• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 2,075 Views, 29 Comments

The Transcredible Exploits of Captain Marshal Overlord Rain - Skyekun

A sort-of sequel to Raising Raindrops, following the Hooves household's newest member on a day of adventure, all without ever leaving the house! Do read author's notes first please, or you'll be very lost and/or terrified.

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Interlude: And Now for Something Completely Different!

This interlude is not necessary to understanding the plot of the story, so if its content is not to your liking/comfort levels you're free to skip it!


Elsewhere in Ponyville, earlier in the day and tucked away safely in the warm confines of a bright pastel room, a different story had been unfolding. The blinds were shut and the thin curtains drawn, but they weren’t enough to keep the early morning sun from bathing the room in a soft buttery glow. The searching rays cast their warm touch on a wide array of cheery objects, from a set of stacking rings knocked haphazardly over on the floor to a sturdy oak changing table against the side wall. A pink foldout dollhouse rested in the corner, its white roof glowing gently from the touch of morning light. The closet door was shut tight to keep the monsters in, but a set of cute minty green and white striped stockings hung from the handle, the wearer evidently too lazy to put them away properly. It looked like any good little filly’s room probably would, in spite of many of the items being a little larger than average.

The crib was one such item, resting just beneath the window against the wall opposite the door. The rear oaken bars were draped with a thick quilted pink blanket, an extra left there for chilly nights. The header and footer were solid panels, but even so the entire inside was surrounded by a soft piece of padding about two hooves high so the occupants wouldn’t risk bumping into the bars if sleep turned fitful. It also served as a handy way to keep the toys in, and there were many. The crib was packed with stuffed animals and toys of all description, all adorable and soft and snuggly and clearly well cared for and loved. There was a large lump covered in blankets in the middle of the crib… Two actually, depending on how one chose to group them, and part of this lump was stirring.


More wiggling, but no reply came to the soft, sleepy utterance.


A minty green mane flopped out of the snuggly warm covers, one honey eye peeking open a small sliver. Lyra Heartstrings was a comfy pony. Beneath the covers she was wrapped up in a very soft fleece sleeper, mint green to match her coat but in a slightly darker shade, and adorned with little yellow rubber duckies. They were fun for bathtime, she couldn’t help it. Her hooves weren’t covered by it, the sleeper ending in thick yellow elastic cuffs just above them, but that’s what the blankets were for anyhow! She let out a shallow whine, wriggling back against the pony holding her and curling up a bit more.

“Boooooon, wake uuuuuuup, come oooooon…”

“Lyra, we’ve both been awake for almost an hour now, stop fussing…” The other occupant mumbled a reply, the one foreleg draped over her companion pulling Lyra closer against her. Bon Bon had eschewed her usual desire for cute and comfy last night and was currently dressed in nothing more than a thick printed disposable, although this was cute enough in and of itself, sporting little teddy bears all along the tape with a larger one on the seat. She had been tired and Lyra had refused to dress her in more, but after a good night’s rest and lots of cuddling since daybreak she was beginning to miss her onesie. Leaning forward a touch she nuzzled into Lyra’s mane, breathing in softly and smiling warmly. Her marefriend even smelled like mint.

Lyra giggled a little, pressing herself backward teasingly, her thickly padded seat crinkling loudly against Bon Bon’s own attire even through the sleeper, making the other pony squirm and blush just a bit. Turning her head just enough to wink, she flashed Bon a playful little grin.

“You like when I’m fussy.” Bon Bon rolled her eyes, leaned forward and whispered back into her partner’s ear with a tease of her own.

“Did you squish just now, Little Miss Fussy?” It was Lyra’s turn to blush, looking away and huffing in embarrassment.

“Maybe a little…” Bon Bon giggled quietly, nipping at Lyra’s ear and whispering softly.

“My little bedwetter…” Gently turning Lyra around, she nuzzled her love before the couple shared a tender kiss, wiggling close to each other under the covers, limbs entwined in a warm and sweet embrace. The morning could have easily lasted forever just like that, the pair warm and safe and content there beneath the protection of their blankets, tucked away in the crib they shared, muzzle to muzzle and gazing into the depths of one another’s eyes. Few good things last forever though, and this was not to be one of them.

