• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,774 Views, 81 Comments

Colgate Takes Acid - Scott Grimm

Colgate Takes Acid... And totally looses her FREAKING MIND!

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WEE - Part 3

Colgate Takes Acid - Part 3

Octavia overestimated her speed as she sped out of the little fillies room, into the wall of the hallway that led out to the dance floor. She naturally winced a bit at her shoulder before continuing her pace with a new limp in her step. She gave a quick glance behind herself to see if the poliecolt was in pursuit. Much to her surprise he didn't see him or the bouncers that had previously been guarding the restroom. Octavia just chalked up a few possible reasons for that being. One since the policecolt had already called for back up, he knew they would be able to apprehend the two without much fuss. That being the case he would try to follow Colgate through the path she had chosen to go a few moments prior. And as for the guards, she would have expected them to have come back by now to chew or even through Octavia out for lying at them. That or the policecolt had dismissed them. Whatever the reasoning for this stroke of luck, Octavia was glad to have it grace their current situation.

As the two fugitives reached the end of the hallway, they could see the massive crowd of party-goers engulfing over half the club, making it all but impossible to swim through in a direct line to the exit. Octavia had originally planned on that, hopefully managing to slip past the cops before they had any time to react and go inside the club. No such luck with this crowd then.

"Shit..."Octavia muttered under her breath, only for her to hear mentally. The bass from the Dj was muffling any and all other sounds being made.

Octavia stood there for a minute, holding onto Vinyl's hoof tightly as she looked upon the crowd. Taking a gulp and a mental jab to the base of her brain for her plan that was about to be set in motion, Octavia set out towards the mid of the crowd. She was welcomed just like before with jabs from various shoulders, kicking and stepping of hooves on hers. With each new strike, her anger rose higher and higher. And with each swear she would shout aloud, a dozen others would follow suit at her.

Smoke, body odor, and sweat was abundant in the crowd. Octavia struggled to keep her sanity as she continued onwards. The further she made her way in, the closer to end of the crowd seemed to get. With one final push, Octavia yelled aloud popping her and Vinyl right out of the crowd and face first onto the floor below them. With another sigh, she rose up looking at Vinyl.

"You okay?" Octavia questioned as she brushed her coat off. Vinyl gave no response as she started blankly ahead. "Vinyl! Are you okay!?" Octavia questioned again. This time Vinyl raised her right hoof towards the entrance. Turning her head to what Vinyl was pointing at, she could see the rest of the policecolts squad standing in front of them.

As if planned out, the song that blasted throughout the club ended, "We're so boned."

"You two, you match the description. You're coming with us." One of the policecolts said.

"What? Oh no, there must be some misunderstanding here sir." Octavia said ignorantly, hoping to pass off innocence to the two lawcolts in front of her. "I'm sure there are tons of mares that look like us." Octavia shrugged her forelegs up, not realizing she still had the baggy in hoof.

"So there are tons of mares running towards the exit with a bag of narcotics in hoof?" On of the officers asked, obviously amused with Octavia.

Octavia's eyes shot open as her head jerked to look at her right hoof. Once she saw the drugs in hoof she sunk her head low and replied to Vinyl. "Yup, we're boned."

The two officers approached the mares and placed cuffs on each of them. The two of them hung their heads low as they were escorted out of the club. This was nothing new to Vinyl, she had been arrested and escorted out of the club dozens of times before. Only one of which Octavia actually knew about. Octavia on the other hand couldn't wrap her head around the fact that now she was going to have a criminal record.

"This can't be happening. I can't get arrested!" Octavia screamed at herself mentally. "What if I get separated from Vinyl? What then? I don't even know what goes on in such facilities!" Just then a thought occurred to her. "What if I get a cellmate?! What if they make me their prison bitch!?"

Octavia continued her haunting thoughts as her head was tucked down to allow her easier access into the police cruiser. With a slamming of the door, the policecolt closed the door and began walking back with his partner to talk with the owner of the club who was now standing outside in front of the entrance. Octavia looked behind her to watch them. She could almost guarantee that he was going to be pressing charges on them, and Colgate once she was apprehended.

The owner was a portly fellow. He wore a dark brown suit, something that was classy and sophisticated, nothing at all like the drag his customers were wearing. He wore a thin comb over to try and cover his shining dome that could be seen from a mile away thanks to the neon lights above the club. He chewed on a cigar whilst he spoke to the cops, all the while craning his neck back as if he was going to throw up any second from now.

Octavia turned herself around and made a ruckus from the leather interior. Slowly she began lightly tapping her head against the window of the cruiser. And with each repetition she increased the amount of force she was putting into it.

Vinyl who up until now had been quietly humming to herself as if nothing bad was going on. Now that Octavia was banging her head against the window, Vinyl was now fully focused on her marefriend. She wasn't quite sure, but she swore she could hear Octavia muttering 'stupid' under her breath.

