• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 2,466 Views, 49 Comments

Fluttershy's home for Reforming Monsters - JeckParadox

The Daleks have invaded Equestria, but the Princesses and a mysterious stallion with a box made short work of them, but one of the Daleks survived. Fluttershy pitied the monster, and took it into her home. Add 1 Discord and bake for twenty minutes.

  • ...

Absolute Chaos

Discord narrowed his eyes as he looked at the painting. It was absolutely exquisite. The colors complimented each other in every way, nothing was blaring or hard on the eyes. Every brush stroke seemed to be in the perfect place, expertly done with a skilled hoof or practiced spell.

The shapes seemed like they belonged nowhere else but in this painting. Every shadow played on every imaginary surface on the painting was almost as if it were a photograph, being in just the natural place. The ponies in the picture even, sat very naturally inside it, as if they were asleep, or at least completely content. If he were to bring them to life and offer them any experience in the world, they'd just say something along the lines of; No, thank you, but this is the place where we belong, we'd really like to be paint again now. It was like harmony on paper.

He could walk up to any would-be anarchist, show them this picture, and they'd decide they needed to have a long sit and think about what anarchy really meant for organized society in the long run. Discord raised a claw in front of his vision, and thought that the merest scratch or extra paint stroke would ruin the almost perfection of the painting. It would almost be a crime.

He turned around and walked away peacefully. He turns to you slightly and smiles. "What were you expecting?"

He strolled down the roads of Ponyville, houses got up and began having conversations, before being rudely interrupted by the roads trying to lift themselves up to the same level with only wheels that the houses accomplished with feet. He summoned an umbrella and opened it, smiling as a fountain of droplets began to erupt from the surface of the device. He waved good-naturedly at a orange salesman painting her wares purple, and Discord promptly summoned several poets with the order to take inspiration from the sight. He began chuckling as they all began to weep.

He climbed to the top of a hill and summoned his throne, a rather stylish, one that just screamed 'Villainous Scum'. He waited a few seconds and he sensed the six had shown up, "well, girls, have you finally prepared yourselves?" He asked slyly, turning back to them. His eyebrows rose slightly as a Dalek charged toward him at orbit-breaking velocity. By the time he woke up, he was a statue, probably sealed for the next few million years with a look of confusion and pain on his face. Not that anypony would see it, considering he had been knocked head-first into the ground, and managed to tie himself up into a ball before being petrified.

Darn it. he thought to himself. I didn't even get a clever line in or anything! I could have said something witty like 'friend me' or 'au revoir mon Capitan'! he pouted, mentally sighing. I'm losing my touch. That was a world record for how quickly I was beaten. Nopony remembers the days where 'reign of Discord' meant something important, like thousands of years of madness and irreparable damage to the laws of nature. He smiled slightly. I still can't believe Celestia managed to convince them all clouds aren't supposed to move on their own.

Discord watched the outside world with boredom, being a statue gave him some limited omniscience, in exchange for taking his limited omnipotence that came from his 'living' body. He could observe events miles away from his prison, he could laugh at the events of a child's practical joke in Zebrica while in the same moment be mentally plugging his ears in invisible defiance during court.

And yes, he was aware of the paradox that came with 'limited omni-anything'. That was one of the only fun parts of it.

Despite this limited paradoxical omniscience however, what occurred a few months later for him was absolutely unexpected.

"I believe we can reform Discord." Celestia said to the gathered mares in front of her. He laughed long and hard, all the way up to being released from the stone.

"So, you're the one responsible for 'reforming' me? Little you, the one who has so little pride she lets her friends walk all over her and calls it 'kindness'? My oh my, meeting you in the maze was interesting." Discord began, the house shifting and changing.

"My friends don't-"

"Oh Fluttersby, don't kid yourself, of course they do." Discord interrupted, pouring himself a glass of maracas. As he reached for the paprika he turned and smiled at her. "Why wouldn't they? They could ask you for any little thing and you'd drop everything you hold dear to do it out of a misplaced sense of kindness."

