• Published 5th Jul 2013
  • 882 Views, 31 Comments

The Life and Times of a Bit Monger - KarmaSentinal

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Gems in the Rough.

“Hey Gleaming Crystal? Can I ask you something?”

Gleaming Crystal struck the mighty crystal wall in front of him, lodging his durable pick into it. He gave it a small yank to check if the pick was firmly in place, which he nodded in satisfaction once it was deemed so. With that business taken care of, the sky blue earth pony calmly turned toward his waiting companion, giving the crystal pony his undivided attention.

“Yes, Shimmering Rock?” His nearly silk smooth voice echoed blissfully throughout the excavated cavern they and their fellow miners worked in. His voice was so enchanting and soothing to many, that some suggested he should turn to the field politics; his voice being powerful and captivating enough to turn many minds to his side. He could be talking about legalizing magical enhancements for the youth in sports and he'll have support for it. It was that bloody soothing.

The crystal pony, Shimmering Rock rubbed the sweat off his brow with a forehoof which only succeed in replacing it with grime from his daily labour. He looked to Gleaming Crystal and asked his question the question that had haunted his thoughts. “Why does your cutie mark nearly resemble the Element of Generosity’s Cutie mark? I thought it was illegal or something to have similar marks, let alone the same cutie mark.”

The earth pony lazily looked to the three diamonds that adored his flank. He had never given it much thought before, but had always wondered a tad bit himself but ultimately accepted it as proof of something more grand.

“They appear similar but are in fact completely different.” Gleaming Crystal replied simply which only irked his co-worker. The crystal pony sighed and then struck his pick into the wall, continuing his harvest of the shiny rocks the city and company were famous for. He kept this up till he finished filling his bucket to the rim before taking a break to continue the conversation.

“What do you mean they’re different? They’re the exact same! I mean for Cadance sake, they even have the same placement and color! What could possible make them different?”

Gleaming Crystal continued on with his work, striking the crystal wall over and over with the grace of an opera singer. He made mining seem high class with how fluent his strikes were, and it only irk the other miners more; mining was a stallion’s work and this earth pony was starting to make it seem … frou-frou. Plus it didn’t help that most of their wives just loved talking with him. Except Shimmering’s wife who by the grace of Candace never met Gleaming. Granted he never made any moves or advances and merely just talked with them, it was more about the principle of the thing. The stallion code, rule #34 - thou shall not be more attractive looking to another’s wife… or something like that. With so many being added everyday it was hard to keep track of every new rule, but there had to be a rule like that and he broke it!

Gleaming finished filling his own bucket as well, placing his next to Shimmering Rock’s on the cart. He produced a clean cloth from nowhere and proceeded to clean his muzzle with three perfect swipes of his hoof and just like that he was clean. Not a single speck of dust or grime was left on his finely trimmed and shampooed coat.

“The difference Mr. Rock isn’t one somepony can simply see. Its the kind that one must understand and notice on a smaller scale to truly understand and appreciate it.’

“So you don’t know than?”

“No..I… why do I even try to enlighten you with such insight at all?”

“So it’s toe-mato, to-mato?”

“Please drop this discussion Mr. Rock and let us leave for home.” The pair eventually fell into a silent walk back to the entrance of the cavern, passing many ponies that were still working or finishing up their shift before the night crew came in. They waved to a couple of the other ponies as they passed, one pair leaving while the other headed further down into the cavern. Gleaming Crystal and Shimmering Rock after 10 minutes of walking and maneuvering through the large tunnel, finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel that marked the end of the day and their path toward home.

By now the sun was starting to set, its light striking the massive crystal houses and castle causing them to reflect and adopt the sky upon themsevles. The warming effect it produced was unmatched anywhere else, only Luna’s night sky could compete with it in scale of beauty. The approaching twilight was simply breathtaking to many, and utterly mesmerizing to the few that understood and appreciated it for more than its outer appearance. Gleaming Crystal was one such pony.

He stood perfectly still at the edge of crystal cavern, content to watch the remaining twilight. Shimmering Rock shook his head amusingly at his “friend” and fellow co-worker, who after all these months he still never fully understood why he loved watching the sun set. He had asked on more than one occasion and only got the same old “You can not appreciate something simply for looks alone. If you can understand and appreciate the inner beauty as well then you can truly treasure it.”

