• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 1,208 Views, 15 Comments

My Little Avengers: The Punisher - TheBadgerKing

The Punisher comes to KoolerKids MLAverse and he's in for a tale of pain and Punishment.

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Chapter 4.

I was irritated, first off I had to waste the day coming all the way to Canterlot, but that couldn’t be enough. Now I have to deal with a bunch of super trash busting in just as things seemed to be settling down. There were four protagonists in total. To make matters worse I didn't recognize any of them. From what I could make out in the turmoil one looked to be an albino changeling. As odd as that would be by itself it seemed to not only copy the shape of its target but also emulate any special powers it had as well. Or that's what I gathered with the way it was conjuring plants to fend off Cap's Assault. The second was a giant, gray, and ugly beast of a Stallion. It looked as if some mad, diluted, or just plain stupid scientist had crossbred a rhino and a unicorn. It almost seemed mindless as it charged the God of thunder in a berserker's rage. The third was a sickly yellow Pegasus who wore an orange cloak. Who was currently facing Blueblood with a set of his own gizmos and gadgets to counter the ironclad prince. The fourth and final member of the scum squad was an earth pony in what looked to be an orange insulated bodysuit. What was more interesting or at least more annoying about this one was he was coming straight for me.

Normally I would relish the chance to crush this superpowered trash. But unfortunately for me I had a shell-shocked mare not two-feet to my left. Chancing a glance between the two I made the only real choice. Dashing as quickly as I could, I grabbed Rarity by the shoulder and pulled her out the door she had originally came from. Once out of the room I turned to the mare and seeing that she was still unfocused I remedied the problem in the quickest way possible. I delivered a quick and firm slap to her face. The results were instantaneous, crack! My face flew to the side as the mare in question returned the gesture in kind.

"How dare you! Why in the name of all decency would you slap a lady like that?" She snapped touching a hoof to hurt pink cheek. Her eyes shifting into a harsh glare at me as if I had committed some heinous taboo act.

Turning my head back to face her angry glare I met her gaze. Without a word I grabbed her shoulder and started dragging her away from the scene.

"What do you think you're doing? Let me go at once." She demanded struggling in my grasp. I merely tightened my hold and continue down the hall.

"We don't have time for this. The mansion is under siege and we need to keep moving." i barked as we turned the corner.

"Yes we are, so why are you running and not helping to defend it?" She asked irritably stamping a hoof for emphasis.

"Because if you hadn’t noticed I had left to deal with a unresponsive civilian." I glared back at her, eliciting an embarrassed blush in return. Seeing as my charge was now complying I continued. "Now one of the attackers is right behind us. So unless you want to be caught I suggest we keep moving." I berated hearing the telltale signs of somepony approaching.

"OH MY! SWEETIE BELLE! We have to find her." Rarity gasped realizing her younger sibling was still somewhere in the building she shot off, giving me no time to react leaving me behind. Before I could follow I was met with the sound of hooves turning the corner.

"There ya are. I was beginning to think you were chickenin' out on me." The Insulated criminal chuckled taking point only a few paces away.

"Never heard of a tactical retreat I'm guessing?" I quipped rhetorically while taking my own ready Stance. Bending low, my horn flared to life, crackling with energy as I prepared for our inevitable clash.

"Ha! Maybe, if you call running with your tail between your legs tactical." My antagonist snorted. When he finished with his banter, I finally learned the arrogant worm’s power. Raising his left fore-hoof a humming sounded from his body before a wave of sound slammed into me. I reeled back across the hall, my ears ringing from the blast. As I regained my wits I noticed a slightly blurred version of my opponent casually trotting toward me.

"You like that boy, how does it feel being attacked by pure sound waves? Not too pleasant is it? Oh speaking of that, I never introduced myself did I? Please forgive my lack of manners. They call me the Shocker. Fittin’ ain't it?" He finished aiming his fore-hoof at me once more, Letting loose a second wave of sonic energy.

I managed to dodge to the right just in time, Hearing the crack as the wall behind me as it shattered from the force of the blast. Taking advantage, I let loose a short volley of energy bolts at the off-balance Shocker. To my annoyance shocker evaded my blasts and released another of his own. Kicking off of the wall I let loose a blast of arcane lightning. This not only avoided his attack, but to my great satisfaction also sent the filth sprawling, static still clinging to his form. I cautiously made my way over to his prone form, as I did so the humming he emitted blared back to life once more. This time in a wave that cracked the ground around his form in what appeared to be some sort of sound barrier. Falling back to a safe distance I watched as the earth stallion Rose back to his hooves Rage blazing in his eyes.