"What's eating you up?" Vinyl asked, still not sure why Octavia was doing what she was doing.

With one final slam against the window, Octavia stopped her motion. Her head was still touching the cold inside of the window, remaining perfectly still until she took a large inhale through her nose and turned to face Vinyl.

"What do you think is eating me up? I just got caught with a bag of drugs, Vinyl! We're being arrested! Our friend is Luna knows where, out of her mind, probably getting herself into more trouble, or even being hurt! I'm not longer going to have a clean record, and once word reaches the music community, I won't be able to get hired ever again! I'm going to be forced to play on the streets! Train Stations... Little kids birthday parties...And you wanna know what's eating me up." Octavia could feel a tear streak down her right cheek as she finished her rant. Turning herself around again, she leaned her head on the window and began looking out of it, hopefully to escape the reality of things for a little while.

"Wow, that sucks." Vinyl replied, still somehow un-phased about everything.

Rolling her head around on the window, Octavia looked at Vinyl with a dumbfounded expression. "How. How can you not be upset about this? Do you not care of what's happening to Colgate? To you? To me?"

Vinyl blinked a few times at the question, "Of course I do."

"Then why are you not upset!? Hell if anything, I'd say you're happy with this!"

"Oh yeah Tavi, I love being arrested in front of all my friends and my marefriend. This night is just a dream come true." Vinyl raised her tone to Octavia before settling back down with a sigh. "Look. This is no biggie." Vinyl paused for a second to look over her shoulder. She could see the policecolts making their way back over to them. "When they get into the car, don't say a word. Wait for my signal, and follow my lead."

"What? Vinyl what are you talking ab-" Octavia cut herself off as the passenger door opened up. Octavia however continued to look at Vinyl with a worried look, the white mare only gave a wink in response. Octavia took a gulp and faced forward.

The two colts got into the cruiser, buckling themselves in before starting the car up. The driver flipped a switch on the front panel of the cruiser, alighting the car and turning the sirens on. Red and blue flashed around the squad car as they began to pull away from the front of the club.

Not a word was said from the colts to the two mares. Octavia welcomed the silence, she couldn't be bothered to speak now anyways. Octavia took a glance out of the window again and saw the long line of party-goers still waiting outside passing by them. When the line disappeared, Octavia slowly lugged her head away from the window and turn back over to Vinyl. Vinyl looked at Octavia with a warm smile as she waved her right hoof to her. Octavia didn't pay any attention to her, she let out a deflating sigh and bumped her head against the front passenger seat slightly. The grey mare remained there for a second or two before her head shot back up. Her eyes were the size of pins, her brow was already breaking into a cold sweat, and a thousands jolts of fear shot through her spine. Slowly moving her gaze over to Vinyl, she could see that she did indeed have her right hoof free, and was still waving at her.

How in the hell did she do that?! She screamed in her mind as her jaw became agape.

Without another moments notice, Vinyl lunged towards Octavia and wrapped her hooves around her marefriend. Giving a headbutt to the protect glass that separated the mares from the police, Vinyl gained the attention of the two colts. With a coy smile she shouted at them, "You dun goofed!".

With that said, Vinyl tucked her head into Octavia's neck and her horn shone a bright blue. Vinyl's side door flung open and the light faded right after that. Still dumbfounded, and confused as to what was going to, Octavia could feel a tugging at the back of her neck as Vinyl leaned backwards towards the opened cruiser door. The two mares flung themselves out of the cruiser, Vinyl having wrapped herself around Octavia took a majority of the blows that came from landing on the streets asphalt.

The two spun for about twenty feet before they became separated. Both of them coughing and wincing at their pain as they stood up. The police cruiser was just now starting to screech and turn back around for them.

With the realization that they were now outside of the police cruiser, Octavia turn to Vinyl, "What the hell was that! You could have killed us!" Octavia cried. The grey mare was about to yell another sentence at Vinyl when they heard the roar of the cruiser revving its engine.

Turning around, Octavia could see the police cruiser, now fully turned around, facing them. Octavia jerked her head back over to Vinyl who was also looking at the car. Another rev from the cruiser could be heard.

"Cheese it!" Vinyl cried aloud and began running into an open alleyway that was to the left of them, between two tall shops. One being the Sofa and Quills shop. The other being Roseluck's custom flower arrangement.

"Wait Vinyl, what!?" Octavia yelled at her marefriend who was already 30 or so yards away from her. A screech from the cruiser echoed through the streets as it started making its way towards Octavia who was still standing in the same place that she had stopped rolling at. Without another thought, Octavia began to run in the same direction that Vinyl had headed down a few seconds ago, "Cheesing it!".

Author's Note:

Wow, I haven't updated this in the longest time. Well, for anyone and everyone that reads this, I hope you enjoy.

Btw I do plan on updating this quite frequently. I should have a lot more time available soon in order to write my stories more often.