• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 2,466 Views, 49 Comments

Fluttershy's home for Reforming Monsters - JeckParadox

The Daleks have invaded Equestria, but the Princesses and a mysterious stallion with a box made short work of them, but one of the Daleks survived. Fluttershy pitied the monster, and took it into her home. Add 1 Discord and bake for twenty minutes.

  • ...


"How dare you put me to sleep!!" Sar shouted, swinging Fluttershy one way and then the other. "Daleks do not require rest! you have weakened me! You have corrupted me!!!!" He screeched, flinging the Pegasus to one side.

"Stop it Mr. Dalek!" Fluttershy whispered, afraid. She winced as the red suction cup mark on her coat was touched by her hair.

"I will not stand for this! I will exterminate you!" He shouted, shooting towards her. Fluttershy gave an 'eep' and ducked out of the way before the Dalek pushed through her flimsy wooden wall and landed upside down in the mud of her back yard. "YOU HAVE HUMILIATED ME FOR THE LAST TIME!"

"Stop it!" Fluttershy yelled, making every animal in the area turn to look at their mistress. "How dare you, you should be ahamed! This is no way to act around your host!"

The Dalek managed to use his limited flight to pull himself from the mud. "You cannot give me orders! I am not your soldier! I will not obey!"

Fluttershy fluttered down to the ground and stood in front of the dalek. "But this is my home. You can make yourself comfortable, but I will not tolerate rudeness!"

"I will decide what can be tolerated! This is now a DALEK base! All vermin will be exterminated!!" He turned around, searching for Angel Bunny. Fluttershy took the opportunity to flutter on top of him and balance on his head. She frowned and put a hoof over his stalk eye. "And now you have blinded me. BLIND! I CAN'T BE A BLIND DALEK!!! I AM UNPURE!" He screamed, charging through the yard, through the fence, and into the forest. Fluttershy ducked under branches, flying around and to the side, all while keeping her hoof over his eye stalk. It was about two minutes of charging through the forest that she decided to let go and simply cling to his backside. Sar stopped suddenly, killing a small tree. "I... am not blind?"

"N-no... y-you were rampaging, so I had to stop you."

"Y-you blinded me?!"


"I will destroy you! EXTERMINATE YOU!" Fluttershy sighed.

"I didn't want to resort to this, but you leave me no choice...."

"Huh?" Fluttershy put her hooves under the top of the Dalek's head and lifted the metal shell off, exposing the mutant octopus-ish thing inside to the sunlight and sounds of the Everfree. "What are you doing? I DEMAND YOU TELL ME! EXPLAIN!"

Fluttershy's eyes dilated. The Dalek's single eye winced as a feeling went through his very core. A feeling he was familiar with. The feeling of compulsion. When a superior Dalek gives an order to an inferior one, the inferior Dalek must obey as long as the superior Dalek really is superior. And at that moment...

Fluttershy was the superior Dalek.

"WHAAAAAAAA- the scream continued all the way back to the cabin, and all the animals watched with fear and caution as Fluttershy slowly led the Dalek inside. Angel Bunny frowned as Fluttershy guided the Dalek onto his side and on a couch.

"Mr. Dalek... are you alright?"


"Is that a no?"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!" The Dalek finally finished. Gasping sounds coming through the Dalek's voice filter. "....how...?"

"How what?"

"You gave me orders! And I was compelled! I am compelled! You are the superior Dalek! But you aren't even Dalek in the slightest!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHKKKK!"

"Stop." The Dalek shut up immediately. Fluttershy rose an eyebrow. "Uh... go?"


"Hmm... I only gave you the stare once... you shouldn't have to follow my orders any more.."

"Yes I do!! If I followed your orders even once, you're superior to me! Tell me you aren't superior! Tell me you are not my commander!!"

"...If I was your commander... could we still be friends?"

"The relationship between soldier and commander is the closest thing a Dalek can have to friendship! But it isn't real friendship, because friendship is useless and an impure idea!!"

"No it isn't."

"GAH! Whywhywhywhywhy?!"

"Mr. Dalek? What's wrong?"

"Stop giving me orders! You are not my commander! You are not Dalek!"


"There! Admission of weakness! Extermination MAY NOW COMMENCE." his eyestalk glowed bright red as he began re-wiring it into a laser.

"No! Saying sorry isn't an admission of weakness. It just means that you want to make sure that the two of you are okay with each other! It means you feel sympathetic!"

"Sympathy is weakness!"

"No! No it isn't!"

"grrrr...." The Dalek began. "I... I... I can't do this!! You are ordering me to change my ideas, and they have been permanently changed! I am even more impure than before!!! You aren't my commander, stopstopstop!!"

"I... I didn't mean to change your ideas..." Fluttershy frowned. "But... you said your name was Sar... right?"


"Sar, my special talent is taking care of animals, finding the best way to figure out how to make them feel comfortable and safe... Sar.. you're not an animal, but you're not a pony either. You don't think the same way. But... I know how to make you feel comfortable and safe Sar. Could I be your Commander?"

Sar's eyestalk remained red, but the glow was not increasing. She stood in front of it bravely, not wincing or showing fear in the face of a potential laser. Several seconds passed, and it slowly shifted back to blue. The Dalek backed away and lowered the eyestalk. Fluttershy waited patiently for a few seconds. But she put a hoof down, making an emotionless face. "Well Sar?!" She croaked. Don't worry, even her Dalek impression came out adorable.

"...I... I... of course Commander! I apologize! Commander, I accept any punishment for my previous actions!"

Fluttershy frowned and took a step back as well. "I wasn't your commander until a moment ago, all your actions before then are... what's the right word... you wouldn't like the term 'forgiven'.... your past transgressions are irrelevant."

"Commander!" Sar squealed, spinning in a circle. "I have a commander! I am not a complete failure after all!!" There was a whooshing sound and the two turned toward the blue box that formed outside their yard.

The door creaked open and a brown earth pony with a peculiar hairdo, a bowtie, and an hourglass cutiemark, stepped out with a cocky smile. "Hey there darlec! Just here to remind you before I go; you're the last of your kind on this world, you failed your last mission given by a real Dalek, and I'm still alive! Well, bye Fluttershy, keep a close eye on that one! Geronimo and all that." He went back into the box and if faded away.

Fluttershy gaped at the empty space and slowly turned to Sar, who was huddled in a corner, making whimpering sounds.

"Well... that wasn't very nice at all." she understated.