• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 6,067 Views, 128 Comments

Silas Epista - Maneiac

This story has all you could ever want: aliens, ponies, and adventure. What else is it missing?

  • ...

Queen [Rewritten]

I have a headcanon that all leprechauns bleed Lucky Charms. So what do unicorns and alicorns bleed; rainbows?

The glass of the elevator proved to make this ride of mine quite the experience. As the machine descended lethargically, every two or three seconds would give me a bright flash of neon-blue light. The light came from the wired walls just outside my reach, making up the elevator’s shaft.

Of course, this did very little in alleviating the heavy amounts of boredom coursing through my veins. I had thought waking up on an alien space station to be exciting, or terrifying if it was filled with the kind that wanted to probe my anus with sharp objects because they thought all my organs were shoved up that little tight passage. Or it could be that they had a strange affinity for dirty, shitty equipment.

“I hope the locals on that planet don’t think I’m here for the tissue lining their anal walls. That would be...” I trailed off and shivered, utterly grossed out by the thought of aliens harvesting the skin on the inside of an asshole. “That’s just wrong on so many levels! I really don’t want them to think I’m there for that!” Switching the legs I had crossed over one another, the elevator decided now to be a good time to reach the Cargo Bay.

With a ding did the contraption stop, and it was with that same ding did the doors slide back and reveal to me a hanger that was probably fifty feet high by sixty feet in length. I could see only one vessel in this black and silver docking station, with cardboard-looking boxes stacked off to the sides. These chestnut-colored squares devoured the entirety of the left and right sides, leaving the center completely untouched.

“And that...” I thought with some amusement, before sauntering towards the shuttle in the distance. “... must be Judgement! Twelve rooms for bunking with a full kitchen, Command Bridge, Two Bathrooms, and fully compatible with Siri. Looks like that screen with Judgement’s specs was pretty useful after all.”

As a yawn tackled my throat, making me close my eyes momentarily for the experience; Siri saw fit to destroy the soft hum of the Cargo Bay by popping up from nowhere in front of me. I kept walking, my reflexes failing me, and slammed my face into hers at the end of the yawn. I barely felt anything, but the hologram felt a little bit of pain from the impact if the cute little “Oomph!” was anything to go by.

Nevertheless, I was undeterred and making steady progress towards the shuttle in the distance. Even when Siri detached herself from my face with the sound of velcro coming undone; which I willed my mind to ignore, since it’s an obvious breach in sensibility and natural law, I was not phased by it. “Stop, Silas! I’ve got to warn you about the Denizens! I have no control over them when the Ark is running on bingo power!”

“Then warn me,” I quipped with a smile, not stopping my advancement towards Judgement. “It sounds like great conversation material while I walk!”

Siri growled and flew off of my face, crossing her arms in front of me. “The Denizens are a part of the Ark! It’s a symbiotic defense protocol, and it attacks anything it deems as dangerous to the object assigned for it to protect! The Judgement is that object,” She explained frantically, once again defying all logic as she chewed on her nails, almost mimicking the sound of a typewriter in use by a professional author. Her eyes were battling one another to scan every nook and crevice the Cargo Bay had to offer, and she feasted well on the metallic anatomy of this room.

I put my hand on my hip and glared at her. “Move aside. I’m not gonna wait for your heart attack to come, and then try to leave the Ark. Keep in mind, however, that I can just walk right through you, too.”

Her frantic staring settled on me again, and I saw how her body kept shaking even as her eyes narrowed down to dangerous slits. “You would do well to listen, Silas. Even a Sigma will have difficulty against the Denizens. They are a Ronin Program, and only the installer can deactivate them by voice. You, are not Goddess-Queen Atharva! They will devour your body!”

Quite fed up with her antics, I move her to the side with a roll of my eyes and kept it moving. “Spare me, Siri,” I remarked dryly, continuing ever onwards. “If these so called ‘Denizens’ wanted me dead, then shouldn’t they have struck while I was ignorant of them? And look at that,” I proclaimed with a smug grin, turning my back on the shuttle I just reached and leaning said part of my body upon its cool metal. “I’m perfectly safe.”

