• Published 28th Jun 2013
  • 1,422 Views, 12 Comments

Rise of Ponietheus - twitterdick

A storm brews to the north. Twilight Sparkle is enlisted to investigate, and soon an old legend will unleash itself upon Equestria.

  • ...

21. Luna: High is the Way

Princesses Celestia and Luna had both returned to the throne room after the trial. Celestia had delivered some line about appropriations, but Luna knew her better. She was tired, and she would often retreat to the the throne room where no guards nor townsponies would bother her. She insisted Luna be in there too, even if she never said anything. Luna usually empathized greatly with her sister in times like this, like she could even feel her emotions. However, things were different this time.

Luna did not sympathize with Harbinger. He seemed like a powerful, wretched fool to her. She stared at the two large holes in the throne room's ceiling - one caused by her, the other by Harbinger. Her mouth twisted.

"I… Was that really wise, sister?" Luna said nervously, "I mean, is Harbinger really worth the possible risk? The townsponies will take this as a slight."

Celestia looked out the window with her cold political stare. Ever since her return from exile, Luna had felt the changes in her sister. There were wheels turning beneath that stoic face and public persona. Two years had passed, and Luna knew Celestia wasn't completely comfortable letting her hair all the way down in front of her. Luna grinded her teeth, and shook away the thought. She didn't want to think that the trust they once had with each other could be irreparably damaged.

"…The truth, sweet sister, is I needed to buy some time. Ponietheus and, much more importantly, that storm, came from nowhere. How long had he been here on this very earth without my knowing? What was the source of his mysterious power. It's clear he wasn't controlling it, especially in the end. His friend Saturn told me he was throwing himself against the clouds, like he was trying to kill them. Sad."

More like pathetic. Luna continued to find it difficult to pity him, even with their apparent similarities - an exile unleashing a stormy temper tantrum on the ponies of Equestria. Perhaps this was the very reason of her dislike. She had come to despise anypony that reminded her of herself from the past. Still, Luna's magic had always been hers. Pluto and now Celestia seemed to think of Harbinger and his storm as separate.

Celestia shook her head, and her political guise resurfaced. "Harbinger… Ponietheus doesn't matter that much on his own. He's either an asset to the state and stays or he isn't and he doesn't. What's important on that front is that nopony appears to be hurt. Buildings can be replaced, but ponies can't. What worries me, sweet sister, is food. We're less than three weeks from the main harvest, and the recent weather had to have damaged a significant portion of our crop. I doubt food grown in autumn can cover the losses. Low stock in granaries by fall means hungry ponies in winter. That storm's done more damage than Ponietheus ever could."

"It still doesn't feel right to me," Luna said.

"Ponietheus is a convent figure to place blame on. Having a living, breathing thing to be angry at is easier, but it is rarely applicable or helpful in the long run. Famine will be harder to change than him."

"…We'll need to purchase food from elsewhere. The Crystal Empire, perhaps?"

Celestia shook her head worryingly. "The Crystal Empire isn't large enough to cover the projected losses, nor is it in a healthy enough political state to handle such a burden."

"Who then?"

"The Griffins, maybe."

Luna frowned. Griffins and ponies rarely got along, at least historically. The truth was that she hadn't seen the Griffin kingdoms since before her exile. A thousand years doesn't mean much to the longevous alicorn, but entire civilizations can rise and fall on earth in that span of time.

"…The modern Griffins are much different to the warring pests you remember, sweet sister," Celestia said, "They've united into a heretical monarchy, with a few bits of meritocracy and blatant militarism mixed in. They pride themselves on their history and their armored knights. Negotiating with them will be difficult…"

Suddenly, a noise like thunder struck the sky above them. Both went curiously to the balcony and saw a figure descending from the sky above. The small shock of the noise wore away quickly as they realized it be yet another alicorn from space sent to leer down on them. Celestia opened the two larges doors to the balcony and anticipate the guest.

