• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 1,207 Views, 15 Comments

My Little Avengers: The Punisher - TheBadgerKing

The Punisher comes to KoolerKids MLAverse and he's in for a tale of pain and Punishment.

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Chapter 1.

My little Avengers: The Punisher

It’s been sometime since the so called “Avengers” bested that sick and twisted god Loki. Since then many mutants have risen from the ashes of his defeat. Some became heroes, some villains, and some just wanted to be left alone. I am not one of these mutants nor by any means a hero. My name in Fortify Castle and I’m simply looking to bring my own brand of justice to this broken land. To bring what this world truly needs Punishment.

There’s a storm and the cold rain pelts against my grey coat, my dark mane plastered to my face. I pay it no mind however; the only thing I can comprehend is the body lying on the cobblestone in front of me. The body belongs or rather belonged to a young foal. The once bright eyes of this foal now gazing forever into the abyss that follows death lay in a pool of its own blood. I quickly noted the means of execution, a jagged gash in the chest. I grit my teeth in anger at the thought of a monster that would go out of their way to kill an innocent child without just cause. The anger only grew as I scanned the alley for any indication of who had pulled off this terrible deed. The blood was still warm which means the culprit was still nearby. I closed my eyes as my horn started to glow with a faint red aura, my scanner spell had only been active a few seconds before I heard the rustle of a body approaching from the entrance to the alleyway behind me. The fool never had a chance. He leapt to try and strike me from behind I ducked and pulling back from the attack, I used the moment he was off balance and launched a hard kick to his chest sending the criminal sprawling back from whence he came. I didn’t give him a chance to react. In the blink of an eye I was on him throwing attack after attack completely oblivious to his cries of pain and pleas for mercy. After I was content that he wouldn’t be attacking or for that matter standing anytime soon I stood above his battered and beaten body. My cold pale blue eyes boring down on him in judgment, I asked the only question that mattered.



Not liking his answer I wielded my magic lifting the bruised criminal to eye level.

“Answer me, or else.” I demand flatly.

“wh…what do you…want?” He managed hoarsely.

“Why did you kill the kid? Scumbag!”

He looked at me wistfully for a few seconds before letting out a pained chuckle.

“Hehehe, I guess you haven’t heard huh?” He mused, but a quick twitch in my eye had him continue.

“There’s a new big bad in town buddy, a villain so hidden in the shadows so powerful nopony’s ever seen him and lived to tell the tale. We only get a name. I was hired by him to kill the kid, and trust me I didn’t enjoy it but a job’s a job you know?” he explained between grunts of pain.

“Now we’re getting somewhere, so who is this new king of the filth hmmm?” I ask drawing him closer.

“Heh, they call em’ The Kingpin.”

“And where exactly do I find this Kingpin?”

“Find em’? You don’t find em’ you just hope you don’t do something that makes him find you.” The killer whispered while his eyes scanned the area like he was searching for a monster.

“Then how did he hire you huh?” I bit back irritation invading my normally level tone.

“You’re joking right? If I tell you that he’ll send somepony to kill me.” He said stiffly.

“Either you tell me where you got your orders, or there won’t be any issue of his goons finding you, cuz there won’t be anything left for them to find.” I replied coldly my horn flaring briefly.

“You…you wouldn’t do that. You’re a hero and heroes don’t kill…right?” He gulped struggling in vain to escape my magical grip.

“Do I look like a hero to you?” I asked as he gazed at me for several seconds taking in my cold unwavering eyes, my battle-worn coat, and my black armor that was dawned with a white skull plastered on the chest before shaking his head slowly. “Now either you tell me what I want to know, or I start breaking bones.”

He stared dumbly at me for several seconds not making any move to answer, seeing this I made true on my promise. I proceeded to slam him face first into the alley wall before bringing his now bleeding face back in front of mine.

“I’m still waiting.” I spoke with a dangerous chill, lacing each word with the threats I promised.

“Okay, okay, I was hired by one of his guys at a bar in Hell’s Stable. The bar was called Last Pint I think. That’s where I got my orders I swear.” He answered quickly now on the verge of tears.

“Good.” I stated as I dropped the broken colt back to the alley floor.
I stepped over the sobbing stallion and made my way toward the alley’s exit already formulating a plan to deal with this new crime lord. As I made it to the threshold of the crime scene I turned to look at the dead innocent. Then at their weeping killer, my horn once again coursed with a bright red tint. When the light died the alley was filled with an eerie silence. I turned from the morbid scene and continued on, my destination a certain bar in the worst part of town.

I walked in silence through the quiet streets of Manehatten. My only company was my memories of how things ever became so twisted. I used to be like all the other ignorant civilians of this supposedly “peaceful” nation, but not too long ago I found out the cruel reality of this world.
Three months ago I was just another average pony just trying to make his way in the world. I had a well enough job as a Sergeant in the royal guard, I had a beautiful wife a few close friends and even two foals of my own. That all changed when I took my family on a picnic in the park. I left them alone for what seemed like only a few seconds and when I turned back everything I knew and cared for was gone. I heard their screams and even heard the voice of their killer as he relished in their fear. I was too slow however by the time I got back to them they were already dead and the killer gone. I stood in the pool of their blood and cried. I cried for their deaths, I cried for the injustice, but mostly I cried for how weak and useless I had been.

