• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 2,955 Views, 21 Comments

Connections - Agent Bookfort

Twilight and her friends have a small get together in Canterlot. Princess Luna is concerned about it... but why?

  • ...


The moon rose gracefully over the lands, lending its light to the grounds below. With it came the accompanying sparkles in the sky, flickering and dancing as they did every night. Below them, the lunar princess finished her nightly ritual with an accomplished smile.

Her smile faded as she turned towards the sun princess. “Where is Twilight, Sister?” she asked, making her way from the balcony.

Celestia seemed worried. She shook her head and closed her eyes, “She’s with her friends tonight, Luna. She had been looking forward to this, so I let her take some time to prepare for their arrival.”

Luna raised her brow and frowned. “She sees them often. She has missed work for them before.”

“Let her be,” Celestia replied sternly, walking up to the balcony and observing the night.


“Let her be.”


“Your invitation was rather urgent, Twilight. Are you alright?”

The steam and scent of the tea wafted through the air, filling it with peppermint as the pot poured into each of the cups placed around the oval table. Six chairs were set around it, each emblazoned with an insignia of who would claim it once they arrived.

Two of the chairs were already occupied; a white mare sat on the chair with three-diamonds, while one of the most recent addition to the regency of Equestria sat upon the one with stars.

Twilight smiled lightly, her eyes looking solemnly towards her friend, “I’ve been feeling lonely. I don’t get to see anypony anymore, and I need some company.” She looked down at the tea in her cup as the spoon swirled inside, seemingly on its own volition. “I hope it wasn’t a problem to come down again.”

Rarity shook her head, looking worriedly to Twilight, “Of course not. I can’t say there’d be any other place that I’d rather be.”

Twilight looked from her cup and smiled again at Rarity, “Wonderful. How’s your business in Ponyville?”

Rarity rolled her eyes and groaned, “I’ve not made a bit in weeks. I don’t see anypony all day. I have no idea how I’m supposed to make ends meet, if I don’t meet! If it weren’t for Sweetie Belle’s support, I don’t know what I’d do with myself.”

“Hello? Anypony in?” A raspy voice called. “There you are. Hey, Twi, how’s the Princessey stuff working out?”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight jumped in her chair as the cyan pegasus took her rightful seat at the rainbow insignia. “It’s been a lot of hard work. I don’t often realise what day of the week is, I’ve been that busy.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled, “You never change. I tell ya, the weather has gotten almost impossible to control these days. If it weren’t for everypony else on the weather team, I think I’d be lost. Maybe I’m losing my touch.” Rainbow looked down at her tea and sniffed it. Her face contorted and she retched. “Jeese, Twi’. What is this stuff?”

Twilight furrowed her brow. “It's peppermint tea. Don’t you like it?” She felt her heart sink at her friend’s reaction. She had tried to find something more exotic than the general tea she usually provided. If Dash didn’t like it, there wasn’t anything better she could provide.

“N-no. It’s okay. I’ll get used to it,” Rainbow Dash said as she forced an uncomfortable smile. “So, uh... are the others coming?”

“The others are already here, silly-billy! Sorry I’m late, Sugarcube Corner has been super-duper busy! Tomorrow’s a special day!” A pink mare giggled as she and two others took their places in their respective chairs. “That was a weird invitation you sent, Twilight. It was all wet!”

Twilight took in a deep breath as she looked toward Pinkie, “I’m sorry, Pinkie. It must have gotten caught in the rain.” She could feel a breath caught in her chest, one that seemed lodged in place. It connected to the rest of her body, trying to control her. With a deep breath, she suppressed the feeling and looked over to the orange and yellow mares, “Applejack, Fluttershy. It’s so good to see you both again.”

Fluttershy smiled in response, pushing her mane away from her eye, “It’s good to see you too, Twilight.”

Applejack’s broad smile covered her face, “Shucks, I woulda been here earlier if it weren’t for the farm. Sorry I haven’t been keeping in touch. It’s been rather difficult doin’ anything these days.”

