• Published 14th Feb 2012
  • 1,031 Views, 4 Comments

Gizmo and Tinker - LaeviG

  • ...

Making Plans

Authors note: This chapter is really far from the intended path but I'm hoping that in the next chapter I get back on track. As always be brutal in the comments with the criticism.

Standard disclaimer: I own nothing but the OC's the rest goes to the respective owners.

Gizmo awoke to Celestia's bright shining sun and a knock at his workshops door. He attempted to get up from his bed but found himself helplessly tangled in his sheets.

"Hold on," he yelled, "I'll be there in a moment."

He struggled for a moment more before managing to free a hoof from the tangled mess.

"How the hay did you get all tangled up like that?" Asked his new guest.

"No idea... Wait a second. Rainbow Dash? How did you get in my house?"

Gizmo craned his neck to see the intruder in his home.

Oh, your door was unlocked and I heard you struggling so I came in to see if I could help." Replied Dash

"Well thanks for your concern, but may I suggest that next time you just wait outside. It's not that I'm mad at you, I'm just worried about your safety is all."

"My safety?" Asked Dash with a worried look on her face.

"Yes and I'll show you why. Before that though, could you pull that red lever at the console in the corner?"

"Which one," replied Dash, "there's like six different levers here."

"Oh, just pull the one on the far left."

"OK, what's it do anyways?" Dash asked.

"Where would be the fun in spoiling the surprise, just give it a go and you'll see" replied Gizmo with a disarming smile.

Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders and trotted over to the console. She took the lever in her mouth and gave it a swift tug downwards. She let go of the lever and turned around just in time to see Gizmo's bed spring up like a catapult. Gizmo was sent hurtling across the room and collided with the wall. Just to the left of a conviniently misplaced cushioned target.

"Figures..." Sputtered Gizmo as he slid slowly down the wall.

Dash rushed over to where Gizmo was helped him back onto his hooves.

"Gizmo! What the hay was that?!" Cried Dash.

"I find... Ugh, hold on." Gizmo fell back onto his Haunches as he lost his balance from light-headedness. He stayed that way with his head between his hooves to steady himself for a moment before shakily getting up right again. "As I was saying, I find that waking up like that is much more fun than conventional methods. It's also quite a show for any home intruders." Gizmo added a little bit of emphasis on the last bit. Dash just looked away a little sheepishly.

Gizmo trotted over to the console and took the second lever in his mouth and gave it a pull. He quickly jumped to the third and forth repeating the action.

"What do those ones do?" Dash asked Nervously.

"Oh these," he replied, "They make the bed for me. It saves a lot of time in my mornings."

Gizmo directed Dash's attention back to the barren mattress with one hoof and leaned against the console with another. He promptly fell to the floor accidentally pulling the one of the last two levers in the set.

"Uh oh, did I just pull the fifth or the sixth one?" Gizmo asked himself.

"Why does it matter?" asked Dash.

"Oh no reason, no reason at all" Gizmo replied nervously

An entirely new set of sheets fell onto the bed followed by some pillows and a big red comforter with a heart on it. The record player in the corner turned onto some mood music and a pail with ice and a bottle of champagne dropped onto the nightstand next to the bed. And to top it all off, a disco ball that reflected red hearts dropped out of the ceiling and began spinning.

Rainbow Dash was starring blankly at the bed and remained this way for several moments, Gizmo took this opportunity to pull the last lever and smack his face into the console several times. His mattress fell into a hole in the floor which spouted a stream of fire before the hole closed and a new fully set mattress fell in its place. It only took a few moments more for Dash to fully absorb everything. She let out the loudest laugh Gizmo had ever heard and started chortling while gasping for air.

"That 'gasp' was Hilarious... BWAHAHAHA"

"Ya, ya laugh it up. It's there for a reason though and its not like it never gets used." Countered Gizmo

"Wait, what?" Dash stopped laughing instantaneously and looked at Gizmo quizzically.

"Nothing, let me check one more thing before i manage to make an even bigger mule out of myself and then i'll show you that thing we were talking about earlier."

