• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 6,066 Views, 128 Comments

Silas Epista - Maneiac

This story has all you could ever want: aliens, ponies, and adventure. What else is it missing?

  • ...

Games Gods Play [Rewritten]

"Sola is a kirin. All magic she should have inherited from her mother has been transferred into brute strength instead. She's also inherited MY strength as well! You might want to avoid her; she's at that age where she wonders why things scream when she hits them."

I was perplexed greatly. This was the first time since being on Equis that I had to look up at someone in order to see their face. And I was not surprised to see this certain someone was another Draconian like myself. Those things seem rather abundant in my Station of Awakening.

“Why can’t I just fall asleep and not dream about anything,” I whined, turning my back on the huge and naked draconian who had his massive arms crossed. “This is starting to get rather ridiculous! I know the Four Dragons represent the emotions I used my apathy to keep un wraps, but what the hell is with you draconians in showing up out of nowhere!?”

“Still your worry, Sir Richards; I am no draconian. But I am here for a talk, and I can’t exactly make my pride dissipate enough to converse with your backside.” His voice was deep and smug, reminding me of a well-played Disney villain.... “Scar! Yes, that’s the one!”

I sighed and turned around, working my displeasure at being here again out of my system. “Alrighty then, Mr. Not-A-Draconian; mind telling me how you came to be inside my Station? So far, only one human and a Night Princess has been able to do what you’re doing. My emotions are understandable, you; not so much.”

This draconian easily stood at a height well-over ten feet, with a massive musculature to boot. His body was increasingly painful to look at, mostly because his pure gold scales glinted from the light of my mural. Burning copper eyeballs sat on top of a cesspool of darkness around them. His white mane dropped down to his ass, and fanned outwards like a wildfire of white. Everything about him screamed, ‘Stronger and Wiser’.

I raised my eyebrow at him. “Is there something you want from me?”

He chuckled; a deep rumble breaking out from his baritone voice-chords. “Indeed, Sir Richards; I am looking to...” He twirled his claw in an amused manner, a smile breaking out over his face as I felt my irritation rumbling somewhat. “... Cut a deal, I suppose. It’s a rather simplistic machination, you see; and it requires the cooperation of us both for it to see success.”

“Hmmm, I’m not sure there’s much I can do in the way of helping this huge thing. He seems otherworldly too; like... MORE alien than the aliens I’ve encountered in here. I don’t even know this guy’s name, but he must be stressed for time if he’s visiting me within the Station. It wouldn’t hurt to hear him out, I guess.” I nodded my head at the giant draconian to proceed in his explanation.

He walked about my Station in a careless manner, his claws interlocked while pressed up against the small of his back. His head was raised into the air, almost as if he was turning his nose up like a snooty noble. “It has come under my attention that my name and my people have equally become forgotten in the sands of time. I wish to rectify this at the same time... and I want you,” He turned quickly and pointed a finger at me; his resemblance to that one poster of Uncle Sam remarkably uncanny. “... To help me.”

“And how do you propose I should go about that, Mister....”

“Io. Io Ninefold.” He cracked his neck after the explanation. giving a sigh of pleasure as I flinched at the unholy chorus of popping joints. “As you may have guessed... I am a God.”

I snorted in amusement. “Certainly explains your radiance, Io.” This snarky comment earned me a glare, which was hard enough to make me sweat a little bit. I gave an alarmed laugh, hoping to let him know that the glare he had posted on his face did wonders in unnerving me.

“If the cocky attitude has been contained, then I shall continue the explanation of my deal, Sir Richards. I trust this shouldn’t be an issue?” There was no hint of leniency in that tone he used, and I wasn’t about to press my luck against an actual GOD.

I nodded quickly.

“Good! I’ll give you the ‘Too Long;Didn’t Read’ synopsis, then. I want you to reinstate my name amongst dragonkind, Justin Richards. They have devolved from their old ways; where they would actually make sacrifices to me in the beautiful land of T’Rell-Vadriz; or ‘The Land of Glittering Scales’, in your tongue.”

My eyebrow climbed back to its ‘weirded-out’ height. “I haven’t heard of you, that’s for sure. I come from Earth, by the way. So call me crazy, but I’m not seeing any hardcore proof of your existence right now; other than the fact that you’re talking to me right now, of course.”

Io sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with a claw as he pointed at me. “That body you use should be proof, Richards. I smell the magics from one of my stronger children, Nicol Bolas, on you. He has been tainted by the thought of power, and during something called-”

I made a loud grunt, interrupting his explanation. “Yes, the Mending of the Multiverse! I already know about Nicol Bolas in his entirety, Io; please don’t bore me with an explanation of events I know about.”

“... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, you I like, Richards! You’re so unburdened by us Absolute Powers, that you even go so far as to talk down on us! I can see why Nicol Bolas stuck you in the body of Silas Epista! I needed that laugh, Mr. Richards, thank you,” Io chuckled, making me turn my head to the side in unsurety regarding his sanity.

“.... Thank... you?” I kept my head turned to the side, utterly lost.

“You’re welcome! Now where was I... ah, yes...” Io brushed a strand of white from his eyes with a large claw. “You must understand that the Equisian Dragons have forsaken the old ways, which contained culture and knowledge. Instead, they live in greed and self-importance; quite the predicament in upholding the respect that normally comes when the name ‘dragon’ is talked about. They are viewed as monsters; devils that prey on everything and everyone; beasts that enslave and torment others! It has escalated to the point of sacrilege against me; which, for them, means invoking my wrath.” I felt a chill run down my spine from the glare he was sending at me.

“I am close now; close to completely wiping them from this plane of existence, and replacing them with worthy followers. I do not do this, simply because I love my children as a father should. Each and every one of them is precious to me, Mr. Richards, and I wish to save them! With your help!” He strode over to me, making me give a cry of pain as he clasped my shoulders with his burly claws.

“I want you to help me save them. They must know of the old ways again; they must know of me. And I want you to reinstate this fact; the fact that I love them and want nothing but the best for them. As the way things are progressing, it won’t be long until the other nations get together and purge my children as if they were plague. In return for helping me, I shall grant you a boon and make you my Piece in the Chess Game.”

I shimmied out of his grasp after two minutes of struggling. “I think you have the wrong guy for this, Io. I’m no hero; I’m me. I want to see this world in its entirety, and by the way you’re talking; you want me to drop everything I have in store and help these dragons that will definitely eat me because they have devolved. Getting eaten is not a welcomed notion of mine, I’m afraid.”

I winced for in anticipation of the oncoming pain of having my shoulders squeezed again as Io lowered his claws towards me. To my relief, his claws dropped to his sides.

“It is rather rude of me to assume that you haven’t any goals of your own, isn’t it? Unlike most deities; who truly believe all worlds revolve around them; I am quite understanding towards the desires of mortals. I haven’t any qualms with you exploring this world a little; it is a rather interesting hunk of rock in the vastness of the Multiverse. But I still must know your answer to my proposition; one boon and the chance to become my Piece, if you agree to usher the dragons of this world back into the old ways.” Io crossed his arms and looked at me with a pleading face.

“I haven’t anyone else to turn to in this matter. I could always pluck another human from Earth, but I believe you to be the most cohesive in terms of accepting a draconic heritage as your own. To be a dragon is to bring order to others and yourself; it is to live in harmony with one another, and to extend that harmonious existence to others. I see great turmoil in your future, Justin Richards; but,” Io paused, lifting a solitary finger and placing it on my Gem of Becoming. “It shall make you all the more stronger; all the more worthy to bear this weight. I, Io, the Ninefold Dragon, place my faith in your abilities to persevere and adapt.”

My mouth dropped after that. “He’s a fucking GOD! Why would he place his faith in someone like me!? This has to be addressed!”

“No. Why me? Why would you choose me over the next Average Joe? What do I have that someone else doesn’t in spades?” I backed away from his touch, not wanting to stick around much longer. This guy was so committed to making me his peace, I was afraid that he was going to pull a Nicol Bolas and do it against my will.

Io crossed his arms and extended his... four pairs of...“There is always another, Mr. Richards. But there is not another one of you. The one I had in mind was already taken; quite clumsily, by another Player... or group of Players. I can’t say more on the topic, but let’s just say he’s pretty split up about it!” Io chuckled at his inside joke, before choking the gesture off completely. His four pairs of wings glinted as bright as his golden scales, but were in different colors.

The top ones were the same gold as his scales. Going down from here, the wing colors were as follows: red, blue, and dark-purple. “Why do you need four pairs of wings? Isn’t that a restriction,” I pointed out, positively perplexed.

“They cramp in a small form like this, but are otherwise irrelevant to the question in point. Do you accept my proposition, or am I wasting my time?” Io glared at me, sending a couple more shivers down my spine.

I actually had no problems with his offer. I get a ‘boon’, apparently; and still get to see the world like I want. Knowing my answer, i tightened my fist and looked the Absolute Power in his face. “I accept your terms, Io Ninefold; it is your Piece that addresses you now.”

Io gave a happy guffaw, yet again taking a solitary finger and holding it on my chest; a short distance up from the Gem. I smiled right with him, ready to receive what could possible be a power greater than the Hearth’s Fire! I was so excited, that.... that... “... huh...”