Fluttershy nodded, “The forest is so lively and full, these days, I forget what time it is.”

Twilight wiped a tear from her eyes and looked over the group of friends. They were all together again. She let out a small and quick laugh, “I’m sorry for not sending you any letters. I feel like I’ve lost touch with all of you over the years.”

The group smiled warmly towards her. There was acceptance in each of their eyes, and understanding in their faces. They knew and understood why she hadn’t kept in touch, and it was okay.


“Stop this! You’re only going to hurt her!” Celestia hurried to catch up with her sister’s brisk pace. For being the smaller of the two, Luna was a swift walker.

“This isn’t healthy,” Luna replied as they rounded the corner of the hall, “I don’t like this.”

“This isn’t fair on her!”

“No. This isn’t fair on her,” Luna snapped in return.

Celestia quickened her pace and stepped in front of the other alicorn, spreading her wings to block her path. “You and I went through the exact same phase. Let her do what she needs to do in order to adjust!”

Luna scoffed, “Adjust?” She stomped her hoof on the floor. The clack of metal on marble rang sharply. “You and I stopped doing that for very good reason, sister. I have every right to stop Twilight for the very same.”

Celestia judged her sister, “She is barely a child compared to us, Luna. You are treating her as if she is as old as you or me. I will help her when the time is right. But right now, I don’t know how else to help her through this.”

Luna’s eyes softened as Celestia spoke. She could feel the tension lessen as Celestia’s words turned from strength to sadness. “Celestia, I know you care from her. You want to protect her. However, letting her do this is not the right way. I understand that this life comes with its gains and losses, and I understand that it takes a lot of strength to get used to it.” Luna sighed, “If we are not there to comfort her, then she will never truly recover. That is one thing that is different between you and I, Sister.”

Celestia’s wings lowered to her sides again. She struggled to keep her head held high, “What do you mean?”

“I mean that you never adjusted from your first time. You never understood or accepted that this was how it had to be. I did. When Mother and Father were alive, I found comfort in them during that hardship; whereas you spent days doing exactly what Twilight is doing now.” Luna offered a soft smile as she placed a hoof on Celestia’s shoulder, “You love her, more than anyone else in this kingdom. I will talk to her, but you will be there to hold her.”


“You have a chance to be how she sees you,” Luna said softly. She leaned up and nuzzled Celestia’s cheek. “Come. Wait outside.”


“I’ve missed all of you.” Twilight wiped her eye. She sniffed, trying to push away her repressed feelings.

“We’ve missed you too, Twi’. Are you... sure you’re alright?” Rarity asked, placing a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “You can talk to us. It’s what we’re here for. It’s what we’ve always been here for.”

Twilight’s body shuddered at the touch and she hung her head, blinking away the welling water in her eyes. She could feel her chest seizing. Her breaths were slowly becoming more ragged. She couldn’t help herself.

“I’ve missed you all so much. Each and every one of you,” she said, locking a teary gaze towards each of her friends in turn. “I want us to be together more often, like we used to.”

“Y’know we can’t come live with you in the palace, sugarcube. We wanna be with you too, but if you’re always up in Canterlot, it just ain’t happening,” Applejack said matter-of-factly.

“Why can’t you come back, anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked, leaning against the table. “What’s stopping you? You can use magic to bring everything, can’t ya?”

“My duty is here in Canterlot. I meet with ponies, I work with the Princesses, and I deal with the issues of Equestria... I can only do that here, Rainbow. I was thinking, maybe I could bring you all to Canterlot? You could stay in the castle.” Twilight looked around hopefully. Her friends expressions varied from uncertainty to as polite a denial as they could manage.

Twilight sighed, “I see.”

The group turned at the sound of a door opening in the background. Through it, came Princess Luna. She closed the door behind her, shutting the view of the night sky from the room. She looked around at the group, giving each of Twilight’s friends a very uncomfortable glance, offering them all a polite and uneasy smile.

