• Published 22nd Jun 2013
  • 10,759 Views, 595 Comments

The Angel of Equestria - Robobrony

A winged human has come to Equestria and pledged his loyalty to the princesses.

  • ...

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Deep within the everfree forest, two humans hid themselves in the old castle of the pony sisters where Twilight and friends first found the elements of harmony. These humans were no ordinary humans. They were meta-humans, much like what Charles was. One stood at 5’11”, had a thin build with light skin, had black hair and eyes, and wore a black hoodie with black jeans. He paced back and forth in front of his other human friend. “I don’t believe it, we finally find the archangel and he changed form. How did he do that? Any ideas Harold?” He stopped his pacing and looked to his friend Harold.

Harold stood at 5’9”, had scruffy black hair, electric blue eyes, a thin build, and a large scar over his chest that looked like a lightning bolt. He wore a faux leather jacket and blue jeans. “How do we know for sure that was him Michael?”

Michael stepped closer. “Because that ass hole Jonathan confirmed it, he said something about the creature he loved to hunt down or something, that had to be him!”

“Ok so what now?”

Michael took a step back. “Well, I guess since we found him, we should continue with our original plan, join up with him and kick some military ass for what they did to us. I’m sure he would like that.”

“So why are we hiding out in a forest like this then huh?” Harold asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, we needed a place to think about what we learned. Since the military found him, they’re sure to come here in full force and try to capture him regardless of him being some winged horse with a horn.”

“I think that was called an alicorn.” Harold offered.

Michael gave a flat look. “Does it matter what he is now? What I’m curious about though is why those two soldiers suddenly turned on Jonathan and the other two soldiers?”

“I’ll admit that was weird, but we can figure that out later. By the way, I think that idea you had for me to hide in the electronics of the bio suit while you hid in the soldiers own shadow was a great idea. We got to this strange world full of talking horses and found the archangel.”

“Thanks, now come on, let’s get a move on and try to talk with him, we’re burning daylight here.”

“Right.” On that word, Harold’s form changed, his entire body started glowing electric blue and the scar on his chest changed to yellow and was also glowing.

Michael’s entire form changed as well to a black silhouette with a purple mist emitting from his eyes. They both flew up into the air and flew off over the forest to the town of Ponyville.

Upon their approach, they decided to drop their meta-human forms to seem less threatening and came to a landing just outside the town. They started making their walk through town and were already getting looks. Many of the ponies were afraid this time and most of them just ran in fear or hid in their houses. Word through town had spread about the other humans that came and the ponies were scared of humans now. “So how do we find the archangel? All we know is that he’s an alicorn now.” Michael asked.

“I know, let’s start blowing shit up. That’ll get his attention.” Harold offered.

Michael glared at him. “Are you mental, we want to make friends with this guy, not enemies. If we start blowing up things in a town he’s living in, he’ll try to kick our asses.”

“Good point.”

“Let’s just try to be friendly with these ponies and see if they’ll tell us anything.” Michael approached a blue coated mare with a white and blue mane and tail that seemed frozen in fear. Michael spoke as nicely as possible. “Excuse me miss, we aren’t here to hurt anyone, we’re looking for a friend of ours, he’s an alicorn, black fur white mane and tail. Do you know where he is?”

The mare just shivered. “Uh, uhm….you aren’t like those other humans that came are you?”

“No, we are nothing like them, can you please tell us where this pegacorn is?”

“Alicorn.” Harold corrected.

Michael ignored the comment. The mare seemed to calm down a bit. “Well….um, he lives in a big house near the center of town, how do you know him?”

“We came from the same world as him, we want to help is all.”

“Really, well ok, just head that way and you’ll find it.” The mare pointed the two in the direction they needed to go and headed off.

“Thanks for the assistance.” Harold called after walking past the mare.

After a bit of walking, Harold and Michael suddenly found themselves surrounded by some of the guards that seemed to just pop out of nowhere. Storm Chaser landed on their left with his sword at the ready. Carbon stood in front of them with a few of his knives floating around him pointed straight at them. Shadow Fang stood on his hind legs with his swords at the ready on their left, while Lightning Thrash appeared behind them. “Hold it right there you two!” Lightning proclaimed. “You humans have some nerve. You’re under arrest.”

“What’s the charge officer?” Harold asked jokingly.