“I have given you the boon of supreme comprehension. Make light of this magnificent power, and you shall see your destruction early. It shall be easy for you to detect deception easier, and understanding the native tongues of others shall become a cakewalk in terms of difficulty.” He leaned into my ear. “Maybe it shall help your personality as well...” Io trailed off happily, patting me on the shoulder twice, before turning around and walking away.

“Are you sure it’s me you want, Io Ninefold?”

“Do you love Sunset Shimmer?”

I went slack-jawed again, stuttering over myself like a complete idiot. “I... I don’t... NO! Where do you get off making jokes like that anyway, Pretty Boy!? Where’s your love interest at!?” I glared at the back of Io’s head as he laughed into the air, keeping his back turned towards me.

“All in due time, Richards. You’ve made an old drake very happy tonight. I hope to talk to you soon; it has been eons since I last had company this alive. Most of the deities are so boring...” Io groused, lifting a claw and snapping his fingers. His whole body shattered like glass, then disappeared in a wisp of golden fire that turned into little dots of gold magic.

“.... Oooookay. That was a little flamboyant. Now, how do I get out of here?”

“You could always try meditating, Richards.”

I sighed and turned to the left, placing a claw on my hip as Silas Epista came out from the wall of darkness. He was naked, too. “And I would take note of that.... why?”

“How annoying. It seems Io has begun sticking his old snout into things that don’t concern him. And you let the old fucker do it, too. For shame, Mr. Richards.” Silas placed a single finger onto his forehead with a sad sigh. “If only you would have submitted to me in the first place; none of this would have had to happen.”

“Meh, I do what I want. Your cryptic messages don’t mean shit for dick to me.” I shrugged my shoulders at him, turning my back a couple seconds later. “You no longer have any power, which explains your bare appearance. I’ve conquered my fear, you see. Making sense of these things has gotten easier...” I grinned easily and held my claw out in front of me.

“You still understand nothing, Richards. Although your earlier claim is accurate, I am not obsolete. Many trials shall come to escalate your fear, and I’ll absorb every last drop of it until I can safely take my body back. Unless you completely kill me off here; I shall continue to lust for my body. You will grow cocky...” He took a step towards me; I only knew of this by the sound of his bare feet coming closer a single pace. “You will slip up...” Another step. “And you shall be devoured by the same emotions you’ve ran from all your life.”

I ignited my Hearth’s Fire, watching the beautiful sky-blue flame crackle upon my opened claw. “This power is mine. My emotions are mine. Everything you see in this Station is mine. Which now includes the Hearth’s Fire. I shall continue to fight against the emotions that threaten to overtake me, Silas Epista,” I explained simplistically, not mad at him in the slightest for his earlier death threat. I turned around, letting him see my creation. “And you, Silas Epista. Your name, your body, your hopes and your dreams. You... in your entirety.” I snuffed the flame by making it into a fist.

“The Hearth’s Fire responds to those who have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. I don’t want everything in this world; only what my heart deems wantable. I can’t lose to Fear, Wrath, Pride...” My eyes wandered over to the cowering form of another draconian at the edge my Station. “... Or whatever the hell he’s supposed to represent. Now get lost, Silas Epista.”

Silas snarled at me, raising his claw to slash at me, but shook his head sadly after realizing that the attack would be pointless without the Hearth’s Fire. He opted to spit at my feet. “It’s the cool ones that fall the fastest, asshole.” Silas flipped me off and walked back into the darkness.

I sighed, letting the tension in my chest dissipate after avoiding a potential scene of combat.

“I’m so sorry.... I’m so sorry, Natasha...”

I widened my eyes and snapped my head to look at the hunched over figure. “How does he know of-” I stopped my thought and shook my head. “Of course he knows about my baby sister. He was tricked into becoming a breathing representation of one of my emotions; although maybe he no longer-”

“I’M SORRY, JOLEE!” The draconian in an all-black jacket like mine yelled suddenly, his pale-yellow mane showcasing many loose strands and holes within its body. “Just one last look.... for Papa....” Weeping; I have never heard such a remorseful grievance in my life.

“What the actual fuck is wrong with him!? Gah; I’ll find out soon. As for now, I have a nap with Shimms to get back to! .... Shimms’, huh? Not a bad nickname for her!” I grinned and outstretched my claws, summoning my Hearth’s Fire once more into their palms.

“Relying on an outside source for waking up is going to get troublesome. I need to figure out how to move myself from here. Now, the only way to do this, is to practice. Maybe I can use the Hearth’s Fire to burn the restrictions of my mind away? .... That actually sounds like a terrible idea...” I frowned and sat down, crossing my legs and snuffing out my flame.

“Meditation will be important in figuring this out, it seems. I’ve done it plenty of times back on Earth. All I’ve got to do is open my mind, and-”

“Sir Richards; what are you doing?”