My family was gone as well as my foolish perceptions of the world. That day I vowed on my family’s deaths that I would avenge their deaths. I may not have seen who had killed them but I knew one fact for sure, the killer was a mutant. The killings were too precise too well-placed for any normal pony to ever manage in the span of a few seconds especially with the knives that now lay embedded in my loved ones. I vowed that I would never let a villain get away with such a crime again, they would meet justice. When I found them they will know fear, they will know pain, and they will know punishment. That day Fortify Castle died with his family, leaving only The Punisher in his place.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I found myself in front of the Last Pint. I took a few seconds to quickly gauge the rundown little bar. Seeing nothing of interest I trotted into the building preparing for the inevitable that always seems to come from me entering Hell’s Stable. The second I entered the grimy little pub I could feel the eyes of each and every crook and punk in the joint watching me. This worked to my advantage however as I walked into the center of the bar and shot a weak blast of energy into the air. Certain I had everyponies undivided attention i asked the question that would send today from bad to worse.

“Alright which one of you drunks knows how to find the Kingpin?” The second I asked the question the entire bar went silent. Every single thug and harlot in the place looked on as if I’d sprouted a second head. I merely met their exasperated expression with a glare that could freeze a windigo. Still getting no response I repeated the question my horn glowing threateningly.

“Even if one of us knew where to find him, why in the sweet name of Luna would we tell some random nut-job like you?” one of the drunkards laughed stupidly.

“Because if you don’t you won’t have time to regret it.” I answered as I hefted a nearby stool with my magic and flung it at the drunken idiot. The seat slammed into the stallion sending him end over end across the room. This however had the opposite effect on the drunken crowd for as soon as the colt finished his impromptu meeting with the floor the group of lowlifes let out a roar of anger before charging me in mass.

Time seemed to slow down as the mob of enraged thugs charged me from all sides. The first one to reach me threw a heavy kick towards my chest, I was ready however and ducked beneath his initial attack and while he was carried by his own momentum I let out a devastating shoulder tackle sending him sailing into several oncoming attackers. Within seconds of this I was struck from the side by a rather large stallion as he tackled me to the ground. He started pounding away at my prone form and while I used my fore hooves to block most of the strikes one or two still managed to land clean hits, I started getting mad at the fact that I even let myself get in this situation I started to charge my horn with all the magic I could muster and as he continued his assault blatantly unaware of my horns ever brightening glow I unleashed my pent up energy in a wave of power sending not only my current attacker flying into the nearest wall but also a handful of the closest onlookers as well. As I stood my vision seemed to have gained a reddish blur matching my magical aura. I unleashed a roar ramming into the nearest malcontent sending them through a nearby window and out onto the street beyond. The rest of the fight seemed to blur in on itself as I beat my opponents one after another. When my rage seemed to finally subsided I took several heavy breaths and gazed over the broken and desolated remains of what was once a bar. I checked over the battered and groaning forms of the idiots who attacked me. With no more active obstacles I approached one of the few still conscious goons, hefting and slamming him into one of the few remaining intact tables I looked him in the eye taking in the unfathomable fear and hate that his face expressed.

“So I’ll ask one time. Where can I find the Kingpin?” I questioned as I twisted one of his forelegs into his back.

“You don’t find him.” He seethed as I twisted his leg further. “aaaarrrggg! You don’t find Kingpin but you can find one of his recruiters, Hell maybe even one of his lieutenants but there’s no telling when or where they’ll be.” He replied as I softened my grip slightly.

“So if there’s no telling where to find them then how about giving me a name?”
“Well I know of one, his name’s Hammerhead he’s one of Kingpins mutant enforcers. He’s also the most commonly out on the streets. I swear that’s all I know about him now please let me go.” He conceded as I released him and watched as he quickly stumbles out of the door and running back to whatever rock he crawled out of.

“Hammerhead huh? It seems things just get more and more complicated, ever since the mutants started crawling out of the framework. They’ve been giving honest working ponies like me a mountain of unneeded problems.” I muttered to myself as I started for the door.

The second I exited the building however I was met by the sight of half a dozen guards. I quickly took up a defensive stance and waited to see what they wanted. However when the leader of the guards stepped forward and seemed about to speak another voice cut him off.

“I got this corporal stand down.”

To the guard and my own surprise it was none other than the super soldier himself; Captain Equestria walking down the street calmly.

“Y-yes sir right away sir.” The guard stuttered as he and his squad backed off giving the self-proclaimed hero as much space as they could.
As the captain approached a calm smile dawning his muzzle I couldn’t help but frown at how he seemed at such ease.

