• Published 14th Feb 2012
  • 1,033 Views, 4 Comments

Gizmo and Tinker - LaeviG

  • ...

A Flight of Faith

Authors Note: This chapter is far to late in the making and all i can say is "Buck it, I did my best all things considered"


Gizmo had been filling out the paperwork as he had planned and was having a good bit of trouble with his signature, he had already broken two quills and was getting ready to use his steel Stamper on it. Thankfully, just as he went to stamp the paper into oblivion, Tinker came trotting into the shop with a very dark pair of sunglasses on and a wobble to her step.

"Good morning you little alcoholic you"

"Not so loud, I have a splitting headache" replied Tinker.

Gizmo chuckled to himself for a moment, then stopped as a devious idea came to his mind. He slowly reached for the lever that activated the Stamper.

"Oh no you don't, pull that lever and you're dead." Gizmo ignored her and continued slowly reaching for the lever. "Please don't pull it" Tinker was getting desperate now.

"Fine," Gizmo grabbed the papers from the machine and took them back into the office to sign them the old fashioned way. Just as he got into the office he chucked a stapler out the door and hit the lever, activating the machine. Gizmo quickly slammed his door shut as he heard an onslaught of obsenities ring forth. The Stamper only managed a few rounds before Tinker forced it off.

"She is so going to kill me" Gizmo wittily remarked to himself.

Gizmo's door busted open as Tinker kicked it in and threw the stapler back at his head.

"You do that again and a stapler won't be the only thing flying at your head" Tinker yelled as she stormed out of the shop.

Gizmo could hear her moaning in pain as she greeted someone at the door.

"Oh hello Rainbow Dash, the jackass is inside"

"Um... Thanks I guess. See you around Tinker."

Rainbow Dash followed the sound of laughter back to Gizmo's office and stepped in as he was putting away the paperwork.

"At long last I am finally done, and look who's here right on cue" cried Gizmo.

"Great so can we go flying now? Reading is fun and all but after so long it starts to get boring."

"Of course, let me refill the tank and we shall be on our way."

Gizmo trotted over to a metal cabinet and grabbed two gas masks. He threw one to Dash and missed his mark entirely. It smacked her right in the face and made her fall back on her haunches while blurting out a few choice words.

"Watch where you throw things buddy. Whats this for anyways?" asked Dash.

"The stuff I use for fuel is not the best smelling stuff in Equestria. Besides I thought you might like a quick tour of the facility." replied Gizmo with a grin on his face.

"Ugh, No more learning. I just wanna get out there and fly. Please?" Dash was practically begging by this point. She'd had her fill of learning from Twilight's rambling while she read every book on flight mechanics she could find.

"Alright, fine the tour can come later. Put on your mask please."

Gizmo walked over to the bench his suit was on and grabbed a set of tubes protruding from the bench's top. He attached each tube to a separate port and worked a series of levers with his hooves. Different colored fluids began to run through the tubes as they poured into the pack.

"Whats with you and over complicating simple things?" asked Dash.

"Whats with you and all the questions?" asked Gizmo.

Dash opened her mouth to make a witty remark when Gizmo jumped back from his work. The tube pumping the actual fuel began to bulge far beyond it's normal size.

"Get down!" Gizmo yelled.

Dash ducked her head down as the bulge continued to grow in size until...


The bulging tube ruptured and sprayed a jet of Golden fluid straight at Dash. Luckily for her Gizmo jumped in the path of the spray and got soaked while Dash only got a small splash. Within moment Gizmo was Covered in a very uncomfortable burning sensation and dash was feeling very itchy.

"Dash, this stuff was never meant for contact exposure to living things. we need to get to a shower before this stuff makes our hair fall out or something like that. I'm just glad we are wearing these masks or our eyes would be burning horribly right now from the fumes."

"Okay, where's your shower?" asked Dash.

"There's a full set of chemical showers somewhere around here, let's just look around and see if we can find em." replied Gizmo.

Gizmo and Dash started searching around by opening random doors to see if they could find the showers. It soon became apparent that they weren't gonna be that easy to find seeing as how they were in the basement. The search quickly led them there and they managed to find the two high pressure shower heads tucked into a little corner.

