• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,774 Views, 81 Comments

Colgate Takes Acid - Scott Grimm

Colgate Takes Acid... And totally looses her FREAKING MIND!

  • ...

WEE - Part 5

Colgate Takes Acid - Part 5

The ear shattering sound of metal clashing against metal broke Vinyl's internal pondering of what to do next. Both mares gave a quick yelp and nearly jumped out of their skin as they gripped each other in fear. A moment passed before another sound was heard, some pony a block or so down the way could be heard yelling something barely decipherable through their thick accent. It was something along the lines of cursing out adolescents for screwing around with the wheel board and their rolling shoes.

Look away from the direction that the sound came from, Vinyl turned to Octavia, "What was that?"

"I don't know to be honest. Didn't sound too good whatever it was."

Octavia was the first of the two to loosen her grip and move away from the other. She took a couple of steps towards the sound, wondering what could have made such an awful sound, especially the late at night. Craning her neck back around to Vinyl, she gave a nudge at the general direction.

"Come on, let's go see what happened."

"What? Hey! Wait up a second. Why would we go see what happened, what about Colgate?" Vinyl leaned out with a hoof in hopes to stop the mare that was well out of reach.

"Oh come on. Strange sound in the middle of the night, within the general area surrounding the club we just came from and a missing friend that has sober thoughts right now. I'd say whatever that noise is, it's going to be our best bet for finding Colgate. It's either that, or somepony actually needs some assistance right now and if that's the case we need to be there to lend a hoof."

"You're joking right..." Vinyl questioned with no amusement to Octavia's statement. It was clear she thought what a poor idea Octavia had just come up with was.

"No, why?" She asked innocently.

"Okay so, we, " Vinyl waved her hoof to the both of them as she took a couple of steps towards Octavia, "You and I should just go towards a strange sound that has quite possibly woken up half of the town on the off chance that our induced friend is over there. Not only that but you want to pull the good samaritan card and go help them. Do I seriously have to remind you of what just happened here?"

"No." Octavia had almost forgotten about the chase just moments before.

"Well apparently you do. They. Were. Chasing. Us. Do you realize what they would have done to us if they caught us?!"

"Arrest us?"

"Yes! Maybe worse. Maybe they'd be so annoyed with us that they'd make us disappear for good, chop us up into little bits and feed us as kibble to their dogs!" Vinyl stretched her lower eyelids down her cheeks some to get her gruesome image across.

"How many..."

"How many what?"

"You know damn well what. How many hits did you take with Colgate."

"Just two." Octavia raised an eyebrow. "Three"

"Great. So I'm the only one with any brains right now..."

"Say's the pony that would be in jail if it weren't for me right now."

"Say's the pony that's the reason for me going to jail in the first place!" Octavia struck a pointed hoof at Vinyl's direction.

"Oh right. Well it was your fault for trusting me in the first place! Ha!" Vinyl repeated Octavia's pose before her ears drooped down some and she sat back on her haunches. "Wait, that's not right..."

"Look," Octavia started off in hopes of changing the conversation. "Yelling at each other isn't going to solve anything for us right now. That sound, whatever it may be is still most likely our best bet. Seeing as we have no idea on where she'd be right now. But, and as much as I hate to admit it, you're right."

"I am?"

"Yes. The police colts are probably already over there, especially since they were already running off in the direction of where it came from. So let's think for one second. If, hypothetically, Colgate is over there. What are the chances that she hasn't been caught yet and how would we be able to get to her first?"

"Not good. Colgate was kind of... The highlight of the party. She was impossible to miss over there. So assuming she's still acting the same crazy she was over at the club, she's gonna get noticed."

"What we need, is a way to check out the scene without getting noticed."

Vinyl looked up at the sky in thought, hoping that the cosmos would somehow give her an answer while Octavia paced around in circles, one hoof held to her mouth as she looked at the ground. Tilting her head back down to the alleyway, something caught her attention out of the corner of her.

"I think I have an idea." Vinyl looked at her idea with a keen smirk.

Octavia walked to the side of her and gave a quick concerned look to her before looking at Vinyl's idea.

"You can't be serious..."

"What? What's wrong with it?"

"Everything! Do you really think they'd be that stupid not to notice us?!"

"Well do you have any better ideas genius? We are kind of on a tight schedule here."


"I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life." Was Octavia's internal mantra as she scurried close to her marefriends rear end in the tight confines of the moldy, smelly, wet cardboard. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this!" Octavia hissed at Vinyl in a hushed volume.

"Quit your bitching." Vinyl replied.

"Oh I'll show you bitching once we get home. Ugh, I think I'm walking on a rotten pepperoni slice." She groaned in detest.

"Shut up, we're almost there."

"And where is 'there' exactly?"

"Just over this hill top. Easy now, it's about to become steep."