"Now you've gone and made me mad. Screw what the boss said I'm going to crush you into the ground Castle." He sees. Not giving him the initiative I took several chunks of broken wall in my telekinetic grip and hurled them toward the raging villain. In seconds his barrier had turned the blocks of stone into dust. I had expected as much the easiest way to defeat one's enemy is to find an opening, and that is exactly what I planned on doing.

Shocker walked slowly toward me, wanting to prolong this fight in the hopes of wearing me down. Unfortunately for him punishment never tires. As he slowly pushed me back hall after hall, I threw attack after attack, tried strategy after strategy in the hopes of beating his sound based arsenal. He merely seemed to grow more and more unstable. He was anything up for another blast and to my Misfortune I was at the end of the hall my back against a locked ornate wooden door and had nowhere to go. This is going to hurt...allot!

The blast hit me dead center my body slammed through the door behind me in a shower of my flailing form and splintered wood. I was in rather intense pain as my body came to a sliding halt against the room’s far wall. My senses were in a plethora of disarray. Though I could make out what sounded like gasps of surprise and fear, and farther away the cackling laugh of my attacker. I couldn't be sure with my mind in such turmoil. I was dizzy, my ears still ringing, but even so I still struggled to my hooves. My limbs seemed to be barely accommodating my weight as I looked about me. I took in the room the floor littered with debris, the shattered glass from the window behind me. The shocker standing head turned to the right, following his gaze my eyes came to rest on Rarity sitting on the other Side of the room holding a terror struck sweetie belle whose gaze rested not on Shocker but me. This was bad; fighting shocker on its own was a challenge. But now two civilian lives were on the line.

"Oh, how I love a captive audience, don’t you Castle?" The sound force maniac mused turning to stare at me a malicious look on his face.

"Touch a single hair on either of their heads and I'll make the last Miserable minutes of your life more painful than you could possibly imagine." I warned my horn lighting up once more.

"Heh, you actually think you can scare me? My blast must've done more brain damage than I thought." He laughed pointing a hoof in the direction of the two cowering sisters. "So here's the deal Castle, either you Surrender here and now, and let me put you out of my misery. Or I kill the two innocent damsels over there and then kill you. It's your choice Punisher." He threatened motioning at the two helpless innocents As if I didn't know who he was referring to.

I needed a plan, I was in a bad spot do I surrender and let him kill me? In the hopes it would give the avengers time to get here? Or do I let him end their lives so I could finish this bastard once and for all? Before I could make a choice however a voice spoke up.

"You won't win you jerk. Mr. Castle is stronger than you think. He doesn't even have powers, yet he beats bullies like you every day. You think you're strong or scary? No! You're just a giant creep who thinks cheating will save you from justice." Sweetie Belle preached a smile never leaving her face and a look at the defiance that never dwindled; as she stared at her would be killer. After her speech finished I was shocked, and shocker was pissed.

"Okay just for that you die first you little brat." He roared taking aim at the two mares.

"You know my sister is right. No matter what you do to us you're nothing but a barbaric, lowlife, pathetic, insane thug." Rarity stated pulling Sweetie Belle closer an angry glare aimed straight at shocker.

They were both right, punishment doesn't hesitate, punishment doesn't concede, and punishment sure as hell doesn't let innocent ponies die. As I stared at the scene it suddenly it hit me. Why would a mutant who manipulates sound need an insulated, soundproof suit. Unless-

taking several shards of glass in my magic eyeshot them toward their mark. They hit shocker dead on slashing against the sides and top of his insulated mask making several small incisions in his suit. In his rage shocker turned his attention and his attack on me.
"So you really want to be a fucking hero to the bloody end? Fine! Then die!" He roared his limb starting to hum.

"Do it!" I taunted casually flexing a hoof towards him in a gesture of contempt.
He let out an enraged snarl before letting loose his attack. In An instance, I. Ducked or more accurately collapsed to the ground, dodging his attack. On the other side of things shocker was blasted back by the recoil of his attack.

Stumbling back to a standing position I looked at his prone form. Limping over to get a better look I gazed down at my stunned foe. He merely looked at me confused stupor not able to grasp what had just happened. "What... How... Why?" He slurred almost incoherently.

"It's easy shocker, a minute ago when I shot you with the glass. I wasn't trying to hurt you, or even get your attention I was exposing your one major weakness." I explained pointing to the right side of his mask which of several rips embedded in it.

"You sly dog, I get why the boss is so interested in you." He chuckled before falling into unconsciousness.

Slapping him several times to try and rouse him, I had to be sure who he was working for. "Wake up, wake up, who the hell do you work for?" I barked. I was interrupted from my task though by something latching onto my side.

Turning I found Sweetie hugging one of my legs wearing a smile so large it looked painful. "You did it! You did it! I knew you would." The little filly rejoiced to both my amusement and annoyance. Thankfully her praise was cut short when a light blue aura engulfed her and pulled her away from me and toward her older sister.

