• Published 7th Jun 2013
  • 2,388 Views, 18 Comments

The Process of Writing the Letter - Cheer

Twilight tries to write a letter explaining her feelings to the pony she loves.

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The Letter


“No! That just sounds creepy!” Twilight said aloud harshly as she used her magic to ball up yet another piece of parchment and throw it towards the overflowing trash bin. She prepared another parchment and just stared at it. Nothing coming forward in her mind.

“Why does this have to be so stupidly hard!? Sure, the ponies in books can crank these out like no tomorrow but when I try to write a single one, I can’t get anything right!” She complained to herself as she let her head fall onto the face of the desk, narrowly avoiding her horn putting another new hole in it.

‘Maybe I can just put it off till tomorrow. Not like I’m getting anything done like this.’ She thought as she started raising her head. ‘Yeah. With the extra time to think on it, I’ll be able to get it done in time to actually get at least eight hours of sleep for once. ’

Twilight suddenly let her head fall once again, landing with a resounding thud. ‘That’s exactly what I thought last night, the night before that and every single night for the past two weeks.’

“Why do you do this to me!?” She yelled at the piece of parchment that defiantly did not show the words she needed. She heard a door open and before she could think any more on it, she heard the shouting of her number one assistant.

“Because it hates you! Now go to bed!” He shouted before slamming the door shut.

Twilight's ears splayed back as she thought back to just how many times she had probably kept him up with her own problem, the fact she had fallen for somepony. She had tried to just ignore it and hope that it was a small crush that would just go away in time. Needless to say, it didn’t. She had gotten advice from her mother under the guise of the advice being ‘for a friend’. However, why her mother rolled her eyes at that, she didn’t understand.

Twilight started pacing as she decided to once again go over the facts of her situation. ‘Okay. I am in love. She is a mare and, I’m still not sure if she would have a problem with that or not. Trying to deny my feelings only made me want her more. Nopony should know about it, though from the looks and comments I’ve been getting about her recently I think they may have somehow figured it out. This is the fourteenth night in a row that I’ve tried to write out my feelings in a letter to her and I’ve yet to send a single scrap.’ She took a quick look at herself as she continued to think. ‘Though my trips to recycle the parchment has been giving me some good exercise.’

She stopped pacing and looked back at the empty parchment that was seemingly taunting her. ‘I’m just wasting time aren’t I?’

With a sigh, she made her way back to her desk. ‘Why can’t I just let her read my mind or something? It would be so much easier. Maybe hire a changeling to tell her what I’m feeling.’ Shaking her head, she focused harder on the parchment in front of her. ‘That sounds like something that Rainbow Dash would say, not me. Mind reading is illegal for a reason and nopony would have any assurance that the changeling is telling the truth. Besides, I doubt that, even with the new, flimsy treaty, that one would help me like this. No, none of that sounded like it would have come from a mind as logical as mine. Not that Rainbow’s mind is completely illogical it’s just-, I’m getting off topic and stalling again.’

Exhaling a large breath, she picked up her quill. ’Come on, it’s just a letter. A letter that could possibly ruin any and every possible connection with her and send me into a spiral of depression, harming every one of my friendships, which would threaten the integrity of the Elements of Harmony and therefore Equestria itself.’ Twilight blinked, dropping her quill and took a large breath.

After mentally reciting various math formulas, she had finally calmed down again. ‘Wow. I knew I might have a slight tendency to think of worst-case scenarios but that was just ridiculous. I mean after all, she would probably let me down gently with good reason and then I would probably only be slightly depressed.’ With a loud groan, her head and desk met for the umpteenth time that night, her horn somehow lodging itself comfortably within one of the unfilled holes it had made a few weeks ago when she had finally accepted that she was in love.

’Why am I being so negative? This isn’t like me at all. Stupid love. Making act so weird. I should be looking at this logically. It’s not like they I have absolutely no redeeming factors going for me outside of my magic and studies. It’s not like I’m utterly average or less in looks or anything. It’s definitely not as though there are hundreds of better ponies for her out there who don’t have histories of panic attacks and being socially awkward.’ Twilight sighed as she failed to get her mind out of its continually depressing funk.

She desperately tried to think of all the things she had going for her and the possibility of her love reciprocating her feelings or at least her attraction, her mind dogging her at every turn.

“No!” She shouted before quieting down again quickly, lest she get another ear full from the sleeping dragon upstairs. There is always a possibility! I did not do the calculations on this for nothing! There was never a single one hundred percent possibility that I would be rejected. There is always a chance. Whether it be merely curiosity to try it out, or an honest reciprocation there was always a chance.’

Steeling herself, she finally put her quill to work writing more than three words for the first time all night.

Dear Princess Celestia,

First off I would like to apologize for the late hour of this letter but, I had to send this before I lose my nerve again.

Author's Note:

Little one shot idea I had.

Just wrote it up now. Pretty basic editing.

Hope ya like it.

I probably shoulda said this before but I do have an idea for a one shot sequel. Would any a ya wanna read that too? Would you kindly tell me if you would?

Oh. BTW Saints Row the Third is only ten bucks right now! I know what Imma be doing.

Comments ( 18 )

After reading this you are definitely my brony god. :yay:

Not bad, had no way of knowing who it was till the very end and you nailed the characters down pretty well.


Excellent. I was hoping to catch readers off guard on who it was.

Well written and structured, in-character and entertaining.

Have a like. Oh and I guess I wasn't using this fav, have it too.

OKay, okay...

I don't get it. :rainbowhuh::applejackconfused::trixieshiftright:


What don't you get? I thought it was a pretty straight forward one shot.

Yes would :heart: a sequel.
And if you want to Co-op saints row just ask

You did indeed catch me by surprise when the recipient was revealed.

Thank you for sharing this story, and I would most definitely like to read your short sequel if you still plan to release one.


Yus! I love catching ya'll off guard! Isso fun. I might be write it out later actually, if I get distracted from the one shot I'm writing (It's taken on a life of it's own. 1000 words is going to end up as over 3k)

I probably shoulda said this before but I do have an idea for a one shot sequel. Would any a ya wanna read that too? Would you kindly tell me if you would?

Yes. Yes I would like to read it. Do be a good sport and write aforementioned one-shot sequel.

“Because it hates you! Now go to bed!” He shouted before slamming the door shut.

HA! Comedy gold right there.

Nice fic, I'd read a sequel.

‘Though my trips to recycle the parchment has been giving me some good exercise.’

Dear Princess Celestia,
First off I would like to apologize for the late hour of this letter but, I had to send this before I lose my nerve again.

PS: many goats have died to bring you this message.

Yeah, I'd definitely read a sequel.

I probably shoulda said this before but I do have an idea for a one shot sequel. Would any a ya wanna read that too? Would you kindly tell me if you would?

I would! You've sparked an interest here, and a sequel sounds like just the thing to fix it.

Yeah I'd totally read a sequel. There's far too little Twilestia on this site that isn't sad or depressing, even then there's not enough in general in my opinion.

More I demand!! MOAR!!!!

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