*Silasssss... Eeepissstaaaa...*

My eyes widened from that, and I promptly shot myself forward and turned on my heels to face whatever just whispered my name! In my haste to distance myself from a potential foe, I found myself placed next to Siri again. She was, in a couple words, scared byteless.

You woke them... Tiamat help us...” She breathed out, putting an arm around her mouth and backing up. Placing my eyes back on Judgement, I became aware of two things. One, there were enemies near it. And two, Siri could see them, but I can’t.

“Hey, you with the pink face,” I called out to her shivering form, watching with mild bewilderment as she snapped her head to face me. “Where are they!? Don’t give me any shit about you not being able to see them! Your face from earlier, the way you were staring at Judgement: you can’t say you didn’t see them!”

Siri froze up, giving little squeaks as an indication that she was still functioning.

Answer me,” I roared, causing the hologram to flinch. She then got this look on her face, as if she was witnessing the birth of a deer for the first time. That experience will forever scar me, so I know it would be equally traumatizing for an alien hologram like her.

Siri lifted a finger slowly, pointing the petite digit at Judgement. My eyes followed, and what I saw almost caused me to curse out loud.

Whatever this thing was, it had claws and teeth. From the way its sinister blue eyes stared Siri and I down, I knew right then and there that we were looking at trouble. Its body could be likened to a komodo dragon’s, but more lithe around the legs and bulkier around the neck. Hissing came through a waterfall of a dripping, silver-looking substance that dripped from its built-in fangs.

A long, clear, transparent appendage slithered out from the recesses of the built-in fangs and lapped up the silver substance dripping around its mouth.

“Great,” I thought in a crotchety manner, pursing my lips to the side as I glared the Denizen down. “It can cloak itself.”

Too suddenly for comfort, the Denizen lowered itself into a pouncing stance, still hissing at us all the while. *Eeepissstaaaa... moreeee... come...* It hissed metallically, and the sound of scraping metal filled the room.

All around me was the screech of metal on metal, and the hissing of the one Denizen turned into a demonic chorus of them. Siri saw fit to shoot herself into my mane, shivering uncontrollably as I drew my sword from its sheath.

I noticed how it had a diamond blade instantly, and took note of its surprisingly light weight. “Good. This will cleave right through ‘em!” Swinging... Zaelstrom, if I remember correctly; I tested its quickness. And with great satisfaction on my part, the weapon was deemed worthy of my usage. “And by ‘deemed’, I mean ‘I’ll take any weapon I can get right now’!”

As if on some sort of ironic cue, the lights in the Cargo Bay went out completely. This left me in the dark, and did well to unnerve me greatly. I kept my eyes wide open, hoping to see something that would give away the position of the Denizens.

“Come on,” I thought frantically, turning my head and walking in a cautious circle, warily keeping Zaelstrom in front of my body while staying light on my feet. “Show yourselves!”

Something brushed against my leg, moving too quick for me to react. It felt slimy, whatever it was, and disappeared from my striking range before proper retaliation could be made. “Oh, so we’re playing this game, huh? The old ‘Ring-Around-The-Helpless’ schtick?” I frowned at the familiar situation I had witnessed so many times in movies like Alien v. Predator and Slither.

“Well I’m craftier than those idiots who just sat there and waited for death!” Steeling myself, I took off towards Judgement suddenly. It was quiet for about three seconds, and then the sound of a ear-splitting screech filled the air. “Yeah, they’re pissed! Haha, fuckers!” I ran for what seemed like an eternity, never reaching Judgement for some odd reason. But what I did run into made my ski... scales crawl!

I thought it was a wall, but as the eyes of more and more Denizens lit up, I started taking steps back. Then, in a powerful frequency that made me clench my teeth, they screeched again. The multiple mouths opened up to reveal revving motors and dripping silver streams of symbiotes.

