• Published 14th Jun 2013
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The Doctor Whooves Chronicles Episode 4: Under the Sea - Doctor Perseus

The Doctor and Derpy find themselves in the city of Atlantis. However, the underwater utopia is about to hit its boiling point.

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Prologue: Curse of the Blue Box

The Doctor Whooves Chronicles: Episode 4

Under the Sea

Prologue: Curse of the Blue Box

Gaia, 1215 C.E.

The corridor was cold and empty when the two Atlantean soldiers entered. It was long and dimly lit by the several green flame torches suspended from the walls. One side of the corridor was constructed from thick, green bricks while the other was constructed of thick, stained glass windows that rippled with the light of the deep, ocean waters outside. One of the soldiers came to a stop in the middle of the corridor and turned towards the windows. He was a tall, thin, slender Atlantean with green, smooth, scaly skin; sharp, blue eyes; and a long, red, serpentine tongue. His comrade turned around to face him. He was also tall, thin, and slender but had a bit more muscular build. He had blue, rough, scaly skin; a long, violet, serpentine tongue, and dull, red eyes.

"Is something wrong, Dolarez?" asked the blue Atlantean with a bored tone.

Dolarez smiled as he turned away from the stained glass windows and towards his fellow soldier. "Ah. Forgive me, Avarus. I do enjoy looking at the windows," he replied.

"Why take any interest in these? They're merely pieces of painted glass."

"But they are so much more than that, brother. They are the retelling of our history, as well as the history of the lands above." Avarus snorted a bit upon Dolarez's mentioning of the overworld. "I take it that you have a problem with that."

"Why must we worry ourselves with the lands above the water?! They are nothing special."

Dolarez chuckled a bit at his comrade's statement. "I'm afraid that I must disagree with you. The lands above are wonderfully mystical places. I wish to visit them one day."

"If I were you, Dolarez, I would stay far way from that world. It is too dangerous to meddle with. Changelings, dragons, griffins, and, worst of them all, those wretched ponies."

Dolarez jumped a bit as if something were about to jump out of the shadows and attack them. "I wouldn't go around saying things like that, brother. Especially with the Prince of Equestria coming to visit."

Avarus rolled his eyes as he continued down the corridor. Dolarez followed hastily. "I see no need for us to converse with that blasted country. What do they have to offer us?" Avarus asked in annoyance.

"It's time for Atlantis to open up to the world above," Dolarez replied. "Our King and many of our people are ready to start communicating commonly with the ponies, griffins, and everything else that lives up there."

"Well, between you and me, if I had my way we'd have a new king and stay far away from those stupid overworlders.

"You're starting to sound like those terrorists that are trying to murder the King."

"I'm thinking of taking up the cause of those terrorists."

Dolarez gasped and quickly grabbed Avarus's arm. "Avarus, please, in the name of Atlantis, don't act upon these dark thoughts. You know what happens to those who walk about the dark road."

"These terrorists aren't walking a dark path, Dolarez! They're fighting for the true needs of Atlantis!"

"By killing innocents and terrorizing their fellow Atlanteans?! I'm sorry, brother, but that sounds dark to me."

Avarus yanked his arm free from Dolarez's grasp. "Whatever."

"The blue box will come for them," Dolarez said with a sigh.

"What?" asked Avarus as he turned around.

Dolarez pointed towards the stained glass window they were standing next to. Avarus looked at the window. The stained glass depicted a blue box traveling throughout the stars with a golden light flowing out of it. "Don't act like you don't know, brother. Every Atlantean is told of the Curse of the Blue Box while they lie in their cribs. The box comes to help serve justice to those who commit terrible crimes. It comes with the warriors it carries inside it; and the warriors serve the box's will to serve true justice." Dolarez smiled and sighed as he turned towards the window. "Some say that there's a healer inside that box that has been to the beginning and end of time. They say the box comes from another reality altogether. They say that the inside of it goes on for eternity. Others say-"

"That's a load of rubbish, brother. It's just an old story to keep all of the little Atlanteans in check."

"I bet you that it's real. And I feel that it's coming for the terrorists that you glorify. Please, don't go through your dark urges to join them, Avarus. I don't want the box to take you."

Avarus chuckled as he turned towards his comrade. "The box isn't coming for me, Dolarez. It's not coming because it doesn't exist." Avarus then turned around and passed through a nearby door.

Dolarez sighed sadly as he turned back towards the window depicting the flight of the blue box. "Please, blue box. I beg of you to come," he said just under his breath. "Atlantis needs you. Please, if you are real, come to me."