• Published 22nd Jun 2013
  • 10,759 Views, 595 Comments

The Angel of Equestria - Robobrony

A winged human has come to Equestria and pledged his loyalty to the princesses.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Celestia and Luna led Charles through the halls of the castle to the barracks where the guards train and practice their skills. His staff was being kept with the other weapons, such as spears and swords. As they made their way through, Charles got some odd looks from other ponies, the guards were curious and the staff seemed scared. Charles noticed the looks and folded his black wings around himself as he walked with his arms folded in front of him behind his wings with a bit of a scowl on his face. He was most uncomfortable getting such looks. “Are we almost there yet?” He asked.

Luna looked behind her to answer. “Just a little farther.” Luna noticed how he was walking. “Are you all right Charles? Is something wrong?” She asked with concern for the human as she noticed his wings folded in front of him with a scowl on his face.

“I’m fine, I just don’t like the way your subjects are looking at me. I can understand since they’ve never seen anything like me, but it still bothers me.”

Clelestia then looked at Charles to address him. “I am sorry for that, is there any particular reason it bothers you so much?”

“It’s the same looks I got back on earth from other humans. I never did a single thing bad and they all just saw a monster when they looked at me. Can we just move on and forget it, I just want to get this over with.”

The sisters looked at each other with concern, Celestia looked back at Charles. “Very well, we are almost there.”

Within minutes, they arrived at an open area outside with many buildings that housed the guards that stayed at the castle. They approached one building that housed the weapons with one guard on duty protecting the door. “Your majesties, it is good to see you, to what do I owe the pleasure?” The guard saluted as he spoke. He failed to notice the human behind them.

Celestia responded. “We are here to retrieve the stick that came with the creature that appeared in my courtroom, he will be giving us a demonstration of his skills with it.” The princesses stepped to the sides to reveal Charles to the guard.

He stepped forward and took up position between them. “Wait, you want to give that……THING it’s weapon, what is the meaning of this princess?”

Celestia gave the guard a stern look, as did Luna who responded to the guards words. “Watch your tongue soldier, his name is Charles, and he has sworn an oath of loyalty to us, you will show him the proper respect, understood.”

The guard was now sweating under the night princesses gaze. “Y-yes your majesty, my apologies. Sir, please forgive my rudeness.” The guard addressed Charles.

Charles said nothing but gave a nod to let the guard know he understood him. The guard then opened the door to allow the princesses and Charles entrance. Celestia allowed Charles to enter first so he could find his bow staff. He scanned the room and saw many spears and swords hanging on racks. In the far corner of the room, he saw his staff leaning against the wall. He put his wings back behind him and went to retrieve it. He picked it up and placed it on his back where it stuck there between his wings.

Charles made his way back out and met with the princesses. “Thank you for letting me have it back your majesties.” He said as he gave a slight bow.

Celestia gave a smile. “You are welcome Charles, now how about a demonstation?”

“Of course princess, just so you know though, I don’t like showing off, but I figure it is important for you to know what I can do.” Charles informed them.

Celestia and Luna then led Charles to where a number of guards were training. One of them was overseeing their training. He was a white coated unicorn stallion with three shades of blue in his mane, he had a dark blue shield with a dark pink star on it on his flank. “Come on troops, show me some guts, don’t let your guard down!” He instructed.
“Shining Armor, we have a new recruit for you.” Luna said as they approached.

Shining Armor then turned to face the princesses and gave a bow. “Good day your majesties, a pleasure to see you.” He got up from his bow and turned to his soldiers. “All right men, take a break!” The soldiers stopped what they were doing, lined up at attention, and gave a quick bow to the princesses. “So princesses, you said you have a new recruit for me?”

Celestia spoke first. “Sort of, we will be positioning him in ponyville, since he’s new here, we figured we could place him with your little sister so he can be made familiar with our ways.”

Shining Armor gave a confused look to them. “Forgive me princess, but what kind of pony isn’t familiar with how things work?”

Luna informed. “He is unfamiliar with our ways because he is not a pony.” The princesses once again stood aside to reveal Charles. “Shining Armor, this is Charles, he has sworn loyalty to us and seeks a place in the royal guard, as we said, he will be stationed in Ponyville and be staying with your sister so he can learn our ways. I hope that is all right with you?”

Shining Armor looked at the human curiously. “Um, what is it?”

“HIS name, is Charles, he is a human, he came to our world through a magical accident and wishes to live among us. Myself and my sister had a talk with him and can see he is a kind soul.” Celestia informed.

Charles was confused by the words Celestia used to describe him. A kind soul? Him? He may not be one for killing, but he sure didn’t think he deserved such words. Luna then addressed Charles. “Charles, this is Shining Armor, he is the captain of the royal guard, he is the one in charge of all guard activities through Equestria.”