Soon, the guest landed spectacularly.

"Gaea!?" Celestia sputtered in surprise.

Gaea was a spectacle in every sense of the word. She was taller and thinner than Celestia, and her coat was a darker shade of green. Her eyes and mane were a deep gold, and she wore rings of gold on her legs near her ankles, and a thick necklace of emeralds. Her mane was well kept and braided, with the long end of it resting on her left shoulder. Hers didn't flow out like Luna's or Celestia's. Her jawline resembled Princess Cadence's, and she made sure to stand up straight, and tilt her head back so that she looked slightly down her nose at you when she spoke to you. Her mouth seemed curled in a permanent self-satisfied grin.

"How's the kingdom?" she asked as she entered, "I heard you ran into a bit of trouble."

"It was trying at the time," Celestia said with composure, "But everything has been resolved for the best, I think."

"Hmph," Gaea said, slightly condescendingly, "And your little 'ponies' - how are they?"

"…There have been no injuries to report, serious or otherwise."

Gaea smiled like a snake. Her eyes twisted slightly and she began to pace back and forth in the throne room. Celestia stood stiffly. Luna felt her mouth curl into a frown and her brow lower. Of all the alicorns of space, smug Gaea could be tolerated the least.

"I apologize for my Jupiter's behavior. He seemed so grumpy when he returned from here, with that frown of his. I swear, one day that scowl will just stick permanently. He didn't seem to take your little thunderstorm seriously."

"But you do," Luna said begrudgingly. Gaea's smirk faded and she looked at her gravely. Celestia seemed to clench her teeth.

"Does it seem to you that I came to visit this place just to disavow your thunderstorm? Hmm? Do you really think I came all the way down here just to mock you?" Gaea flustered like a terrible mother. Luna's face flushed with red anger. She hated feeling lectured like she was some kid.

"Please, Luna, be quiet," Celestia said. She turned to Gaea very diplomatically. "Forgive us, my lady, it's been a trying past few days…"

"Indeed," Gaea said curtly, "…Disrespectful."

"May I asked why you came all the way done here? You have never taken and interest in our affairs before."

"You never came to beg for my help before," Gaea said with her smug upper lip retaking it's shape, "I was rather curious about the thunderstorm that broke Princess Celestia's pride. Seems like that matter solved itself."

"It did," Celestia said with courtesy.

"And the perpetrator?"

"He is in our custody."

"'He?'" Gaea asked impatiently, "Who is 'he'? Some deep water kraken? Some devil the earth just… spat on your doorstep?"

"The storm was caused by what I can assume to be an alicorn exile," Celestia said, "A wastrel named Ponietheus."

Gaea seemed shocked by the mention of the name. That surprised Luna. It was a rare sight the day she gave any hint to lack of knowledge. It was clear from her eyes and her open mouth, however, that she recognized the name immediately and could put a face and story to it. "Truly? That fool? That petulant boy got the better of you?"

"Are you familiar with him?" Luna asked.

"Obviously," Gaea said, "He challenged my predecessor and I assumed he died in the ensuing struggle, given that he didn't make a peep afterwords, for once in his life. What to you plan to do with him?"

"He's tasked with repaying the crown for the damages he's caused," Celestia said, "Once his debt is paid… I don't know. I guess he's free to go."

Gaea tapped her foot nervously. "Has Saturn spoken with him?"

"Not…not that I know of," Celestia said. Her confusion at that sentence slipped through her political poker face just enough for Luna to spot it.

"And your reformed alicorn, what's his angle with her?"

Celestia's eyes widened and her mouth fell open slightly. Luna grinded her teeth as shot threw her system like a winter wind. She saw her sister tremble, and it was not with fear. Twilight Sparkle had been Celestia's secret, and Luna had told Gaea of that secret. Celestia would have to understand that it was the only way to get Gaea's help when they so badly needed it. Gaea wouldn't care if five million ponies fell victim to Harbinger's storm, but she'd care if a reformed alicorn did.