“Hey I’m Captain Equestria, but you probably knew that. Heh anyway I was hoping you wouldn’t mind explaining why you turned the Last Pint into a warzone. I mean I know it’s not the best bar around but it couldn’t have been that bad right?” He mused with a small chuckle as he walked up just a few paces in front of me.

“If you have to know I was doing my job. Though I’m surprised to see a big shot like yourself all the way down here especially this late at night?” I answered stiffly eyeing him carefully.

“So you’re a hero too then? If so I can’t say I’m familiar with any hero like you? As for why I’m down here, well you see I was actually meeting a few friends here for a stakeout on a possible terrorist group. Unfortunately the whole thing was a bust so I decided that I’d give the city a quick once over before heading back to HQ.” He explained an exhausted frown replacing his smile.

“I see well I’m sure the city is really grateful that you got here a bit late. However you give me a bit too much credit. I’m neither a hero nor villain simply a colt who’s done letting criminals hurt the innocent.”

“Fair enough though if you ask me that sounds just like a hero to me. I mean isn’t that what a hero does protect the defenseless from the worst of society?” The Captain responded taking a few steps closer so there was only a foot or so between us.

“From what I’ve seen of hero’s like you and the Avengers you’re nothing but super powered trash collectors. You just collect the filth and deposit it somewhere out of the way. Unlike you and your little club I don’t just put the bad guys away I stop them from ever doing villainy again. No matter what the cost may be.” I scoff back motioning for him to take a look inside the ex- battlefield.

Giving me an odd look he stepped forward and peered into the carnage that I wrought within. After he looked within the body strewn room for a few seconds he turned to me a deep frown a new addition to his face and a dangerous glint in this eye.

“This, this is wrong. How could you do this to them? What could they have possibly done to deserve this? He roared as he slowly approached me his attentions clearly written on his face.

“I did what was necessary putting a villain away only delays their attack on the innocent, my methods however stop them for good. So if you don’t like it then go back to your little clubhouse with your rich prince and your god friends and cry. I won’t feel bad or apologize for dealing with the criminals that you’re too scared to put down.” I stated my own frustrations bubbling into my words as I take up a ready stance for when he finally snaps.
He charged me letting forth a rage filled cry as he aimed a swift kick for my chest. I rolled to the side narrowly avoiding his hit only for him to shift on his haunches and deliver a swift bucking sending me flying through the shattered window of the Last Pint and crashing into a pile of broken chairs.

“Damn mutants, they get blessed with super powers and I have to work my ass off just to keep up.” I complain to myself as I spit out a wad of blood from my now bleeding mouth. Redirecting my focus I hear the aged wood floors creak as he enters the pub. I quickly take up a hiding spot behind the nearest upturned table in hopes of surprising him.

“You’re wrong you know. There is always another way, killing doesn’t solve problems it only makes new ones.” He called a hint of anger and pity in his voice as he continued to eye the ruins of the shop.
I watched diligently as he approached the appropriate spot for me to lay down my ambush. “A little closer, a little closer.” I thought as he took another step forward. I pounced surprising him slamming my full weight into his side sending him into the air, but to my annoyance he landed on his hooves and stood ready to continue our aggressive argument. However I knew with how much energy I had used up earlier there was no way I could actually win this fight.

“I’m done I can’t win this fight so there’s no point in continuing wouldn’t you agree captain?” I grumbled stoically sitting down on my haunches.

“I’m glad to hear it; I’d rather not have to hurt somepony if I don’t have to. So if you could just come with me I promise your arrest will be as painless as possible.” The Avenger promised his soft smile returning as he spoke.
To his and even my surprise I started to laugh, a soft chuckle at first that quickly turned into a deep roar of laughter. Upon regaining my composure I took a look at his face seeing a bewildered look having replaced his smile.

“I fail to see what’s so funny.” He grumbled dejectedly as he continued to sit and stare at me as if I’d completely lost my mind.

“It’s simple really hero, I might not be able to win but that doesn’t mean I have any intentions of going to jail. I have way too much work to do to be confined in a dungeon somewhere.” I mused as I stood back up turning away from the captain.

He grew annoyed by my answer and of course started toward me and right into my trap. When he was mere feet from me I launched my plan taking the bottle of rum I had noticed behind me while the captain had given me his arrest spiel, catching him off guard as it shattered on contact and blinded him in a haze of glass and alcohol. When he managed to regain his sight he quickly realized I was gone leaving him wondering who exactly I was and more importantly what I was planning.

I stood in an alleyway two blocks down from the tavern I left the now probably raging super hero. Panting as I scanned the area once again for any would be attackers. “Damn today just gets more and more complicated and it’s not even three yet.” I deadpan as I started off through the still empty streets, as I make my way back to my safe house checking every so often to make sure I wasn’t being followed. Once I got back I would take a few hours to sleep and stock up and at dawn I begin the hunt for Hammerhead after all the early bird gets the worm.