Charles took a few steps closer to Shining Armor. Shining Armor was two inches away from being eye level with him. Charles gave a salute and spoke. “Sir, I have sworn my loyalty to the crown and all those who serve it, I will do my best to protect the town I will be placed in.” He dropped his salute. “I am here to show the princesses my skills as a warrior.”

Shining looked Charles over carefully. “Hmmm, well, if Celestia thinks you’ll be good enough, I suppose I have no choice, all right, let’s see what you can do. Go and pick out a weapon.”

“I already have a weapon sir.” Charles then removed his staff from his back and held it in his right hand vertically.

“A stick, that’s your weapon?” Shining asked with scrutiny. “You’re joking, right?” This elicited a laugh from the other guards as well.

“I can assure you that it is enough, if you don’t believe me, then pit me against one of your strongest guards here.” Charles said with all respect in his voice gone.

Shining turned to his line of guards. “Swift Wing, come forward.” A pegasus guard stepped forward from the guards as they departed.

“Sir.” The Pegasus saluted. “Swift Wing ready and waiting sir.” The other guards then cleared the area to give the two plenty of room to fight, Swift Wing had a spear ready and waiting to go. The two took to the center of the circle the guards formed while the princesses watched.

Charles held his staff just behind him in a horizontal position with his right hand, while his other was just in front of him while he took a ready stance. The Pegasus guard got in a ‘ready to charge’ stance with his spear pointed straight. Swift wing flapped his wings to propel him forward at full speed. Charles saw him coming and waited at the last possible second to move. He swung his staff and knocked the spear out of Swift’s hoof, he kept the momentum of his swing and hit the guard in the side of the face with the other end, knocking him on his side. Charles then quickly had one end of his staff pointing at the downed guard as he stood over Swift Wing. Charles had moved so fast that if you blinked, you might have missed it. The guards were stunned at how quickly Swift Wing was defeated.

Charles gave one piece of advice to the guard before pulling his staff away. “Don’t underestimate your opponent.” He then pulled his staff back and offered a hand to help the guard up. Swift looked at it cautiously at first then accepted it. Charles helped Swift Wing up to his hoofs.

“No pony has ever been able to match me in speed like that, how did you do that?” The guard asked.

“First of all, I’m not a pony in case you haven’t noticed. Second, I have had training before, so I have excellent reflexes.” Charles answered.

“I’ll say.” Shining armor spoke as he approached the two. “That is very impressive how you beat him so quick. Maybe you do have what it takes to be a guard.”

Charles stood at attention. “Thank you sir.”

“But now, I’d like to see how you do against me. What do you say, care to try your hoof against me?”

“Hand, sir, I have hands, not hoofs, and if you really want to test me yourself, then I might as well let you. I did promise the princesses a chance to see another ability of my staff, well it’s really more something I can turn it into with my magic, my reserves have built back up and I can pull it off.”

Shining then paused a moment. “Wait, you have magic too?”

“Yes sir, however, the way I got here drained most of it and has just recently built back up to where I can pull off what I was talking about. It doesn’t take much to do it.”

Shining armor then levitated his sword out of his sheath. “Well then, let’s see it.”

Charles held out his staff in front of him with both hands at the middle horizontally. Suddenly, winds erupted from his hand as a kind of small tornado that went from the center of his staff and went to the sides, encompassing his staff entirely, it was only for almost an instant. When the winds dissipated, there was now a pair of swords in his hands. Both with black handles and silver hand guards about an inch wide. The blades themselves were two and a half feet long and two inches wide, the ends were sharp and pointed, the swords were double edged. The guards were a little impressed with this.

“Not bad, you any good with those?” Shining asked jokingly.

Charles twirled his swords from their backhanded grasp to facing frontward and at his sides. “I prefer not to use them in a real fight, but since this is just for a demonstration, I don’t have a problem with it. Let’s get on with this.” He held out his right sword and pointed it at Shining Armor.

Shining Armor jumped and went for a downward strike. Charles crossed his swords and blocked it. Charles then forced his sword up and, before Shining armor could make another move, Charles swung his left sword and sliced Shining’s sword in half, then thrusted his right sword and stopped it an inch away from Shining’s throat. Shining was stunned as he still held his broken sword up and looked at the sword pointing at his neck. “Looks like I win.” Charles said as he pulled his sword back.

Shining finally lowered his broken sword and looked at it carefully. It had indeed been cut clean in half. “How…..how did you do that? You moved so fast I didn’t even have time to react.” Shining asked, still stunned.
Charles then twirled his swords to where he was holding them backhanded, slammed the ends of the hilts together, and the two swords were surrounded by the same wind again and turned back into the single staff. “It was part of my special training I received, I’m the only human who is capable of moving so fast. My staff is made of a very strong metal, as are my swords.”

“You certainly have some impressive moves, perhaps you could replace me as the captain of the guards.” Shining said jokingly.