“We really should get up, lovey.” Bon stole a soft peck and smiled gently at her companion. Lyra sighed softly and nodded, stretching herself out, yawning loudly and cracking her back as she worked the sleep out of her joints. The slight dampness of her nighttime accident was mildly uncomfortable and more than mildly embarrassing. The couple had been spending more time like this before and during bed within the last month, exploring their interests more deeply together and enjoying the freedom they had to do so in the safety and comfort of their home. This had led to a minor problem for Lyra, as her body seemed to be slacking off at night sometimes. She didn’t honestly relish the thought of needing to wear diapers, as comfy as they were and as carefree as they left her to play and goof off and have fun. Bon didn’t seem to be having those problems at all, she noted as she slowly rolled onto her back, then over onto her other side as she continued to her tummy and sat up. She looked over at her better half, who was giggling at her antics.

“I didn’t know you did tricks,” Bon said sweetly with a coy smile, giggling some more. Lyra stuck her tongue out, stretching a little more as her tail flicked about behind her.

“I’ve got another one where I hop out of the crib and leave you in here till the afternoon, wanna see it?” Bon Bon for her part just giggled again, watching as Lyra reared up and fiddled with the latches, lowering the bars for the two of them. Her rear poofed out adorably even under the sleeper and Bon was tempted to swat at it but she refrained; she had to keep the teasing to a minimum or the pair really would be spending all day in bed. She crawled forward and nuzzled under Lyra’s chin lovingly, hopping down without further preamble and toddling for the door.

“You wouldn’t dare, you’d miss breakfast silly. Hurry up and shower so you don’t get a rash, I’ll make us some pancakes, kay?” She popped the door open and spared one last warm smile over her shoulder before disappearing out of sight, leaving Lyra still sitting there in her jammies in the crib. The mint pony’s brain took a moment to catch up, having been staring at her partner’s backside pretty much the whole way. She was almost certain her love had been arching her back just that extra little bit, had batted her eyelashes a little more than was strictly necessary, had smiled just a little wider when she spotted a soft blush gracing Lyra’s cheeks… She shook her head hard and scrambled down.

“Hey, wait up! I can shower and change later, pancakes come first!” Lyra went to leap from the crib but clumsily caught one hoof and tumbled to the floor instead, landing with a muffled ‘oof’ and needing a moment to stop the room from spinning. Pancakes were too important to play cry though, and she hopped right back up and darted for the doorway, everything else forgotten. “Boooon, I want chocolate chips in mine, the homemade ones!”

Skidding around the corner into the kitchen, Lyra stopped short and stared at what her partner was up to. Bon was currently dragging something out of the kitchen closet; it was tall, wooden, and painted bright white with cheery colored accents. Lyra knew exactly what it was, why it was out, and whose turn it was to use it.

“I want the high chair today,” she blurted out immediately with a light blush, meandering over the rest of the way. She knew better than to just try to climb in though, she’d be in the doghouse for a week for being that inconsiderate.

“Lyra, it’s my turn,” Bon replied with a little sigh, turning and starting to get pans and bowls out of the cabinets. “We do this every time, you always say I can have two turns in a row and I think I’m up to what, fourteen turns now?”

“Eighteen,” Lyra replied absentmindedly, wincing at her slip. Bon turned her head and gave her a baleful look, but it was lacking any real menace. Lyra smiled extra wide, trying to win her back. “See? I keep track! I’m still good for it!” Bon sighed heavily, shaking her head and starting to expertly make the pancake batter.

“I already know what’s going to happen if I try to fight you over it, don’t I?” Lyra took that as her cue. She shuffled over next to her love, toddling cutely and putting on her very best pout. Adding in a little sniffle, she caught Bon Bon’s gaze with her big, soulful, shimmering eyes and whined softly.

“Pweeeeeease Bonnie? I’ll love you forever…” Bon Bon knew she was finished, she could never resist that look and she could never bring herself to just close her eyes to avoid it either. Her insides melted a little and it took everything she had to not drop the bowl and give Lyra a big snuggle.