“Dude, now is not the time for jokes.” Michael scolded. Michael then turned to the Pegasus in armor. “Sir, we are not here to cause trouble, we came here looking for someone. I swear we aren’t here to start a fight.”

“Of course we are, just not with you guys.” Harold cut in.

“In case you didn’t know, humans aren’t exactly welcome here.” A new voice sounded behind the two. All ponies turned to see Charles walking up to them. Charles levitated his staff up and formed his fire sword. “You got a lot of nerve showing your faces here humans. You better start explaining what you’re doing here or I’ll tear you apart.”

“There you are, we’ve been looking all over for you man!” Harold called out like he was greeting an old friend. “Finally we get to meet the archangel.”

Charles cocked an eyebrow. “Excuse me? My name is Charles, and who are you? If you were looking for me, then you must be with the military from earth.” Charles raised his fire sword as it burned. “I hope you have good health insurance, cause you’re going to need it when I’m done with you.”

Michael interjected as he waved his hands up. “Whoa whoa, easy there fella, you got it all wrong, we aren’t with the military!”

“A likely story.” Charles didn’t believe them. He swung his sword down at them. They both dove to the sides in opposite directions and stood up. Charles turned to Michael first. “Hold still and I’ll make it quick.”

“Don’t we even get a trial first?” Harold asked with a smirk.

“You want a trial, fine! You have been charged with being humans and trespassing, the jury finds you guilty as charged and are hereby sentenced to death, how’s that?”

“What, no lawyer?”

Charles spread his wings and leapt into the air and came down with a downward strike of his sword.

Harold changed to his elemental form and zipped out of the way. The strike to the ground made a firey explosion. “WHOA! That was close.”

Michael changed too. “DUDE calm down, we just want to talk!”

Charles looked at the two curiously. “What the buck? So what, you’re the military’s secret weapon of human soldier’s?! So I guess they did manage to make super soldiers, great. Well don’t think I can’t kill you!” Charles swung his sword horizontally and shot a wave of fire at the two. They jumped up and avoided the blast.

“We aren’t with the military!” Michael argued. “Look at us! We’re meta humans like you are….or were!”

Charles paused a moment. “Meta humans? What are you talking about?”

“We were experimented on like you were, we were injected with nano bots just like you, and just like you, they gave us powers. I swear we aren’t working with the military, we are victims of them just like you are.”

Charles glared at them. “Do you really expect me to believe that?”

Harold continued. “Did you really think you would be the only one to be experimented on? The military wanted more test subjects after you. You were the first and we were the last. We were orphans when the military got their grubby hands on us. They injected us with nano bots to try and recreate what happened with you. Instead, we got different powers. We used our new abilities to escape and have been on the run ever since as well.”

Charles raised an eyebrow. “OK, so how do you know about me, and what’s with this archangel stuff?”

The two dropped their transformations as Michael answered. “That was how the soldiers and scientists referred to you as. When we were at that base, we over heard them talking about you from time to time and called you the archangel. Years later after our escape, we overheard two soldiers who were looking for us talk about how the archangel had escaped and somehow transported to another world. We had to see for ourselves and hope maybe we could live in this world too away from the military, but at the same time help you beat their sorry asses for what they did to us and teach them not to bother us again. So here we are.”

“And you two want to help me?” Charles asked.

“Yeah, we want to team up since were the same….or were the same since you’re not….what you were before.” Harold threw in.


“What he means is that we were looking for you because we want to help fight off the military when they get here and also we were surprised to find out you were turned into….a horse thing.”

“Alicorn!” Both Charles and Harold shouted.

“WHATEVER, look, the other point here is that we are also curious as to how you ended up like this. So what do you say, you believe us or what?”

Charles turned to Lightning Thrash. “Captain, what do you want to do with them, I think I believe them, but you’re the one in charge here, so what are your orders?”

Lightning Thrash thought for a moment. “Hmmmm, well I don’t know much about what they were talking about, but if you think we can trust them, then I’ll let you deal with them.”

“Understood sir.” Charles turned back to the two. “All right you two, I’ll believe you for now, but if I find out this is some trick, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

“Good luck with that.” Harold shot. THUNK! “OW! What was that for?!” Harold asked as he looked at Michael who just knocked him in the back of the head.

“For being a smart ass.”

