• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 1,755 Views, 45 Comments

The Guardian: Adventures in Equestria - theone2three

Can actions change ones destiny, well for one teen that might of just happened.

  • ...

Chapter 8: New Plans

Author's Note:

Fight scene in this chapter
Enjoy :^)

And as always Conservative Criticism is Very much welcomed here :^)

As Celestia’s sun rose the landscape filled with light. The rolling hills welcomed the sun, the town cast a shadow, the rooster sang its morning tone and everything was alive.

Except for me.

I was groggy from the party the night before and was exhausted. I opened my eye lids and yawned.

“Mmm... It's morning already...” I said stretching and getting out of bed

“Well... What to do... What to do” as I walked out of my room and went downstairs.

Arriving to the kitchen I saw Uriel with an apron and the smell of pancakes in the air

“Morning O’ brother of mine” he said.

“Morning to you to... Why are you up this early?” I said going to the fridge and grabbing the orange juice.

“Well who's going to make breakfast? Wow I feel like a mare sometimes” he said pouring the batter into the pan.

“It seems like you're getting use to the words in this place”

“Yes... I mean they're Equine and there are words that have to be used”

“So... What are your plans for today?” Uriel asked.

“I don't really know” I said, pouring orange juice into a cup.

“Huh... That's unexpected” he said flipping the pancake as it released its aroma.

“What that I can't think of anything to do” I said sitting at near the counter.

“Yeah. That... usually you always have a plan or idea that you want to do” he said putting three pancakes on a plate.

“Yep... but I think today I'll just explore town like I said and thinking about that made me remind myself about...” I said as I paused.

“About what?” he said.

“Rex!” I said looking at him as he gave me my plate.

“I forgot all about him... I hope he's okay” I said.

“Don't worry about him... Twilight told me that he was enjoying his day yesterday helping her with stuff with his new friend Spike” he said giving me the maple syrup.

“Phew...I was getting worried” as I poured syrup into my pancakes.

As I started to eat, I heard somepony walk in.

It was Octavia.

As she walked in she looked at us with those tired eyes as she was dressed in her nightgown and went to get some coffee.

“I see you're tired” I said as I chewed on my pancake.

“Yes... I like parties, but I need my beauty sleep or I don't work correctly” she said smirking.

“Yeah, I feel like to that sometimes. mostly when I go to school” I said.

“You still go to school ... Aren't you a little too old for that” Octavia said giggling as she sat down at the table.

“I mean you'll never be too old to learn something new... Even though my powers allow me to know everything that has ever existed... There are still things to be learned Octavia” I said smiling at her.

“Hmm... So you're telling me that even with all of your powers you can't know everything, and mistakes, errors, and miscalculations can still happen” she said sipping on her coffee.

“How do you think I got here” I said getting up as I got more orange juice.

“Yes, you're right... Uriel told me about that” she said as my brother gave her a pancake

“Exactly... ‘Life is be lived day by day regardless of the consequences... Good or bad’” I said looking at her.

“Is that a quote or what” she said.

“It's a motto my mother uses to live her days” I said thinking about how she was doing.

“Wow... She said that?” Octavia said surprised.

“Yep... And even though she's overprotective of me, she means no harm” I said smiling.


As we continued to eat, all I could do was think about what my day was going to be like today. I really don't know how to spend my day. As I wondered we all heard a loud bang upstairs as a certain pony glided down.

“Yo... What up” Raphiel said tired as ever with his eyes half open and his voice sounding all cracked and dry.

“I see you're awake as a rooster” I said, smirking at him.

“Fuck you” he said, grabbing his coffee.

“Now, now. No need for that kind of that language” I said, toying with him.

“So what woke you up this early?” asked Octavia.

“Oh... Umm... One, the smell of pancakes, two, the noise of you three talking and last, one of my mixtures I made was left in the air for too long and that was loud bang you all heard” he said, drinking the black coffee from the cup.

“Straight up black” I said looking at him in disgust.