I opened a single eye and looked up at Io, who had decided to grace me with his presence again. “I’m trying to figure out how to leave this place by myself. So far, my returns were caused by outerworld forces, and I wish to rectify this as soon as possible.”

“... Just get up and leave...”

I tilted my head at him, honestly expecting a second head to grow from his neck; because that would’ve made more sense than what he just told me to do. “... The hell did you just say?”

Io outstretched the middle-most right wing and dropped a stem of grapes onto his claw, which he then started to eat one by one. “Yeah, just walk out, brah. I should also mention that you’ll be racked by supreme headaches. Don’t even THINK about moving around when they happen. Eventually, they will corrode away.” He pointed at the wall of darkness behind me.

“Now go back to your lover, fool.”

I frowned and stood up. “She’s not my-”

Before I could respond, Io kicked me in the stomach, sending me flying backwards. “Shut the fuck up.”

I hit the wall and instantly phased inside it, my vision quickly fading into the nothingness around me. There was no way to tell how long I’ve been drifting about now. A bright light, though, made itself apparent to me instantly by shining down on my back.

Looking up, my face became the very definition of rage as Io floated next to it. “Are you gonna leave or not, Richards? The sooner you get back; the sooner you’re spooning that nice flank of hers!”

I growled at him and flew to where he was. I wasn’t using my wings or anything, just floating upwards. As I drifted, an image of Sunset and I making out floated past. Shaking my head, it disappeared. “Stupid dragon god.... placing irrelevant images in the darkness of my heart and shit.”

“You better tell me how to fucking leave this place on my own.” I stopped my ascent just before entering the white light. Io threw his head back and roared with laughter, then placed a claw on my cheek.

“You need only walk through the dark to find the light, Richards. Remember that, will ya?” Fatherly pats to my cheek quickly annoyed me. “Now go be honest with your feelings, jackass.”

I raised a finger to interject, but was promptly bitchslapped into the hole before anything could leave my mouth.

I blinked at the ocean of red and yellow in front of me. Sunset, from this close up, smelled like a nice summer evening something terrible. Her natural musk eased my tensed mind from being so disrespected earlier by Io. The anger that had welled up within my person was now dissipating at an exponential rate, making me slowly smile as a feeling of serenity blew through my mind.

“I feel so at ease around her. Why is that? I’ll have to ask when she gets up. In the mean time...” I inhaled deeply, compacting all the remaining irritation into my chest cavity where it would meet a sulfuric end at the expansion of my flame glans. “Siri, are you there?”

“Ooo, your voice got a little smoother. Now you sound like that one desired teacher all the high-school girls fawn over! Does this mean you’re not going to be a massive male-fag now?” Siri was, like always, generally uninterested in anything I had to offer. But this was a matter of great importance, and I didn’t want to see it spoiled by her sexism.

“Hmm? There are some complications that have happened, Siri. As it stands, I am unable to fall asleep. I was wondering if there was a chance my music library could be accessed right now. Are you willing to help me out?”

“... Wow,” Siri remarked in blatant disbelief. “Are you serious right now, Champ? Did you honestly ask me for something instead of just ordering it? Being courteous to others with a voice like that is gonna get you a one-shot ticket to Equisian Heartthrob!” snarked Siri. “Be careful with that alluring voice of yours now; else you find yourself surrounded by women wearing nothing but a bath towel.” The hologram manifested herself and an accurate pink IPod Touch.

“With manners like those; who can honestly look you in the eye and say no? I’m scrolling through your playlists now.... hold on... gotcha. Do you want me to play the one labeled ‘Feels’... whatever the hell that means,” Siri asked, her voice actually seeming to be interested in what I have to say now. This caused me to tilt my head, wondering why she would even bother giving me the time of day all of a sudden.

“Yes, Siri; that’d be marvelous. Thank you for your cooperation.” Settling back down, the sound of soothing or depressing pianos, guitars, and other instruments drifting through my skull. Once completely submersed, I found my irritation peaking at drastic levels from the lack of sleep that still plagued me. “This is starting to become insufferable and wearisome. Since sleep eludes me for now; the next best thing is to ponder my course.”

I sighed and played with Sunset’s mane. The locks were everything like I saw them to be: remarkably well-kept, soft, and had a lot of bounce to them. All in all, her mane was more well-kept than mine, but even mine kept its sheen and figure.... mostly. “I wonder if my mane will start losing its sheen and luster over time? I’ll have to enlist her help in keeping it well-kept, as I do not know the intricacies in keeping a mane like she does. Magic should be next as well; it seems rather abundant in this world.”

The strand of her mane was dropped as I idly switched to scratching he behind the ears. Her unconscious body responded to that happily, snuggling into my form harder as she sighed with a smile on her face. “A zone that causes increasing serenity? Noted. I’ll add this to the list of massageable places in case my services are needed again. Now back to the main threat; magic.”