Rarity gave me a rather grateful smile before adding her own praise. "Though sweetie is being a tad overzealous I must agree completely. You saved both me and my sister today and I can never thank you enough for that. Sweetie was right about you all along you truly do deserve the title of hero. So if you'd allow me I'd be honored to call you my friend, and for today at least, my hero." She laughed smiling side-by-side with her sister.

I was surprised, had expected thanks perhaps, but her friendship? That had caught me completely off-guard. My response was cut short by the arrival of the other heroes. Who stopped upon seeing the ruckus and passed out body of shocker on the ground, taking in the carnage they seemed to take on a mix between relief and concern.

"So, seems like there was one heckuva party in here, huh?" Carmel asked sarcastically.
"Rarity, Sweetie Belle are you two alright?" Blueblood fussed hurrying to his family's side examining them for any potential damage.

Thor merely turned his gaze to me. "We managed to defeat and apprehend chameleon and Rhino. The Hobgoblin however managed to escape but just barely." He explained, looking to the form of the unconscious shocker. "Would you mind filling us in on what happened to you?" Taking a deep breath I told the trio of what happened after I retreated from the conference room with Rarity.

"So you not only managed to outsmart him, but were gambling that it’d work?" Cap asked gesturing for me to explain.

"It was either that, or I'll three of us die. I think the outcome speaks for itself." I retorted.
"Well I for one owe you a great deal of thanks for saving my family." Blueblood beamed hugging Rarity with one armor plated hoof.

"No, you don't! I stated plainly shrugging off his gratitude nonchalantly.

"Oh, come on! You saved our lives. Don't be so grumpy. I mean you completely showed that giant mean jerk to never mess with an avenger." Sweetie cheered jumping up and down in excitement.

"Wait, how did you know we made him an Avenger?" The resident super soldier asked to all of our curiosity.

"Well duh, sis and me were listening outside the- urmf!" Sweetie was swiftly silenced by her older sibling. Turning our gaze to her, she merely shifted from hoof to hoof anxiously. Unfortunately for her the damage was done.

"Hmm, yes, well you see me and Sweetie were merely concerned that your meeting would end on less positive terms is all. I assure you neither of us meant any harm. Right Sweetie?" Rarity promised getting a nod from the still gagged filly.

"I suppose we really can't blame you, for worrying. Truth be told I didn't know what to expect either." Blueblood agreed nodding slowly. "Now that we have that settled we can secure these villains and finish up this meeting once and for all. After all I'm sure Twilight will be awaiting a letter explaining to her newest member." He continued pointedly.

“Agreed my friend, let us clean up these villains, finish this meeting, and let our new ally be on his way.” Thor nodded Wryly hefting Shocker onto his back.

Once the criminals had been collected and the letter sent I fed the Avengers farewell at least for now. As I rode in the chariot that had at my chagrin that now flew me to my next location. I was on my way to my new "temporary" abode. Twilight Sparkle’s Magical Sanctuary and the base of the Manehatten Avengers. At this rate I question if this day is ever going to end. With my luck this is only the start of a string of never ending headaches. Celestia damn it, and it's not even lunch yet.

I sat in the chariot silent as it neared its final destination. We rode through the endless maze of Skyscrapers, my body growing more and more tense as we re-entered the city, my city. There it was, the grand and glorious sanctuary of the Manehatten Avengers. I was less than impressed to be honest, it was a whole lot smaller then I had imagined and looked almost pathetic in defenses. Though I’m not much for enchantments, or arcane magic’s, so I guess I’d have to wait for the grand tour to be certain. As the chariot drew to a landing, I wasn’t surprised to see Twilight waiting looking nearly as tense as myself, not that I could blame her really. I had barely taken two steps off my ride before she was on me, wearing a huge if not nervous and quite possibly forced smile.

“Hello, I’m Twilight Sparkle and I’m very glad to meet you.” The Element of Magic blurted extending a hoof toward me, her gaze shifting between her hoof and me almost pleadingly.

Taking her hoof with my own I gave it a single solid shake before to my own distress I helped the young mare. “I’m fully aware of who you are Ms. Sparkle. I also noticed you seem a bit nervous. Well you shouldn’t be, we’re on the same team right? That means you’re the leader, so just calm down.” I started watching the mare deflate a bit and actually start to breathe a little easier.

“Sorry, it’s just well; the whole thing is a bit quick. I wasn’t really expecting you is all.” She explained in a much more casual manner.

“You’re telling me. I wasn’t expecting this whole mess any more than you.” I grunted back frowning at this morning’s already poor train of events.