“Yeah... I need the caffeine ” he said clearing his throat.

“So what are you three going to do today?” Octavia said.

“Well, I’m gonna hang out with Twilight, Rarity and fluttershy at the spa today” Uriel said proudly

“Gay,” said Raphiel taking another sip of his coffee “I'm going to race Rainbow Dash as well as Applejack... Flying and running respectively” he said stretching his wings.

“Cocky mofo” I said, getting up.

“Whatever...” he said looking at me with mean eyes.

“So, how about you?” she said, looking at me.

“Oh...uhh.. I don't know yet, but I was just planning to walk around town and start to analyze the data I got from my data chart” I said thinking quickly.

“Hmm... Interesting” she said.

“What ’bout you” said Raphiel to Octavia.

“Well I have to practice for a gathering involving Princess Celestia and Luna that will happen in three weeks and after that I have to talk to with a reporter about my life and stuff.” she said, taking a bite of her pancake.

“Cool...” I said.

As breakfast finished Octavia took a plate of pancakes and went to Vinyl's room as Uriel left and Raphiel went upstairs to his room to pack some things, leaving me alone in the kitchen.

“Well I think its time to walk...” I said going upstairs and grabbing my Locater and Data chart from my bag and headed my way to the door.

“Ok let's start”


I continued to walk until I reached my destination.

Walking to the impact site me and Rex had left earlier when I arrived.

The craters were still very visible as the morning sun cast a shadow and the smell of morning dew filled the air.

I looked at it as I took out my locator and turned it on.

“Ok locator... Give me a stability reading of this area and check for any abnormalities” I said, as it gave me results.

“Ok... Now cross reference that with what the data chart read exactly the time that it went through the portal” as it processed the data.


I collected the data as I went around the craters and to the near by pond to do the same.


After a couple more minutes of this I went back to the edge of town and finalized my results.

So the portal literally punched a hole in this universe causing it to become instable and an unknown entity also entered this world at exactly the same time the portal opened I thought.

Analyzing the results made me think of what had entered this world and all my conclusions ended up with the same result.

“But how could that be...” I said looking at the sky “no… not this world, too” as I got a sudden fit of rage coursing through my veins.

“Damn it!!!” I yelled, as stomped my hooves.

As I calmed down, I sat under a tree and let the rays of the sun hit me though the leaves.

“Well then... Plans have changed” I said to myself as tried to imagine what my brothers were doing.


“Ah... Relaxation... Just what the doctor ordered” said Uriel, going the mud bath.

“Yes darling, it is most certainly relaxing” Rarity said, as was she getting a facial.

“It was nice for you to go” said Twilight. She was getting a pedicure.

“Mhm...” Fluttershy said, as she was massaged.

“No problem... I needed this” he said sinking into the mud.

As the session continued, only small and brief conversation filled the room as everypony enjoyed there day.


The story was different in Sweet Apple Acres as Raphiel was stretching his wings

“Speed. Flight. Win” he said, as Rainbow Dash walked up to him

“Ready to lose” she said, laughing at him

“Oh, you don't know me... Good ... When I win, then you'll know me” he said smiling at her

“Confident huh... Well you're seeing the fastest flyer in Equestria and maybe the entire universe ” she said posing

“Just one universe... That seems kinda lame if you ask me” he said causing her to twitch her eye.

“You'll eat those words... After I leave you in the dust” she said as Applejack intervened.

“C’mon aren't we going to do this race or what?” she said to both of them.

“Yeah, let's get this shit started and Applejack.... You're next” Raphiel said winking at her.

As Applejack walked up she said, “Okay you two... When I buck that tree then you two will start, ok?” as they both nodded.

“Ok... Three... Two... One”

Then she bucked the tree causing a loud bang.

They were off as Rainbow Dash took the lead.

Damn she's fast Raphiel thought was he caught up.

“Hey don't worry if you lose... It happens to the best of us” Rainbow said smiling, as she went even faster.

And every time Raphiel caught up, she just went faster.