“That’s my cue!” I turned and ran, not stopping as the wind whipped my wide-open eyes. “I would murder the fucking Catholic Church for some gods-damned night vision right about now!” As I continued my wild sprinting, the sounds of grating metal claws upon the floor made me wince as the Denizens gave chase.

“Stopping would be suicide, and I’m not a guy that’s fond of people killing themselves. For any reason. That would make you a coward, and a quitter. Justin Richards is not a quitter. He is a winner, and he’s proven that through and through, time and time again. Whoops, tautology!” Deciding that my sprinting forwards had gone on for long enough, I promptly peeled off to my left and jumped over a pair of blue eyes that decided to open in front of me.

Landing on the floor with a roll from how fast I was running, I continued my progress undeterred once more. The slaps of my bare feet against the ground was beginning to annoy me a little bit, and I had that familiar burning of weariness in my lungs. Something was going to give out sooner or later, and boy was I praying for ‘later’!

“This is fucking insane! Who wakes up in an alien body, on an abandoned space station, and is then chased down by symbiotic hounds of ultimate destruction!? What kind of low-budget movie by Michael Bay did I land a role in!? Transformers: Fuck You, That’s Why,” I thought to myself frantically, praying to all the deities in the world to at least graze the fucking ship!


“Ah! Their screeches are fucking horrifying! It’s like a million chalkboards are being cheese-grated right inside my ear canal!” I, in my efforts to flee, appropriately tripped over my feet.

There was no end to the amount of tumbling I began doing, and as the fourth full roll came to pass, I found myself at the bottom of an impromptu avalanche of cardboard-feeling boxes. I thanked the high heavens above for the fact of these boxes being empty, and quickly gathered myself together.

Just as I got done hissing in pain, I realized that the hissing was, indeed, still going on. Snapping my eyes open, I didn’t have time to dodge a whistling claw. The metal appendage carved the left side of my face diagonally from southwest to northeast. Once contact was made, I had enough reflexes to shut my left eye tightly, and felt the claws mutilate my eyelid.

Screaming in pain, I threw a fist out and punched the Denizen square in his mouth. It yipped in pain, and with my right eye, I saw it fly back from my strike. “This shit is getting crazy! That was way too close!” Thrusting myself from the cardboard boxes, I wiped the blood from my left eye and opened it.

For some odd reason, I could now see in the dark. Everything was tinted and shaded blue, but I could see! The stinging pain around and on my left eye was making me hiss in pain with every footfall during my sprint, and as the familiar sight of Judgement came into view, well; let’s just say I “added more fuel to the afterburners.”

“Siri, do something! They’re right behind me,” I yelled out into the dark room, een shaking my head back and forth to try and eject the hologram from my mane. When I stopped whipping my mane back and forth, and noticed that Siri was not inside of it, I swore under my breath and readied my blade for a fight!

I could see at least twenty Denizens stalking up, their bodies solid in some areas, but mostly made up of roiling liquid. Every now and then, a mouth would form on their sides and gape open, as if acting as a pair of gills or lungs. These defenders were horrible in appearance, and if the left side of my face was anything to go by; they could do massive damage in a short period of time! Especially since they have a pack mentality!

“Alright dogs,” I took a deep breath and pointed Zaelstrom at them. “Who wants the stick first?” I narrowed my eyes at the Denizens, who all flared their mouths and eyes open. Nothing could be heard in the room save for my breathing and their collective hissing, our staredown seeming to stretch farther than three eternities.

I flinched when the one in the middle hunkered down. *Eeeepissstaaa... meeessage...* The beast hissed, making me raise an eyebrow but kept Zaelstrom leveled towards it. The Denizen- who I will now call Leader because it stepped forward while the others stayed back -took about ten paces towards me and then sat down.