It sounded very important and insightful words of wisdom to be learned and respected but then again it could just be more horseapples to make him sound classier than he really was. But whatever the meaning, Shimmering Rock did feel a sense of truth behind them and that was just enough for him to accept his friends advice. Taking his usual spot on the other side of the cavern, Shimmering Rock watched the setting sun fade behind massive crystal castle as they waited; Shimmering Rock waiting for his wife, while Gleaming Crystal… waited for the night like some vampony.

He was a bit on the gothic side like that, in fact if he flipped his mane over to left just a bit he could have the look down.

The waiting game was their normal activity once they had finally crawled out of the pit they called work. The pair normally watching the sun set first to pass the time before talking about various topics that currently held their interests. Topics that would range from business practices, currency exchange rates, books, to foreign happenings until Shimmering Rock’s wife arrived to walk with him home. It wasn’t like the city or walk home was dangerous that he actually needed the company, but more of the pair wanting a quiet evening stroll with their loved one before turning in for the night.

Gleaming Crystal waiting for the night so could turn into a bat and fly across the sky to eat a bug. Maybe even haunt a castle or two while he was at.

The trailing end of their conversation was cut short by the crunching of hooves on loose gravel, signalling somepony approaching. The pair paused their talk to look down the path that curved around buildings that housed their work supplies and lockers. By now they were just about the last ponies above ground, the rest either having already went below or were in the offices working on last minute files. That left only one other possible pony that would be out and about around the mines this time of day. The sparkling and glaring lights coming from the mininova of fireworks shooting off around her only confirmed their suspicions.

“Your wife is here Shimmering, in all her great and glowing... presence.”

“Yes Gleaming, I could tell by the epileptic light display she insists on always using, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Shimmering Rock admiringly countered as he watched his wife making her way down the path to them. Her proud amethyst eyes locked onto her husband the entire time as the firework display increased in scope and scale. Her self assured smile increasing in length as she watched her husband’s expression continued to be dazzled by her skill and display of magic… until one of the fireworks clipped the purple star ribbon that held her mane in its signature bun.The smile quickly left her face as she gripped the flaming piece of ribbon and flung it away from her, sending it flying off somewhere to her right.

“Stupid Ribbon! How dare you defile Trixie’s mane with your uncloth and...and… rather unimpressive display of being fire. In fact Trixie wasn’t even in the slightest impressed. Yes. Trixie only acted like she were scared to make you feel better about yourself and your not so great flameyness.”

Gleaming Crystal turned to his friend with that smirk he only used when he was trying not burst out laughing. He had an image to keep after all. “Wouldn’t have it anyother way uh?”

Shimmering Rock sighed, knowing he couldn’t defend his wife’s antics. It was a cute and bothersome quirk of hers that had drawn him to her the moment they first met. Perhaps his draw to her was because she had managed to singe his mane with a firework as well when they first met and then demand he pay for the firework he had inadvertently destroyed in the process?

Either way it was a...unique way to meet your future spouse. “Yea, I wouldn’t have it anyother way.” Shimmering Rock contently said. The smirk on Gleaming Crystal’s face morphed into a genuine smile.

“That is good friend. She is a… different mare from the ones in the empire for sure.” He pointed as the pair watched Trixie arguing with the burnt out firework, unsure why she had started insulting its mother. “ She’s not originally from the empire is she Shimmering?”

“Nope.” He said shaking his head. “ She’s wasn’t born here or even has family to visit here either. She originally comes from Equestria or one of the bigger cities. Which one though I can’t say since she was rather vague about it.” He paused to watch his wife now shouting at a very pure white cat which only aggravated it even more. He thought it might have been a stray but the coat was just too clean, plus the purple ribbon in its hair and the collar it wore confirmed it was a pet. Gleaming Crystal was chuckling thickly at the scene, like he knew what was about to happen.

Then again it wasn’t hard to guess either.

The cat shrieked madly, causing Trixie to volt backward in fright before turning to run. The cat giving chase to the mare who was shouting curses and threats of ill action toward said feline.

Shimmering Rock was about to chase after them as well when Gleaming Crystal raised a hoof in front of him. “It’s alright. Your wife is perfectly safe from the…” he lowered his voice before continuing “that monster of cat.” And with unparalleled mind reading abilities, started a countdown before Shimmering Rock could ask how he knew for certain. It became clear the moment he reached zero.