“Princess Luna, I was just here with my friends. I’ve invited them all for tea.” Twilight’s magic pulled a new chair to the table. It was larger than the others, made specifically for the Princess whose insignia it wore. “Would you like to join us?”

Luna approached Twilight, shaking her head at the offer, “Twilight, my sister and I would like to talk with you. We have...” she glanced at Rainbow Dash, who was sitting closest to her, and back to Twilight, “urgent matters we need to discuss.”

“I’m sorry, Princess. Can’t it wait until after I’ve spent time with my friends? I haven’t seen them in so long, and we’re just catching up.”

Luna sighed deeply, “How long do you plan to remain in this chamber?”

“As long as we want to be.” Twilight gestured towards her friends, “When my friends decide to leave, then we will be finished.”

“That’s what I was afraid of. Twilight--”

“Luna, I’ve made my myself clear. Please return later.”

Luna regarded Twilight’s puffy eyes for a moment before looking towards each of her friends. They all watched her with an irritated expression, silently wishing for her to leave. Luna’s fears were true. “Twilight, this is exactly what we need to discuss. Your friends have not come here. You should know well what’s going on.”

“My friends are right here, and I’m very aware of what’s going on! You’re trying to pull me away from them!” Twilight snapped, jumping out of her chair. “This was the quietest room I could find, so we wouldn’t bother anypony else. So, whatever business you have, you’re free to use any other room in the castle. Use my quarters for all I care! Get out of here!” Twilight’s tone and venom rose gradually until she was shouting at the Princess before her.

Luna raised her posture and stared Twilight down. She was still larger than the pony and served to be more intimidating. “You do not tell me what to do, Twilight Sparkle. Especially when you’re not in your right mind.”

“Not in my—what are you talking about?” Twilight stammered.

Luna spoke her words strongly, slowly and deliberately, “Your friends are not here! This room, this setting, it is not real. You’re doing nothing but using the crystals hidden behind this façade to fuel your grief-stricken fantasy.”

Twilight sank, looking around the room. She felt that same breath that was stuck in her chest. It was pulling at her, letting her emotions loose. Her tears welled in her eyes and her breaths deepened and quickened. She looked around the room, at the chairs and the table, to the Princess and to the group seated at the table. Her friend’s expressions had now become anxious and frightened. Yet the ponies were static in their movements. Not once had they moved from their chairs.

“Applejack? Fluttershy?” Twilight called. They didn’t move. “Rainbow Dash? Pinkie? Rarity?” No movement. They were all froze in place.

The realisation slowly sunk into Twilight. Tears slowly fell from her eyes, pooling to her chin and dropping to the floor as she stared at the frozen images of her friends. They weren’t there. They had never been there.

A white wing draped over Twilight’s side, pulling her close. Twilight wrapped her hooves around the Princess and held her tight, crying loudly into Celestia’s soft fur.

“It hurts, I know,” Celestia said with a soft, calming and reassuring tone only a mother could produce.

“I miss them so, so much,” Twilight sobbed. “It’s been so long, and I miss all of them. I want to see them. I want to be with them. They made my life so wonderful and... they’re gone.”

Celestia leaned her head down and nuzzled into the back of Twilight’s neck, “Yes, they are. You know they loved you so much. One day, you will join them. It’s not today, and it won’t be tomorrow. They’ll be waiting for you, Twilight. You will be there again.”

Twilight looked up at the Princess and sniffed, “I wanted to see them again. All I wanted to do was see them all again, like I knew them. Like in the old days.”

Celestia hushed comfortingly and gestured toward the table. She looked around at the setting and smiled gently. Her magic sparkled from her horn, slowly wafting over the scene around them, encompassing the entire room. Each pony began to move and pose, as if they were mannequins.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were laughing together as they pointed and laughed at Rarity, who had taken a cupcake to her face. She was staring daggers toward both of them, not without a hint of mirth. Fluttershy stared in horror at the white mare as she reached for a cloth. Applejack stared on in shock at the scene, the corners of her mouth were cracking into a smile, which would soon turn into a guffaw.

The scene was frozen in time.