Using its front paws as support, the beast opened its maw and screeched. Instinctively, my ears came flapping down to minimize that harsh frequency. The other Denizens ran into Leader, and they started pooling together. The symbiotic material sloshed around, and the sitting for of Leader became a round, rolling-in-place ball of silver. Once again, a gaping maw would breach the surface in order to breath every now and then.

“What the hell is going on here!?” Even though the sight of all those Denizens coalescing into one solid ball was disturbing the crap from my colon, I felt strangely at ease for some unknown reason. My body was slowly losing the adrenaline I had accumulated during my running, and my bated breaths were slowly being rectified by the air of calm that had descended around me. “And why am I relaxing? This is... strange... but oddly stroking my curiosity.”

The ball in front of me began bubbling and morphing itself, stretching and pulling like some sort of masochistic rubber band. The sounds of boiling cauldrons and pots filled the air, and the hissing I had come to associate the Denizens with added to the odd ambience that now infected the Cargo Bay.

And I watched, with slightly interested eyes, as this ball of symbiotes gained color while the lights turned back on with a loud click. The silver symbiotes slowly turned a lovely shade of copper and dark-tan, and then took on the shape of... me. Well, something with the same body structure as me. The only noticeable difference was the breasts and normal knees.

A face, feminine in structure, appeared, and then gave way to a short blonde mane with blood-red horns that grew from the forehead and swept back and up, layering overtop of the mane that swoope to the back and upwards like her horns. I counted four horns, two on either side of her head, and two shaggy sideburn-looking pieces of mane that fell down just past her jaw line.

From her nose up was a plate of fractured, dark-silver metal with a green gem encrusted in the middle. Crimson eyes with a slitted black pupil eyed me down mirthfully. Her armor consisted of very provocative clothing, with a top of red and white silk that made some sort of bra. I could see her areolas and nips through the fabric, and wondered why a warrior would wear something so revealing. A single piece of thong-looking silk covered her vagina, and rose high so that its straps went around her waist instead of her hips.

Red and white gloves with brown leather bracers adorned her claws, and her tail- which was just as long as she was tall -ended with a silver, megalodon tooth-shaped tip. I could see the jagged edges of it from where I was standing, and that also included the two red horns just below the tip on either side of her tail. She was striped tribally, with the copper dominating most of her body. Her knees were the last line of defense against the symbiote-made greaves that ended with clawed feet. Three claws in the front, and one claw in the back. She was standing on the ball of her metallic feet, which caused the back half of her foot to remain raised in the air.

Bringing my eyes back up to her face, I noticed the two-layered pauldrons overtop her shoulders, and the brown leather covering underneath. She stuck her tongue out at me and smiled, snapping me out of my trance of observation.

“Ava’yorn, Silas Epista! Tir svanoawux fare naeck?” She placed a glove on her hip and cocked it to the side. After this was done, she bounced on her heels minutely, but it was enough to get those melons in motion.

“Gah!” I rapidly shook my head. “She’s an alien! You do not ogle alien breasts, Justin!”

Her face dropped down from happy to concerned, and she hurriedly made her way over to me. I tensed up when her face came centimeters from my own, her eyes staring holes into my cranium as she hummed. “ Jilinth mefawg? Axun, vur creolnali else kiri.” She placed her gloved claw on my left cheek, inspecting my recently added wounds. “Wux jahen giln mrith sia suorraic,” She asked me again in that weird-but-familiar dialect of hers. “Batobot ui svabol wux mirjal, malai,” The dragoness stated with a glare, ficking me on the forehead and then grabbing both sides of my face.

As I was held in place by her gloved claws, she saw fit to take me then and there. I let out a grunt of surprise when her mouth slammed home on mine, and since I was not ready for the passionate attack, I found myself short of breath as she deepened the kiss. Her C-cups were pressed against my jacket-covered chest.

