• Published 15th Feb 2012
  • 1,442 Views, 28 Comments

Truest Test of Character - Ferote

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[A/N I came up with this idea on my own as well. Writing fanfics is so fun. There will be swearing. Based on my life]
“Come on Michael, time to get up.” This is the first thing I hear everyday. Every single god damn day. (Why must life be so tedious)
The routine for the past few months has been.
Wake up
Get ready
Go to school
Be bored for four hours
Eat lunch
Be bored for two MORE hours
Go home
Get yelled at by mom for not doing homework you actually forgot
Get sent to room
Stay in room till seven
Eat diner
Take shower
Go to bed
It was so boring, and lately, I became thinking I was a useless piece of shit. One night, the routine breaks.

I grab my knife with my trembling hands and hold it to my neck, tears streaming down my face. “I can’t do it. God damn I don’t even have the balls to free my family from the burden that I am. WHY AM I SO FUCKING STUPID” I close my knife put it in my pocket and fall onto my bed crying myself to sleep. Just like every other night in my god forsaken life.

(Where the hell am I? There’s nothing here but darkness. What the hell?) I wait for what seems like hours but could honestly be seconds, I have no fucking idea. (Hold up a sec. Eternal darkness. I was depressed. And I had a knife. Did I finally grow a pair and off myself? But wouldn’t I remember that?.)
"Michael, you are to prove yourself worthy." a voice deafening yet faint comes from everywhere, yet nowhere
"Show respect for those more powerful than you can imagine."
"Interesting philosophy. Very well you may call me Aliron"
(Now, do you want something, or are you just here to make small talk?)
"I like you."
"It’s a good thing. Now back to what I came here for. You have been chosen to prove yourself and the human race."
(And it had to be me? There are seven billion OTHER humans, what makes me so special?)
"Believe me. For once It’s a good thing" (Great now a disembodied voice is making me pissed. WHAT NEXT) "You are going to be sent to a forest to overcome five challenges" (I had to fucking ask) "and if you die then you get what you wanted" (…fuck…)you will be given your knife and a stone to sharpen it.: (At least I’m allowed that. Well here we go.)


“Ugh, what the hell happened. Where the fuck am I?” I look around and see… a generic forest. “Where the hell am I?” My thought process was interrupted by a roar from what seemed to be a very large animal “I don’t know what the hell that is but it probably doesn’t have the answer to my question, Time to ru- oh shit, a dragon.” All thought processes stopped at that moment and I can’t remember exactly what happened. I do remember where I ended up. Miles away and leaning a tree. (How the hell did I do that? What the fuck happened? First things first GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS FOREST.)
"Congratulations you survived the first challenge"
(Who the fuck is this?)
"Your old buddy Aliron. Did you already forget about me?"
(How could I forget the son of a bitch that sent me here.)
"You do realize I gave you a better life"
(How does this count as better?)
"You’re not miserable are you?"
(Shut up)
"We both know I won’t. Now for surviving the first challenge I will tell you what the reward for overcoming all five challenges is."
(That would be?)
"A new life"
(like that will help)
"I wasn’t finished. Now as I was saying. A new life, in Equestria"
(Should I be thrilled?)
"Aren’t you a Brony?"
(No, just because I’m a furry doesn’t mean I’m a Brony.) [furry pride]
"Well I can tell you’ll like it"
(Leave me the fuck alone.)
"All right then, but I will give you one thing, a short sword"
(Thank god I LARP) [I really do] (Wait)
(Could I have a staff with two short swords on the ends and each sword is sharp on one side and the blades are facing)
"Just let me see your memories."
(What?) After this all of my LARPing memories flooded my mind and the weapon I was envisioning appeared before me.
"Ah a beautiful weapon, the Swallowtail I believe it was called. It shall be yours and yours alone"
(How the fuck did you do that?)
"I am an all powerful being. I don’t need to explain myself. Looks like you’re going to get some practice with the Swallowtail"
(Ah shit, wolves)
"Since you are inexperienced I will assist you, but only slightly"
At this everything slowed to a crawl, except for me.
(All right an adrenaline rush. Fine by me. Damn, that’s a lot of wolves.)
My instincts took over and I was whirling the Swallowtail around my body. Effortlessly blocking with the handle and the dull edge of one blade while striking with the sharpened edge of the other, the purpose of its unusual shape.


Bloodied bodies surrounded me. I was drenched. As was the swallowtail. (What have I become, no it was just survival)
"You cope amazingly well."
(As I said before. GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME)
"You know that if I had not assisted you, you would have died"
(I don’t know if I want to live.)
"You’ve had enough for one day. You can rest without fear of being attacked, or getting hypothermia"
[A/N Depressing much? Depression sucks, and I speak from experience. I do LARP and I’m a furry.]