• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 2,728 Views, 67 Comments

Harbinger : Herald of Salvation or Destruction - Leoheartxx2

An ancient force lives agains after his long slumber...but does he comes to destroy or save?

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Chapter 4 - The end of Hew Hope

“Hey Spike, are you done with my special sandwich yet?” Twilight shouted. It's already late afternoon and her stomach was grumbling hard for food.

"Be right there Twilight, I'm nearly done.” Spike answer back. Soon enough that purple dragon enters the library with a plateful of sandwiches and tea. Using her magic she enveloped one of the sandwiches and brought it to her mouth. As she bit down, the thought of Harbinger comes to mind. He's been in his room all day and not a word since that 'incident‘. Twilight face blush a little.

“You know Twilight, you have not told me what happen last night, or even why you were with Harbinger in his room..." Spike suddenly raised the question.

“Just mind your own stuff Spike, it's not like I'm doing anything to him...ehehehe." Twilight bites down on her sandwich, trying to maintain her composure.

“Yeah...right. I've also prepare another batch of sandwiches for Harbinger here. I'll bring it to him." Spike return with another plate of sandwiches.

“Err...Spike, leave it to me. I'll give it to him,” Twilight put her half-eaten sandwich on her plate. Using her magic, she levitated the plate from Spike's hand. Slowly she walks toward Harbinger's room and gave it a couple knock. No response. She gave it another knock but still nothing. Using her magic she teleported herself into the room.

“Hey Harbinger, you have been in here for quite some time, I guess you need some....." Twilight stopped a moment. Harbinger siting down on his bed but his eyes glowing. On the table, a quill, enveloped in a red aura seemed to be writing something on the book. Curious, she walked slowly to the table and tried to read whatever has been written so far. But before she could even catch a glimpse, the book slams shut.

“I’m sure you heard of something call ' privacy' Miss Sparkle,” Harbinger got off the bed. Spreading his wings wide and far, he flaps a few times to loosen himself.

“How long have you been writing?”

“Since last night Twilight. I couldn’t put myself to rest so I started writing,” Twilight is surprised. To think a Pegasus like him able to write a large amount of words overnight. Not that is not possible, just that it a feat a lot cannot do.

“Err....here's some sandwich in case you're hungry.” Twilight gently put it on his table. Harbinger simply stretched his tail over to the table. A swift jab, he picks up one of the sandwiches with his tail and brings it to him. Twilight's stood in awe.

“What? Never seen a Pegasus that uses his tail for daily uses?" Harbinger continued to bite down on his sandwich. Twilight's mind went blank.

“Also, Twilight, if you don't mind I need to discuss something with you....in private of course...meet me at the balcony later.” Harbinger bit down on his sandwich again as he finished his words. Without a word, Twilight left Harbinger's room.

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Soon it was already afternoon. Twilight remembered that she has to meet Harbinger on the library's balcony later. Spike went out to do some errands so, the library will only be her and Harbinger. The thought of the incident last night flash through her mind again. Damn, she knows it was an accident, but if anypony knew, gosh. Putting that out of her head, she quickly head to the balcony, where Harbinger was already waiting.

She strode out onto the balcony, but her arrival did not catch Harbinger's attention. She slowly walked toward his side and sat beside him.

“About last night Twilight, what WERE you doing in my room?” Harbinger voice out without looking at her.

“Well, it's hard to explain, I just have things I really want to know and stuff..." She blushes a little.

“Humor me Twilight, what is it that you want to know about me?” Twilight was taken by surprise by his words.

“How did you...huh?”

“I’ll keep this simple, how would you like to see into my past-life?” That question baffled Twilight. How does, wait...how is he even capable of doing such feats? “So, would you like to or not?"

“How are you even doing this?” She asked.

"You’re a unicorn, are you not?” Then it hit her. Of Course! Magic! Silly Mare.

“Well, I guess I do. Sure why not." She grins a little. In an instance, Harbinger unfolds his wings a gives it a few flap. With each flap of his wings he blew a considerable gust of wind, forcing Twilight to cover her eyes. As the wind dies down, she slowly lowered her hooves. Out of the blue, Harbinger closed in on her and kissed her. *white flash *

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“Where...where am I?” Twilight's eye slowly opens after the blinding flash. Her surrounding, or rather where she is standing is a place she never knew before. Harbinger nowhere to be seen. In front of her in the distance, was a small town.

“Twilight, are you ok?” A loud voice booms across. “You are currently in my 'memories'..."

“Harbinger? Where am I? I've never seen this place before....or that town to be precise." She said.

“That...is New Hope, the last town I destroyed, the home of the deaths of thousands and my greatest mistake..." Harbinger sighed.

Twilight fell silent. New Hope. The town that lies in ruins in her time, now she is going to witness it's destruction with her very own eyes. As the moon rises into the night, she sees a familiar stallion, walking towards the town. Her instincts kicked in, telling her to stop him. But as she closed in, she just passes right through him.

“You are but a shadow in these memories, Twilight. You can only see, hear, and learn, but you cannot change it.” Harbinger's voice boomed loudly. Dismayed, she watched as the past figure of Harbinger simply walked by. As he walked on, his eye were deeply focused, but also had a hint of disgust and madness. Soon enough, he stopped a few feet from New Hope's main entrance. Harbinger then breathed in, and then in a split second, he flew high into the air. Like a bullet, he rose into the clouds with incredible speed. After a reaching a considerable height, he stopped in midair. His tail and mane glowed bright red, a sign that his power was increasing. A large fiery-aura enveloped him, forming a large semi-opaque sphere high above New Hope. As the aura intensified, so did the screams of the ponies in New Hope.

Moments later the large aura that enveloped Harbinger grew so intense it looked like a mini sun from afar. Without warning, the aura exploded into large ring of fire, and Harbinger flew down from the bottom. Engulfed in flames, he sped into the town below; the clouds disappeared as he traveled through the many different layers of clouds. Twilight gasped in horror as Harbinger descended into the helpless town below. As soon as Harbinger reached the town, a large explosion ripped through the air, a bright flash blinded even Twilight, who was watching from a distance. Tears built up behind her eyes as the scream of the ponies in Hew Hope fell silent, their cries replaced by one large explosion, and the destruction of their homes.

Twilight felt sick for a moment. She couldn’t believe that Harbinger was capable of doing such horrible things. Her stomach turns as she watched the town burn to the ground. A Pegasus soon walked out of the burning town, his eye still focused, and still filled with madness. A trail of fire traced his every step from the burning town. At one point, the laughter of Discord echoed back, gloating over his success, as his favorite servant, walked home from another destruction of a town.

" There was a quote from the book that I mentioned at the hospital, Twilight...."

" He came from the darkness of night...

And clocked in Flame and magic...

He decent upon the thousands...

The night turns to day for a moment...

But now another town has been claimed...

By the one they call Harbinger...the Herald of Destruction... " Twilight interupt, still holding her mouth, trying not to puke after witnessing New Hope being destroyed with her very eyes.