I placed my head on top of hers, feeling pretty comfortable at the sensations being dished out from her horn. “Still splashing? Such a lewd body, Sunset Shimmer. I wonder how magic works here, anyway. There’s a couple of theories I have on it, but no actual drive to practice it. Will magic even be necessary while I have the Hearth’s Fire? No, I don’t think so. From the way Silas Epista was using it in combat against me, the Hearth’s Fire seems to be malleable in terms of shape and usefulness.”

“Still; Sunset could be a valuable travelling partner when I set off to see the world. Learning about the intricacies of magic and some low-level spells will only serve to increase my chances of survival; and to help dragons, if Io’s contract is still well and going. Plus, I actually.... enjoy having her around. That’s definitely a first for me; most people I’ve hung around have only been there to use me for things.” I frowned when the realization of that sunk in, making me slightly irritable. It was a bittersweet truth I had used an unholy amount of apathy to cope with, but now it’s been brought to light and dropped.

“The Hearth’s Fire; it’s truly an amazing power. I’m going to practice with the Hearth’s Fire when Sunset Shimmer wakes up. It’d be a good way to further our relationship as friends, and to master this new power of mine. When I used it in the Station of Awakening against Silas Epista, I felt the drive to win. I wanted to conquer everything that was trying to hold me back; to immolate my restrictions, even.... I hate being poetic on accident.” I sighed loudly, my thoughts getting the best of me once more. This action, however, was enough to cause Sunset Shimmer to stir.

“And so, the sleeping beauty awakes. Lovely little thing, she is.” I smiled as she yawned and stretched, a sigh of satisfaction escaping her mouth as her hooves came pretty close to hitting me in the neck and face. Those same hooves draped themselves around my neck and pulled me into hers. There was no other choice but to raise my eyebrow at the bold action.

“Hey, Silas,” Sunset droned in a happy but weary tone. “You’re pretty good with those claws of yours, y’know! And I’m glad you decided to acquiesce my idea of an after-splash nap...” She droned off, leaning her head back onto my Gem. “Who knew scales could be so comfortable; I’m going to stay here for a little bit longer, okay?”

I sighed and rubbed her head. “You’re still the birthday girl until midnight, and it’s looking pretty late, too. I’ll stay here, if only because you asked so nicely... and you’re pretty cute when you don’t know what you’re saying~.” I massaged her left shoulder softly, feeling her relax more into my body with a hiss of pleasure.

“Whuh-” Her eyes widened suddenly, and her body bolted up a little bit; but it wasn’t enough to separate us. “Oh, Sweet Mother Faust... I didn’t just say all of that, did I?” Her voice was one of severe disappointment.

I chuckled and eased her back down into her comfy spot. “You’re fine, Sunset; I’m not offended... a little intrigued at why you’re so relaxed around me, but not offended. Stay if you want, Shimms’.”

“Don’t call me that, Silas.”

I raised my eyebrow again. “This seems to be a recurring event; my stepping on emotional landmines, that is. Why are you against a nickname from me?” Sunset tensed up on my chest.

“It’s more or less the act of receiving a nickname that I don’t agree with. I’ve had some bad experiences with them, and don’t really want to bring it back up.”

“Awww, but I’m curious~...”

Sunset sighed. “.... I really shouldn’t...”

I poked her side with a strong index finger, making Sunset give a yelp of surprise. “Come on, Sunny; I just want to know more about you. My best friend should open up to me, just like how I should open up to you, yes?”

Sunset gave an exhale of resignation, scooting into my body more to absorb the natural heat I effuse. “Alright, but this story will put me in a mood, Silas; I don’t want to be upset with you after I’m done.”

“I’m all ears, Sunny.”

Her snort was not a happy one. “Stop calling me.... you know what; I’m not even going to argue with you about it. Call me that nickname again, and I’m going to pull you inside out.”

I sucked my teeth quietly and rested my head on hers. “Must you be so critical, Sunset?” I nuzzled her a little bit. “I only wish to know more about you, and to further our relationship as friends. There’s no ulterior motive going on, besides; we’d have to be more than just ‘acquaintances’ after what transpired earlier, no? Of course, I don’t know how sexual taboos in accordance to relationship standing works on this planet, but a tugjob from my planet is pretty taboo to engage in without knowing the person associated with it.”

Sunset grunted, not liking the way I had just talked her into a corner. “Fine, geez....” She got quiet. “...we can be friends. But DON’T think me to be an airhead, Silas Epista! You’re up to something, and- mmmm, why do you do that?”

I kept massaging her shoulders. “Because you’re being grumpy. Are you normally so grumpy after waking up?”

