• Published 15th Feb 2012
  • 1,442 Views, 28 Comments

Truest Test of Character - Ferote

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[A/N Either I’m getting better at writing fics or the subjects I’m writing about are becoming more interesting, would ya’ll mind telling me which it is. And ya’ll can thank my lazy ass Spanish teacher for me being able to get these done so fast.]
“Ugh, where the hell am, oh yeah, challenges. Time to get up.” This was the first time in years I woke up without hearing my mother’s voice (Oh damn what about my mom? What happened to my family?)
“They are in no danger”
“Your welcome.”
(I’m not thanking you.)
“You will.”
(Doubt it. I’m not even thanking you for the Swallowtail, because you owe me.)
“How so?”
(Let’s see you abduct me in my sleep, put me in this strange world filled with god knows what, where each and every one of those god knows what is hungry, and I’m on the menu. Remind me why I should be thanking you)
“No matter what I say you won’t see until you are done with these challenges”
(Just gotta live then. All right, are you going to supply food for me?)
“Whatever you manage to gather I will match.” (Fair enough)
“Be grateful I’m doing that”
(I wasn’t talking to you. Er thinking?) [Forgot to say last time. Bold parenthesis are Ferote’s thoughts that are directed at Aliron, italic quotations are Aliron speaking to Ferote. Non-bolded parenthesis are Ferote thinking to himself]
“Just call it talking.”
(All right.) (now let’s go set some traps, wait) (Hey Aliron, could I have a fire?)
“You may have some flint”
(Close enough.) (Might as well cook the wolves, food is food after all) I strap the Swallowtail to my back with the leather cord it came with. (All right, let’s see leaves, twigs, some dead branches, and logs, let’s do this.)


(Starting fires is easy. Wait why don’t I smell blood anymore. SON OF A BITCH, SOMETHING STOLE MY FOOD. Calm down man, just calm down. I just gotta set some traps and go hunting. No problem.) After wandering around for a while, setting traps as I go to mark my way, I hear a growl from the bushes. I slowly turn while gradually reaching for the Swallowtail. (Awesome, food, I hope there’s not too many) A huge wolf jumps out from the bush, and when I say huge, I mean bigger than me, and I’m 5’6”. [If the writing style changes here it’s because I took a break from writing and read some fics. One of those was My Little Dashie… SO DAMN SAD] “Oh shit.”
(Little help?) Silence was the reply of the universe (Of course as soon as I need you you’re not there.) Unlike when I was running from the dragon, I remember every detail of the wolf leaping towards me. I was fast but not enough to dodge the lethal strike, instead of hitting my torso it’s paw landed on my foot with bone shattering force, scuffing the tip of my leather boot. (Thank the lord for steel toes.) The wolf recoils from the pain, only to return with a vengeance to see, eternal darkness. “Sorry.” I didn’t give it time to turn before I severed it’s spine with a well placed stab. (It’s just survival. Him or me. If I didn’t I would have starved.) I just told myself this over and over, drilling it into my skull that I am not a murderer.
“Congratulations, the second challenge is complete”
(Where were you?)
“I can’t tell you.”
(Why not?)
“Because there is no answer. Even I don’t know.”
(What the hell are you talking about?)
“You asked where I was.”
(Fine. Wait, that was the second challenge?)
“Yes. First the challenge of speed, then the challenge of wit.”
(You’re not going to tell me what the other challenges are, are you?)
(Could you at least help me get this back to my camp.)
“Of course.” the wolf disappeared, with me still on it. (Ow, my ass)
(It’s all right, gotta check the traps anyway)
“Do I detect a hint of kindness in your tone?”
(Shut the hell up.)
“No, anyway I won’t help you with the cold or the animals tonight.”
(Fine by me, I don’t like depending on others.)
“You might want to get started on that shelter soon.”
(Rain?) The universe answered for him with a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder. (and the thunder rolled, heh)
“What is amusing.”
(That wasn't directed at you) (This is starting to piss me off)
“It’s not my fault I’m an omnipotent being”
(Thoughts are meant to be private!)
“Again, not my fault.”
(Just gotta censor my thoughts then, I wonder) “Hey Aliron?”
“What is it that you are wondering about that I can’t hear?”
(You can only read my mind. You can’t hear my voice) “Some omnipotent being you are.”
“Looks like you just got some privacy, and some water from the heavens.”
“(FUCK)” [thought and spoke]
[A/N writing these things is SO DAMN FUN. It’s actually helping with the sadness of My Little Dashie. A little bit]