• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 1,576 Views, 38 Comments

The Doctor Whooves Chronicles Episode 4: Under the Sea - Doctor Perseus

The Doctor and Derpy find themselves in the city of Atlantis. However, the underwater utopia is about to hit its boiling point.

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The Prince of Equestria

Chapter 2: The Prince of Equestria

Gaia, 1215 C.E.

The Doctor and Derpy followed Dolarez down a long, green hallway that extended from the lounging room. The air smelled like an odd mix of mint, salt water, and fresh water. The Doctor found himself amused at how this universe's Atlanteans looked. The best way the Doctor could find himself to describe them were like anthropomorphic hybrids of snakes, lizards, and fish.

"Marvelous, isn't it?" the Doctor whispered to Derpy as they walked.

"What is?" Derpy asked.

"Everything! Everything about this place!"

"It's definitely an interesting place. However, it just feels like an underwater version of Moonbase One."

"Yes. That's exactly what it is!"

"You seem to be very excited about it."

"Of course I'm excited! New places! New adventures! New traveling companion! Beginnings are always exciting! Endings, however, are just...bleh! I hate endings!" They followed Dolarez through another series of doors before finding themselves in what appeared to be a station of sorts; however, instead of train tracks there was a long, clear, glass tube. There was a small line of Atlanteans standing in front of them. A few of the Atlanteans took amusement at seeing the Doctor and Derpy while a few simply turned away with an annoyed growl. "Best be on your guard, Ms. Hooves. I have a feeling that a few of the natives aren't thrilled about having foreigners visit."

Just then, a green, circular pod car with windows and double doors docked at the station. The doors in the pod and in the glass tube opened and a group of Atlanteans exited the pod. The Doctor, Derpy, Dolarez, and a few other Atlanteans proceeded to enter the pod. The pod car was lit with bright, blue lights and the air was almost as cold as a deep freezer. Once they were all inside, the doors closed with a soft hiss. The pod then gave a light jolt and shot down through the glass tube. The Doctor looked through the windows. It was obvious that the pod was moving incredibly fast but there was no sign of fast travel inside. A few of the Atlanteans sat down in the collection of chairs within the pod while others grabbed onto the metal poles located throughout it and continued to drink cups of what appeared to be purple coffee.

For a few moments, all that passed by on the exterior of the car were the glass walls of the tube and the green walls of the exterior, brick wall. Eventually, the green brick wall disappeared and opened up to a vast, clear view of the surrounding ocean as well as a jaw-dropping view of Atlantis. The city was filled with hundreds upon hundreds of massive, green, metallic structures of great heights. The Doctor looked through the window and couldn't help but think of Atlantis as a gargantuan, underwater Las Vegas. Millions of lights sparkled throughout the city and thousands of glass tubes ran between the almost infinite number of buildings and locations. The city was so massive that looking out at it almost felt like looking out upon a country constructed entirely out of buildings and lights. There was also a collection of glass domes located at random areas. It took the Doctor a few tries to deduce that the glass domes were "outside" areas with parks, trails, and other things that one would normally find outside. The Doctor and Derpy looked through the front window of the pod car and deduced where they were headed. Their pod car was headed to a truly gargantuan glass dome that stood in the center of the city. Within the glass dome was a vast and thick forest with a few towers scattered throughout it; and in the very center of the dome stood a tall and luxurious castle that glimmered with green, purple, and blue lights. The tallest tower of the castle was hundreds of feet tall and had a massive, green flame burning at its very top.

"Don't tell Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, but this impresses me a bit more than Moonbase One," Derpy said with wide eyes.

"I think I have to agree with you, Derpy," the Doctor replied with a chuckle.

Derpy was quick to follow the Doctor and Dolarez out of the pod when it finally came to a stop at a station located at the very edge of the center dome of Atlantis. Being inside the center dome was strange. On the outside, Derpy could clearly see the dark depths of the ocean being lit only by the bright lights of Atlantis. However, the interior of the dome felt like being on the surface. A false sun stood at the top of the dome and cast yellow light down on the forest. The light of the false sun fought against the blue, purple, and green lights of the castle and, as an outcome, created a beautiful shower of colors that stretched over the forest like a rainbow of diamonds.

"It's beautiful!" exclaimed Derpy.

"It's brilliant!" exclaimed the Doctor.