"I…I…I…" Celestia sputtered, "..Reformed-"

"Alicorn," Gaea said coldly, "You have one. When?"

"…A few months ago…"

"Earth months?"



The room fell silent for a while. Celestia sighed and recollected herself. "Because I needed an heir. What will become of this place when I'm gone. I needed some…one to pass my burdens to. To share in my mission."

"And what's this mission of yours, hm?" Gaea asked with her voice raised, "What's your grand plans for this reformed alicorn?"

"The galaxy…the universe - it's a very broken place, is it not?" Celestia's voice was getting louder too. Luna kept quiet. She knew her sister. She'd never gotten along with Gaea, nor Jupiter, nor any of them. She knew when her sister felt pushed better than anypony. Gaea was pushing her, and Celestia would not be moved. "It's going to take more than you or I to put it back together again. And you don't seem to… And your hooves are full out there in the solar system. You and your family are doing your part, and I'm doing mine."

"And what's your 'part', exactly?"

"The same as it has always been. I'm not your enemy, Gaea, so enough with your accusations. This reformed alicorn shouldn't be a concern of yours, no more so than you concern yourself with the ponies of the earth. She is mine and I will take care of her. She's likely the closest thing I'll ever have to having a child. Surely you can respect that, right? Surely you can respect protecting your children?"

Gaea backed down from that. Her face relaxed and she brought her head down. She looked at Celestia eye to eye now, and her thin mouth tightened. "What is her name?" she asked in a softer voice.

"…Twilight Sparkle," Celestia said. They were both stiff as they stared at each other.

"Very well," Gaea said as she lifted her chin up, "Bring your 'child' to meet my children in the upcoming equinox. If she's truly to be an asset in your 'rebuilding of the universe', she'll need to know just what she's getting herself into."

"We shall see," Celestia said.

Gaea got close to her, like a challenge. "We shall," she said. Then she turned to leave.

Celestia was very stiff as she watched Gaea ascend up into the sky and out of sight. She brought her head down, then, after a few moments, she sauntered over to her throne and let herself slide into it. She pressed her right hoof up against her forehead, just below her horn, and let it slide down to her mouth. Luna could feel the tension. Celestia was angry.

"You…told her about Twilight Sparkle?" she said coldly.

Luna's heart skipped, but she did not wince. "If I hadn't, Twilight Sparkle would still be corrupted by the storm."

"The storm dissipated on its own, Luna."

"We don't know that for sure, and we certainly didn't know it then."

"How many times do I have to tell you to think of the consequences of-"

"I acted!" Luna was raising her voice now. Celestia was taken aback by her shouting, and her head snapped up. Their eyes met, and both pulsed with anger. "You were infected. The storm was on us. We couldn't use the Elements of Harmony, so I acted! I had to do something, sister!"

The room fell quiet. Celestia shut her eyes and sighed. "It wasn't your fault," Celestia said, though more to herself than Luna, "You didn't know. It's okay. It's not your fault."

Celestia pulled herself up, walked over to Luna, and gently hugged her. "I'm sorry I almost lost my temper…"

Luna took a deep breath of her own and hugged back. "It's okay. I… I'm sorry I was defensive."

Celestia pulled herself away and smiled solemnly.

"We don't have to take Twilight Sparkle to see her, Big Sister," Luna said.

"No, Luna, we don't have to," Celestia said. She walked over to the window and gazed out over the green fields to the north, and the icy mountains beyond. "But we will," she continued, "Or Gaea will become more suspicious. I need more time to plan…"

An all too familiar deep chuckle echoed throughout the chamber.

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Discord, how much of that did you hear?"

Discord appeared. He hovered above them with his hands behind his head. "Oh, quite a bit. Boy, oh boy, does the plot ever thicken!"

He lowered himself down to the floor. "What a delightful lady that was! It's a shame she doesn't pop around more often. In fact, I don't recall ever seeing her in my many years on this happening planet…"

"That's enough!" Luna barked, "We don't have time for your nonsense, Discord. You're not allowed back here."

"'Nonsense!'" Discord said rather indignantly, "Here I was ready to humble myself before the crown and offer my assistance just to be met with snide contempt from number two! It seems your time among the stars did little on your manners…"

Luna sneered. "What did you say?"

"Enough, you too!" Celestia snapped. "This is neither the time nor the place for such childish banter! Discord, if you have a point, then make it."

"Oh, I just thought I'd pop in and let you know how Ponyville's most recent reformed villain is settling in. I say, you've got so many of us running around now, you could start a little post-evil freak show!"

"You're referring to Harbinger, I take it," Celestia said sternly, "I left Twilight Sparkle in charge of that matter. Your input is nothing but redundant and unnecessary."

"Yes, but I've got nothing to do around here!" Discord said, "Twilight Sparkle is so very young and impressionable, and little Harby's sob story is just so tragic - him being abandoned by his dear, dear friends and what not. Why, she just can't help but feel so sorry for him. And if he has not truly been changed for the better…"

Luna then saw her sister flinch ever so slightly. Discord paused and tried his hardest to mask a little satisfied grin. Luna simply glared at him.

"…I know you'd hate to see her damaged," Discord continued, "So, I figured why not have a pair of fresh eyes on the matter? After all, I don't care about Harby or his dark and troubled past. I could keep an eye on him for you while you tend to other matters."

"And what do you want in return for this… favor?" Celestia asked.

Discord grinned. "Why, it would be enough for me to know I'm of service to your holy worship-ness. I only want you to shine on, Benevolent Sun."

Celestia frowned. "Save the flattery. Tell me what you want."

"Oh, very well," Discord said, "All I ask for in return is a little trust and a little… wiggle room. It's so cramped here in the castle with all those guards poking their noses in every draconequus's business. I say, I'm not even sure why you bothered releasing me from that statue if you intended for me to just sit around the castle all day."

Celestia sighed. "Very well. Watch Harbinger for me and I see fit to indulge you some… privileges. But privileges may be revoked, Discord, and I am no fan of third chances. Do I make myself clear?"

Discord grinned and saluted. "Crystal, Benevolent Sun!" With that, he slinked out of the throne room.

Luna was silent a while, but built the courage to speak.

"Was that truly wise, Big Sister?" she asked, "I mean, do you honestly believe Discord can be trusted?"

"Discord's has had plenty of chances to betray my trust and he has yet to seize any of them," Celestia said.

She bit her lip then and scooted closer to her sister. "You overestimate him, sweet sister, as he overestimates himself," she whispered, "Discord is not a complicated beast. He's more predictable and prone to error if he believes me trusting and stupid. He's up to something and I want to know what."

She pulled away and stretched out her back. "Still, if his loyalty can be secured, he will be a great asset to Twilight Sparkle. The Elements of Harmony are still her most powerful tool, but they can be all too easily disbanded, as the last few days have taught us."

Luna approached her sister. "…You seem troubled."

Celestia sighed. "Do you recall that Knight Captain Protean Joy? He sent me a personal debrief of his experiences with young Twilight Sparkle. She's grown tremendously powerful - she may even soon compete with you in ability, sweet sister - but that power seems to take its toll on her body." Celestia shook her head. "Perhaps in my hastiness to augment her, I have placed her in danger."

"Won't she grow?" Luna asked, "Won't her body compensate for her increase of power?"

"It should with time," Celestia said, "But she's quite vulnerable until then. She needs time… and a teacher. She needs somepony more magically talented than I to teach her to control her newfound ability. That is the main reason I spared that Ponietheus, you see. Like Discord, he could be of great use to her. But both of them have to come to love her on their own. I can't force that. It would ruin everything."

Luna shook her head. "Why is Twilight Sparkle so important to you, Big Sister? Why put so much effort into just one student?"