“OPAL DARLING! Where are… OPAL!” The siren call filled the air; a terrible and astonishing mixture of heavenly beauty and awaiting disaster.

“My wife is never too far behind her cat.” Gleaming Crystal answered the unspoken question from before. Shimmering watched as the cat was wrapped in an icy blue aura and magically plucked from the ground. His wife, Trixie, poked her head out of a nearby garbage bin when the cat’s death call fell silent. She immediately jumped from waste bin and magically rid herself of the smell and particles of trash that had clung to her coat.

“Trixie wishes...’

YOU!” The voice cut Trixie off in a heartbeat. She looked in direction it had came from and was about ridicule the voice when her eyes exploded in surprise.

YOU! Why did you follow Trixie to the Crystal Empire and sic that wild monstrosity upon us?”

“I followed you!? You're the one following me! Turning my mane that ghastly color wasn’t enough for you, and now you’re trying to harm my poor, poor innocent darling with your magic!” The crystal unicorn angrily marched toward Trixie, only stopping when they were muzzle to muzzle. Both staring daggers at their arch rival in this childish squabbling, with both adding a growl in for good measure before backing off.

Trixie and Rarity’s eyes never leaving the other during the exchange as both slowly made a circle, trying to intimidate the other. It was about as cliche as one could get without having it take place on a dark and stormy night.







“Trixie… excuse me dear?”

“HA! Trixie tricked you, so Trixie wins!” The eccentric mare randomly declared, causing all the built up tension to dissipate. Rarity lost her composure but regained it quickly enough to add a quick “hump” and flick of her nose upward, which only reinforced Trixies’ ego even more. Their husbands continued watching from a distance which wasn’t nearly enough for them. Shimmering and Gleaming’s muzzles were mixed with various degrees of uncertainty, fear, and slight excitement as the two beautiful examples of mares “fought”.

“Shouldn’t we…”

“No.” Shimmering Rock cut his friend off. It was strange but he liked watching this new side of his wife. It was similar but vastly different from how she normally acted...was he into domination!? Then again the thought of Trixie in form gripping leather sounded more and more appealing.

“I think I have some shopping to do.” He mentally noted quickly before focusing back to the “fight” at hoof.

“... and that is why a ruffian such as yourself could never dream of attending such a “civil” affair. But I do suppose you burning that dreaded cape and hat is a good first step dear.”

“Hey! Trixie did not burn her cape and hat on purpose! Trixie was sold faulty fireworks and was thoroughly wronged. If you weren’t such a stick, and self-imposed mare than maybe you would have a better career than slaving over dress for even more stuck up ponies than yourself.”

Rarity grinded her teeth in barely contained rage and murderous intent. “How dare you insult my passion and industry, let alone have the nerve to accuse moi as the self centered of the two! You dear, make Rainbow Dash look as modest as Fluttershy in terms of character. Hay, you can’t even walk anywhere without trying to catch something on fire.” She finished, blazing her signature smirk.

The words and way Rarity had said them at one point would have been enough to send Trixie over the edge in anger, but that was a long time ago. She had grown since then(mentally, not out!) and had gathered a bit of self control since moving to the Crystal Empire, and she prided herself on that fact. She couldn’t fully change her flamboyant ways even if she wanted to, but why would she anyway? After all it was a small element that made up and define who Trixie is, and that made it easier for her to stand out from bland ponies that surrounded her daily. Besides it had helped her meet her husband…

“Trixie’s husband is by far better than any “party” you would ever attend. He is so great in fact that Trixie will go as far and call him “The not as great and powerful but still great and power husband of Trixie the Great!” Gleaming Rock gave Shimmering Rock another questioning look, which he waved off.

“You’re married?” Rarity asked with surprise, and skepticism latent in her voice. Truly this mare couldn’t have found somepony that could tolerate her long enough to bind them in marriage. No. This mare is still the same mare she first met in PonyVille years ago, so the likely explanation is her mind is so far gone she created an entire separate plane of existence where Trixie is normal.

Yes, that sounded much better in terms of believability.

“Don’t be dragging me into this dear.” A voice called somewhere from behind Rarity, causing her to lose her train of thought once more. She turned to confront the eavesdropping pony about manners when she noticed who or actually whom were behind them a bit. Rarity even in this increasingly fading night could make out the shape and posture of her husband from here, but what she couldn’t make out was who was the pony standing next to him, and why he would say such a thing…

“Oh dear.” Rarity whispered when the fact finally hit her, which was only reinforced when Trixie replied to the stallion. She lost what was exchanged between the couple as her mind continued to process this rather startling new tidbit of information. While she was processing this an idea struck her; a way she could not only show off her own husband, but win this battle once and for all. A devilish smile graced her muzzle.

