• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 1,755 Views, 45 Comments

The Guardian: Adventures in Equestria - theone2three

Can actions change ones destiny, well for one teen that might of just happened.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Musical Ponies And A Party

In our house

My two brothers found their rooms they were both up stairs to the left and right leaving the middle room open for me.

I walked into the room. It was luminous and had the patio off the balcony. It had sky blue paint with a bed that could fit three ponies but it was a simple room.

“Nice” I said, walking back out “I like this”

As the three of us went back out our rooms we went downstairs to check out the rest of the house

“Hey bro, what you think about our new rooms” said Raphiel.

“I like them but it will need a couple of touches here and there” I said

“Mhm...” Said Uriel.

As we were all talking about our rooms the front door opened and two mares walked in “Vinyl can you please stop it” said a grey mare with black hair and her cutie mark: a purple treble clef

“Oh what now you no likei when I ‘accidentally’ touchy you Octavia” she said laughing.

“Uh... What am I going to you” she said as she stopped and look at the three of us.

“Who are you?” she said as another pony walked in she was a white pony with a blue mane and shades on with her cutie mark being a set of eight notes.

“Woah there... Who are you three?” the white mare said

“Hello ladies,” Raphiel said “you wonder who we are...”

All I was wondering was ‘oh boy there he goes again’

“Yes... We are...” said the grey mare

“Ok well I'm Raphiel” he said

I walked up and introduced myself:

“I am Hassiel” as Uriel gave his intro

“And I am Uriel”

“Ok,” said the grey mare “well... I'm Octavia” she said in posture

“What’ up I'm Vinyl Scratch” the white mare said

“So what are you three doing here?” Octavia said

“Well... You see... We live here now” I said shrugging

“Oh... What!” she said

“Yeah… Believe it ... We live here now” I said to the mares

“Cool, Octavia... We gots roommates now...I hope they like party ” Vinyl Scratch said to Octavia

“Yes!!!... She likes to p..ar...ty” said Raphiel

“Buck yea!” she said giving Raphiel a hoof pump.

“I think... All of us are going to have a good time” Raphiel said putting his hooves around both of us.

I just rolled my eyes as all of us continued to talk.

“Can you prove that you live here?” said Octavia

“Yea here...” I said, giving her a copy of the deed and others things.

“Oh...well then” she said looking at the papers as Uriel said something.

“So what do you two do for a living?”

“Well I play cello for the Canterlot ensemble” said Octavia

“And I'm a DJ who plays dub step or I just call it ‘wubs’ ” Vinyl said

“So you two are ponies who are musically gifted” Uriel said

“You could say that” Octavia said

“So... You guys play any instruments?” Vinyl said to all of us

“Mhm... I play percussion” Uriel said

“I play guitar, bass guitar, the saxophone and I also do vocals” Raphiel said proudly.

“Well I play guitar and bass guitar like Raphiel but I like to play any string instrument but mostly my double bass and I do vocals too” I said as I pondered in my head what other things I do.

“Wow so you guys know your music huh” Octavia said

“Yeah...” I said as the conversation died down.

“So you guys want to see our sweet music studio or what!?” Vinyl said breaking the ice

“Yes ma'am!” Raphiel said putting his hoof on his forehead with a derpy look on his face as we walked away.

The other living room was to the right of the house and Octavia and vinyl's room were there and to the left was the game room and a kitchen/ dining room and we were wondering where the studio was at

We walked down the hallway to a door that was at the end of it

“Well here we are” vinyl said

She opened the door which was a set of stairs that went down to a small room

“Beyond that door is the studio and all I have to say is that it is awesome” she said as she opened it.

The studio was huge with a room with equipment and editing stuff and sound proof walls that were colored tan

“Hmm... Looks good” Uriel said

“Ooo... A mixer” I said walking into the a room

“Well when we first got this house this was a basement but with some modifications we made it into a studio” said vinyl proudly

“Well... let's go back upstairs” said Octavia

“Ok” I said as we left the studio

We went to the dining room and sat down and talked

“So are you guys planning to do anything tonight?” Vinyl said

“Nope...” Raphiel said

“Hmm... We could...” I said when we heard:

Ding Dong...Ding Dong

“Let me get that” said Octavia

We followed her to the front door as she opened it

“Hello there” she said

“Oh, hello Octavia” said a familiar voice

“Twilight?... What brings you to these parts?” she said surprised

“Oh I just wanted to remind Vinyl at what time the party would be tonight...can I come in?” Twilight asked

“Of course you can” as Octavia fully opened the door

Twilight walked in as was shocked to see the three of us standing there

“What are you three doing here?” she said frozen in place.

