• Published 7th Jul 2013
  • 3,128 Views, 34 Comments

U-650 - BCCgb

A german u-boat surfaces in the Equestrian sea.

  • ...

3: The battleship

The U-650 sliced through the water under the watchful eye of the guards and the six mares. Below deck the crew had been gathered and told of the situation by Captain Hochstetter.

"But sir why the hell did we surrender to white fluff balls like them?" a young sailor who couldn't have been more then nineteen asked while motioning towards the guards, drawing an angry glance from Silver Sword.

"Because do you really want to fight a magical creature that most thought of as a myth and all the while not knowing if they are friend or foe? God knows what a unicorn could do to a tin can like this." Hochstetter replied waving his hand at the walls of the U-Boat. The young sailor slunked down into his seat and remained quiet for the rest of the briefing. "Now the boat will be interned and we will be placed in protective custody. If any of you have a problem with this then I will personally load your ass in the torpedo tubes and launch you into the sea. Do I make my self clear?"

There was a collective nod from the men. They knew the Captain was one that was a difficult man to displease but if you did then he would have no problem sending you overboard. They were dismissed and proceeded to go about their usual business of preforming maintenance and other necessities that were needed to keep the sub in running condition. Up on the coning tower the mares waited for Hochstetter to return from the briefing. When he appeared on the bridge they began to observe him to see how he ran his ship. He seemed to be well liked by the crew and seemed like a rather calm, happy man. But they also hadn't heard the torpedo tube threat he had made which added to the nice appearance. After several minutes of watching him the girls were snapped out of their concentration by a voice coming from a tube like device.

"Captain, I just picked up a ship on the hydrophones."

"How big?"

"Triple screws and I can hear the engines. Captain it sounds like a battleship."

This was a shock to Hochstetter. How in the hell could such innocent looking creatures have a battleship?

With this news Hochstetter climbed the ladder up to the top of the conning tower. With the binoculars that had been built on to the sub's deck he could see the battleship to the left of them and getting closer fast. The ship was huge, she had four turrets with two 15in guns on each for a grand total of eight. She was in typical navy gray but had black and white stripes on her amidships.

'Why does that ship look familiar? It almost looks like the Tirpitz but it's in Norway so where have I seen that ship before?'

His thoughts were interrupted by the mares and Silver Sword climbing up onto the deck with him. They seemed amused by his shock of seeing their battleship. 'Well there's no use trying to escape. If we do they'll just blow us to bits.' Seeming to have read his thoughts Twilight spoke up.

"Don't worry Captain. If the Admiral wanted to sink us he would have already. Well maybe not since we're on here," she motioned towards the others with her hoof. "but he is a reasonable pony. He's going to escort us to Manehattan and then you will meet with him and the princess' before they interrogate your crew."

"Well it'll be nice to see who runs this place. They've certainly got to be better then old scramble brains in Berlin."


"Nobody. Just a bad egg that spoiled the carton."

"Oh. One thing I've been wanting to ask you Captain is how can we understand you?"

"Well I can understand you so I'm assuming you can speak English. Guess there were benefits to that private school in London."


Hochstetter looked down at Twilight and realized that it probably wasn't called that here.

"The language that we are speaking in. Me and my crew all came from privileged family's and we all attended private schools in the United Kingdom so we all can speak English. If I hadn't requested these men then more than likely I would be the only one that you could talk to. Most of the time once we leave port we speak English but the rest of the time we have to speak in our native tongue."

"Oh. Well now that that is cleared up I suppose if you're going to be here for a bit you may as well know my friends."

"That might help."

"Well this is Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy." she said while pointing to the ponies as she listed their names.

"Well it's nice to finally know my captors names."

"Captain, the radio operator has made contact with the battleship. You're going to want to get below immediately, you aren't going to believe this." a sailor called up to him.

"Well shall we go below?"

Down below decks the radio man's face was pale as though he had heard a ghost in his headset.

"What's wrong with him?" Hochstetter asked a nearby sailor.

"Sir, the battleship, you need to hear this."

The sailor leaned forward and flipped a switch turning the radio from the headphones to the conning tower speakers.

"This is Bismarck to unidentified sub, come in, over"

The men on the bridge turned to see the Captain had gone as pale as the radio man. This was not what he had been expecting.

Picking up the microphone Hochstetter began to speak.

"Hello Bismarck, we read you load and clear."

"Nice to finally get a response from you. Thought you might have jumped ship."

"No we're here. You just gave our radio man a bit of a shock."

"Well just follow us to port and don't do anything stupid."

"Well you have the bigger guns Admiral. I don't think you're going to have any problems."

The U-650 sailed into Manehattan harbor along side the Bismarck and approached a pier that seemed to be built just for the battleship. At the end of the pier Hochstetter could see two winged unicorns and at least a couple dozen more guards. As the sub slowed to a crawl alongside the pier Hochstetter could see them in better detail. One had a white coat and a waving pink, blue, and green mane and appeared to be about the same height as him while the other was a deep blue with a mane that matched and was slightly shorter. When the submarine had been moored the crew began to emerge, and Hochstetter stepped towards the mares he had seen on the pier. 'If they had that many guards then those must be the princess' that Twilight had mentioned.' Hochstetter's mind raced as he thought of how the two princess' might react to alien creatures suddenly appearing in their land. As he approached he saw not looks of anger or fear, but smiles. 'Why are they smiling? I come in a warship and they're all smiles. Maybe they're on some sort of drug like they give you at the doctor's.' When he stepped on to the pier he noticed the taller of the two princess' was beginning to approach him.

"Are you the Captain of this ship?"

"Yes your highness. I am Wilhelm Hochstetter of the German Kriegsmarine."

"I figured as much by what Admiral Lindemann told us."

"Admiral Lindemann? As in Ernst Lindemann?"

"Yes. He said that your crew were in shock when you heard the name Bismarck."

"Well ma'am, our government said that the ship had been sunk so our shock is understandable. What I want to know is how did it get here?"

"Well it is a long story Captain."

The three turned to see an average sized pony with a grey mane and tail in a blue jacket and cap walking down the pier towards them.

"Captain, this is Admiral Lindemann."

Hochstetter extended a hand to the Admiral.

"It's an honor to meet you Admiral."

"The honor is all mine Captain. Nice to see a new crew around here."

"It's just nice to be on land again. I understand we are going to hold a private meeting before my crew is questioned?"

"Yes we are. Shall we be going your highness'?"

"We shall. We have a lot of questions for you Captain."

Author's Note: