• Published 14th Feb 2012
  • 4,515 Views, 178 Comments

Will She Love Me Too? - Liechtenstein

Twilight starts to develop strange feelings for somepony.

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Think, Twilight, think... or don't. Maybe the less I think the more I'll be able to force myself to do? Okay... I could try that. Hmm, it seems to be that I'm walking towards the door, this is certainly an interesting turn of events. And now I'm opening the door, still not thinking about anything; just coasting along. Big breath, Twilight; gather all of your strength, walk out the door. Slowly the scared lavender pony opened her door, marched downstairs and prepared to face her friends.

"Hi Twilight!" Chirped the pink party pony. Rainbow Dash greeted her not long after.

"Hey, Twi... erm, Twilight, are you okay?" Rainbow spoke awkwardly, but she also seemed genuinely concerned.

"No- I mean- yes, why'd you ask?"

"Its just because it looks like you've been crying." Rainbow Dash was quite perceptive, annoyingly so, Twilight noted. Though it could also be that Twilight was in more of a state than she had thought.

"No," retorted Twilight, lightly scoffing, "Why would I have been crying, that's just silly, Rainbow." Twilight tried to act natural and nonchalant, but it was apparent to all that she was failing. I don't think I used to be bad of a lying, something I need to work on, Twilight noted. Luckily enough none of her friends wanted to address the obvious lie that Twilight had spouted, creating an uneasy silence that not even Pinkie broke.

"So... why are you here, girls?" Twilight felt she had to say something, so she thought that she'd just cut straight to the issue.

"Well... it's about what you said yesterday," Rainbow answered, somewhat hesitantly.

"Wh-what about... yesterday?" Twilight redundantly asked, if only to shift the control of conversation away from herself. Unfortunately Rainbow Dash seemed reluctant to pick up the conversation, and so an awkward silence took over in her place. Fortunately Pinkie did break this silence.

"Go on, Dashie." Pinkie's tone was less hyper than usual, instead it was calmer and supportive. Rainbow shifted her wait slightly, nervously, looking down at herself. Clearly she was doing all she could to put off talking any longer.

"Look... about what you told us yesterday; about you... 'liking'... other mares. Well, I'm sorry about how I reacted, okay? I should have been reassuring, I should have been there for you, but I wasn't. I can't imagine how that must've made you feel; you opened up to us, you deserved a better a friend, not somepony like me. My father was... well he was very 'anti-fillyfooling', and he thought I was one, when I was younger. Instead of talking to me he taught me to hate fillyfoolers, think of them as freaks, as bad ponies. So when you told us that you were one it kinda brought up a lot of memories, about him. I know Fluttershy has already told you about my father, but it goes deeper than just simple lessons drilled into a young filly. He used to get angry... a lot. He used to beat me, call me names, tell me that I'm 'worthless'... I guess that's why I strive to be better than everypony; just to prove him wrong. I-I don't hate you Twilight, remember that, okay?" Rainbow's voice was breaking; a single tear fell slowly down her face.

Twilight's heart broke seeing her, usually strong, friend like this. She could see Rainbow in pain, but was unsure as to how to react. In truth it was all Twilight could do to not cry herself. Why she felt like crying was unclear to Twilight, but the urge certainly was present. She opted to stay passive and hope Pinkie Pie dealt with the situation. This was a quaint option for Twilight, she seemed to take pleasure in knowing that, no matter what the situation was, one of her friends would be able to assist her.

Twilight's feeling of being reassured slowly disappeared as she realised that Pinkie was, in fact, as unsure as to how to handle the situation that she was in. Instead several long, painful minutes passed. Long, painful minutes of Rainbow quietly sobbing, long, painful minutes of uncertainty.

Just say something, Twilight, anything... Still nothing, huh? Want to move this along, have to say something. But what should I say? What can I say? Could reassure her? But maybe she doesn't want to be reassured. Can't run away from something happening in my house, don't want to just move her along; that would be insensitive. But we also just can't sit here in silence forever...

"So... Rainbow Dash... do- do you want a drink?" Well done, Twilight. The Princesses personal student in the subject of friendship and social research and the best you can come up with 'Do you want a drink'? I have nothing more to say to you.

"N-n-no, Twilight, it's fine. I was about to leave anyway. C'mon, Pinkie, you coming?" Still silently sobbing, Rainbow hastily excused herself.

"See ya later, alligator!" Almost instantaneously Pinkie reverted to her usual happy self and followed Rainbow out of the door.


Well... enjoy. I tried to get this to at least an acceptable standard; it gets to a point when you realize that ~200 people are going to read what you are writing where you think "Yeah, should probably write something good for them." So for you ~200 people, I thank you. Normal writing schedule, should be one up Friday (if nothing comes up).

I have previously linked the source for the chapter name so just hit that up... you know, if it isn't too much of a bother. Also everlasting love will be dispensed freely this update, so enjoy that.