thinking about making another MLD Fan alternate ending or a Fan sequel in the future? i'm Just asking, since this was so well written. :twilightsmile:

218731 though my little dashie is possibly the greatest fanfic ever written, I feel as though I shouldn't expound on in any further. Now I realize that this sounds cruel, and so I apologize seeing as how I left everything kind of open ended. But im (personally) putting the pandoras box label on this(as far as my contributions go)Though I am currently in the thought process for what I might create in the future. * hint: I will delve into the emotions that come with authority over a kingdom, and a war between sisters.:rainbowkiss:

150 views? I wasn't even expecting 20. Wow.

you made me cry:pinkiesad2::applecry:

Well you should be proud, that was a very decent sequel? Ending? Deleted Scene? I can't tell, but still it was SO AWE:rainbowkiss:SOME!

284484 epilogue. I don't consider it a sequel. Just a small extension of the story. Th original story left to much open. Which left a fairly substantial emotional dent. I didn't want to mess with that. In most sequels I have read, the guy ends up living in equestria.:ajbemused: sorry, but the idea doesn't strike my fancy. So this is what I wrote. I'm glad you enjoyed it:pinkiehappy:
P.s. for the love of god, who ever did not like this story PLEASE TELL ME WHY. I need to know so I can do better next time.:raritydespair: your going to drive me crazy:pinkiecrazy:

I really liked this! The second i finished my little dashie about 14 tears had fallen, and a lot more came. This made me happy again!:rainbowlaugh:

356523 No tears fell for me. Somehow. Is there anyone who could tell me why? (Yes, I have working tear ducts. No, I am not a sadist.)

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