Charles rolled his eyes at them. “All right you two clowns, follow me, we’re going to my house to talk about this further, the rulers of this land will be arriving shortly to discuss this imminent attack from the humans on Equestria.”

“Rulers?” the two questioned as Charles lead them away.

“Yes, this land is called Equestria and is ruled by two alicorn princesses, princess Celestia and Princess Luna. You two better remember to show them respect when they get here.” “Geeze, I sure hope no one else shows up, my house is going to be a bit crowded now.”

The three soon reached Charles’s house. Before going any further, he stopped and turned to face the two humans. “Now listen, before we go in, I want to lay down a few rules. First of all, there are mares and a kid dragon in the house so no swearing. In case you didn’t know, there isn’t exactly any swears in Equestria and I want to keep it that way, so keep the language clean, understand?”

“HAH, that’s a good one! No swearing.” Harold laughed.

Charles glared at him.

“I don’t think he’s kidding Harold.” Michael pointed out.

“Really, no swearing?” Harold asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“No swearing.” Charles repeated.

“Fine.” Harold slumped. Then something else crossed his mind. “Hold on, did you say a kid dragon?”

“Yes I did, dragons exist in this world too and this particular dragon is my little brother in law, so again, watch the language.”

Michael cut in. “And how did you get a kid dragon for a little brother?”

“Long story short, one of the mares I marred has an adopted kid dragon for a little brother.” Charles continued. “Second, if you two insult my mares, you’ll get a good bucking, one word against my wives and you’ll never be able to reproduce again, got it.”

The two looked at him a little confused. Michael broke their silence. “Um, Charles was it? What do you mean by your mares?”

“I’m married to four mares, you got a problem with that?” Charles glared at them.

“Wait, you can have more than one wife here?” Harold asked.

“Yes, and I have four wonderful mares as my wives.”

“Um….did you…..marry them before or after you changed into an alicorn?” Harold asked.

“Before. I can guess what you’re thinking so let me help you out. These ponies accepted me for who I was instead of what I was. They didn’t care what I was and showed me friendship when no one else would. Me and the four I married fell for me and I them, so now I’m married to them. These ponies live, think and act like humans, but better. They aren’t as judgmental. And I’m on the way of being a dad. Any more questions or can we move on?”

“Nope, I’m good.” Harold answered.

“Nothing else from me.” Michael added.

“Good.” Charles led them to his house.

Charles used his magic to open the door and walked in. He was greeted by Winona as she happily ran up to him with her tail wagging. “Hey Winona.” Owlowicious flew over and Charles held up a forleg for him to land on. “Hey Owlowicious, how are you doing?”

“Who.” Was his only response. Owlowicious flew off somewhere.

Charles turned to the couch where his wives and parents still sat.

“Welcome back Charles, did you fine the mayor and talked to her about setting up a place for your parents?” Twilight asked.

“I got a little side tracked.” Charles responded. The two new beings walked in and every pony stared.

“Charles, who are they?” Rarity asked.

“I didn’t get their names really.” Charles stepped aside for the two humans to step in more. “You two mind introducing yourselves?”

“Not at all.” Michael responded. “I’m…..wait a minute.” He stopped upon seeing the other two humans. “YOU! What are you two doing here?! Michael asked with rage. Harold glared at the other two humans as well.

“I can’t believe our luck, looks like we get some payback!” Harold said with an evil grin.

Charles’s parents cringed. “Wait, who are you?” Charles’s dad asked.

Every pony looked on in worry. Charles quickly stepped in front of the two with his wind sword out in front of them. “HOLD IT you two!” He commanded.

“What are you doing, those two are the ones responsible for the whole thing we went through, why are you defending them?” Harold asked.

Charles gritted his teeth as he answered. “Because their my parents.”

Harold’s jaw dropped and Michael just stared. “Your parents….as in your mother and father?” Michael questioned.

“Sadly yes.”

“And you don’t want us to kill them?” Harold asked.


“Then why are you protecting them?!” Michael asked, unable to believe the logic here.

“They are my responsibility, not yours, I decide if they live or die, not you. Besides, killing them is pretty much pointless, what happened happened, killing them won’t change the past.”

Michael gave a sigh. “I suppose your right.”

Charles brought his sword back and turned it back to a staff. “Now then, introductions. Names please.”