“I’m normally snorkeling in a bowl of porridge when I wake up,” she laughed. “You really know what you’re doing with those claws of yours.... mmm. If you were anybody else, I would have tied your femurs together and held a three-legged race with you, so you better be grateful that- Oh, a little to the left! Yesss.... that’s the sore spot from when I lugged all that firewood...”

I quirked my eyebrow at that. “Don’t you use magic? How does your body get sore from using a telekinesis spell that effuses from your horn?” My claws sunk deeper into her pliant body, and she began to nuzzle my head in affirmation.

“All according to plan.”

“The weight of the object must be balanced out on equal parts magical reserves, and muscle taxation. This is the reason most unicorns, whose special talent isn’t magic, are often left very taxed after lifting something. Their magical reserves aren’t great enough to withhold the weight of the object, so most of its weight falls on the entire body.” Her breathing was stalled for a second when I started on her neck. “Now that feels heavenly...”

Her muscles were extremely tense. I lived on a farm where backbreaking labor was the norm, and not even Ol’ Sam was this wound-up! “Sunset,” I asked, “when’s the last time you relaxed and released the tension from your muscles? You feel very close to tearing something.”

“... Six years ago...”

I rolled my eyes, wonder why I had expected anything different. “Well, I think I know what your final birthday gift is going to be. One of Silas Epista’s Premium Full-Body Massage Specials,” I stated happily, wrapping my arms around her and standing up. “Complete with scented oils. Act now, while supplies last!”

From the living room, I made my way to her bedroom and stepped inside. Closing the door behind me, my strides were long and fast as I reached her bed and laid her softly upon it. “I’ll return with the oils later, Sunset.”

She sighed, “Don’t take too long, okay?”

“Where do you keep them, again?” I followed the raised hoof that was the answer to my question; it’s end pointing to the obsidian-black boudoir on the left side of her room. Shrugging my shoulders while eyeing the plethora of drawers, I stealthily made my way over to the bedroom furniture and began opening draws in search of the oil.

“Second drawer, left side!” called Sunset quickly. “Don’t go searching through the other ones, or I’ll kill you!”

My face was already red. I was already scarred from what my eyes had fell upon. Only one drawer in, and I felt my sanity begin to wade off into dangerous waters. “So many.... phallic-shaped.... devices......” I shivered at the thought, opening the drawer she told me to go into instantly and grabbing a clawful of the oils.

I was at her bedside in milliseconds. “Safe!” Taking a deep breath to settle my nerves, I took each of the oils betwixt my fingers and thought about how to heat them. “The regular dragon’s fire would melt through this, her roof, and most of the forest, so that’s a definite no. The Hearth’s Fire.... I’m not so sure.... and I’m not going to practice this right now, either.” My eyes shifted from the oil bottle to Sunset’s impatient glare.

I nodded at her. She rolled her eyes with an annoyed huff. “We’re going to do this the old-fashioned way, then.”

Placing the oils next to her side, I began picking them up one by one and rubbing them quickly between my palms. My superhuman body heat made the warming process astronomically faster; to the point where I was laying bottles down after two seconds of continual rubbing. Eight bottles, two seconds being the max I spent on warming them, meant that everything was done in eighteen seconds.

Opening the first bottle, I squeezed out the oil onto my claw and placed the bottle back down. The smell of daffodils invaded the air, and I’m chalking my knowing of this smell up to Io Ninefold’s boon of comprehension. Without further ado, my claws found their way onto her left back hoof.

“Mmmm, you warmed that pretty well...”

I shushed her and went to work. Ol’ Sam had often said I should forget about music and pursue a career in being a proper masseuse or chiropractor. Because I was so good at giving him a massage after a long day of work, he often took me into town and set up a stall in the middle of Billun Street; one of the most bustling streets for business, and have me work there... shirtless. I have never been leered at by so many older women in my life.

Shivering from the uneasy feeling, I traveled up the length of her hoof, making sure to spend extra attention on her tensed up areas. Sunset became putty after two minutes in, groaning her assent to everything I did. But I knew this was just the massage talking, and not so much herself.

I reached and planted my claws onto her other hoof, beginning the slow process all over again. She grimaced happily when my caress got a little rough to work out a kink or two, but she quickly devolved back into content sighs afterwards. “You’re really good at this...”

Her right thigh was the tensest area on her leg section. But against skilled claws like mine, its defenses were quickly destroyed. I blushed as I eyed what my next target was supposed to be. Shaking my head at the globular thing, I moved on to her waist instead.

There has never been a time when I wished for my draconic hearing ability to malfunction. But when Sunset breathed out a “Fucking hell” when my claws ignored her ass cheeks, I silently wished for two arrows to take my ears completely off. “You’re enjoying a little too much, Sunset.... it’s starting to get uncomfortable...”