"Kindness isn't ever-"

"Butterdye, please. Excuse me, could you move a few inches to the left, you're kind of blocking an inch or two of the sun."

"Oh of course, anyway I-" she blinked, frowning slightly. "That doesn't mean anything, it's common courtesy to-" she blinked again, glancing at a clock. "And it's nearly midnight." She frowned. "Discord..." She motioned for the Element. "You put the Sun and Moon where they belong right this instant!"

"Fine, fine. Pushy, sheesh." Discord said, snapping his claw and putting the celestial objects back in place in time that a certain blue alicorn didn't accidently say something she regretted to a white one. "Hey, garbage can, come over here, I want to look at my reflection!"

"His name is Dalek Sar-"


"I HOPE YOU ARE GRATEFUL TO THE COMMANDER FOR HER GREAT AND UNDESERVED MERCY TOWARD YOU." Sar screamed as he came close, knocking Discord over with the sound.

"Yes, yes, eternal gratitude, mister tin can." Discord responded, frowning. "I happen to be an elemental force of chaos, of strife, disharmony, it is because of me and what I represent that you and your anger-management issues can exist! I am lord of space and time, for all you know, I've replaced Flutterbug with an exact duplicate Buggerfly while you weren't looking. I've rewritten your memories, I've caused your species to go extinct, I've caused every other species to go extinct, or you're now secretly a flower." He snapped his claw and teleported out of the way as Sar rammed through the couch and wall Discord was an instant ago. "I could have done all that, but didn't. You're welcome." He smiled as he felt the already almighty levels of rage present in all Daleks rise to a new, enlightened state of more rage. "Wow, you know what Flutterfly, this self-control thing took a whole new level of interest for me! Think of how much chaos I can spread with only suggesting what I'm not doing!" He got a gleeful maniacal look on his face. "Hey Shutterlie, guess who's not destroying the mantle of the planet, causing the continents to fall in on themselves, this draconequus, and you better remember it! And it's all thanks to you and mister plunger-arm!"

Fluttershy stared in absolute horror at him for five seconds. Discord's grin just kept getting wider.

Fluttershy shook it out of her and took in a deep breath, letting the breath back out with all the stress and fear. Two of Discord's top ten favorite emotions to invoke in others. "Discord, the purpose of this stay here is try and get you to understand the benefits of having friends, and using your magic to help others." She explained again. "You could be a great help to everyone if only you would think of how to make things better for other ponies."

Discord smiled even wider, showing more teeth than could possibly fit in his mouth. "So, I'd be a great help if I were a great help, wonderful reasoning capabilities yellow one."

"I see no error in her reasoning." Dalek Sar shouted at Discord. "Show respect to Commander Fluttershy or she will PETRIFY you!" Sar continued to screech.

"Oh please, Fluttershy wouldn't do that, after all, she wants to be my... ergh... 'friend'. And friends don't trap friends in stone." He floated over to her, Angel making a desperate leap for his position on the couch, only for Discord's bat wing to shoot out of the pillow and launch him away.

"You used my real name that time." Fluttershy said, smiling a little.

Discord stopped and gave her a strange look. "Really? Honestly I forgot for a little while there, and I was on such a roll too..." He looked sourly at the Pegasus. "But as I was saying, I'd never trap my friends in stone, would you, Fluttershy? After all, it's such a painful, humiliating way to go."

"...Painful?...Humiliating?" She repeated quietly.

"Oh yes, I'd never wish it on any living thing, in fact, I'd be hard pressed to turn anything into stone, which is why I'm planning on converting all pre-existing stones into forms of cake filling!"

"Oh! We'll have none of that, what will the plants eat?"

"Cake, of course. Everything likes cake. It's one of the laws of nature."

"No it isn't."

"Of course it is, name one thing in the universe that doesn't like cake."

"Dalek Sar."