Ok that's it... he thought as he flew higher and went for a dive increasing his speed until...


A trail of black flames and a black halo was left as he had done a sonic boom.

Realizing this Rainbow did the same and caught up to him

“So you can do a Sonic Rainboom huh ... Cool but I'm still faster” as she passed by leaving a trail of a rainbow behind.

Man... I must be going at mach one... Well I'll just go faster he smirked as he went to a heavy climb until he could see Canterlot and took another dive.

Meanwhile Rainbow dash was celebrating her victory as a flash of darkness passed her.

It was Raphiel.

He was going faster and faster until he made another sonic boom and went vertically to the sky as he went to his third sonic boom leaving Rainbow shocked and awed.

“Woah...” was the only thing she said

Raphiel felt the wind hitting his face and the adrenaline rush in his veins.

“I think I just won” as he stopped and looked at where he was.

“Woah... I must be at least 30,000 feet in the air” Raphiel said as he activated his powers and teleported to starting line.

Applejack was looking at the sky in awe as a little foal walked beside her.

“Applejack, you alright?” She was a yellowish filly with reddish hair and no cutie mark.

“Yeah... Applebloom I'm alright” she said.

“Who's that pony” Applebloom said as Applejack turned around and saw Raphiel.

“How... Did you...” she said as Raphiel said.

“What the triple sonic boom or me teleporting here” he said as Rainbow dash arrived.

“Both” Applejack said as Rainbow walked up to Raphiel.

“That... Was ... Awesome!!!...” Rainbow Dash said.

“Thanks... But you underestimated me and that's what caused you to lose” he said looking at her.

“Yeah... Sorry” she said rubbing the back of her head.

“So are we going to race or what?” Raphiel said to Applejack.

“Umm after that... I'll say no...sorry partner ” she said fake laughing.

“Oh...ok well it seems like we're done here so how about lunch... I'm hungry” he said as his stomach grumbled.

“Granny Smith has apple pie out to cool” said Applebloom.

“Great!... Wait! What's your name little filly” Raphiel said to her.

“My name is Applebloom” she said, smiling at him.

“Well I'm Raphiel and you said apple pie?” he asked her.

“Yeah... My granny is making them” she said happily.

“Well let's go...” he said as they left to the farm house.


In Ponyville

I had seen everything Raphiel had done as I strolled around town. “Hmm... He's always showing off” I said smirking at the thought. I continued to trek across town as noon arrived.

My stomach started to rumble as I stopped and looked at it

“Crap... I'm hungry” I said looking around as I saw Sugar Cube Corner Aha... I hope Pinkie will give me a free cupcake or something I said mentally as I walked in the place

Walking in I saw two ponies that I had briefly talked to at the party.

“Good day Mr. and Mrs. Cake” I said

“Oh hi there Hassiel” Mr. Cake said.

“Are you here to see Pinkie?” said Mrs. Cake.

“Yea where is she” I said looking around.

“Oh she's in the kitchen putting frosting on cupcakes” she said.

“Oh Pinkie!!! You have a visitor” said Mr. Cake.

“Coming!!!” Pinkie said happily.

As she went through the door she saw me standing and immediately ran up to me and tackled me to the ground.

“Fuck...” I said as I was tackled by the pink body as I felt a pain in my back.

“Hey Hassiel... Sorry for tackling you but I wasn't expecting you here” she said smiling at me.

“Yeah... I kinda got hungry so I stopped by” as she got off of me letting me get up.

My back as in pain as I stretched my wings.

“Oh great!!! I have some cupcakes that I made... You can have one if you want” she said as she went back into the kitchen to get them.

“Wow... That hurt... I wasn't expecting that” I said to the Cake's.

“Yeah, she can be a bit too happy sometimes” Mr. Cake said.

“And she's been like this all day... She told us that she had a good night after the party” Mrs. Cake said as I realized what she just said.

So she's happy because of that kiss... Hmm... Good for her I thought as Pinkie walked back in.