Charles flung his staff back on his back. “No thanks, I’m not exactly a leader type. I’d prefer a simple guard position like what the princesses offered.”

Celestia finally approached the two. “Are you sure about that, with skills like yours, the position of a simple guard would let your talents go to waste.”

Charles turned to Celestia. “I’m sure your majesty, like I said, I am no leader.”

Celestia smiled. “Very well then. Come, it is dinner time, let us get something to eat and I will send word to my student of your coming, from there, I will send you off afterwards.”

“Of course princess.” Charles said as he gave a bow.

“Hey Charles, Celestia said she’s sending you to stay with Twilight Sparkle, right?”

Charles turned to his new captain. “Yes sir, I am. She is supposed to help me get aquainted with Equestrian society and such.”

“Just so you know, she’s my little sister, I hope you take good care of her during your duties, and also, tell her I said hi.”

Charles gave a salute. “Yes sir, I will sir.”

“Relax soldier, you don’t need to be so formal with me.”

“Force of habit, I was in a situation where I had to show all superiors respect.” With that, Charles followed Celestia and Luna to the dining hall for dinner.

Celestia sat at the head of the table with Luna on her left and Charles on her right. A magnificent selection of food was displayed before the three. Charles chose first a nice big salad bowl for starters. Celestia chose a sandwich with all the fixings, and Luna went with a vegetable soup. Luna started up the conversation once dinner started. “So Charles, I am curious as to how it is you have wings and magic when I remember you saying that humans don’t have such things. How is it you are the only one with those?”

Charles looked at the night princess. He didn’t like that question. “Forgive me princess, but how I came to have them is not easy for me to talk about, it is a rather painful and an unpleasant tale. I wouldn’t want to spoil the meal with a sad story.”

Celestia was also curious. “Please Charles, we are very curious about this.”

Charles closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “*sigh* As you wish princess. Back on earth, I was made into a lab rat, a test subject for some twisted government experiment. They were trying to make these nano bots that could make you smarter by creating and connecting your brain cells for more thinking power.”

Luna interrupted. “Excuse me Charles, I don’t mean to inturupt, but what are……nano bots?”

“How do I put this in a way you can understand,….they’re like……tiny little metal insects that are really smart and can’t be seen with the naked eye.”

Celestia and Luna scrunched up their noses in disgust. “How horrid, that sounds most unpleasant. And they put these things in your…….brain?” Luna asked, still sounding disgusted.

Charles simply nodded. “Yes, but because of their small size, you don’t even know they’re there. Anyway, these nano bots were supposed to make me smarter, but instead, there were other side effects, somehow, they were able to wire my brain to where I actually had an understanding of magic and was able to perform it, the wings on my back were another side effect, as well as enhanced reflexes and strength. It was very painful.”

Celestia gasped at this. “Goodness.”

“The pain went away once it was over. It took some getting used to, but because of this malfunction, they ended up having to scrap the project. They wanted to study my body though and find out what went wrong and see if they could duplicate the process for another project to create super soldiers. I found out that they were going to make me brain dead so they could study my body and do this. There was no way I was going to let them do that, I also didn’t like how they planned on using what they found to make more humans like me for the soul purpose of killing. So I used my abilities and escaped, ever since then, I’ve been on the run from them, and everywhere I went, I was seen as a monster. That’s how I became an outcast and a monster.” Charles finished his story as he looked away and down.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other worryingly. They looked back and Celestia spoke up. “Charles, I am terribly sorry for what happened to you, I can’t believe such creatures could be so cruel to their own kind. Why didn’t you simply go to your family for help?”

Charles clenched his fists at that question. “With all-do respect your majesty, I shared what I told you out of respect for you. You showed me great respect despite the fact that I’m…….different from you. I thought it only fair to show you the same respect, so it was out of respect that I told you what I did, but that is all I am willing to share.”

“I understand, I thank you for sharing with us.” The rest of the meal went on in relative silence.

After the meal, Celestia and Luna lead Charles back to Celestia’s chambers where she wrote out a letter for her student and sent it along. “Come along Charles, there is a carriage waiting to take you to Ponyville now.” The princesses led him to an area outside again, where two Pegasus guards were harnessed to a closed carriage ready for takeoff. “I have also sent word to Twilight of who you will need to see to begin your guard duties in Ponyville once you are ready to start. I wish you the best of luck in your new home Charles.” Celestia said.

“Do be sure and write to us to let us know how you are getting along once in a while, won’t you?” Luna asked.

“Of course princess. Thank you for everything.” Charles climbed into the carriage and it took off for Ponyville as the sun was getting ready to set.

Author's Note:

As a thank you to all my faithful readers, I would like to include any OC's you have that can be used as guards in Ponyville for Charles to interact with. They have to be Pegasus, earth pony, or unicorn. Thank you.