She wrestled against my unwilling tongue, and her saliva tasted of tart raspberries. It didn’t help matters when she saw fit to place her knee against my right leg, pinning me to Judgement. Her strength was sizeable, but for some reason, I knew pushing her away would be very easy. So, I placed both my hands on her arms and did just that.

Our mouths pulled apart with a wet pop, a trail of saliva still connecting us to each other as we panted. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were cloudy.

“Listen,” I breathed out, feeling the organs in my chest scream at me for not allowing them air. “Although you are a splendid kisser, I have to say that,” I cut myself off as her eyes teared up while she sniffled. “Oh no,” I continued sharply, tightening the grip around her arms a little bit more. “You will not cry. I know for a fact that anyone insane enough to smack doggies with a complete stranger is made of tougher stuff than this!”

Her sniffling stopped, being replaced by laughter instead. It was like listening to a chorus of oriental flutes. This went on for five seconds, causing me to frown at the alien woman with an annoyed exhale to boot.

“Wux re eschoup ekess jekip mrith,” She suddenly exclaimed, pinching my cheek and wiggling it about like that one aunt or grandma no child likes. Grunting in annoyance, I swatted her hand away.

“Look here, woman! I don’t have time for this! Since you look like me, I’m going to guess you’re from that Asla place, right?” In response to my question, she opened her mouth to say something. I, however, had a feeling she was messing with me by talking in her native tongue. So, like I always do; I went with my gut and head. “And,” I interrupted her, just as the first sound left her mouth. “Please talk to me like you know what to say. I have a feeling you know how to speak my language. Yes or no?” And at the end of my rant, I raised an eyebrow and tapped my foot.

“No,” She quipped with a small chuckle, making me growl from the back of my throat. “Ah, I jest of course! It seems you’ve lost your memories, hmm?” Her voice was angelic now that she was speaking my language. and for just a second or so; I found myself wondering if listening to her was some sort of blasphemy. I was also feeling the need to prostrate myself before her, but I pushed that irritating notion to the back of my head, because I don’t bow to anyone.

“Lost my memories? No, I’m pretty sure I remember my life, thank you very much,” I sassed, getting a snicker out of the alien woman. “Just who are you anyway? You never gave your name.”

Her lips peeled out into an ‘O’ shape, before she raised a gloved claw and placed it on the hole. “You’re right, Silas! Very well; I do believe introductions are in order, for my part anyways.” Placing her claws off to the side, she dipped and crossed her feet daintily, completing a perfect curtsy. Rising back up from the maneuver, she placed her head upon my chest and looked up at me. “I am Goddess-Queen Atharva of Planet Asla: Head of House Amaranth, The Immaculate One...” She trailed off with a mischievous smile, making me shiver. “But I’m not feeling too immaculate right now, if you see my undertone.”

I gulped, thinking off all the aggressive girls I had to put up with in high-school. Out of all the girls that came to mind, Sarah Logan was the worst. Flirtatious bumps and grinds in the hallway, multiple love letters with naked pictures inside them, and the overly-occasional wink while passing each other. You can only imagine my horror inf facing an aggressive woman again.

“You want me to pipe you? Lady, I just met you! Granted, a lot of women at my high school wanted me for that same reason after one meeting, but my point still stands!” I released her arms and crossed my own, tilting my head to the side and looking at her like a disappointed father would to this child. “And for a ‘Goddess-Queen,’ you sure like to come on pretty strong!”

“Now there’s the Silas I remember! Always speaking in Common, and always mouthing off to his superiors! You’re the only one on Asla that didn’t prostrate yourself at all times when I’m around. The most you did was bat an eye and kept it moving,” Atharva enthused, snuggling against me even tighter. She then began to purr like a housecat, and that one action alone caused me to nearly have a brain attack. I mean come on; she’s a fucking reptile!

“Ugh, am I going to get answers out of you or not?”


I slapped my claw onto my face as she began pulling down my jacket’s zipper. “You know, this is technically rape. I didn’t agree to this.” My voice was an irritated lion, poised and ready to slap some sense into the foolish kittens he sired if they didn’t stop biting the absolute shit out of his tail and ears.