“Here... Just grab the one you want ” she said as I looked at the plate.

“Wait... Who are these for” I said hesitantly.

“Oh it was a order Rarity asked for and she's was going to come in around now to pick them up” she said.

“Are you sure I can grab one?” I said to her.

“Yea...I made an extra, so don't worry” as I grabbed one with blue frosting.

In that moment Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy and Uriel walked into the bakery as Uriel saw me grab a cupcake.

“Hey!... Those are for us” he said ,looking at me as I saw him and took a bite.

“What you going to do ’bout it,” I said as I took another bite “and also Pinkie told me I could grab one because there was an extra”

“Well, we were going to engage, but unless Pinkie pie confirms that I'll have to engage” he said seriously as we all turned to Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah... He's right... there was an extra one and I gave it to him” she said as Uriel looked at me.

“Ok... You're in luck this time” he said.

“Yeah, like you were going to do anything” I said with a smirk.

“I had a chance of beating you” he said.

“A slim chance.” I said, smiling at him. “You know I'm more powerful than you”

“That might be but I know strategy and could beat you” he said confidently.

“But... I could easily counter every attack you have... Face it we both know you need to train more than plan” I said.

As a slight tension grew Uriel powered up slightly as I did the same.

“So outside...” I said to him as I took a last bite of my cupcake.

“Yes...” he said smiling menacingly at me.

“Umm... Darling are you sure you want to do this... I'm okay if your brother gets one” Rarity said nervously as she spoke to Uriel.

“This isn't about the cupcake... I'm over that... This is about my skills in combat” he said reassuring Rarity.

“But I thought you dealt with your problems with diplomacy... Words not actions” said Twilight.

“Yes. Usually I do, but my brother wants to see what I can do then I'll show him” he said looking at me with confidence.

“Oh...” She said as we all went outside.

The day was sunny with a few passing clouds as we went to a open field near Sweet Apple acres which took a couple minutes.

The tension was high.

During the trip, nopony talked as me and Uriel were ahead of the group.

Only the Cake's didn't go as we prepared.

“So... Are you sure of this?” I asked him

“What? Afraid to lose your machismo” Uriel said to me

“I'm not... But I know you are...” I countered, smiling

“I am not!” he said assertively

“Yeah you are... Mostly when Miss Rarity is in your presence... I saw you at the party talking to her, your posture and body language told the story” I said smiling at him There was no response. “Well... I think we should start... What do you think” I said to him as I heard something from the distance

“Hey!... Bros!... Wait up!!!” said Raphiel running with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. He stopped and took a breath. “Well girls you want to see a fight... Well here” Raphiel said pointing at us.

Me and Uriel ignored him as we went to opposite sides of the field.

“I think you girls should watch the action from that hill” said Raphiel to the six mares.

They all nodded at they went under a apple tree standing atop a hill adjacent to where we were located.

“How did you know we were here?” asked twilight

“Oh... That's easy. I felt my brothers power levels and like we have a emotional attachment to each other; I felt the tension between them” Raphiel said looking at us.

After that me and him fully powered up as aura's surrounded us that matched our coats.

As we eyed each other down my face changed to a more serious tone from the happy look I had earlier.

The sky became cloudy as a breeze passed the field and the tall grass moved in waves across it.

All of a sudden Uriel teleported in front of me and took a swing as I quickly dodged it moving back.

He started to throw hits, and I started to block them.

Then he backed off standing near me.

I flapped my wings and took the sky, to take a aerial advantage.

As I flew around him, I suddenly dove in and passed by as he tried to catch me.

And then I quickly turned around and went straight for him as I tackled him.

He grabbed me and threw me off of him as he stood up again.

“C‘mon bro I think we should amp this up... What’cha think” I said flapping my wings.

He said nothing.

Then he cried out a war cry and quickly charged up a energy blast and threw it to the ground causing an explosion and leaving a cloud of blinding dust.

I tried to look through the cloud of dust as a figure rose above the dust cloud.