“Oh you know... Checking out our new house and talking to our new roommates” I said smiling at her

“You live here now... b-but how did you get this house and with what money?” Twilight asked baffled

“Well... yes we live here now... How did we get it... Well you can thank Princess Celestia and for the money issue she said she would pay for it... Well for a month” I finished as Twilight's mouth was wide open.

“I think she’s used to opening her mouth like that” Raphiel said as he hoof pumped Vinyl who laughed at what he said.

Uriel just looked at him with a mean eye as Twilight was about say something.

“Ok... So that's why you went to Canterlot” she said

“Yep… and what's this party you're talking about?” I said in confusion.

“Oh it’s just a small party... Nothing BIG or anything” she said nervously looking away.

“Are we invited!?” said Raphiel

“Because a party isn't a party with the three of us... Mostly with me...” he said walking up to Twilight and looking at her for a response...

“Yeah, you three are invited” she said fake smiling and a drip of sweat coming out of her forehead

“Yes... Well bye...” as Raphiel went to upstairs and to his room

“Where did he go to?” said Octavia

“Oh every time there‘s a party he has to get his ‘things’ ready?” Uriel said

“What things?” said Vinyl

“Well... He gets mostly alcohol and sober shots” I said to her

“What are sober shots...? I know what the word sober means but what is it?” Twilight said

“They're syringes filled with a blue liquid which can make you sober almost instantly and Raphiel created them because he apparently felt like it” I said sighing

“That's so cool I want some of that stuff when I hangover” said Vinyl chuckling

“So Vinyl at eight you have to be there... Ok?” Twilight said

“Sure... Twi I'll be there on time” Vinyl said as Twilight quickly waved goodbye to us and left

“Huh... She must be busy with party stuff” I said


For the rest of the day I was fixing my room, Uriel's and took a shower as my brother went with Octavia to get some food and soap for all of us.

Raphiel took a shower too but went back to his room and worked on whatever he was doing.

Vinyl was in her room as I heard dub step and techno music coming out of her room.

As I was deciding what to do with my brother’s room I could hear the music from Vinyl’s room as Raphiel turned up his music.

The meshing of music made me think of playing music but I sadly had things to do


A couple of hours before party

Octavia and Uriel had come back from getting all of the food and soaps / shampoos they could get as I was resting in my room looking at what I did

I changed the color of the paint to a light tan color and changed the blinds to white as I fit space for my instruments which I had to get.

The balcony I fixed up by clearing it and stripping the white paint off and leaving it bare and throwing away everything from there

“Ah... I'm done with this I think I should get a snack”

I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen and saw Uriel and Octavia

“Hey!... You two are back... How was the trip?”

“Mmm... It was fun I got to talk to this lovely mare for most of the afternoon” Uriel said happily

“About what?” I said

“Well I asked her about how she came to play music and she asked me from where I was from” he said as Octavia spoke

“And he explained to me in the utter most detail about multiple universes and how you three protect reality and also about what kind of powers you guys have” she said ecstatically

“Oh... Well it seems like you had a nice conversation with my brother huh?” I said

“Yes. Even though he said he couldn't go over everything thing because that would take forever, I got a grip of who you three are” she said looking at Uriel

“Yes...but anyways are you ready for tonight’s festivities Hassiel?” Uriel asked

“Yep... I just finished fixing my room and I've already taken a shower” I said

“Ok brother great...well we have two hours before the party starts so I will get myself ready and you get Raphiel out of his room ok?” he said to me

“Sure thing little bro” I said saluting him with a funny face causing Octavia to giggle a bit

I walked to Raphiel's room and all I heard were liquids mixing in flasks

I knocked on the door and said

“Hey... Bro”

“...” no response

“Hey Raphiel we have less than two hours before the party starts get out of there and enjoy the fresh air ” I said loudly

“Almost done” he said in a similarly high voice

“Ok I'll be here waiting”

“Ok...ok I'll be out in a second” as he walked to the door and opened it

“What’ up big bro?” he said with one ear bud in his right ear as Green Day blasted from the other.

“Have you taken a shower yet” I told him

“Yea I did ... I don't like smelling like a fat sweaty sumo wrestler you know... I have standards” he said mixing test tubes together

“Are you still making sober shots?” I said shaking my head

“Yep... The only reason is because it took me awhile to set up everything and remember how make it”

“Oh... Wait!? With what ingredients?” I said puzzled

“Well I brought my storage cube as you see and I just got what I needed” as he showed me a cube the size of a rubix cube

“Hmm... I knew I forget something” I said to him

“Yea these little things are so useful... I can fit almost anything in it”

He wasn't lying because Uriel had found the technology in a universe he visited and brought it back and started to mass produce them and the best thing was that you could fit as Raphiel said anything in it from food to equipment. The reason for that was the cube had a scanner which scanned the object then absorbed it into a database which could only be retrieved by voice command.