Celestia smiled. "The universe beyond Equestria is a very broken place. It's going to take more than you and I to put it back together. That is all I want, sweet sister. I just want this vast place we live in to settle down for a while and catch its breath."

Luna smiled. "I'll do what I can to help you, Big Sister. But I don't trust Discord or Ponietheus and I don't trust the faith you've put in them…."

"It's not them I'm worried about," Celestia said, "It's Gaea."

Soon, there came a knock on the mighty chamber door. Celestia shook her head and blinked. Luna saw she was slipping on her smooth, stoic authoritative face like a mask. Luna frowned. Celestia walked over to the door and opened it.

On the other side stood a Royal Guard. Luna tilted her head. He was smaller than guards usually were; pegasus, orange coat, placid eyes. She couldn't place his name, though.

Celestia smiled. "Yes? Did you need something?" she asked sweetly.

The little orange guard stretched his back and did his damnedest to seem stern. "A visitor, Your Majesty," he said, "One of those… um, visiting alicorns. He says he'd like to speak with you."

Celestia sighed and her composure slipped just slightly. "He's not a deep orange, is he?" she asked with a slight sardonic attitude. Luna snickered a little.

"Um, no, ma'am," the little orange guard said, "Uh, I mean; no, Your Majesty. He, uh, he's purple and he, uh… well, frankly, he doesn't shut up."

Celestia smiled. "Send him in then."

The guard nodded and left the room.

"Sounds like Pluto," Luna said.

"It sure does," Celestia said, "At least things with him should be laxed. He seems like a harmless old alicorn. I'm surprised the likes of him even bothered to league with Gaea, honestly."

Soon the little orange guard returned with Pluto in tow. He politely lead him into the room, saluted and left, shutting the door behind him.

Pluto was smiling. "Nice boy!" he said, "Very polite."

Celestia flashed her warmest political smile and bowed slightly. Luna mimicked, but her political poker face had never been as refined.

"Welcome to Canterlot Castle, Lord Pluto. We're happy to receive you," Celestia said, "I only wished your visit was in better times. Now, what can I do for you?"

Pluto scratched his chin. "Mmm, eh, hello there!" he said, "I very much thank you for your hospitality and I feared our first meeting was under, um… less than optimal circumstances. I merely wished to reintroduce myself. Er, um, you have quite the impressive kingdom, I hear. I had meant to visit, but you know intentions. Run away things, those; so quick to dissipate!"

"I appreciate your kind gesture and words," Celestia said, "And I'd like to formally thank you for your part in reverse the unpleasantries that had befallen us the past few days."

"Oh, um, no need to thank me, dear young Miss Celestia," Pluto said, "I was happy to help. It gets, er, quite lonely on my little old planet. I was happy to get out and stretch my old legs a bit."

"Still, I am personally grateful," Celestia said, "Now, was there something I could do for you?"

"Oh, yes, um, down to business, as they say!" Pluto said, "I admit I am not here for a simple exchange of pleasantries, as much as I love a good chat. I'm here because I am both curious and admittedly a little worried."

Luna saw her sister's placid face slip considerably.

"I just had a chat nice with young Twilight Sparkle. Oh, a nice girl; very bright!" Pluto said, "Oh, er, it was nothing menacing, I assure you. I was simply very interested in her - an alicorn reformed. The curse that severed Draco's followers was not fueled by Ponietheus alone, I suspect, but rather the collective hatred of alicorns the first ponies experienced. Ponietheus simply tapped into that collective anger and used it to power his curse, and I suspect that tapping is what caused them to grow to fear him. I remember the lad now. Talented boy, er, if a little reckless at times. He always had a knack for tapping into brains, as it were! Oh, er, forgive my rambling. The point is that you're quite powerful to have found a way to reverse such a thing. Powerful enough to challenge Gaea, or, um, or so she just might assume."

Celestia frowned. "Are you not loyal to Gaea?"