“… Fine, add it to the tab…” Sighing once more, she turned back to the pancake batter and began adding the chocolate chips. “Let it never be said that I don’t love you and spoil you…”

Lyra was already halfway into the high chair, giggling happily. She’d pay Bon back some other way; it might take a little thought to come up with exactly what, but if she did something extra romantic later in the week it would help. Maybe a giant bouquet of flowers, a trail of rose petals down the hall leading to the master bedroom where the bed would be covered as well… Scented candles lit, and Lyra waiting there ready to-

Being distracted did not lend itself well to climbing into a high chair. Lyra’s back hoof slipped and she nearly tumbled back to the floor. She squeaked loudly, gripping the chair for all she was worth, heart racing a little in panic of falling. Bon Bon heard this and turned quickly, concern on her face for the briefest of moments before she was her love hanging onto the chair with her rear literally an inch from the floor. Her face took on a deadpan expression.

“Please tell me you remember how to get in.” Lyra turned her head, looking at her love before looking to the floor. Realizing she was in no danger, she grinned sheepishly and slowly lowered herself down onto her rear.

“Of course I do! But… Ummm, maybe I was a little hasty, and you never get the chair and all… You can have it today, I was just playing earlier!” Giggling awkwardly and blushing just a touch, she hopped up and scooted off to the dining table and hopped up into a regular chair as Bon Bon just giggled and returned to cooking. She somewhat suspected that in her haste Lyra really had forgotten how to get herself into the chair, and it wouldn’t have been the first time she’d needed help. Bon opted to not push the issue though, cute as it was, and set to pouring out the batter into the pan. She did love to tease, but if she got distracted and burned the pancakes it would ruin the morning.

Lyra frowned a little, squirming in her new seat and trying to get comfy. She tossed her forelegs up on the table and dropped her head onto them, watching Bonnie cook idly as her mind wandered a bit. It was a little funny just how rigid and uncomfortable the kitchen chairs felt when she was in a diaper. It was like they were contoured wrong or something, even the extra padding beneath her not enough to make her really comfortable. Lyra suspected it might be mental; she felt little, but this wasn’t the kind of chair a little pony was supposed to be in, and her brain was reminding her of it with a sore bum. It may have also been because she needed a change, which just left her blushing mildly as she wriggled again. She had quite mixed feelings about that particular issue. On one hoof, she really did hate the times in life she had to be a mature, functioning adult. Soaking herself in the night did a lot to remind her she was far from being one of those. On the other however, it did signal a pretty large change in her body and Lyra worried a bit on how far it might go. Would she hit a point where she was playing, not really thinking about it, and suddenly find herself wet? It seemed like a slippery slope, and she was nervous about what she might find if she slid to the bottom. At least Bon Bon would still be there for her, she mused.

Lyra’s focus shifted to her partner, watching her idly as she flipped pancakes and hummed a soft tune to herself. ‘She really does have a beautiful voice, she should sing more often,’ Lyra thought to herself with a little smile. Bon was the type who didn’t act all that different when she dressed up. Even now as she cooked, she worked as though the thick, crinkly garment on her backside was nonexistent, paying her attire no mind as she prepared a meal for them both like a grownup would. When they were in the crib or playing with toys, Bonnie always seemed just a little more refined and composed than Lyra ended up. When they played games, she kept just enough maturity about her to seem not so much like a big foal, but more like a grownup playing dress up. She never really lost herself in the headspace of being little; it seemed instead like she enjoyed it because it was comfortable and because it made Lyra so happy. That thought nearly had Lyra sneaking over to steal a kiss, but she held back as a pile of pancakes was gently set in front of her. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked up into her love’s eyes.

“You were a million miles away there,” Bonnie said with a soft little smile. A smile which quickly turned coy. “Enjoying the view, were you?” Lyra blushed a bit as she sat up, trying to blow it off.

“Just thinking. These look great by the way!” Her mouth watered at the aroma of breakfast, and she was just about ready to bury her face right in and make a complete slob of herself. Bon Bon giggled and softly pressed a hoof to Lyra’s chest.

“Easy there, silly. Don’t ruin your sleeper, you know how hard it is to get chocolate stains out.” Lyra squirmed a little at the reminder of that particular incident… Maybe a knife and fork would be okay today.

Bon Bon seemed satisfied and stole a little peck on the cheek before heading to the fridge and liberating the milk, swiftly filling two bottles for them. She deposited one by Lyra and then began the task of getting into the high chair, which she made look easy compared to Lyra’s previous effort. Once seated she adjusted the tray, hearing it snap into place, and then started to primly and carefully cut up her breakfast. Lyra watched out of the corner of her eye, suppressing a giggle. Bonnie was so exacting when it came to meals. She never got messy, always cutting things up into perfect little bites and making sure just enough syrup was on each forkful. Even now she looked just like a grownup pony who just happened to be in a diaper and high chair, mature as ever. This wouldn’t do at all.