"Come," said Dolarez as he beckoned for Derpy and the Doctor to follow him. The two ponies nodded and followed the Atlantean over towards a group of strange devices. Derpy couldn't find any words to describe them. They appeared to be vehicles with a main seat, pedals, and controls for the driver and two protruding seats for passengers that extended diagonally to the left and right behind the driver. "Atlantean hoverpods. These will get us through the forest and up to the castle in practically no time." Dolarez sat on the driver's seat while Derpy and the Doctor took the two passenger seats. Dolarez then turned a knob on the control panel which caused the hoverpod to levitate a few feet off the ground. He then pressed his webbed foot down on the nearest pedal and the hoverpod took off.

Derpy held on tightly as the hoverpod sped along the trail that wormed its way through the forest. Dolarez was very skilled in using the hoverpod as he managed to neatly avoid any obstacles that appeared in front of the moving vehicle. As Derpy held on for dear life, she could see that the Doctor was enjoying the ride and was giggling like a filly at a carnival. Derpy looked around as the forest seemed to turn into nothing more than a collection of blurred colors. "I think I'm going to be sick," Derpy groaned as her head began spinning. Before she got to the point of hurling, however, Dolarez brought the hoverpod to a quick, but smooth, stop.

"Here we are!" he exclaimed. "Welcome, Doctor and Derpy, to the Castle of Atlantis!"

Dolarez was quick to get the Doctor and Derpy into the castle. Beyond the main doors of the castle was a massive entrance hall. Several members of the Atlantean government could be seen moving about the castle and discussing political issues. Many of the government officials wore long, silver robes that dragged along the floor and moved as if they were made out of liquid silk. Dolarez turned to the Doctor and Derpy and said, "I will request your meeting with the King. You can then show your proof and we will discuss the issues at hand."

"Our proof?" Derpy asked.

"You'll see." Before the Doctor or Derpy could ask anything, Dolarez walked off towards a nearby elevator.

"It must be surprisingly easy to ask for a meeting with the king here," the Doctor deduced.

"Yes, a bit too easy," said a new voice. The Doctor and Derpy turned to see a unicorn stallion standing next to them. He had a white coat, a blue mane, a cutie mark consisting of a blue shield containing a purple star, and appeared to be around Derpy's age. "It's quite foolish, considering everything that's going on."

"What's going on?" Derpy asked. "Who are you?"

"I'm visiting the King myself. My good friend has gone up to ask for a meeting as well." The unicorn then gave a quick sigh. "But it has been quite a while since then; and I am quite bored." A look of childish disobedience suddenly appeared on the unicorn's face. "My guess is that it's going to be a while for the King of Atlantis to accept either of our requests. I was supposed to stay here, but how's about you two join me for a trip to the Room of History and Glass?"

"The what?"

"Come on! Everypony's heard about it!"

"We tend to fall back on mainstream news," the Doctor lied.

"Well, follow me then. It shouldn't be too far from here, based on what I've heard," the unicorn said. He then turned around and began bounding off down a nearby hallway.

"Be on your guard, Ms. Hooves," the Doctor whispered to Derpy as they began to walk after the unicorn.

"I have a feeling that we're not in any danger from him, Doctor," Derpy whispered back.

"It's best to be prepared for anything."

Derpy and the Doctor followed the unicorn through a series of blue and purple hallways until they reached a golden door. The unicorn appeared to be trying to read something that was written on the top of the door.

"I wonder what that says," the unicorn said as he looked at the words. Derpy was confused for she was able to read the words above the door clearly.

"History is to be remembered, lest we wish to fall back into darkness," Derpy read aloud.

"You know ancient Atlantean?" The unicorn looked at Derpy with a large grin. "I wish I knew it. I've tried but it's a bit too confusing for me. Too many symbols." Derpy was still confused as the unicorn trotted through the doors.

"Ancient Atlantean? What was he talking about? That's written in English!" Derpy stated.

"No, it isn't. It's written in ancient Atlantean, it only appears to be English through your eyes," said the Doctor.


"You can thank the TARDIS for that. The TARDIS translation circuit. It allows you to hear or read any foreign language as your own."

"That's...really cool."

"I know, right? It certainly comes in handy when you're traveling amongst all of time and space." Derpy nodded in reply before walking through the doors alongside the Doctor.

