• Published 28th Jun 2013
  • 3,277 Views, 129 Comments

MLP: Friendship is Meatbags - mooneyboys

Takes place between SW KOTOR One and Two. HK-47 comes to Equestria. Enough said

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War's a brewing

War’s a brewing

“So what shall we ask it first?” Celestia asks the group of leaders in front of her. The leaders, who have seen ponies, or in this case, griffons, be killed in a bloody fashion, were the first to recover from this slaughter.

King Atlas, who is still mad about the death of his elite soldiers, just grunts.

President Kale puts one of his hooves to his chin and begins to think. As the leader of the zebras he must choose his questions carefully. Zebras by nature are a wise and relatively peaceful as a race, but when threatened they can become a dangerous threat.

“I have one: You say you are from the stars yes?” Chrysalis asks HK to which he nods in conformation. “Then how did you get here?” The rest of the leaders nod in agreement.

“Musing thought: How should I explain this to your tiny little brains….” Nothing can be heard for a time except for the occasional whur of the machine’s inner parts.

“Explanation: Let’s see here. After my former master, Revan, destroyed the Star Forge He took the liberty so say goodbye to his idiotic companions, all except me, an equally idiotic T3 droid, and a brutal man that was Canderous Ordo of the Mandalorians. Needless to say, he was ok in my book.
Master Revan took the three of us and traveled into the unknown regions of space. He remembered a vision of something that must be destroyed there. Another needless to say, we never did find it for I do not have any mention of finding it in my memory banks.”

An awkward silence ensues as the group waits for the droid to continue. Only to find out he’s finished.

“Uhh HK, is that it?” Twilight asks it.

“Sarcastic answer: No master I’m just waiting for fatso to finish eating his doughnuts. Answer: Yes master I’m finished with my story.

“B-But that’s it!? No action or anything!?”

“Response: Master let me put it this way. I have no idea what happened during my travels there. We could’ve found it we could’ve not had. Or we never went there. Or even we were shot down by a sith cruiser for all I know. My memory banks DO NOT HAVE any memories of that. Remember master, you found me shut down and damaged yes? Then perhaps I was turned off the entire time.”

“I guess that makes sense…”

“Arrogant response: Of course it did, I said it after all. Now next question please. I want to go kill something”

“What kind of weaponry do you carry?” Atlas asks the droid, surprising some, but most expected it.

HK responds by taking out the sith assassin pistols and putting them on the table. “These here are two sith assassin pistols. The sith designed these to be very deadly and very efficient. Its concentrated plasma makes the pistol have a high minimum damage on the Galactic Weapon Scale: Blaster Weapons Division but low maximum damage.” He then takes out a Mandalorian Assault Rifle “This beauty here is a Mandalorian Assault damage. Known to be almost overpowered for something its size, it is a feared weapon among the galaxy. Especially during the Mandalorian wars. “It has a solid 3 point minimum damage on the GWS and is capable of, with a modified blaster, firing up to 1537 rounds per minute. Unmodified they shoot roughly 300 rounds per minute to avoid overheating.” As it was finishing talking, it took out another weapon for show and tell. “At the present moment, this is my most prized possession excluding my lightsabers I have looted from the Jedi I have killed. Jedi and Sith mind you. This beauty here is a Mandalorian Rocket Launcher. As I have told master before, the Mandalorian Rocket Launcher was originally designed to be an anti-infantry missile system. However it was later used as an effective anti-armor weapon. Capable of piercing through a star cruiser and, in this case, melting dragon scales with absolute ease.”

Everyone that hasn’t seen the weapons before were left speechless. HK only showed 3 weapons and already ONE had enough technology and firepower to make everything on Gaia obsolete and useless. “Such power….” Kale and Atlas say. Though the zebra’s was a whisper of disbelief while the griffon had a voice of awe.

“Commentary: If you are awed by this point I might as well not tell you about my grenades and mines. Or even about the space craft the galaxy uses.”

“That is very interesting….. I have made my decision. I want you to help me rule the world” King Atlas says out of nowhere, earning a series of gasps from the group of leaders and a frown from Discord.

“King Atlas have you gone mad!?” Luna asks, shocked by what he said.

“Of course not! However, I am sick and tired of you, your sister, and Kale here always limiting my power. The griffon kingdom shall have no more! From this day forth we declare war on the one that has caused us the most trouble in the past. That is you “Princess”; you have always tried to remove our power. Kale there is nothing more than your faithful lapdog and Chryssy there only does what is best for her kingdom. Now droid, are you with us or are we going to have to take you out with extreme prejudice?”

“Warning: Touch the land and lose an arm meatbag. Touch the master’s land and lose your life.