“On top of that the letter Thor sent was well…a bit conflicted. It gave a description, a list of skills and such as you’d expect. When it came to background though, it got a bit dark to put it lightly. After that though he went over the events of last night and this morning repeatedly complimenting your tactical mind and refusal to let anypony get hurt. Thor even mentioned you saved Rarity and Sweetie Belle.” The mare lectured not even noticing I had spoken at all. As she spoke her mood seemed to swap from apprehension, respect, and by the end what I assume to be appreciation

“Calm down, Twilight. I understand your worry, but I can assure you my only mission is to protect the weak and defenseless of this city. I can accept if you don’t agree with my methods. I’ll even leave if you want. As long as you’re willing to tell the others, you know so they don’t think I ran for it.” I bantered in a small attempt to lighten her mood. Resting a hoof on her shoulder to try to keep her from rambling off again I continued. “I won’t say I’d blame you either, it has to be conflicting having someone with my “skill set joining your team.”

“NO! NO! You have me all wrong. I may not agree with all of your…ummm tactics, but I actually wanted to thank you for protecting my friends and helping to protect the Mansion. Besides having somepony who thinks differently allows us to see things from a whole new angle. So at least there’s that right?” She assured a small sheepish smile spreading across her face as she finished.

“So, if you want to get started we can start the tour and meet the rest of the team?” She asked waving a hoof toward Sanctum eagerly a larger excited grin replacing her shyer smile.

Nodding we turned and trotted toward the Sanctum. With any luck today won’t put any bigger strain on my nerves and I can get back to my real goal. I could finally return to Hunting down the Kingpin and clearing out Hell’s Stable once and for all.


“Sir I have Shocker’s data. The others didn’t even suspect for a second sir.” Hobgoblin sneered bowing toward his gargantuan leader.

“Excellent, give me the crystal. Then the real game can begin.” Kingpin ordered watching as his servant deposited a small flashing crystal on his desk. “Now leave me, I have plans to set in motion.” Kingpin waved toward the open balcony door.

“As you wish, I look forward to doing business again sir.” The mutated criminal mused, turning and leaving his employer to his own plotting.

“Soon, very soon Fortify Castle you will meet my forces. When you do, you will most certainly die.” The evil mastermind chuckled deeply holding the glowing recorder Crystal in his hoof. He gazed at his prize a malicious fire blazing in his normally cold calculating eyes.

Author's Note:

Another one bites the dust. Fortify Castle now has to get along with a magical building filled with a team of Super heroes...he's in for a long head-ache.

First chapter of this year...i really need to pick up my pace. lol.

Comments ( 7 )

Castle never was much of a team player. Team ups, sure, but, How long would he last with a bunch of "No Killing" policy heroes?

3800430 that is the question my friend. But you also have to guage how different the worlds they inhabit are, and how that effects their perceptions and personalities. :moustache:

That's anther thing, the ponies themselves are pretty keen on the no killing policy as well. They're all vegetarians for pete's sake. Somebody like Castle would often be frowned upon. Not to mention the effects it would have on the Avengers Public Relations. Do the ponies really want a psycho vigilante who executes people on the spot to represent their heroes? Think of the Children. Eventually they might realize how dangerous he really is and try to bring him in. It happens for Frank, several times, even to the point where he had plastic surgery to create a new identity for himself to keep both the villians, and the heroes off his back. Strangely enough, he became a black man...Weird.

3802599 yet he was on the secret avengers, the marvel knights and on the Thunderbolts...plus because they hate killing they are trying to change his mind...:moustache:

Are there any plans to complete this story? I ask because I am going to favorite this because the plot behind it sounds interesting. HOWEVER, until it is completed, I am going to give it a thumbs down. Because while I may approve of the plot behind the story, I DO NOT approve of the fact that it has been 11 months and 1 week and 2 days since the last update. I mean, I understand that greatness can't be rushed, but needing 359 days in order to update the next chapter means one of three things. A: You've given up on the book (this is the most likely scenario). B: You've decided to come out with the rest of the book on the Christmas of this year (I feel that this theory is the least likely.) Or C: You're dead (this is a scenario with a 50% probability chance, seeing as how people die every day.) If option C makes you feel uncomfortable than that means two things. You are obviously not dead, and I am sorry for having that be one of the three possibilities. Also, don’t give up! Your fans deserve better! I, of course, meant that in the best and most encouraging possible way. If there are no plans to continue this story, then I have just one thing to say, but Patrick Stewart says it better:

disregard the

and I will make them pay for what they've done

part of the clip, as it is the author's prerogative if they want to continue with a story or not. It just irritates me when the author decides to go the "or not" route.

Really? Why must you post this on every incomplete story out there? I mean, seriously!

I liked the story. Keep going.

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