Through the threshold was a large, circular room full of hundreds upon hundreds of stained glass panes. Each piece contained a picture of what Derpy and the Doctor assumed to be a historical event. The unicorn was trotting around the room and giggling with glee as he examined each and every pane of glass.

"You would not believe how long I've dreamt of seeing this place," he said. "My father saw this room during his early years, following the discovery of Atlantis by his father. Now I'm staring upon these very pieces of artwork with my own two eyes."

"And, who was your father?" the Doctor asked. The unicorn let out a chuckle as he turned towards the Doctor.

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you that."

"Actually, you do."

"Come on! You know who I am, right?"

"No. Neither of us do," Derpy replied.

The unicorn gave a dumbstruck look. "Where are you two from? Under a rock?"

"Possibly," the Doctor replied.

"I'm the Prince of Equestria: Shining Armor VI."

Derpy's eyes widened in disbelief. "No way!" she exclaimed.

"Yes way," replied Shining Armor VI.

"But...that makes you the great-"

"Uh...yeah. I'm the great-great-great-grandson of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire."

"The Crystal Empire?"

"Please tell me you know what the Crystal Empire is!"

"Uh...it's an empire made out of crystals?"

The Prince proceed to face-hoof before shaking his head and turning away. "That must have been a thick rock that you two lived under," he stated.

"Yes, it was certainly quite thick," the Doctor added with a smirk. "Perhaps you could tell us about what's going on in Atlantis at the moment."

"Civil war. That's what's happening."

"Civil war?" Derpy asked.

"Well, it's not a real war but it sure as hay is causing enough pain as a real one. There's these terrorists moving about the city and trying to spread the word that Atlantis should stay separated from Equestria, the Griffin Kingdom, and basically every single country that's not underwater."

"That's horrible."

"Tell me about it. They've been a thorn in Atlantis's overworld integration since my grandfather discovered Atlantis. A lot of my friends back home are saying that I was extremely brave...and foolish in choosing to come here."

"Because you'd be a prime target for these terrorists," the Doctor concluded.

"Yeah. And, not only that, the King of Atlantis himself has been made a prime target," the Prince added.

"It's no surprise there. I could only figure as much."

"I may be a young prince but I can still see and plan out a bright future for this city. It's already been a successful feat. I mean, this city existed for centuries before it was ultimately discovered. You'd think something like this would have been discovered sooner but it never was. If it weren't for my grandfather and his second-in-command, Don Hooves, Atlantis would have never been discovered."

"Don Hooves?" Derpy asked.

"Yeah. One of the most famous sea voyagers of the last century. Oh, I forgot, you two are apparently clueless when it comes to major events."

Derpy was silent for a moment before she shook the thought away of her having a possible connection to the sea voyager. "So, what is this place?" Derpy asked.

"The Room of History and Glass," replied the Prince. "It's famous for its retellings of famous, historical events through panes of glass constructed from Atlantean artists. In fact, they say that there's an old oracle living somewhere in the city who can look into the past and give the artists information of forgotten and lost events."

Derpy was looking at the vast collection of glass panes when her eyes fell across one that sent shivers down her spine. "Doctor!" she hissed. The Doctor turned towards her.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Doctor...look at that one." Derpy pointed at a pane just a few feet from her and the Doctor. Derpy could see the Doctor's eyes widen. The two ponies approached the particular pane of glass. The glass pane depicted a gray pegasus mare with a blonde mane getting pulled into a mirror by a large, green monster; meanwhile, a humanoid creature fought the monster in the background while a chestnut earth pony stallion and a green monkey with four arms looked on. "Doctor...that can't be what I think it is...can it?"

"I...I'm not sure, Derpy," the Doctor replied. Suddenly, the doors to the room burst open and in walked a collection of Equestrian guards as well as Dolarez.

"Sir, the King will see you now," one of the guards stated to the Prince.

"It's about time," the Prince sighed as he followed the guards through the door.

"He'll be seeing you two as well," Dolarez added as he looked at Derpy and the Doctor.

"Come on, Derpy. The King is waiting for us," said the Doctor as he placed a hoof on Derpy's shoulder. As Derpy exited the room, she couldn't make herself forget about the glass pane; and, as she walked, the Jabberwocky's threat to her began to echo throughout her thoughts.