• Published 14th Feb 2012
  • 4,516 Views, 178 Comments

Will She Love Me Too? - Liechtenstein

Twilight starts to develop strange feelings for somepony.

  • ...

The 32nd of December

Well, at least that puts my mind to rest on that issue. Rainbow Dash does not love me. Noted. So now that I know that I can just forget all about it? Yes, that is what I will do; I shall forget all about any romantic feelings I may feel for Rainbow Dash. That's what normal ponies would do, right? Or is that precisely the opposite of what a normal pony would do? I bet she's told everyone. I bet the first thing she did when she left was find someone to tell about 'What a fool that fillyfooler made of herself'. I bet that they're all laughing at me, all my 'friends'. Probably all enjoying a nice chat at Rarity's house, with out having to deal with 'that freak'. They won't say it, but that is what they think of me, it's all obvious now; why Fluttershy was acting so uncomfortable, why Rarity wanted me gone as quickly as possible, all of it. Sure, they hide behind their smiles and false courtesy and their sweet, false tales of acceptance. Nothing but sweet sugar to cover their bitter, clandestine vitriol.

In her anger, Twilight slammed a hoof down on one of the books she had picked out, and slid it away. After this pointless action that failed to relieve anger in anyway, Twilight let herself collapse slowly to the floor. so that she may bathe in a bath of self loathing and hate. She hated her friends for their fake sincerities and their prejudices. She hated herself for being different, wrong. The anger festered away, making her more angry as she thought. Unlike what had usually happened, there was no interruptions to halt her thoughts, no Spikes, or Raritys, or Pinkie Pies, or Rainbow Dashes. There was only Twilight, her mind, and her hate. It ate away at her; pained her. She was in a dark place; there was no reassuring thought in her mind, all rationality escaped Twilight.

And so she remained there, curled up in despair on the floor, a pathetic husk of pony. There she did remain, she wasn't sure on how long she had spent there, but it was certainly too much time. After an indiscriminate amount of time a modicum of her senses had returned to her. No. Twilight thought, as she struggled to her hoofs. No. You are better than this, Twilight. Her legs were weak and tired; she must have fell asleep sometime earlier. As she looked around she noticed that it was darker than it was before, not quite night; twilight, as it were. She staggered forward with what power she could summon, and used what little she had left to set a torch alight. You are better than this, Twilight. This shouldn't beat you; this shouldn't even harm you. You knew all along that Rainbow Dash wouldn't share your love; you knew this was a love unrequited. And this about your friends, that is nothing more than pure conjecture. But then again, even if they do all abandon you it matters not; you lived before them, you can live after them. After all 'the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends', right?

Strength finally returning, Twilight exited this small section of her library and walked through to the living room. In the living room she saw Spike lying on the sofa, asleep, grasping a - now melted - bowl of ice cream. Sighing,
Twilight cleaned up the mess he had made; using her magic to re-freeze the ice cream and put it away, taking extra care not to wake up Spike. During his sleep he stopped being Twilight's number one assistant, instead occupying the role of 'baby brother'. Instead of stirring the dragon, she instead covered him in a quilt.

Turning round she saw it was now night; the moon having risen fully. The night looked as beautiful as ever, I could do with a walk; stretch my legs, clear my head, Twilight thought, looking outside. Quietly grabbing a scarf, she slid out the door, locking it behind her. Spike'll be fine; he won't even know I left. Ponyville was quiet at this time, there was not a person on the streets and nary a cloud in the sky. The stars were allowed to shine through, bright, a million diamonds, hanging static in the night. Even the moon seemed bigger than she remembered it. It truly was beautiful, and calming besides.

The night air was cool and refreshing, and the town was dark, so very dark. The street-lamps gave off ample light, but the town was still very much dark. Dark, except for one notable exception; she could see Carousel Boutique. The curtains were drawn but light still emanated from it. The light breaking from the curtains gave the boutique a strange glow. For the briefest time Twilight's gaze was fixed entirely on the house, before coming to a realisation. What is Rarity doing up at this time?

Curiosity got the better of Twilight, and before she knew it she was trotting, slowly, up to Rarity's house. It wasn't that Rarity was evidently up that intrigued Twilight; Rarity would often stay up late, completing orders at the last minute and such, but it was that the lights were so bright; when she worked she usually confined herself to a small corner that didn't require this much illumination. What could she be doing this late? I mean, it's not impossible that she is just working on some orders, and yet... As Twilight got closer, she crept slower and slower, she would not stop until her curiosity was sated.

This does technically mean I will be spying on one of my closet friends. But it is only a natural reaction, anypony would do the same in my hoofs, I'm sure. I mean what in the hay could she be doing? Some form of sleepover? Positioning herself just below and to the left of one of the big, front windows, she made sure that there was no-one awake that could be watching her. Content that she was covert, she tuned her ears to hear what was happening on the inside. She could hear two, faint voices, which she had no trouble placing, but she did have trouble understanding. From their tone, she could tell that one of them was Rarity, obviously, and the other was Rainbow Dash. Why is Rainbow Dash at Rarity's, Twilight asked herself, but she could still not make out the entire conversation. Slowly she became more attuned to the conversation, and could make out what each pony was saying.