"Wait, they're adjoining showers? Shouldn't there at least be a divider or something?" asked Dash

"These are only meant to be used in the event of an emergency, that should be the last thing on your mind right now. Get in before your mane turns white or catches on fire."

The two stepped under their separate shower heads and turned the water on. They were immediately doused in water mixed with a chemical to remove all contaminants. Gizmo showered quietly and kept to his own but Dash couldn't help from feeling a little bit weird being in a shower next to some random stallion she only just started hanging out with. Gizmo turned off his shower when he was sufficiently cleaned and noticed Dash just standing there lost in thought.

"Are you alright over there!" Gizmo yelled above the sound of the water.

Dash quickly perked up and backed into the shower wall. Gizmo wasn't sure what had her so spooked but decided that being there must be making her very uncomfortable and left the showers to go grab some towels. Gizmo made his way towards his bathroom to grab the towels and ran into Tinker on the way back.

"I thought you took the day off?" asked Gizmo.

"I only walked out cause you pissed me off , but I'm back now and i'm ready for work. Hangover free this time." said Tinker.

"At least you even came in at all. While you are here could you take this towel down to Rainbow Dash in the chemical showers?" asked Gizmo.

"Yah, sure. Why is she in the shower?"

"There was a mishap with the fuel pump and it ruptured the line, spraying both of us."

Tinker rolled her eyes and then suddenly contorted her face into one of absolute horror.

"Did you tell her whats gonna happen to her?" asked Tinker in a hushed tone.

"No, and don't. there is no sense in making her panic when it has never been confirmed in more than one subject. Now take the towel down and get her back up here as quick as you can."

Tinker trotted over to the basement door and gave a good irritated look back at Gizmo. Then her gaze softened and she stepped through the door. She made her way down the stairs and what she saw made her drop the towel from her mouth. Rainbow Dash was laying on the ground under the shower head with the water still running, she wasn't moving and her breathing was very shallow. Tinker began to panic and scream.

"Oh Buck, Oh Buck, Oh Buck. GIZMO!" Tinker screamed as loud as she could.

Gizmo came bolting down the stairs and stopped next to Tinker and took in all to be seen. He didn't waste a second as soon as he realized what was happening. Rainbow Dash was being poisoned by the chemicals in the fuel. He rushed forward and slung her over his back and ran back up the stairs.

"Celestia curse the day I didn't get proper medical equipment. Tinker, I'm gonna have to rush her over to the hospital. I'll probably not be back so just do what you can to stay out of trouble."

Gizmo threw on his flight suit and rushed out the door with a semi-conscious Rainbow Dash strapped on top of him. He got into a speedy gallop and quickly unfolded the wings allowing him to get about a foot off the ground. After he was sure that there were no obstacles in his path he activated the thruster and took off towards the hospital. Thankfully it was only a short flight, unfortunately there wasn't any time to properly fold the wings. He would do the one thing he knew he would regret almost instantly. He pulled Dash from off his back and held her around the waist. The hospital doors were made of wood so they would break easily enough. Gizmo set into a dive and tucked into a ball at the last second to protect Rainbow Dash from the impact and any dangerous debris.


The front door to the lobby of the hospital was blasted off it's hinges and flung across the room. Along with them was a blur of pony shaped objects and a screech of grinding metal. The blur came to a halt after it impacted the far wall and rolled onto the ground. It became apparent that it was indeed two ponies. One unconscious and the other writhing in pain.
Security and some nurses came into the room and and went to work clearing the rubble and getting the two cared for. Gizmo had only one chance to tell them what Dash needed and he had to make it count. While he was being carted away he grabbed the head of one of the nurses and used the last of his energy to say one thing.

"She's been poisoned."

He fell unconscious shortly after these words left his mouth.


Okay to clarify things a little bit as to why this is so late, and so poorly written. I have had a literal ten minute window over the last few weeks to even add anything to it. This would explain the rushed feel and the spelling/grammar errors that I'm sure populate this thing. I just got sick of my lack of output lately and decided to shut away the world this afternoon so I could hurry this up and get it out. As i always say but rarely am able to abide by, I intend on doing better in the next chapter and will do my best to bring some clarity as to the whole back story and all that fun stuff. I sincerely apologize as to the lack of skill in this but I have had a particularly hard week this week.

Lets see just how bad the reaction to this whole thing is.

Praying that things get better,

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