• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 2,730 Views, 67 Comments

Harbinger : Herald of Salvation or Destruction - Leoheartxx2

An ancient force lives agains after his long slumber...but does he comes to destroy or save?

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Chapter 6- New Found Feelings

It's been 2 days since Twilight's journey into Harbinger's history. As the hours pass she can't but help shack off a weird feeling she's been building up since that day. The moment Harbinger kissed her. Was it intentional? Could there have been no other way? Or has he had feelings for him...questions ridder her small little head. She closes the book she was reading earlier, too distracted to focus on it. She walks up to the balcony and let her sight wonders around, observing ponyville as it goes.

Looking back, Twilight and her fellow friends defeated Discord with the Elements of Harmony, and he's now back to a stone statue in the Royal Canterlot Garden. Her victory has always been her and the power of their friendship, as a team. Then the thoughts of Harbinger comes to mind. Those years away from everypony he know. It must have been lonely and hard. To protect his loved one, he forced upon himself to do what few would do. Blind pride or a justifly decision? He took the odd all by himself. No one to help. No one to look for. No one to save him.

" Can't concentrate again huh? " Spike walks up from behind. A plate of dasiy sandwich in his hands.

" Thanks Spike...I really don't know what's got into me lately. Ever since that day...it really got me thinking..." She sigh a little, bitting down on the sandwich as she finish speaking.

" Well anyway...whats on your mind anyway that got you so tight up? I seldom see you like this unless there's an urgent letter from Princess Celestia..."

" It's not the Princess...it's Harbinger. " She sigh.

" Well I better get back on my chores then...they're not goona do themselves you know..." Spikes takes off to the kitchen with the empty plate in hand. Twilight continues to stare into Ponyville from the balcony. The soft wind gently blows over, while the sun shines bright. Seems like it's a slow day. Not much activities going pn around. Twilight yawn, then decided to return to her books. But as she get up, her eyes catch sight on a familar figure. A few yards away from the library, is a small shop selling a bunch of exotic flowers. As usual Roseluck is the one serving the customer , but her customer was Harbinger.

She continue to spy on Harbinger from her balcony. After some chat with Roseluck, Harbinger purchased some exotic flowers into his sack. One of the flowers was a bright white lily. Curious, she hurry down the library and went after Harbinger. Keeping her distance, she followed Harbinger until he reaches the town bridge. Worried the open space would give out her location she hide herself in a nearby bush and continue to eye on Harbinger.

Just as Harbinger reaches the other side of the bridge, he looks around, checking wheather anypony is around. After a few moments, he continue to walks further into the woods. Twilight does the same. Slowly but carefully she avoids stepping on any twigs as she stalks Harbinger. After a few moments, they reached into a wide clearing. Twilight stayed back so that she won't exposed herself. Harbinger walks towards the center of the clearing. For a moment he breaths in the fresh air, the soft fresh brezze is undoubtly calming.

Feeling relax, he puts down his sack. From his sack he took out a jossstick, some paper , a bottle of ink, a feather and the white lily flower he got from Roseluck. Using his mane, he wrote a something on the paper. After that, with the tip of his tail, it ingnits the tip of the jossstick, which then he place it on the ground. Taking a sniff of the lily, he later wrap it with his tail, then in a quick flash, it turns to ash. The soft wind gently carry the ash into the air as Harbinger lets it go. He does the same to the letter he wrote.

" You know Twilight....it's pretty rude to stalks on somepony.....and especially when he is doing something in private..." Harbinger voice out.

" How in the world of Equestria did you do that...? " Twilight jumps out from the bush she was hiding in. Her face shocked, because she was sure she did not make any noise when she follows him.

" If you could REALLY sneak up on me that easily, I assure you that I'm nothing that like what you think. " Harbinger laughs a little. " Come, join me..."

Twilight sat beside Harbinger. Although it's still afternoon, the clouds in the skies provided a decent shade, while the wind gently blows.

" What are you doing here anyway? " Twilight ask.

" I'm just saying hi to my mom..." Harbinger comment. " Her favourite flowers were lilies, especially the white ones. She used to have plenty of those planted in our own garden. She once told me that my father got her a bauquae of lilies on their first date."

" Wow...she must have really like it..."

" Yup...she really cherish it..." Harbinger breath a little sigh.

"...I'm really sorry for your lost Harbinger. I really am. "

" Twilight, I'm glad that you are so carring and all, but it's been like a thousand years...let the past be the thing of the past and the present be as it is..." Harbinger laughs a little.

" Yeah...I guess your're right...." She smiles at Harbinger. " By the way Harbinger...what happens after you cremate your mother?"

" Well I did the only thing left...to set things back. It's about time to heal all the scars I made, and find back what was lost...."

" Lost? "

" I went to Cantelot, to meet Princess Celestia. It was about time I brought back something take I taken away for far too long. The days Discord rule over the land must come to a stop. I made a promise,to aid Her and her sister to overthrown DIscord, and finnaly....bringing back hope..."

" Hope...."

" Yes...so I exposed Discord's weakness to Princess Celestia. Seems like even being used has a good things to benefit." Harbinger shrug. " After that, I was left with no more purpose to carry on my duty as Discord's minion. But with his power still within me, i can't actually die....but rather age very slowly. "

" So what now...."

Harbinger went silent for a moment. He actually never gave a moment taughts about his present. He gave a loud sigh, then turn his head facing the horizon.

" You know what....I really don't know Twilight. I could live like a normal pony, but still...."

" What do you still doubt? "

"This...." Out of the blue, Twilights lips meets Harbinger's. Her eyes open wide, her heart beats like never before. It was so sudden, but at 1st she wanted to raise her hoof and slap him for such rudeness, but for a moment there was a relieve in her heart.


Once again, Twilight stares blankly into the sky, unable to focus on her studies. Her books lays open, but pages remain unturn. Fustrated, she lay her face into the pages.

" I don't think thats how you read a book Twilight...." A sleepy voice come from the direction of her bed. A figure of black and red mane shacks his head, still a little sleepy.

" I know...but still..." She turn back facing the book, try her hardest to concentrate, but to no avail.

" If you are worry that we " did " it, rest assure I had not.." Harbinger trots slowly toward Twilight, shacking his messy mane.

" You know you can just say the word "SEX" , it's not like we're little anymore."

" Hey, I'm just being honest. Besides, I had'nt had any of those for like what? 1000 years while your're stuck in your own time prison. " Harbinger shruds. Twilight gave him an angry glare, but then continues to stare into the empty sky. Harbinger walks to Twilight's side and gave her a gentle lick to her ear.

" Hehe...you have some talent there big boy...." Twilight commented as she closes her eye, enjoying the pleasure of Harbingers's wet tougue touching her ears.

" Anyway Twilight...I've decided"

" Decided what? "

" What I'm gonna do next for the rest of my life..."

" And what will that be? " She turn her head facing Harbinger.

" It's a surprise, I'll tell it over lunch, ok? " Harbinger flaps his wing, then takes off toward the sky, leaving Twilight to her own studies.