Gizmo walked over to another console covered in buttons and switches and started to fiddle around with them while checking some monitors.

"What are you doing now?" Dash asked

Rainbow Dash was getting the feeling she was asking a few to many questions.

"Just checking the weather, the status of my shops reactor core, and all the time flux containment fields."

"Time what now?"

"Just a little something an old friend designed for me. Something about timey-wimey stuff. I'm not to sure about it myself to be honest but he said i should keep it running in case of an emergency."

"Timey-wimey stuff?" Dash was asking a lot of questions Gizmo thought to himself.

"Again, no idea. Now follow me back into the shop so i can introduce you to Orthus."

Dash was about to ask another question before she was cut off by a hoof to the mouth.

"No more questions, they get annoying. Now follow me and keep quiet.

Dash gave Gizmo an annoyed and hurt look. Gizmo simply ignored it and started walking out into the shop yelling on the way. "Orthus, come meet our guest."

Rainbow Dash had expected a pony or some mechanical thing to answer the call but was sadly mistaken. The call was heeded by a beast of a dog, German Shepherd in appearance and about as tall as Gizmo himself. The dog bolted straight for Gizmo and collided with him at top speed.

"Sweet Celestia What is that thing?" Cried Dash.

Orthus had Gizmo pinned on his back and was coating his face in a thorough layer of slobber.

"Ok girl... I get it... You can get off now." Gizmo managed to say between strikes of the tongue.

"Is that thing a dog or a bear"

Orthus stopped her facial assault on Gizmo and began circling Dash and sniffing at her every few steps.

"Friend?" asked a strangely mechanical voice.

Dash jumped and screamed when she heard it.

"What the buck, did the bear just talk?!" yelled Dash.

Orthus took up a defensive stance and began to growl deeply at Dash.

"Enemy?" asked the voice.

No Orthus," replied Gizmo, "She's a friend. so behave yourself please."

Dash was still a little bit shocked that the dog could talk.

"How is that 'Thing' able to talk, normal dogs don't talk?" questioned Dash.

"Artificial voice box, that one is Tinkers idea. I wanted to give her a set of steel claws and and a flamethrower but Tinker thought that was a stupid idea. Something about accidental disembowelment and property damage. Now i pay for it in headaches when she won't stop talking."

"I think Tinker had the right idea. That thing-"

Gizmo cut Dash off.

"Dash, Please don't call her 'Thing', it hurts her feelings."

Right on cue Orthus dipped her head between her paws and gave a sad whimper.

"Sorry... Orthus, still surprised from the fact that you can talk, and that you are the size of a bear." Dash walked over to the dog and help up her hoof "Friends?"

Orthus took the hoof in her paw and shook it violently, "Friends."

"Now, the question that i should have asked much earlier. What brings you to my humble shop?"

"Well," replied Dash, "I was hoping i could get a tour of the shop and then later you could go for a fly with me."

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash but this will all have to wait till later today. I need to finish the paperwork to get the patent for the wings. Then I have to have a copy of the blueprints sent to some distributors. I have to pay the bills somehow, right?"

"Right, well i guess I'll just come back later and let you finish your work. I need to do a few things today anyways and what better time than now." Rainbow dash didn't really have anything to do but felt she needed to at least sound busy.

"Alright Dash, I'll see ya later. Say Goodbye Orthus"

"Bye Rainbow Dash"

Dash stepped outside the shop and into the warming sun. She spread her wings basking in the golden glow for only a moment before taking off for the library. She was hoping to get a little reading done and perhaps kill enough time to let Gizmo finish his work.

"So Gizmo, you gonna tell her about me?"

"Only if it comes up Orthus, only if it comes up."

"Let's put it this way, if she doesn't ask, you don't tell her anything. The last thing i want is some mares Sympathy"

"I know, trust me okay, i know how to handle it if it comes up." Gizmo trotted off into his office to finish his work for the day. needless to say he was looking forward to that afternoon.

PS: This story seems to be going better than i thought and should only get better from here on out. Swag.