Michael started. “I’m Michael Blakk.”

Harold then introduced himself. “Harold Evans.”

The mares in the room as well as Daniel and Carol were still confused as to what was going on. Charles began to explain. “Girls, Carol, Daniel. These two say they were experimented on like me and got powers too. They want to help in the fight against the army that is to come.” Charles then looked around and noticed a lacking of a certain little dragon child. “Twilight, where’s Spike?”

“*Yawn* What’s a dragon gotta do to get some sleep around here?” Spike asked as he rubbed his eyes from the door of his room.

Charles walked over to him. “Spike, it’s practically the middle of the day.” He pointed out with a smile.

“So, that’s usually the best time for naps.” He then noticed the two new humans. “Who are they?”

Charles looked back at Michael and Harold over his shoulder. “Back up I guess.”

“So does this mean they’re staying here too?”

“No Spike, and neither are my parents, we don’t have the room remember, that’s why I was on my way to the mayor’s earlier to speak with her about finding a house for them, now we need another for these two if they want to stay.”

Spike gave a relieved sigh. “*Whew* That’s good.”

“Michael, that dragon is talking.” Harold pointed out.

“I can see that, I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised given everything else we’ve seen.” Michael pointed out. He then got Charles’s attention. “So Charles, about your transformation, I’m just curious about what happened.”

“*Sigh* Fine, take a seat and I’ll explain.” Charles walked over to the two as they sat down and went through his explanation all over again.

“….And that’s what happened.”

Harold began with a bit of an impressed look. “Cool. So you have these weapons that can manipulate the elements?”

“I do.”

“That is so bad a...” Harold was cut off by a glare from Charles. “I mean, cool.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go to the mayor and speak with her about setting up lodgings for you all.”
Charles got up and headed for the door. Upon opening it, he spotted the princesses on approach in their carriages, Discord was riding along with Celestia. “Or not. Every pony…..and human outside, the princesses have arrived.” Everyone got up and headed out the door.

Charles then noticed a blue dragon following them as well, it was about as big as Celestia in size. The dragon had dark blue scales and a white belly. The membrane of his wings were white as well with white claws at the tips of his wing joints.

They all came to a landing in front of the group of ponies and dragon. The humans stood behind the ponies as they lined up and bowed before the princesses. Charles was bowing when he looked back and noticed the humans weren’t bowing. “Bow you idiots, these are the princesses.”

Michael was quick to do so, followed by Charles’s parents. Harold finally clued in and bowed as well.

“Rise my little ponies.” Celestia said. “Greetings Charles, and hello to you all as well.”

“Hello princess.” Twilight greeted. “It’s always a pleasure.”

“WHOA, what the hell is THAT thing?” Harold asked pointing at Discord.

“Excuse me, thing? How rude.” Discord huffed.

Charles turned to Harold. “His name is Discord, he’s known as the god of chaos and is a friend of mine, I’ll thank you not to insult him.”

“But what is he?” Harold asked again.

“I happen to be a draconaquis.” Discord answered.

Harold raised an eyebrow. “A what now?”

“It can wait for later, we have more pressing matters to discuss.” Charles pointed out. He then turned to the princesses. “Forgive them your highness, these humans here are new, they snuck in through a portal the military from my world created to get here.”

“I see, and who are they?” Luna questioned.

Charles indicated to the two meta humans. “These two are Harold and Michael, they say they were experimented on like I was back on earth and gained powers. I have seen they do indeed possess some abilities, but I don’t know the full extent yet. They say they wish to help with the imminent attack the military from earth will launch now that they found me here.”

“And what of the other two humans?” Celestia asked.

Charles growled out. “They’re my mother and father.”

The royal sisters cocked an eyebrow. “I see, and what is their purpose here?”

“They came here to find me and try to apologize, hoping I would come home with them or something, but that isn’t going to happen. But now, they need a place to stay. I was about to head out and speak with the mayor about that. If I may princess, who is the dragon with you?”

The dragon in question stepped forward with a smile and introduced himself. “The name’s Frost Wing, my father, Iron Scales, sent me over as an ambassador to discuss preparations for this big threat that was coming, after the princesses received your letter about this attack that is to come, I offered my help. My breath can freeze an enemy solid, I can also change my size to a full grown dragon and freeze time for my enemies and allow my allies to move about freely. It takes a lot out of me though.”