"...You don't count, you're an alien from a universe, if there's anything that exists in this world from this world that doesn't like cake, it would be you."

Pinkie Pie burst through the chimney. "You don't like cake?!" She hissed, narrowing her eyes at the Dalek. "Now I see why you tried to exterminate Equestria!"

"These two things are completely unrelated." Sar shouted, but she was already gone.

"Well, as much fun as being here is, I think I'm going to leave. I mean, I'm pretty sure everyone agrees four seasons are boring, so i'm going to go change that a little."

"Wait, what did we say about altering the laws of nature-"

"You can't do anything to me little Fluttershy. Anything beside imprison me in stone, and you wouldn't do that to me, would you? Someone you want to be your friend? Would you do that to one of your little animal friends if they were a little uncooperative, or omnicidal, or grouchy?"

"What was that second word? I like that word."

Both turned toward Sar for a second before looking back to each other. "Discord, I know you don't like that, I don't want to have to turn you to stone either, so I think you need to at least try a little to reform. Think of how much happier you'll be when you can use your powers to help ponies, wouldn't you like to have ponies grateful for you?"

"If I wanted ponies to thank me for what I'd do, I'd cause eternal night." He smiled a little. "Or simply mind control them, or even simpler, just replacing their mouth with mine."

"So, you're not going to reform? At all?"

"Nope! But I'd like to see you try."

"Then we'll have to cooperate." Fluttershy said, standing up a little more. "You have to stay here and try your hardest, we're going to come to a compromise, and we'll get you to see the bright side of being good."

"Like you did for him?" He gestured at Dalek Sar. "And how did you manage to reform this charming little trash can of hatred?"

"I appealed to his better nature. He can be himself, and be kind."

"His 'better nature' is accepting you as his military commander." Discord said with a smirk.

"And he's happy, and peaceful, and he's okay with being those things."

"Accept Commander Fluttershy as your commander! Accept! Accept!" Sar growled.

"Why would I do that?"

"There's no need for that Sar, though I appreciate the help. What I'm hoping to do with you is the same thing I did with Sar. I want to help you find a way to follow your instincts, a way for you to be yourself, while not being destructive, and helping others. Sar's nature is warlike, yes, but really, he just wanted to follow orders. He and, from what I can tell, the other Daleks, aren't born craving destruction, but craving fulfilling their purpose. Sar just needed a better purpose, and a kinder commander. With you... I think you need a way to have fun and use your powers without upsetting or hurting ponies. So the first step is finding a way to do that. Discord, what do you do for fun?"

"Well, I like to start off every morning with a little turmoil, you know, collapsing a town's government, something small to tide me off til breakfast, then after I transform a few acres into breakfast matter I set up a little entropy, by three o'clock I've had lunch and a bit of anarchy, then afterwords I sew disarray into whatever system I can find, and then I spend the rest of the day creating a simple bedlam out of everything the light touches." He smiled. "And I never do anything the same way twice."

Comments ( 12 )

IT'S ALIVE:pinkiegasp:


"Of course it is, name one thing in the universe that doesn't like cake."
"Dalek Sar."
"...You don't count, you're an alien from a universe, if there's anything that exists in this world from this world that doesn't like cake, it would be you."
Pinkie Pie burst through the chimney. "You don't like cake?!" She hissed, narrowing her eyes at the Dalek. "Now I see why you tried to exterminate Equestria!"
"These two things are completely unrelated."


It would be funny to see what would happen if Discord restores all Dalek Sar's ability.
You know. For chaos.

"Dalek Sar."


(And if the Cybermen enter the scene: THE CAKE WAS DESIGNATED... A LIE.)

Wonder what will happen at the wedding/Tirek's return. That will be funny.

Why is this story cancelled it seems like a good story?

6235447 I just got tired of writing stuff pony-related

What r u writting now?

6241000 Homestuck, smash brothers, DBZ, http://archiveofourown.org/users/JeckParadox
check it out if you're interested.

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