In response to my crotchety tone, Atharva saw fit to laugh. “Rape, you say? Well I don’t see anyone else on the Ark to confirm that heinous claim of yours~! Plus, it’s normally the males that rape the females.”

“Oh,” I responded curiously with a raised eyebrow as she fully unzipped my jacket, spreading the piece of clothing apart with both her claws as she nuzzled my pectoral muscles and flicked my black nips with her fingers. “Then shouldn’t I be the one violating your body like that? Would you prefer it that way?”

She stopped her caresses and looked up at me with that mischievous grin from earlier. “Normally, since it seems you’ve forgotten; the males of Asla fight the females for the right to mate. You seem pretty rusty, but if you want this body of mine, you’re gonna have to chase it with Zaelstrom,” Atharva teased, an aura of smugness nearly suffocating me with its density.

Giving a chuckle of my own, I placed a hand on her left breast and gently rubbed it. “No, this body is far too young for my liking. I mean look at this,” I laughed, jostling the breast for good measure. “What are you, twelve? I can still fit my claw around this gumdrop!”

Atharva- for the first time since I met her -glared. She immediately distanced herself with an angry snort, turned on her raised heels, and took about twenty paces away from me. After an appropriate amount of space had been consumed by her hungry, greave-covered feet; Atharva turned back around and struck a pose.

Her forearms and fists were held up in front of her face with their backs facing me. “Ouroboros Aegis, deploy!”

And that’s when the freaky shit happened. Symbiotes from her pauldrons, greaves, and headpiece, all flowed down to her forearms and gloves. Atharva’s right arm showcased a silver shield that didn’t reach her elbow and had three spaced out tips. The middle tip was sharp, impeccably so, and came to a spade-shaped end; whereas the other ones were merely round. Her sword was the same length as her elbow forward, and the front handguard reminded me of a halberd blade while the back was just a normal rectangle of white metal. The whole ensemble was angelic in appearance, only adding to her slightly regal visage.

“What you see now is the bane of every challenger that dared to fight me for the throne. It was also the last two things they saw before entering the embrace of death. You,” Atharva snapped, narrowing her eyes and pointing her shortsword at me. “You will be given something far worse than death for your earlier comment about my bosom! There is nothing wrong with petite breasts!”

For some odd reason I can’t describe, a feeling of déjà vu washed over me as I raised Zaelstrom and pointed it at her. “Something tells me I insulted your breast size before. Are you ill-tempered when it comes to your underdeveloped body,” I sassed with another chuckle, making Atharva grit her teeth in irritation.

“Your witty tongue will look good on my mantle, Silas. And then, I’m going to take you for everything you have, and destroy your pelvis! I will not suffer this heat anymore! No one else is worthy of my body but you and you alone!” After her speech ended, Atharva and I saw fit to start circling each other.

Where her face was serious, mine was the picture of absolute terror. “D-did you say heat!? I’m not going to fuck you, lady! Get it through that little-girl shaped noggin of yours!” I kept tracing every part of her body for the first move, because I never started a fight. Zaelstrom was lowered to my side, but still pointed minutely at Atharva.

“You’ll happily turn into a pedophile when I’m done with you, Silas babe~! All you’ve got to do is lie down and take it,” She cooed in response, making the scales on the back of my neck tingle. “So why put this off any longer, schnookums? Let the Queen have her way with the Mate!”

I was charged too fast for my eyes to register.

Author's Note:

This is the second chapter of the Rewrite. I am quite pleased at the new take on this story! Hopefully, you guys will be as well!

And if you're still having trouble picturing Goddess-Queen Atharva, you can follow this link: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CveoBI-WAWI/TV-aA_Cbq9I/AAAAAAAABlw/NAunkMCKd9Q/s1600/%255BFurry+NEW%255D+%252830%2529.jpg

Stay tuned!