Lyra hopped down, ignoring Bon’s curious look as she toddled over to one of the drawers. Opening it and digging below the dish towels, she pulled out one of their bibs from its hiding spot and headed back over. Bon had gone back to eating already, assuming Lyra had gotten it for personal use. She was therefore rather startled when her partner reared up on her back legs behind the high chair, leaning in close.

“Baby ponies need bibs,” Lyra whispered softly into Bonnie’s ear, giving the base a warm little kiss before nipping once. Bon actually squeaked, blushing just a bit and swallowing thickly as her sensitive ears were toyed with. Lyra grinned at her little victory, looping the bib over her love’s head and gently tying it on. “Much better, now we know you won’t make a mess of yourself,” she said huskily with a shark-like smile. Stealing one last kiss, she dropped back down and headed back to her own chair for breakfast, the meal made that much sweeter by Bonnie’s blushing. It wasn’t too often Lyra managed to get her in a position where she seemed littler than Lyra herself, but she rather treasured the times it did happen. The rest of the meal went relatively quietly, small happy sounds of satisfaction at the food interspersed on rare occasion with warm smiles or silly face shot between the two.

Once they were finished Lyra floated their dishes into the sink and then headed over to help Bon out of the high chair. She didn’t need it, but the grateful look on her face was worth it anyways. Lyra tugged Bon’s bib off gently and tried to nonchalantly wipe her own face with it, seeing as she needed it more than its wearer ever did. Bon Bon giggled and reached out to help, and Lyra groaned in embarrassment at her failure.

“You’re so cute, you know that?” Bonnie said softly, a warm smile on her face. “Come on, let’s finish our bottles and then we really need to get showered and ready to go.” Lyra nodded a bit and withheld a sigh, floating their bottles along behind them as they headed into the living room side by side. Bon Bon pressed up against her, making sure the two were touching the whole way. Lyra blushed just a little and smiled as her partner nuzzled her cheek and down her neck. She could feel their flanks rubbing and hear the crinkling of it as they softly pressed together. Bonnie guided her right to the couch, hopping up first before lying down on her side and stretching out.

“Come on up, plenty of room,” she smiled lovingly, opening her forelegs up. Lyra noted there really wasn’t that much room unless they pressed close together… But that was clearly the point. Blushing a little and smiling softly back, she carefully clambered up and snuggled close to her love. They were nearly nose to nose, and Bonnie’s back legs quickly entwined with Lyra’s to keep her safely in place there on the couch. Lyra went to float their bottles over, one into each mouth, but Bon Bon stopped her.

“Nuh uh, I’ve got yours,” she whispered softly, reaching one hoof out and gently guiding Lyra’s bottle into her mouth. Lyra blinked once, giving her partner a curious look. The soft, loving look she got in return made her melt inside and she carefully took Bonnie’s bottle in hoof and gave it to her as well. Bon took it and began to suckle happily, gazing deeply into Lyra’s eyes. Her free hoof reached out and over Lyra’s back, holding her to keep her from falling off. Lyra found herself relaxing almost instantly, she’d been drinking without even thinking about it already. She leaned forward a little, bumping her muzzle against Bonnie’s softly and smiling around her bottle. Bon giggled just a bit, sighing in contentment as the two drank and cuddled. Lyra could feel one of her back hooves being rubbed softly with Bonnie’s own and she pressed herself closer till they were barrel to barrel, their diapers pressed up against each other’s pleasantly, legs entwined securely. Lyra’s whole world was her partner as she gazed into her love’s eyes, her one free foreleg wrapping around Bonnie’s as it held her bottle. As she suckled she found herself becoming lost in a warm, contented haze borne from love and security, one of her last clear thoughts being that this must have been the best bottle she’d ever had in her life. Everything about the moment was just perfect. Lyra’s eyes slid shut just a little as she melted, her mouth suckling on its own as she faded into the warm muted bliss between sleep and the waking world. Lyra didn’t know how long they stayed like that together, but she did know it could never last long enough.