“Well, how coarse of me to be acting in company.” Rarity spoke abruptly and purposely. The Stallion and her husband during her thoughts had moved down the path to where the two mares were at. Her husband, Gleaming Crystal had moved next to her while the stallion with him began lightly arguing with Trixie. Nothing too serious, but just a couple’s disagreement which ended the moment she spoke. Rarity moved closer to the pair, noting the stallion’s perplexed look while her arch enemy wore a murderous tint in her eyes. Good.

“It’s simply a pleasure darling to meet you. Why, to meet the stallion that could tame a mare like Trixie must be one of talent and skill to pull such a feat!” She batted her elegant eyelashes for effect. Shimmer Rock blushed unsure how to respond to such praise and… beauty. Luckily for him his wife Trixie knew exactly what to say.

“ Trixie is onto your game and does not approve. Trixie will not allow you to best her at such an underhoof tactic.” The Great and Powerful mare stated with a surprising level of maturity that even her husband seemed lost as what to say.

That ended pretty quickly.

“Besides Trixie wouldn’t be able to live with herself anymore if she were beaten by Mrs. CabageTop.” The silence that followed was utterly nerve racking. The two stallions had moved backed several yards by now in hopes they were out of the blast zone. Gleaming Crystal for one of the first times Shimmering Rock knew him, looked utterly worried. His wife, Trixie, wore her own amused smirk at that unexpected and really well timed remark, but what scared him the most was how Mrs. Rarity was taking it. Even her husband seemed unsure how he should act that moment.

“Well Trixie dear, my husband…”

The stallions flinched the moment her mouth opened having expected some sort of verbnado assault, but what was just said was just as bad. An ancient and dreaded saying that marked a crucial time in a stallion’s life; one that either led to their hearts desire or led them banished to desolate and cold island of fabricate cotton. The couch in lamepony’s terms. Both ponies silently watched as their wives renewed their head-butting, knowing full well they were powerless to interfere or even try to defuse the situation.

“It’s your fault Shimmering Rock.” Gleaming Crystal stated calmly as his tone eerily matched the eye of an approaching storm; a warning of impending disaster approaching. Shimmering Rock wanted to rebut that comment but didn’t. Part of the stallion code dictated that a stallion’s wife was a reflection of themselves, which meant that whatever their wife did the stallion was equally responsible.

In this case Shimmering Rock’s wife had dragged them both into a mare’s fight, and that was liable to get one uninvited from every sports gathering in the empire. If he were lucky. A stallions entire social life outside of their home and only real excuse to leave home would no longer be available to them, leaving them at the mercy of their wife. It made living in the badlands seem like a really, really long beach, just with no water...and with giant pony eating sand scorpions. Such was the life of stallion with no…

“Trixie thinks this is getting us nowhere and puts forth a motion to call this a draw and return to it at a later date.”

Then again the empire does bring out some radical changes in ponies; perhaps enough to save said mare’s husband from social banishment by his peers.

“Hmp, for once Trixie I concur with you. This entire exchange had quickly spoiled and lost its merit minutes ago. Let’s agree to continue this when our husbands are elsewhere, say the public park by the school in three days?” Rarity suggested calmly, ignoring the looks from their husbands.

“Trixie finds this acceptable depending on the time. Trixie performs a small show around the afternoon, so maybe before lunch?

Rarity nodded. “That sounds perfectly delightful darling. That still leaves me plenty of time to make some final alterations for an order.” She agreed while starting down the street, her nemesis following suit. Both completely forgetting their husbands who watched their wives reminisce and catch up on what was missed since their last encounter all those years ago.

“Well… our wives certainly are gems aren’t they?” Shimmering Rock joked with Gleaming Crystal nodding in agreement.

“They are indeed Shimmering Rock. Gems that are truly, truly, truly...outrageous.”

Author's Note:

Alright after a really long break I'm finally back to writing. Its mostly been because of my laziness and me wanting to start so many more stories at once that I had to force myself to stop and figure out what I wanted to do next. But anyways that's all figured out now :) So enjoy!