Twilight’s eyes widened. The tears still came. They still pooled on her chin. However, she smiled and coughed a small laugh. She stared at the scene, unable to take her eyes off it as the memories of her friends rushed through her mind.

She remembered their meetings, the good times and the bad, the fun and the boring, their lives, and their deaths. She remembered each funeral, and each burial place. Applejack at her farm, Fluttershy in her forest, Rainbow Dash in Cloudsdale Cemetery, Rarity’s ashes sat at the top level of carousel boutique, and Pinkie’s in Sugarcube Corner.

The scene began to fade. Everything disappeared together, leaving the three Princesses in a large, empty chamber. Five crystals sat strongly against the wall, extending toward the ceiling. Within their facets, the scene remained for a few moments more. Everypony in the scene was happy.

And then, even that disappeared.

Celestia nuzzled Twilight gently, “We’ve all been here. It’s the one last refuge for us to feel happy again, and to grieve for our lost ones. Too much time here... skews reality, and only serves to make you feel lonely and lost.”

“It hurts more than it heals,” Princess Luna said softly as she lay down next to the pair of cuddling ponies. “I am sorry, Twilight. You are grieving, and this was the best way to help you.”

Celestia nodded gently, nuzzling the violet mare again, “Talk about your grievances, and find comfort in those who are still around, instead of those who are no longer. Talk to us.”

Twilight nodded, sniffing noisily, “Yes, Princess.” She held Celestia and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself and cease her tears. She had a long road before she truly accepted her friends’ departures, but now, she had those closest to her, helping her. She would no longer deal with this alone.

“Come now, Twilight. I want to show you something that may help,” Celestia said with a smile.


A knock came from the door. Sweetie Belle wandered over and opened it, smiling at the grey mare before her, “Good morning, Derpy!” She chirped.

“Good morning! You have letters here, and one other one. I didn’t know where to deliver it to, so I brought it here. There’s others here too... I guess I can find somepony who’ll know what to do with them,” Derpy seemed confused as she placed the pack of envelopes on the floor in front of Sweetie Belle, “See you tomorrow!”

Sweetie Belle tilted her head as Derpy departed as swiftly as she had arrived. She took the letters in her magic, closed the door, and walked upstairs and into the living room, sorting through the various letters. “Bill, bill, business proposal, bill, advertisement and... what?” She stopped, staring at the very last envelope. Her gaze moved from the letter to the bookshelf on the opposite wall. On the top shelf sat a golden urn.


To my dearest friends,

I know I haven’t kept in touch, and I apologise for that. Everything has been so busy.

I wanted to tell you that I miss you, and that I’m always thinking of all of you.

Life is a lot harder without all of you here, but I know that you’re all together. You’re all there, watching over me. Or maybe you’re even next to me.

I’ll see you one day, and we will all be reunited again. I’ll look forward to that, but for now, I have duties to fulfil. I know that I have a lot to give, and if I can make somepony else’s life as great and fulfilled as you made mine, I’ll know I’ll have done the right thing.

You changed my life for the best. You helped me to where I am today, and you’ve brought me happiness that I would never trade for anything in the world. I hope that I was able to do the same for all of you.

I love you all, and I’ll see all of you one day.

Your friend,

Twilight Sparkle.

Comments ( 21 )

A most excellent twist in the tail there. Very enjoyable and bittersweet - thank you!

That was good. I enjoyed reading that. Thank you!

This has been one I've considered writing for a while, and I'm certainly glad I did. This probably contains one of my favourite scenes that I've written.

Thank you to Diomades and Tursilion for going through the story for me!

"Time and the Passing of Time are the Curse of Immortality"

Neat! Although I called it before I even started it was still a good read.

First, two errors I caught.
"Twilight’s took in a deep breath as she looked toward Pinkie"
"Twilight, this is exactly what we need to discusst."