"I respect her, sure, er, but she's not my ruler. Though she'd like to be. Fancies herself the autocrat. Crude thing, really. She'd like to rule over the whole galaxy if it weren't for the Shadowlings. Oh, but that isn't important. What is important is that if Gaea decides that young Twilight Sparkle is a threat to her rule over the solar system and over us, she just might destroy her. Oh, how I abhor violence! I'd hate to see Twilight Sparkle damaged and I suspect you do as well."

Celestia swallowed. "What's your interest in her? What's your angle in this?"

Pluto chuckled. "Oh, dear young Miss Celestia, I beg of you! Don't mistake me for, er, for a… politically ambitious being nor a foul-hearted old being with some, er, well, diabolical machinations. I, er, I only seek to understand, well, the universe, for one thing, but living things especially. While Gaea and her family don't see any value in life beyond the mystical alicorn, I personally find ponies and the, um, er, for lack of a better term, subsidiary alicorn races to be unprecedentedly fascinating - as well as hopeful. Ponies in particular are the first sapient species I've discovered to have intelligence that matches an alicorn! Ponietheus might have sped up the process, but ponies built societies, language and rudimentary scientific thought all on their own. And without magic too!"

Pluto scratched his chin. "Gaea is currently content to ignore them. She doesn't perceive them as worth her time. Oh, er, but I know better. Given enough time baking the pot of evolution and ponies will become powerful. They might not have magic, but their minds expand with challenge while alicorn's wither with decay. It is best, I think, that Gaea's curiosity is not sustained any longer. It is my professional opinion that she not be given any more power. The universe is a much happier place when she's not out and about trying to pull at strings, if you see what I mean."

"Wait, what?" Luna asked, "You're trying to confine Gaea?"

Pluto nodded. "Yes! Well, mostly her influence. Gaea's not a bad being, I don't think, but she takes things too far. And the universe is still recovering from the last bout of, um, er… alicorn-too-far-thing-taking."

Luna frowned.

"Why tell us this?" Celestia asked. "Why trust us with such an opinion?"

"Well, I, er, think we share that opinion, don't we? I perceive that you have a similar lack of faith in Gaea and in the alicorn as I," Pluto said, "Isn't that why you chose to live down here?"

Celestia bit her tongue. Luna blinked and rubbed her head. "Are… are you saying you're on our side?" she asked.

"Uh, Oh! Well, er, saying that would've gotten the point across much easier, I suppose!" Pluto said. "Why, yes, I'm on your side and I came here to ask you for favor."

"What favor?" Celestia asked.

Pluto fidgeted. "Well, er, I find Ponietheus's storm magic - or, um, rather the storm magic that allowed Ponietheus to carry it - to be very, very alarming. I don't know the source of it. Ponietheus certainly wasn't it, but it perpetuated itself from his body. Er, it followed him. He was carrying it, but that magic seemed like it was following it's own protocol - A protocol so powerful, it permanently overrode the curse that kept him trapped in Hailcryon. I am most curious. I must find out. Magic doesn't move by its own volition, and magic like that rarely has a, um, benevolent caster. But, if I'm away studying this peculiar phenomenon, they're will be no one around to watch out for Gaea and keep her confined in her ignorance."

"You want us to watch Gaea?" Luna asked.

Pluto nodded. "Yes, and do all you can to dampen her interest in Twilight Sparkle. A curious Gaea sticking her snout where it shouldn't be is the last thing we need, especially while that nasty storm and its, er, um, unpleasant implications might be a sign of a far graver danger."

Celestia nodded. "Alright. We'll watch Gaea for you if you keep us update on your findings. If you turn out to be right about the storm and its… caster, then we must be prepared. It'd be a pity should all my efforts - and yours, I suspect - be for nothing."

Pluto smiled. "Partners then! Oh, how exciting! I haven't felt like this for eras! Very well! I will let you know what I find out. I, er, I think I know where to begin."