Atlas is shocked, “And why not!? I know you. You crave power as do I! You want to cause pain, I can do that! You want to kill, I can allow that! But instead you threaten me, why!?

“Statement: As you have obviously forgotten you moronic meatbag, while I do enjoy causing pain and death, which normally leads to power, I am bound by my master’s will. And seeing you’re about to attack the land she stupidly calls home, I am going to have to kill you if you do. It’s nothing personal, it’s just business. And don’t forget my lack of making my own choices for myself. Damn it I hate being a droid sometimes.

“We could always try giving you a pony body HK” Twilight suggests.

“Statement: Bah, master that is a stupid idea. Even if I wanted to, which I don’t, a Bipedal chassis is superior in almost every way. It has more agility, torso movement, driving skills, the ability to actually shoot something, not to mention it makes me taller, which in turn makes me more terrifying.
An Equine Chassis is not suited for a droid of my tasks. Sure an astromech droid or maybe even a translator droid, which by the way I can perform, would fit their suit pretty well as their chassis can support them via magnetically, they’re stronger, faster, and more durable. But they cannot turn quite so easy, can’t shoot a variety of weapons for they must be mounted on it, and they are undoubtedly shorter.”

“Anyway, King Atlas have you gone mad!? There’s no way the Griffons can defeat the three nations before you” Kale asks, trying to change the subject.

“Actually the changelings are staying out of this one. If he really wants to fight us, he’ll have to do it on our homeland” Chrysalis tells everyone, not surprising many in the room.

“Hmph as if my fight is with you. You don’t try to ruin my power. You do what you need to do to survive Chrysalis. You are not my problem. They are.”

“There’s nothing you can do to us! The power of friendship shall see to that!” Twilight objects. Celestia, who for some reason stayed quiet up till now, laid a wing onto Twilight’s back.

“Twilight follow me please. There is something we must talk about. Something I really hoped you wouldn’t have to hear.”

The two alicorns walk out toward the exit of the room; their steps echoing across the stone room. The doors open and the two walk out into Celestia’s shining sun rays, its warmth enwrapping them immediately. The guards posted at the doors closed the door with a mighty “WHUMP” and the politics was back in action.

“Statement: Do we have anything else to discuss about me or shall we get straight to this war business?” HK asks the group.

“What? You’re not going to kill me?” Atlas replies, obviously shocked and what the droid just says.

“Statement: Yes and no. While I am fairly certain I will kill you, I will not be killing you right here, right now in this very room. As a participant in this an act of war, the Intergalactic Rules of War, or IRoW, clearly states in my programming that I am not allowed to kill you or even take potshots at you until you have safely left the capital and are on your way back to your country.” Your guards however is a different story so if we have nothing more to discuss……. You better hope for their sake they are really fast fliers for I am a really good shot.”

“Well aside from a political bullshit with them trying to reason with me and ending up with me leaving in a fit of anger, no not really. We can go ahead and fast forward and save everyone some tiiiiiiiii what is that!?”

What the Griffon is referring to is the Sniper rifle the assassin droid has taken out of nowhere. This sniper rifle is just as long as the droid and the barrel as thick as one of its hands. This action surprised the leaders, making some flinch and most do a double take with wide eyed looks.

“Query: What? This old thing? Oh it’s nothing special, just my first sniper rifle that I have owned. Master Revan made it for me. It is capable of hitting a one meter square target dead center from a mile away and is capable of hitting pony sized targets from three times that. It is also one of my most prized possessions.

“Well….. That thing is really big…… *ahem* anyway, Soon! Soon I shall return! And when I return starting with Equestria, the world will see the power of the Griffon Empire! Soon!” And with that, King Atlas of the griffons flies off and the remaining griffons fly off to follow their leader.

An awkward silence fills the room as no one knows what to say anymore.

“Query: Before I start shooting, does anyone want tea?

Author's Note:

So guys in the spirit of Halloween i have given you guys a trick and a treat! As you know, this is the treat. The trick, unfortunately, is that this is the second to last chapter (plus an epilogue probably). I originally planned to increase this story by a couple more chapters before this point and incude some star wars stye speaking (so basically politics and why a character does something) but my lust for writing this story has.....fallen to say the least. My pre-reader/editor has given me advice saying i should before moving onto anything else. I'm truly sorry guys. But hey, at least next chapter will be a slaughter am i right? Also Twi-guy if you're reading this sorry i didn't have it go through you but i only just finished the chapter yesterday. So when you see this go ahead and fix it and send me a PM of the corrections or Email me. thanks buddy! Also turns out that i have a chapter unpublished. so here you go!