• Published 28th Jun 2013
  • 3,277 Views, 129 Comments

MLP: Friendship is Meatbags - mooneyboys

Takes place between SW KOTOR One and Two. HK-47 comes to Equestria. Enough said

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Test Fires

A week has passed since Atlas has declared war on Equestria and it has been a busy week. After the talk with Twilight Princess Celestia had to publically announce not only HK-47, but the fact because of it, Equestria is in war.

Surprising everypony, the general public took it very well and accepting since they now have to be drafted and whoever stays has to be taxed for the war effort.

Nobles donated money, ponies of all walks of life joined not by draft, whoever cannot join but can use a hammer was in the smithy crafting weapons and armor, ponies that can draw drew propaganda, fillies, though saddened by the fact their parents will have to leave them for a bit, helped out too in whatever way they could.

And in all those days the droid that is HK-47 has only been seen by few. It spent the week secluded in the middle of nowhere with only Discord keeping him company. It sent him back and forth requesting odd supplies almost every other hour.

“I still don’t see why you needed a quarter ton on copper, iron, steel, gold, and carbonated plastic. And don’t even get me started on those tubes you wanted!” Discord tells the assassin machine.

“Statement: I told you already you disfigured meatbag we are making weapons of mass destruction. NON-NUCLEAR weapons mind you. I don’t have a death wish. Although that would be a nice way to go, perhaps if it was detonated in the senate…..”

“What are you two doing!?” Twilight asks the two of them. Surprising both of them

“Query: Master!? What are you doing here? More importantly, how did you find us?”

“Easy, I casted a tracking spell on Discord. No one heard from you in a week and only Discord was able to find you. Just what are you working on?”

“Answer: As I just told Discord here, I’m making weapons of mass genocide. Query: Care to see?”

Without waiting for a response from his master it takes out a metallic tube with two retractable metal sticks attached to it. Along with his rocket launcher with a strange object attached to it, a long multi-barreled object, and a strange tall thin half sphere object with another one of those multi-barrels sticking out of it.

“Statement: Let’s start with what you know” HK says as he picks up the rocket launcher. “This is, as you know, the Mandalorian rocket launcher. I have modified it so that it carries a belt of grenades along with it that will scatter and undoubtedly cause a lot of damage to the enemy. Watch as followed.”

HK takes the missile launcher and fires at a target roughly 100 meters away. A tail of plasma follows the ball of plasma: the belt of grenades. When it makes contact to the ground the belt let go of the grenades at the time when the rocket exploded, causing the grenades to fly into the air in every direction and detonate when they hit the ground.

“Statement: Now it is truly an anti-infantry item. Query: Master what time is it?”

“It’s little over 7, why?”

“Statement: You will see in a moment master. You will see”

Just as HK predicated, Twilight saw what he meant. A pack of bats were flying overhead.

The little half sphere thing Twilight saw whirled to life and pointed its multi-barrels at the bats and released many tiny balls of plasma at the bats. With a terrifying screech bats went down by the dozens the longer the machine kept firing.

After what seemed like days but really was seconds the swarm of bats passes out the machine’s range and it goes back into shut down mode, leaving a horrified Twilight, a unfazed droid, and an oblivious Draconques.

“Statement: hmm that was a lot messier than expected. Eh oh well it passed its test”

“W-what?” Twilight tried to make complete sentences but couldn’t.

“Statement: Master because I know what you are trying to say I can answer you. Answer: What you just saw has a name. But for the life of me I have never learned it. All I know is that it is originally an Anti-missile system. Its original purpose was to shoot out rockets mid-air by shooting massive amounts of plasma at it. Genius in its own way, highly inefficient in another way. But it gets the job done. By rewriting some of its core matrix, I have redesigned it so that it will shoot from ridiculously small targets to somewhat bigger targets. Our griffon friends to be exact.”

Twilight shudders; suddenly feeling bad for the poor innocent griffons that will undoubtedly be massacred by HK-47.

“Statement: next up master I shall show you a mortar. So that at least you pathetic meatbags can help in some way. Watch closely master”

Twilight watches as HK retracts this ‘mortar’ so that it is pointed at an angle at the fallen bats. It then takes out a strange object and inserts it into the tube but holds it.

“Reference: fire in the hole” It lets go of the object and with a mighty WHUMP!
It flies roughly 4 feet and lands on the ground with no explosion whatsoever.
An awkward silence ensures as the droid somehow gives the now-presumably-a-bomb the death glare. As expected it didn’t detonate but HK-47 certainly gave it its best shot.

Discord meanwhile was laughing his ass off. “OH HA HA HA HA! You should’ve seen your guy’s faces! Priceless!” He then continues to laugh.

“Statement: That….. Was not supposed to happen.”

“Oh really? And how was that supposed to play off?” Twilight asks, half skeptical, half amusment.

“Answer: Oh master, it was supposed to play off like this” HK says as it goes from his droid voice to a high pitched WHEEEEEEEEEEEE followed by a nice satisfying BOOM!

“Statement: Master here we are at the last thing of show and tell. Care to witness or have we seen enough?”

“I’ve seen pretty much every piece of destruction you have in your arsenal. One more can’t hurt. What is it?”

“Answer: Ah master I'm glad you asked. This here is a prototype MK 2 minigun. Crude yes because I have nothing but the most basic of schematics but I built it. You remember my Mandalorian rifle yes?” Twilight nods. “Statement: Good. Now think of it this way. Imagine there are 8 Mandolorian rifles attached to this gun. Via a rotating barrel these guns rotate and when they reach a certain degree they fire. Not only does it help with overheating, which by the way I have dual hydrogen cooled tanks attached to this as well, but fire at roughly 8 times more shots per minute. Watch closely”

Quick as a flash HK turns around at some pony shaped/carved pumpkins it carved a little while ago and opened fire. With so many rounds blending into each other, it looked like HK-47 was breathing fire across the distance of 100 or so meters. A constant loud BD-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-! is heard throughout the entire volley.

The pumpkins stood no chance as they were not only obliterated, but melted, melted again, and glassed. And melted and glassed again for good measure. This entire demonstration took roughly 10 seconds.

Discord and Twilight were awed. Awed and afraid and fearful of the droid.

“You know, I now fear for the Griffon’s lives” He tells Twilight.

“Me too” She tells him. “Me too”

Author's Note:

So guys in the spirit of Halloween i have given you guys a trick and a treat! As you know, this is the treat. The trick, unfortunately, is that this is the second to last chapter (plus an epilogue probably). I originally planned to increase this story by a couple more chapters before this point and incude some star wars stye speaking (so basically politics and why a character does something) but my lust for writing this story has.....fallen to say the least. My pre-reader/editor has given me advice saying i should before moving onto anything else. I'm truly sorry guys. But hey, at least next chapter will be a slaughter am i right? Also Twi-guy if you're reading this sorry i didn't have it go through you but i only just finished the chapter yesterday. So when you see this go ahead and fix it and send me a PM of the corrections or Email me. thanks buddy!
Well here's the chapter that was supposed to be published on Halloween. But apparently i forgot about the one before this one so you guys get 2 chapters within one week. Hooray! anyway you can expect the slaughter of griffons final chapter sometime soon (probably within a few weeks) which i will be trying to get out ASAP. until next time guys