“Well, ok Raphiel I'll tell you when it's time to leave ok?” I told him

“Sure thing man” as he walked back into his room singing to himself:

“I'm going party... I'm going to get them bitches drunk...”


15 mins before party

‘Well I don't have to wear anything because no one uses clothes so I think I'm good’

I was contemplating about clothes as Vinyl and Octavia came up to me

“Hey, we're leaving now” said Vinyl

“Why?” I asked

“Well I have to set up my equipment and Octavia is… somewhat going to help me” she said as Octavia pushed her

“Ok but I'm leaving at eight... And, where is it at?” I said to her

“Oh it’s at Sugar Cube corner, aka, Pinkie Pie’s place” she said

“Thanks” I said remembering the pink pony

As they left I went to the stairs and said

“Hey, you two! Are you ready?” I said yelling

“Yeah!!!” Raphiel said

“Coming!!!” Uriel said

5 min later

They both walked downstairs and stopped

Raphiel was carrying a bag with sober shots and alcohol

Uriel just fixed his hair and was balancing a big plate of pizza on his back

“Well what are we waiting for let's go!” I said assertively

“Ok bro... Calm your tits” Raphiel said

We all walked out the house and locked the door.

I helped my brother with the pizza as Raphiel walked ahead

It took us 10 min to get there because I was helping Uriel with the big dish

When we got there I saw no light on as Raphiel knocked the door

“Hey!... Knock knock... Anyone there... I got vodka”

“Bro, just open the door,” I said “ the pizza is getting cool” as he turned the door knob.

We walked into the dark building as I said:

“Hello anypony here?” as all of a sudden the lights turned on and everypony said


Me and Uriel jumped almost dropping the pizza as Raphiel just stood there looking around

We all saw a sign that said

Welcome Hassiel, Uriel and Raphiel

“Oh so that's why Twilight was nervous about telling us about the party” Raphiel said

“Yep and weren't you SURPRISED!!” said pinkie pie

“Yes we were, but you almost made us drop the pizza” I said to her

“Oops sorry” she said smiling

All of my recently new found friends were there and most of Ponyville

I could recognized a couple of ponies like Lyra and Bon bon, Carrot Top, Berry Punch, Colgate, Derpy Hooves and Roseluck but after that I did really know the rest of the ponies that were there.

As Uriel left the pizza on a table Raphiel and I walked to talk to Twilight and her friends

“Hey girls” I said as they all turned around

“Well hello darling” said Rarity

“Hey buddy” said Rainbow dash giving me a nudge on my shoulder

“Howdy there partner” Applejack said

“Hello Hassiel” said Fluttershy nervously

“Well, I guess twilight told you of the other two guest that came, huh” looking at Raphiel and Uriel who had just appeared

“Yes, yes... She did that's why the welcome sign had to be redone” Rarity said

“Oh... Well here they are” I said pushing both of them forward

There was a moment of silence until Raphiel said

“Hello everypony I am Raphiel... But I think you already know that” he said looking at Twilight

“Yea... Twi already told all of us about you two” said Rainbow Dash

“So no long intros,” said Raphiel leaning towards the mares “because I want to party and party hard”

“Yeah, yeah, but let us introduce ourselves” she said as they started

“Well I'm the awesome Rainbow dash”

“I'm Rarity” she said looking at Uriel and giving him a wink

“I'm Applejack”

“And I'm Fluttershy” she said looking at Raphiel

After the intros Raphiel went to talk to Rainbow dash and Fluttershy, Uriel talked to Rarity and Twilight.

In the meanwhile I was standing around enjoying the snacks until Pinkie Pie came towards me

“Hiya!” she said to me as I was eating nachos

“Oh...mmhi...” I said with a mouth full of chips

“Why aren't you talking to anypony”

I swallowed as I spoke.

“Well I'm just chillaxing and enjoying the food ... I'll talk in a bit”

She came closer getting a piece of my nachos and whispered into my ear:

“We're going to have some fun tonight... My love”

She walked away leaving me with my jaw wide open and my mind racing

‘I don't want Pinkie pie to like me but I don't want to hurt her feelings... Decisions, decisions’ as turned around and bumped into two mares.