It was Uriel using his powers to fly up as he was holding a with one hoof pointed at me in another energy blast but this one was bigger than him as he released it.

I acted quickly by putting my two hooves together and bracing for the blast

As it hit me I used all my might to redirect it away as it went straight up.

Then Uriel charged at me landing a punch on my shoulder as I grabbed his right hoof and threw him to the ground causing a crater.


Meanwhile on the hill all six mares and Raphiel were looking on.

“Oh my” said Fluttershy gasping.

“Woah, what power” said Pinkie Pie in awe.

“Why fight... If there is other ways to settle a conflict” said Twilight to Raphiel

“Well Twi... This is just a way to see who's more powerful and don't explain anything about why they started I know” he said speaking similarly to Uriel.

“So, do they always do this?” Rarity asked.

“No... It's rare because it's usually me and Hassiel fighting and the reasons are different. Me and Hassiel fight over almost anything because we're polar opposites and they fight usually over morals and principles about a situation or each other”

“What about you and Uriel do you two fight it out too?” said Rainbow dash.

“Yeah... When there is a disagreement between us because of the same reason ... We're polar opposites, but not as much as me and Hassiel”

“What happens after this?” said Applejack

“Well...usually the problem is solved and there no hard feelings and don't worry if they get hurt because they'll heal after the battle” he said still looking at the field as I threw Uriel to the ground

“Ouch... Body slam to the ground... Hmm... I could of done better” Raphiel said as the battle continued.


Uriel got up slowly from the crater as I looked at him.

Then he teleported again, and appeared behind me.

He grabbed my hind legs and spun me around until he threw me to the place I had causing the crater to expand as he charged a Gigablast and pointed at me.

I got up as he shot it to the ground as I, again, tried to stop it.

But this time he charged forward at the same time and he threw his attack.

The blast hit me as I threw it vertically again. All I saw after that was Uriel hit me at full force causing a flash of light and a ripple in the air.

I felt the pain of the hit as I had blocked it in the nick of time.

He went back and prepared another blast as I teleported above him.

‘Ok... No more Mr. Nice guy’ as I prepared my finishing move. A Gigaimpact.

I fully charged it as the sphere grew to the size of house.

Uriel released his blast as I did the same.

The energies met as mine overpowered his... and the blast hit him.

Raphiel quickly activated his powers and created a dome of energy around the field.

The blast created a blinding flash of light as Raphiel's shield of energy protected the six mares and everything within 30 miles.

After the blast dissipated all was left was dirt where the field was and Uriel laying on the ground unconscious.

I went down to see if he was okay as I checked on him.

He was still breathing as he woke up.

“Hey... Your, ok... Good” I said to him as I helped him up.

I teleported to the hill, where Raphiel and the main six were.

“Is he okay?” said Rarity as she checked on him.

“Yeah... Right now he's healing” as I wiped out blood from my mouth.

“I'm about to sound like Uriel but... Are you crazy!?!? That blast could have decimated this place and Ponyville!!!” he said seriously.

“But it didn't ” I said smiling at him.

“Now you sound like me” he said giggling at me.

We went to check on Uriel. He was laying there as he got up slowly with the help of Rarity. “Ugh... My head hurts” he said rubbing his head.

“How you feeling partner” said Applejack.

“Better now” he said to her.

“Oh darling, that's good to hear” said Rarity giving him a kiss on his forehead and a hug causing him to blush.

“Oh you dog you...” Raphiel said tapping him on his shoulder.

I just smiled at I walked up to him

“So... Feeling better?” I told him.

“Yes. Don't worry about it...” he said

“Ok bro...” I said

“Wow... After all of that mumble jumble you guys just... make up?” said Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yep... If we didn't, then we wouldn't be brothers anymore” I said to her.


After that we all went back into town as the main six went their separate ways, just leaving the three of us.

I was sitting on bench looking at the sky as Uriel and Raphiel joined me.