Vinyl had been the navigator of this trek with the use of two eye holes she had fashioned with the use of her horn prodding the exterior of the box.

. From the alleyway, they had waddled their way towards the area they remember the sound coming from. That just so happened to be Ponyvilles public park. The public land was usually a bustling area for families and friends alike to enjoy their day in peace during the day. But at night it had become the stalking grounds for one high mare and one disgruntled mare crammed in a waddling cardboard box.

"What hill? I can't see anything."

"This hill. Careful now, the grass is slick."

Octavia gave a flustered huff as she puffed Vinyl's tail away from her face. Just being in the confines of the box was driving her up the wall with the greatest of ease.

"Hold." Vinyl stated as she shot up her right arm straight up to the sky, almost punching a whole right through their disguise. The box that had been hovering a couple of inches above the ground below collapsed down making a hollow thud sound.

Throughout the trek Vinyl had taken command of the actions Octavia was to take. And although these actions only consisted of 'hold' and 'go', it annoyed her to no end to be force led by Vinyl.

"Oh come on! Why are we stopped this time!"

"A hunch..." Vinyl replied.

"A what?! A hunch!" Octavia shouted at her in the lowest tone she could possibly manage while in her state.

"Yes a hunch, and my hunches have gotten us this far have they not?"

"You're counting us crossing the street aren't you..."


"The light was green! You nearly got us killed. Good thing that car swerved out of the way."

"Right, and if wasn't for my hunch to waddle faster, we would be pancakes right now."

Octavia took a long exasperated blink, "I'm going to kill you."

"I had a hunch you'd betray me." Vinyl replied honestly.

"I'll hunch you!" Octavia shoved at Vinyl, forcing her to topple forward and in turn flipping the entire box over.

The two mares slid down the deep slope that Vinyl had warned about just a couple of seconds earlier. Now instead of moving at their own pace they were now forced to weave in and out of rocks, bushes, benches and trash cans that seemed to be littered all through their path, or they would had been weaving in and out of rocks, bushes, benches and trash cans if either one of them were sitting right side up. With their rear ends towards the sky, the two slid out of control rolling over multiple times before the started to skip down the hill landing on every part of their body instantly gaining bruises ranging from purple to blue. With one final skip the box landed in the sand, spitting the two from the inside. Landing on the stomach the two began groaning and rubbing various parts of their body.

"Mutinous traitor." Vinyl whined out.

"Self fulfilling tyrant." replied in the same tone. "Where are we now?"

Spitting out a few grains of sand Vinyl answered, "Kiddy sand box."

"Are we at the bottom of the hill?"

"I think so."

"How's the disguise?"

"It's... seen better days."

"Really? And being mold ridden wasn't it's golden days?" Octavia asked as she lifted herself up, soon helping Vinyl up as well. "Ah crap." Octavia exhaled as she could see the tattered box lying over a swaying swing seat. "Now what..."

"Excuse me." A voice called out at them.

The two froze in place. Both quickly breaking into a cold sweat with beaded eyes. Both of them shot looks at one another, communicating only with their eyes.

"Excuse me, a little help here?" The voice called out again.

Octavia reluctantly turned her head over to see a shocking scene. There laid a elder colt on a metal trash bin. A massive indent on it's side where he laid. His leg covered in a cast and his head bleeding slightly from a cut just above his eyebrow. Rushing over, Octavia got down onto his level.

"Oh my- are you alright?" Octavia asked.

"Oh yeah I'm dandy don't ya know? I'm just here, freezing my ass off, gazing at the stars while the trash can shoves its pointed edges into my back some more. No I'm not alright! What's wrong with you!" The elder colt yelled at Octavia.

"Not her leg." Vinyl hushed under breath having recently come to the side of Octavia who was still kneeling down helping the colt up.

"Zip it missy." Quake snapped at her, pointing his hoof towards her.

"Sorry for my friend, she's a bit... Much at times." Octavia apologizing for Vinyl who was glaring down Quake. "Here, let me help you up." Octavia wrapped her hooves underneath Quakes pits and begin lifting him up to his hind legs. Leaning on her on his one good leg her, he gained his bearings once more. "What happened to you? I can't imagine you did this to yourself."

"Of course not! Some crazy blue mare showed up out of nowhere, yelled 'tally ho' at me and rode me like a freaking bike down the hill over there and I ended up crashing down here."

"That's Colgate!" Octavia cried jumping up again. Quake still a bit unstable lost his balance and fell down onto the cement again letting out a massive cry of pain.

"Oh this is going to be fun." Vinyl noted as she smirked at Octavia who glared back at Vinyl.

This is what I thought the smirk looked like xD

Author's Note:

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. This one was a blast to write. As always I ask that you leave your comments below, good or bad, I want to read them.