“Oh sorry... I didn't mean to bump to...” as I stopped and saw two ponies who I knew from the show

“Hello Lyra, Hello Bon Bon”

“Hi!” they both said

I walked away and trotted towards Raphiel to see what he was doing

As that happened Uriel was chatting up with rarity and twilight

“…so as you see I love to party” as he drank a shot of vodka

“Oh, hey big bro... I'm just chattin’ up here with these lovely Pegasi” he said giving me a shot glass of vodka

“No thanks... You know I don't drink,” I said grabbing it “anyways, how are enjoying this party Raphiel?”

“Just like any party bro... Having fun and talking to the ladies...” looking at Rainbow dash and Fluttershy

“Yeah, and your brother is... Awesome” Rainbow dash said

“Yes he very certainly is” said Fluttershy blushing when Raphiel saw her.

“That's nice to know...” I said leaving as I watched Raphiel lean against Fluttershy as she turned red

I walked around more listening to the music which Vinyl was playing

‘Ah... Music’ as I accidentally took a sip of the drink of Raphiel's vodka

I spat it out saying to myself “Oh no ... I'm not getting drunk tonight” as I felt the burning sensation in my throat

I continued to walked until I saw Uriel with Rarity, Twilight and Applejack

“‘Sup Uriel... Are you enjoying this or what?” I said to him as I joined the group

“Oh hey brother... I just enjoying my talk with these beautiful mares” as he looked at Rarity.

“Oh yes, yes... Your brother is quite the gentlecolt” Rarity said blushing slightly

“He's also someone you can talk to even though he might be all fancy dandy” said Applejack

“Yeah. One thing my bro has is talking to anypony and having a talk even though it's not always nice, but at least he tries” I said patting him on his back

“So are you enjoying this party Hassiel?” asked Twilight

“Yea... but I'm not feeling it” I said anxiously

“Feeling what?... Is something wrong dear?” said Rarity in a worried tone

“Well no... Nothing's wrong with me, I just don't want to party right now” I said looking away

“I know what's bothering you brother, ” Uriel said putting his hoof on my shoulder “Is it fixing what you've done and returning everything back to normal?”

I just nodded as I walked away thinking

“Why is he like this” said Rarity to Uriel

“Well... He's trying to find purpose in his visit to this universe and the long term effects, it makes him think nonstop and I think leaving him alone for the moment is the best thing” he said looking at me

“Is he always like this?” asked Twilight

“No. It just happens at random and when a stimulant triggers it...” he said

“Will he be alright?” said Rarity

“Yea... I think he just needs to be alone for the moment”


As I was walked around I couldn't help to think of what my purpose was here in Equestria. I mean out of all places here, the universe full of talking ponies, but I kept wondering why here? Is there a reason for this arrival? Is there something that I have to fix here other than getting back? All of these questions were in my head, but at the present moment I couldn't worry about such things.

“Hey brother can we talk for a bit?” Uriel asked, breaking my train of thought

“Sure... Why?” I said perplexed

“Well…, I know that you're feeling a bit confused about all of this and I just want to talk about it so... can we?” he said looking at me

“It's good that you worry about me little bro, but I assure you I'm not confused about anything” I said fake smiling at him

“But you are... Can't you see it in yourself...I...I read your thoughts and they screamed purpose and effects and frankly I can't see you like this you need to snap out of it and live life by the day just as mother would ” he said putting his hoof on my shoulder

“Yeah... you're right I… I just think too much sometimes and it consumes me ... You know?” I said giving him a pat in his head

“Yes... I know and that's why you should at least talk around with these ponies and enjoy this party... to relieve your stress” Uriel said

“Ok bro, I'll try to” I said looking at some ponies to my left.

He walked away to where he was before as I walked around saying hi to ponies and getting more food.


The party had been going on for a while now and Raphiel was starting to get drunk with Rainbow Dash as Uriel was watching him vigilantly for anything he'd do.

I was actually starting to enjoy this passing the thoughts I had earlier and having some fun. I had told some jokes to Twilight and co., Raphiel and I pulled a prank on Rainbow Dash which caused her to get mane wet and I was chatting it up with random ponies that I knew either by name or sight and everything seemed alright.


“Raphiel?! Are you ok” I said looking at him
He was upside down trying to fly away

“Ye...ye...yeah, bruh bruh... Just trying s-something new” he said trying as Rainbow laughed hysterically. “Hahaha... I have n-never seen it done before, but go a-ahead” she said as she took another shot of vodka that Raphiel had given her.

I just sighed at his futile attempts and could help to giggle a bit.