“What's up bro... What's wrong?” Raphiel said

“Well...” as I started.

“As I started to check what happened the day I arrived and if any abnormalities had happened, I found something that might shock you two” I said, showing them the results of what I did this morning.

As they looked at my locater there eyes opened up as they gave it back to me.

“You're telling us that the unknown entity that also entered this universe is...” Uriel said.

“Yes It's Chaos... Well that's what the data tells me” I said to them.

“Fuck... Just what we needed” Raphiel said.

“Well... At least it's a spawn of him and that they lay dormant until a chaotic energy other than Raphiel is felt” Uriel said reassuring himself.

As he said that it sparked something in my mind.

“Hmm... How can I say this but there is a Chaotic creature in this world” I said as they quickly looked at me.

“Who!?” said Uriel alarmed of what he just heard.

“His name is Discord and he's a draconequus” I said.

“So where is he?” said Raphiel.

“Well he's in Canterlot, but he was set in stone and you wouldn't guess who did that ”

“Who?” he said.

“Twilight and her friends” I said to them.

“Wait!... You're telling me that those six mares stopped a creature of chaos” asked uriel perplexed about what he heard.

“Yep... If you don't know it yet, they're special ponies” I said.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“They bare these amulets that are called the ‘Element of Harmony’ which were given to them after they defeated Nightmare moon aka Luna ”

“So these Elements of Harmony give them some sort of magical powers” Uriel said.

“Mhm... And they base themselves on the principles of a good friendship... Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter and Magic... Even though the last one isn't part of it”

“Huh... Now it makes sense” Uriel said.

“Yeah... They are the main characters of this show right Hassiel?” Raphiel asked.

“Yes, but I think you could find out who's who” I said to them.

“I got it!... Rarity is Generosity, Fluttershy is Kindness, Twilight is Magic, Applejack is Honesty, Pinkie Pie is Laughter, and Rainbow Dash is Loyalty” said Uriel confidently.

“Nailed it,” I said to him as I added “Also, I think you two should read the history of this place and research”

“Ok brother. I think I'll need it” said Uriel

“Ugh... I hate learning” said Raphiel.

I just smiled at them as I said something. “So... I think we should find that spawn before it activates... What’cha think?” I told them.

“Yeah!!! Let's do that shit!” Raphiel said walking off.

“Wait! We don't know where it is... And its virtually undetectable” Uriel said to him.

“Crap... You're right... So where do we start?” asked Raphiel.

“Well... Like he could be anywhere in Equestria... Then I propose to take some adventures to different parts, different cities and towns... How ’bout that?” I said as they looked at me.

“That could work... But where to start” Uriel said thinking as I pulled up a map of Equestria on my locator.

“Here... You two can choose where” I said giving them my locator.

They looked at the map as they both started to point at places and disagreeing where.

“Trottingham!...” said Uriel.

“Las Pegasus! ” Raphiel said

“I said Trottingham and that's final” Uriel said assertively.

“Well I said Las Pegasus... Because it reminds me of Las Vegas” he said as they looked at me. “What ’bout you... Trottingham or Las Pegasus?” Raphiel asked me

“Well I don't know, but as the chaos spawn likes to go to heavy populations and hide it’s relics, then I say we go to Las pegasus first ” I said.

“Well, if you two want to go so badly, then I also agree” Uriel said in defeat.

“Then it's settled, we go to Las Pegasus” I said.


A couple of hours had passed, and the afternoon passed by. The sunset was coming as I was on my balcony watching it.

I was sitting on a chair enjoying a glass of water with ice.

“Hey bro... Why aren't you packing? We leave tomorrow afternoon” said Raphiel as he joined me on the balcony.

“I'm already packed up” I said as I showed him my bag that was sitting beside me.

“Oh...” he said as he left and went to his room.

As the sun set and the moon rose, I replayed my day as I thought of this new challenge that had arisen.

Today was unexpected, but at least I wasn't bored I thought as I looked at the stars starting to twinkle in the sky.