“Lyra… Sweetie, we need to get ready,” Bon Bon whispered reluctantly to her partner after some time. Their bottles had since dropped out and the two had become entwined even closer now, Lyra’s head having found its way down to rest against Bon’s neck, with Bonnie’s head atop hers. Lyra’s response was a weak groan of protest as she snuggled tighter, pressing her muzzle more firmly against Bon’s neck and nuzzling softly.

“I know, I don’t want to either,” Bonnie translated easily, kissing between Lyra’s ears. “I’d rather lay here till the end of time, but we have plans, remember?” This did little to motivate Lyra, who only managed a little squirm in response.

“You knooooow,” Bon drawled out softly, leaning down closer and whispering in Lyra’s ear. “We’ve taken so long to get ready… I think we might need to share a shower to make up for some time.”

Lyra was up like a shot, off the couch with comical speed and halfway down the hall already. She turned her head, eyes bright and excited, a big grin on her face. She waggled her padded backside for good measure and called out happily.

“What’re we waiting for?! Hurry up Bon, daylight’s burning!” With that she was out of sight and into the bathroom, where the sounds of unzipping clothing and tapes tearing could be heard already. Bon Bon blinked a couple times, then giggled brightly and bounded up to follow. Some things in life were indeed worth getting up for.

Author's Note:

Well guys, here's the deal with this chapter. The response to the last one felt... lukewarm at best, i guess. It seemed like the general opinion was that this story wasn't exactly turning out to be what most expected in terms of content. I have a direction i want/ed to go with this, but at the same time... I guess i can see that it was missing what a lot of readers might be looking for. I spent a lot of time wracking my brain to decide how i could give you all some of that earlier than the very end so you wouldn't be stuck waiting the whole time, but also not destroy my plotline in the process. This is what came to me, and i have to admit it was very nice to write. There was a fair amount that i cut from this, not for length but because this seemed like a natural stopping point. I MIGHT do an interlude two later to add in the extra stuff i wanted to cover, but it depends on if there's a natural spot between other chapters to do so. I know this is a pretty hard tone shift, but i hope you all like it, and i think once the whole story is finished all the pieces will fit together a little better than they do right now.

Next chapter might take up to a week, my very hard weekend starts tomorrow and lasts through monday. as soon as my mood recovers enough to focus on this i'll get back to it.

Comments ( 12 )

Whatever you choose to do with this wonderful story, I will respect. After all it is your story, and it's about what you want it to be. Not about what we wanted it to be.

On the topic of tone shift. I quite enjoyed it, if you can do what you've done with this chapter. I have no doubt you'll please both your readers and yourself.

Nice! This shift reminds us that this story is not science fiction story about a pony exploring an unknown planet but an adult foal playing pretend.

So much adorable in this chapter :pinkiehappy:

The shift seemed fairly abrupt and I didn't really feel like reading it in the beginning, since the 'Interlude' thingy pretty much stated that there wouldn't be any advancement in the story.

Well, you and your brilliant writing made it worth the while anyhow. I found the interaction between Lyra and Bon Bon both very believeble and totally adorable. Story-wise, I'm saddened that this didn't continue the plot, but for what we got it's pretty darn good. :pinkiesmile:

Thankies. I guess the way i've always looked at it is, what's a writer without an audience, you know? While i have a duty to hold up my vision for something, i think it's also really important to make my readers happy and feedback helps keep me honest. The last chapter was something i think i needed too, haha. Glad you like it ^^

It was a ton of fun, gonna make it a little tough for me to go back to covering the main storyline, haha xP

Hehe, thank you! I love those two, Lyra's one of my favorite ponies so it was a lot of fun ^_^

D'awwwwww, thank you! Really glad it won you over! More of the main story will be coming soon, i'm gonna try to have the next chapter done by the weekend so if all goes well you won't be waiting too long for more! ^^

oh goody goody i didnt realize this was a sequal till i read the description closer.:pinkiehappy:

Now i just gotta read.

Just read and i'm so glad you continued with all of the characters. The first chapters showed real imagination, and i for one want to at least see where Raindrop goes with it.

Quite the sweet tone shift. :heart:

Back (much later) now that you've posted more, I can't say my attention stayed with the story for the second half. The issue is you stick too rigidly to the "fantasy" without ever explaining the real-world equivalents of what she's imagining. Without both parts intermeshing, it's a weird pony-exploring-dead-world fic that lacks the evocative prose necessary to entertain the reader.

Is this still alive?

love this fic

Any plans on continuing this?

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