Seeing her dismay, I applied a little more oil to my claws; this one smelling of tulips, and started kneading her lower back, right above her tail. Multiple cracks rung out, and she gave a quiet moan at the release of the stored up tension. “I’m not going anywhere near that ass. The last time I did that for a woman, I suddenly found myself in my skivvies and backed up against a brick wall. I’ve never seen such hunger in a woman’s eyes before, and it scared me!.... she was pretty hot, though.”

I moved up, kneading her tense back as I went. Many more cracks and pops were had before I deemed myself done with the entire area in terms of kneading. Switching over to a soft press, my claws retraced their steps expertly, making Sunset squirm a little bit underneath me at how thorough I was being.

“Wow... I’m never visiting a spa again...”

“Yeah... I have that effect on people,” I laughed, finishing up her back. Her shoulders were next, and from there, her front hooves. The sound of moving air caused me to look back at her bum, and I noticed how her tail was wagging happily.

“Tulips, huh? Never knew you were so bold, Silas.”

I paused and stared at her head in askance. “Come again?”

“The Language of Flowers? You don’t know what they mean; the Tulip and the Daffodil?” Her ears splayed themselves to the side. I knew from Ol’ Sam that when a equine splays its ears to the side, it’s relaxed, so there’s no reason to worry right now.

“Why would she be telling me this? What purpose would knowing about The Language of Flowers serve? Besides, everyone knows the Tulip and the Daffodil are flowers of strong love! Just what kind of game is she trying to pu-”

“Wait... wat.”

“.... What,” I asked no one in particular. I don’t know why my brain decided to suddenly infuse me with the knowledge of this language, but I now want it burned from my memory at the greatest speed available. Unfortunately, my brain decided that this information was enough, and completely took what I wanted it to do for the reverse meaning.

“The Daffodil is a strong representative of unrequited love, while the tulip represents an unconquerable -or Perfect- love.”

“I’ve been with you longer! Where are my tulips and daffodils, jackass!?”

I grimaced from Siri’s loud remark inside my head. It happened right after the information was brought in, leaving me a little sore near the top of my head. “When used separate from each other, they can be used as a way to express your true feelings for a significant other in terms of liking them. When used together, they are a strong indication of undying love and affection, and are often used as a way to propose. Females can often treat this as being bold, and it is highly advised to not use this combination unless she feels the same way.”

My face exploded into a ferocious blush. I don’t know if my navy-blue scales could show red, so I’m guessing it would look more like a deep-purple. Shaking my head quickly, I began opening other bottles and smelling them; searching for one that didn’t mean a “strong love” for Sunset.

“Granted, I should have seen the signs. No one would stay for an after-splash cuddle up with another unicorn, otherwise... and I think I may like you a little....”

“Oh for goodness sake! No! Don’t like me! I need a bottle.... aha!” I corked off the cap and inhaled deeply. “The White Lotus is a beautiful flower normally associated with fertility and a strong sexual desire. In other cultures, it is representative of the female reproductive system, and new birth.”

“Ah, no! Not that one! Not that one!”

“Hey, Silas; do you really like me that much? You even went so far as to pick out my lotus bottle...”

“I’m halfway down the bed! How in the Blue Hell did she smell it!?” I was now freaking out, if my split internal monologue wasn’t a good enough indicator.

“Sunset, I swear; this is an accident! I don’t know when it happened-”

Sunset shifted, turned around way too fast, and shoved a hoof into my mouth. “I... know. I don’t know when I started to feel like this either...”

“GRAB ANOTHER FUCKING BOTTLE!” My claws fumbled with the bottles and uncorked one by accident, allowing its contents to mix in the air as well. “The Lily is a flower that is normally offered as a tribute to a culture’s fertility goddess. It also represents chasity, and when used with another romantic flower, can often symbolize the want to give up your first time to someone else.”

“.... You want me to be your first....”

“NOPE! NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE....” I locked scared eyes with Sunset, whose own eyes were shimmering with a fierce desire. I backed up and fell down onto the bed, feeling my heart thump in my chest as she climbed on top of me.

“You could have just asked instead of being romantic..... idiot....”

“Sunset... you’re too close! Your mouth is right on top of mine! Please stop!”

“... Stupid!” She started to laugh her ass off and fall off to my side. I frowned and stared up at the ceiling, the desire to rip out my own brain making me grimace a little. Sunset just denied me a chance to prove myself at the act of making lo-

“What the fuck am I thinking right now!? I don’t want to plow Sunset! Get your head together, Justin Richards! She may be fucking sexy as shit, but that doesn’t mean-.... Damn it!” I slapped a claw onto my face, groaning through it as Sunset continued to laugh.

“You should’ve saw your face, Silas! Oh, I’ve never see anyone put-off so much! I was completely joking.... mostly... but OH was that funny! With all that you’ve done to me, this joke was perfectly justified!” I growled at her, picked up the oils that weren’t used, and dumped their contents all over her head.