Second...I have no problem with the quality of the writing of this piece, but I have to wonder why you wrote it. I see that you said you've been considering it for a while. What made you choose to do it?
I've seen a number of fics where Twilight outlives her friends into immortality or semi-immortality as an alicorn, and I see that they continue to be written, but now I ask for the first time - why? When the writers have stated explicitly this is not what is going to happen (there's still a bajillion different things that could happen, and ways it could all turn out...this just isn't one of them). So why do you - or other authors, if you know - keep writing with this prompt?

This isn't a complaint, but I do wonder. And so I ask. Hope you don't mind.

This was really good. I didn't see the twist with the crystals coming! I'm going to sulk in a corner now. I did notice a few errors.

Her smile faded as she turned towards the sun princess. “Where is Twilight, Sister?” she asked, making her way from the balcony.

Since there is no speaking verb the comma would be a period. "She" would be lowercase since you have a speaking verb.

Celestia shook her head and closed her eyes. “She’s with her friends tonight, Luna. She had been looking forward to this, so I let her take some time to prepare for their arrival.” She seemed worried.

She seemed worried. Are you talking about Celestia or Twilight? I think it's Celestia.

Twilight furrowed her brow.It's peppermint tea. Don’t you like it?”

There would be a period here because your brows can't speak. Now if you had, "Twilight furrowed her brow and said" then you could use a comma.

Luna raised her brow and frowned. “She sees them often. She has missed work for them before.”

I changed the comma into a period because you can say something wih a frown, but you can't frown something.

I hope that you didn't mind me pointing out some errors. There might be a few more errors like the ones mentioned above that I missed. This story is written really well so as a writer I want to see it be the best that it can be! Keep up the good work!


The reason why, is overly simple for me: Because the idea itself fascinates me, in terms of what emotional exploration it can provide for a story. What would she, or anyone in her position feel? What would they do, how would they act? I find those questions fun to explore.

The writers have explicitly expressed that it isn't going to happen. Quite honestly, that doesn't bother me. Branching further out, you could say that about anything; ponies will never be blind, ponies will never visit a haunted mansion, ponies will never go on an existential journey of self discovery (I would say that Pinkie Pie would never watch paint dry, but she did.). A writer's world is a writer's world, and in that world, nothing canon has to be canon.

My idea for this was mulling around for the longest time since before Meghan said it wouldn't happen. The reason it took me so long to put the idea down, is because that's just part of my creative process. I need to work out how things will work out, how I'm going to say things, or write a scene. The scene toward the end was one of those things.

Quite the wordy response, but I hope that answers your question.


There would be a period here because your brows can't speak.

It is a magical land. Brows will speak if I want them to speak. (No, but seriously, thank you for pointing those out. :twilightsmile:)


You are very welcome! Thank you for writing such a good story! :twilightsmile:

the feels.........nice job:twilightsmile:

Fairly even keel story. I enjoyed it but it didn't deeply affect me. I liked the insight into Celestia's relationship of immortality as opposed to Luna's. The ending felt odd and off kilter. Was that the invitation Twilight sent? Or a letter she sent after this scene? It didn't really seem to have enough context to fit.

were is spike and why is he not helping Twilight deal with her grief?

2793719 It is a little sad to see he gets overlooked now and again.

Excellent writing. I have to admit I saw the twist coming quickly, but the story was still very enjoyable for it. You get thumbs up from me.

2771782 It was later clarified that they weren't talking about Twilight being or not being immortal, only that as kids show, the canon will never address death-related issues.

You know what, for a moment there careless reading gave me an accidental twist ending. The rest of the girls weren't dead, they just moved on with their lives and lost contact with each other.

You sir, are awesome.
I don't do sad stories, but I guess I'll just put this one as exception.

Fuck you, you made me cry. :fluttercry: Take my kudos, you heartless, brilliant bastard! :heart:

This is why I don't like the "immortal Twilight" motif. It's just too cruel to force her to spend eternity without all the friends that changed her life so much. As far as I'm concerned, Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle is as mortal as she ever was, and is better off for it.

Read this ages ago, re-read it today ... and I still don't get how Derpy fits into this story.
She's roughly the same age as the main cast, who are all long gone; so how is she still working as a mail mare?

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