I turned my attention to Fluttershy who was sitting there silent as she could ever having her eyes glued at the shenanigans they were both doing

“Are you just watching them or what?” I asked as she turned her head to me

“Just watching over Rainbow... She can get crazy in these situations” she said as Raphiel got up sat beside Rainbow Dash

“Yep... I know what you mean” I said as I looked at my drunken brother.

Rainbow dash had her head rested on his shoulder as he sung lullaby's to her.

“Aww... Thats cute” I said as Raphiel stopped

“W-what do you mean its c-cute... T-th-these are songs of war and terror” he said raising his hoof up. “FOR MIDDLE EARTH!!!!” he said as he started to make out with Rainbow Dash.

“Come on bro!!!... Gross!” I said looking away

He stopped momentarily as he said.

“You know you want to taste the Rainbow... l-literally!!!” as he went back to his fiasco.

“Wow, your brother seems to be a true stallion when it comes to getting the mares” Rarity said as I turned around.

“Yeah... He has his gifts” I said as Pinkie pie arrived.

“Geez... Dashy... Daring much?” she said as she giggled.

I giggled to because of the context of the character Daring Do.

Raphiel and Rainbow dash stopped as Rainbow said.

“What?!... You jealous... I-I know that you want s...ome of this” as she got off of Raphiel.

As she tried to stand up, she jumped up in the air and landed face first to the ground

“What happened?” said Twilight.

“Oh... It was a sober shot” said Raphiel as he got up slowly.

He was back to normal now as he brushed away crumbs from his coat.

“Sober what!?” said Applejack.

“A sober shot... It does what it says... It makes you sober again” he said helping Rainbow dash up.

“Huh... What happened?... Why does my face hurt” she said confused.

“Huh... side effects” Raphiel said in the background.

“Well... Let's just say you had a mouth full” I said as Raphiel and everyone else laughed.

“What's does that mean?” she said looking at me.

“Should we tell her?” I said to the rest of the group as they shook their heads.
“Ok... I think you'll have to find out what happened from your friends at a later time” I said giggling at her confused face.
“Whatever...” she said.
After that the party died down as ponies started to leave and after that Vinyl played the last song of the evening

The party ended on a good note. Everyone was having fun and the atmosphere was of a friendly kind.


“Ahh... This was a good party” I said as I took a sip of fruit punch

“Yeah, bro... I made out with a pony and it was gooood...” Raphiel said talking a bite of pizza.

Vinyl and Octavia were putting their equipment away as Pinkie, Uriel and Rarity were cleaning the place up.

The only ponies left were Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight who were having simple conversations as they were getting ready to leave.

One by one they all left just leaving me, my two brothers and Pinkie Pie.

“Well you three see you later and I hope you enjoyed it” she said happily

“Yeah, we enjoyed the buck out of it” said Raphiel

“Yes I did enjoy it” said Uriel smiling

“Mhm...” I said as they left quickly, leaving me alone with Pinkie.

I walked out of the door trying to catch up but something pulled my leg

“Oh no you're not leaving yet” said Pinkie pie as she dragged me in.

Crapcrapcrapcrap’ I thought.

“Ok... What do you want...I ...I... ” I said as she tried to kiss me

“C’mon I just want to kiss you... It's no big deal” she said as she held me down

“Wait pinkie!!!... I don't... want it...” I said as she stopped

“Why!?... Don't you want some of this?” she said looking at me

“Honestly no. But I don't think almost raping me is the way to do this” I said trying to get off of her

“So how do you want to do it... Are you not interested... Am I ugly... What's wrong with me!?!? ” she said sadly as she started to tear up.

“Aw... C’mon don't cry... Here... I'll allow you to kiss me once and that's it...” as she squealed in happiness

All I could of was ‘at least I'm not getting raped tonight

She leaned her face closer and closer until our lips meet.

For her, it was dreams come true and. For me, it was just a wet kiss.

“There... Happy?” I said as she got off of me

“Yeah... Very ...” she said smiling

“Pinkie... I think after that we should just be friends... What do you say?” as I put my hoof out.

“Deal!” as she moved the hoof aside and gave me a hug.


After that ordeal I walked to my new home and as I got in I walked upstairs and into my room.

“Ah home sweet home” as I got into bed and covered myself in my sheets.

As I drifted asleep I wondered how my day went and what I was going to do tomorrow but for now all I thought of was sleep...

Author's Note:

there it is in all and beauty my latest chapter

and if there is anything wrong or things I or my editor didn't catch tell me ... I always welcome Conservative criticism !

also I feel this chapter was rushed a bit but who cares... if you think that just comment below...

anyways brohoof and talk to you later :^)