She sputtered as some of it got in her mouth, “Hey!” More sputtering. “Stop it, idiot! Bleh, it got in my mouth~....” whined Sunset as she used her hooves to scrape the foul-tasting oil off her tongue.

It was my turn to laugh at her displeasure as I settled into her bed. It was surprisingly comfy, especially with the floral aroma in the air. My nerves were certainly being stroked a little bit, in a lovely manner, lulling me off to sleep’s embrace.

“You’re NOT sleeping in my bed after that! Get up, and go get on the couch!”

“So, you would’ve let me sleep here if I didn’t douse you in oil?” My voice was smug, and I could practically hear Sunset’s blush explode.

“You... I... That’s beside the point! I need to take a shower; should you still be here when I return, I’m going to glue your scaley butt to the couch myself!” With a huff, the golden mare rolled off the bed and onto her hooves, practically stomping her way out.

I watched in mild amusement and a little apprehension as she slammed the door on her way out. Even so, I dismissed her threat as just that and closed my eyes, resigning myself to the soft tug of unconsciousness.

I don’t know how long it was before her bedroom door creaked open and she walked in. Her presence was enough to warrant a cracked-open eye in her direction.

“I was right!” Her whisper might as well have been a shout thanks to my hearing.

“Right about what?”

Sunset pointed a hoof at me with a smile on her face. “You were looking forward to something with that joke! You poured oils on me because you were disappointed! Hah, that’s hilarious!”

I frowned and started to strip.

“Hey! What are you doing!?”

I stopped the claws that were fiddling with my belt. “Getting naked. I sleep in the buff, remember?” The pants came off easily enough after the belt was removed.

“I- NO, stop that!” She stomped a hoof but didn’t avert her eyes. Her face was consumed with a blush again. “Why must you undress in front of me!? At least go in the closet!”

I held my pants over the bedside and made eye contact with her. “I keep forgetting that the ponies of this world view what we humans call their ‘softcore’ as actual pornography. I bet you’re feeling pretty hot and bothered right now, eh?” I patted the bed. “You should come to bed. I’m not going to do anything if you won’t.”

“Bu... You... I... GRAH!” Her head was angled upwards for that scream of frustration. “How do you always turn the tables like that!? You can be so infuriating sometimes!” I rolled my eyes at her tantrum and stopped midway through when a sudden stroke of genius came over me.

Without her consent, I bent over the side of the bed and shoved my arm underneath it. I felt around for a couple of minutes before smiling; something soft and silky making contact with my claw. I pulled it out sharply. revealing two pairs of bundled up dark-purple socks with red stripes. I gave a wolf whistle towards my new treasure.

Sunset gasped and ran over to the bed, jumping on top of me while flailing her hooves in a beatdown attempt. “GIVE THOSE BACK! DON’T TOUCH THEM!”

I held her head back with a claw and sniffed one mightily. Smiling slowly, I moved my left eye to look at her dangerously. “Mangos and strawberries? I think I understand what this means now.”

I have never seen a nuclear meltdown before, but I’m sure Sunset’s face could be the picture of the aftermath. “S-s-s-stop it! This has g-gone on for too long!” Her hooves came down in rapid flurries, and her voice was crazed and panic-stricken like someone from a nutward was talking. I didn’t feel any of her hits, however, and was too busy smiling like an idiot.

“This is your scent, isn’t it? Your scent of arousal, that is. In other words... ponies use socks to masturbate, don’t they?” At the end of my question, she stopped hitting me and plopped down onto my chest. Her horn glowed and enveloped a white pillow, pulling off its sheet to wave it back and forth in the air.

“I give up...” whined Sunset, who resigned to sighing into my chest as I gave a deep chuckle.

I rubbed her head softly, putting her socks off to the side and getting comfortable. “I’m pretty tired, Shimms’; how about you?”

“Stupid Silas. Why do you have to get to me like this?” Sunset’s voice vibrated on my chest as I chuckled at her dismay. She didn’t sound as mad as that sentence was supposed to be. I guess she was finally warming up to having me around.

I yawned mightily, blowing a plume of black smoke out into the air. “Yep, definitely tired. G’night, Sunny.”

“I dislike you so much it hurts.... Si’....” She went quiet after that; little snores being the only sign that she was still on top of me.

“Just another day, I guess. Sunset’s not so bad now that I’ve seen her in this light. She might be a little.... promiscuous... but that’s nothing. We all have our kinks, after all. This new power of comprehension is a curse as much as it is a boon. It should have far more uses in the future, though... whatever that entails.” I closed my eyes and found my consciousness fading quicker than normal.

“If I end up in that fucking Station again; there’s going to be a LOT of blood spilled.”