"-so you just scolded her and left her? That does seem a bit harsh, Rainbow." Said the seamstress, in a somewhat judgemental and critical tone.

"Well what would you have had me do, Rarity?" Came the indignant reply from Rainbow Dash.

"Well you could've let the poor girl off gently, Rainbow! I know etiquette and subtlety are concepts that escape you, but would it have killed you to restrain your foremost thoughts for a second in order to save her feelings?" The poor girl, Twilight thought to herself, that's what I am to them now.

"'Her feelings', 'her feelings', 'her feelings'! Well what about my feelings, Rarity, eh? You know how I feel about... that sort of thing." Rainbow Dash was becoming increasingly annoyed, and slightly angry.

"Those aren't your feelings, Rainbow Dash! Those are the feelings your father imparted onto a young, innocent filly!" Rarity now seemed to be pleading to Rainbow Dash, on Twilight's behalf. There was a brief interlude of silence. Not being able to see anything Twilight was unable to discern what was happening. Then when the conversation did restart, she could barely hear it. She shut her eyes and focused solely on trying to hear them.

"Do you not think that I know that Rarity?" Rainbow said, in a soft and quiet, yet harsh, voice. "I think of Twilight, then I think of what she is. Then I think of my father, and what he used to do, used to say, and I feel angry." By the sound of her voice, Twilight guessed she was close to tears at this point. "I can't help that, Rarity, believe me, I can't." There was yet another brief silence. What Twilight would've given to be able to see what was happening inside.

"You shouldn't eavesdrop, Twilight, it isn't very becoming of you." Twilight's eyes shot open at Rarity's remark. Bu-wha-how? "Come inside, dear. The door's open."

Twilight begrudgingly accepted Rarity's invitation, and wandered into the boutique, with some trepidation. Upon entering Rarity's home she was greeted by a, now angry, Rainbow Dash and a Rarity who looked somewhat disappointed.

"How did you know I was there?" Was all Twilight could think to ask.

"Opalescence was sitting on the windowsill, dear, something seemed to discomfort her. I infered that this meant that there was somepony next to the window." Rarity is the model of calmness, thought Twilight; most ponies, herself included, would've felt at least a little aggrieved to discover that somepony had been spying on them, but Rarity didn't seem to mind, and, if she did mind, she hid it well.

"B-but how did you know it was me?"

"Lucky guess, dear. Now, sit down." Rarity's voice was growing sterner, it still wasn't harsh, but it was stern enough that Twilight obliged without a second thought. "Now, Twilight, tell me exactly how much you overheard."

"Well, I heard you two talking about Rainbow Dash's father, I guess. Nothing more though, I swear." Twilight decided it would do her no good to lie; especially when Rainbow Dash seemed to be quite angry at her, at the moment.

"Okay, then I suppose the next question I need to ask is: Why were you eavesdropping, Twilight?"

"Um, well, I-" Twilight searched her mind but, try as she might, she couldn't conjure up any explanation, fraudulent or otherwise. "I- I don't know. It was stupid of me." These were the only words Twilight could find to answer Rarity's question.

"Yes, yes it was." Was Rarity's blunt response. "Okay, I think we should start attempting to sort this whole mess out, while you are both he-"

"Actually, Rarity, can I head off now? It is getting quite late." Rainbow Dash inquired; searching for a way out of the situation that she and Twilight were now in.

"I'm sorry, darling, you're going to have to stay just a little longer. If we don't do this now then we- you- may never fix this." Rarity let the two ponies come to terms that what was happening was going to take place. There was now no escape. "Now, to business. Rainbow, do you have anything you would like to ask?" Rarity suddenly seemed much more upbeat; she even seemed somewhat excited.

"Well... I guess so. The most obvious thing to ask is 'why'?" Rainbow appeared much less angry, now. She now looked as meek, reserved and awkward as Twilight imagined she looked like.

"I already told-"

"No, no, no. I mean why me?" The room fell deathly silent. Twilight racked her mind, but, again, was unable to produce an answer. Why, why, why, they ask! I don't know why! Why can't they understand that?

"I-I-I wish I could give you an answer, Rainbow, I truly do. But the truth is, I don't know. There's not a day goes by where I don't ask myself that same question." Twilight delivered her answer as strained and painful as possible, in the hope of avoiding any follow-up questions.

"You must have some reason, Twilight? You can't figure that you 'love' somepony without feeling something for them, for Celestia's sake." In a flash Rainbow returned to her previous, indignant, argumentative self.

"Look, Rainbow, I don't know. Maybe its because you're beautiful and talented and athletic and funny and- and I've said too much." Twilight let what she said sink in momentarily. "I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry I remind you of your father, I'm sorry I make you angry and I'm sorry that I've obviously put you in an awkward position. I'm gonna go home now; I'm too tired to apologise further."