Charles continued. “Princess, I regret to inform you that, because of three humans now in custody here, the military from earth isn’t just after me, but all of Equestria now. They want to make all the ponies out of guinea pigs and study the magic they possess. And I’m afraid that with their superior technology and weaponry, we may not stand a chance. Even with my new powers.”

“Perhaps I could be of some help.” A low raspy voice sounded off behind the princesses. Every pony looked behind just in time to see a black cloud of smoke form and appear, the smoke cleared and there stood a pony in a black tattered cloak. Only his muzzle…..or what is left of it could be seen along with his hooves. This pony had pieces of flesh hanging off the bone that was showing on some of his muzzle and legs. He was holding a large scythe that was seething with a black aura.

“Good heavens, what in Equestria?” Rarity questioned.

“Greetings, I am Ghoul. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He bowed to the princesses.

Celestia gave a light glare. “What are you, you reek of death.”

“I am a necromancer your highness, I realize my appearance is less than…..pleasing.”

“I’ll say.” Applejack shot.

Ghoul continued. “But I can assure you that my intentions are good, I was aware of this imminent threat much like the old ones, the timberwolf and manticore kings.”

“Oh man, I think I’m gonna hurl.” Harold pointed out.

“And why should we accept help from such a foul creature like you, you dabble in dark magics being a necromancer.” Luna pointed out.

“True, but my power will be of use to you, I promise I only wish to help. I have an army at the ready, and they will do what they can to help under my command.”

“What sort of army?” Celestia questioned.

“Why, the army of the undead of course.”

“No, I cannot accept help from such a foul creature.” Celestia said sternly.

Charles cut in. “Princess, if I may. This Ghoul here may be some of the help we need, an undead army may come in handy, I don’t like it any more than you but we’ll need all the help we can get.”

Discord cut in. “He may be right Celestia, if the human army is as strong as Charles says, we will need more help than what we have.”

Celestia turned to her sister. “Sister, what is your opinion?”

“While this creature seems foul, I must concede to the logic here, if he has an army, we would be fools not to make use of it to help us in this fight that is to come.”

Celestia turned to Ghoul. “Very well, we will accept your aid.”

“Excellent, you won’t be disappointed your majesties.”

Charles cut in. “I still think we’ll need more help, even with an army of dragons, manitcores and timberwolves, this just might not be enough.”

“Then it’s a good thing I had the foresight to plan ahead.” Discord stated.

“What do you mean Discord?” Luna questioned.

“Simple, I scouted out a few other dimensions to find a few ponies that may have strong powers to help out. I figured Charles could be our ambassador to these other dimensions and speak with them to see if they’d be willing to help out.”

“Other dimensions, you can travel between dimensions?” Frost Wing questioned.

“Well I am a god of chaos after all. So what do you say Charles, shall we go recruiting?” Discord asked Charles.

Charles cocked an eyebrow. “What makes you think these other warriors will risk their lives for another dimension?”

“Well we won’t know unless we try now won’t we?”

“I suppose you have a good point. But only if it’s ok with the princesses, this is serious buisness here.”

Celestia gave a nod. “As you said, we will need all the help we can get, go with Discord and see about recruiting these other warriors for our cause.”

Charles gave a bow. “As you wish princess. Me and Discord will be back shortly with more warriors to help in the cause.”

“In the meantime, we shall speak with the mayor for you and discuss housing for your human guests.” Luna pointed out.

Charles turned to his wives. “Girls, I’ll be back shortly with help. Hopefully this won’t take too long.”

“Do be careful dear.” Rarity said as she planted a kiss on his cheek.

“Come back soon partner.” Applejack did the same.

“I know you’ll come back with more help and then we can throw a big party to welcome them as a thank you for agreeing to come here!” Pinkie cheered as she hugged Charels.

“Be careful, jumping from universes might be dangerous.” Twilight shared as she and Charles shared a quick kiss.

“Don’t worry girls, I’ll be fine, I’ll have Discord with me.” Charles walked up to Discord. “All right buddy, let’s do this. Time to recruit.”

“You got it, hold on tight.” In a brilliant flash, they vanished.

Author's Note:

Next chapter, OC’s part 2. The dimensional call to arms. A few more OC’s that were submitted will be recruited and added to the fight. Thank you all for your support.