• Published 28th Jun 2013
  • 1,421 Views, 12 Comments

Rise of Ponietheus - twitterdick

A storm brews to the north. Twilight Sparkle is enlisted to investigate, and soon an old legend will unleash itself upon Equestria.

  • ...

6. Spike: The Empty Houses

"Oooh!" Pinkie Pie gleamed at the large overhead flare coursing through the sky, "That's bad! Oh, I'd bet that's a bad thing! Hey, hey you guys! Do you see this? I bet it's bad!"

The flare caught everypony's attention. The light brightened the whole town, flickering across the street corners and the roofs of buildings. Spike rubbed his eyes and refocused them to ensure they were perceiving correctly. They were.

Then there was a crack of thunder, followed closely by an arid breeze. The air smelled of incumbent rain. Spike shuddered. The storm above opened like a palm, shooting off towards Canterlot while still stretching languidly towards Ponyville itself. Wind picked up and smacked his face as he stared at the storm.

"Uhh, what happens now?" he said.

"My knee's getting super pinchy, you guys!" said Pinkie Pie, "Hey, we should go back to library - Twilight and company will probably be headed back there. Hey, let's go back to the library."

"We can't just mosey on back to the library now! We haven't even checked our food stocks," said Applejack, "'Sides, I need to swing by the farm anyway to make sure my kid sister alright."

"Hey, there's no time for that!" Pinkie Pie protested, "That light and that storm are super-duper spooky and we need to meet up with Twilight and all them so we can come up with a plan!!"

"I ain't goin' nowhere 'til I know for sure that Apple Bloom and her little Cutie Mark Cruisers are alright. That's that."

"Grr… Stubborn pony…" Pinkie Pie hissed, "Hey, Spike - back me up!"

Spike's eyes snapped down from the sky. He shrugged. "Hey, it's her sister. She's got to check up on her sister. She can check the food storage while she's there, too."

"Don't forget my sister!" said Rarity, "I've seen Sweetie Belle literally fall over nothing. I'd hate to imagine what would happen in this kind of weather. She'd probably cause an explosion or something."

Pinkie Pie smacked her hoof across her forehead. "You guys…" she moaned.

"Relax, Pinkie, I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll round up the kids and be back before ya know it!"

"Yeah," said Spike, "The three of us will head back to the library and warn anypony we see along the way. Applejack sees her sister, we warn the townsponies and we all go back to the library. See? Everypony wins!"

"I agree!" said Rarity, "It'll be fine, Pinkie. Now let's move, this humidity is absolutely turgent."

With that, Applejack nodded and took off. The remaining three made way for Twilight's library. The streets slowly emptied. Windows shut. Doors sealed. Citizens barricaded inside of buildings to choruses of 'remain calm, please return to your home, we're doing everything we can.' The citizens here seemed rather used to immanent danger of any variety. There was a relative calm in the townsponies as they moved indoors.

That calm was shaken at the sight of a squadron of Royal Guards as they passed through the town square. Spike counted 8 soldiers - 4 unicorn, 4 pegasi - 2 chariots and one carriage perfect for carting young princesses. A particularly aged unicorn guard with auburn eyes, a white, uptight mane and a thick grey coat stood up in the gold carriage as the clear commander. He soon noticed the trio approaching.

"Ah, you there!" said the clear commander, hoping down from the carriage, "You're Princess Twilight Sparkle's entourage, are you not? Tell me, just where is she?"

Each of them stopped and faced him.

Pinkie Pie responded almost instinctively, "Well, she's-"

Rarity hushed her. "Why?" she asked the guard, "Is the princess in any danger?"

The commander eyed her rather harshly. "I'm just following orders, madam," he said, "I've been dispatched to return her to Canterlot as a precautionary measure. Princess Celestia's orders, madam. Do you know where Princess Twilight Sparkle is?"

"Does Princess Celestia think that storm is dangerous?" asked Rarity.

"I do not know, madam. Once again, I am merely adhering to orders. Do you know where the young princess has gone?"

Spike entered. "…She took a small group to investigate the storm on Princess Luna's orders. I delivered them myself. Twi- …Er, Princess Twilight, in turn, ordered us to make sure Ponyville was prepared for the storm."

Rarity didn't seem to appreciate having the conversation usurped from her. She tensed up as Spike took the spot light from her, but kept her eye on the commander.

He smiled unexpectedly at Spike. "And is it?"

Spike pushed his chest out a bit and held a nice, stern look on his brow. "The Ponyville citizens are safe in their homes. One of our friends is making sure there is enough food to weather this… uh, weather as we speak - just in case it gets real ugly, I mean."

The commander nodded. "Followed your orders to the letter, eh? A true code of honor you have then, little soldier." He bent his head down to Spike's level. "You must then understand the importance of our orders as well," he said, "We were ordered to secure Princess Twilight Sparkle, so, by our honor, secure her we must."

He turned back to Rarity with all disposition faded. "Regardless of obstacles," he added.

"Then you must understand our orders, sir," Rarity said with a subtle sneer, "We're to warn Canterlot as well as Ponyville. Its citizens will be affected as well."

"Hey, Twilight never said-" Pinkie protested before compelled to silence by Rarity's small jab to her ribs.

"I assure you Canterlot is very well secure, madam." the commander responded, "You need not worry. I give my personal word. Now, with you all quite quickly rushing back somewhere, I assume you're to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle that somewhere, yes?"

"Yes! We were supposed to meet Twilight back the library!" Pinkie Pie said, more so to Spike and Rarity than the commander.

"Very well," he said, "Then we shall wait for her there. Could you show us the way, madam?"

Rarity stomped in protest. "And then what?" she said, "You're just going to rush her off the Canterlot?"

"Once again, those are my orders, madam," the commander said sternly, "You lot may accompany should Princess Twilight Sparkle permit it."

Then thick streak of black lightning struck the castle in the distance. Jaws dropped. The commander eyed it incredulously. The sound of thunder bellowed across the town, and little Spike regrettably jumped in place. He quickly reformed his valiant posture, making sure that none had witnessed. He found it difficult to stand rod-stiff in the wind. Luckily, the commander didn't seem notice. He barked orders at his men and they lined up in front of him.

"Library!!" Pinkie Pie sung with vibrato as she nudged Rarity.

"But what about the ponies in Canterlot, Pinkie?" Rarity whispered, "They've no idea just how serious this might be!"

Pinkie Pie protested. "Uh, the Royal Guard has been mobilized and a bolt of black terrifying lightning just struck the castle. I'm sure they're very aware of the spooky situation."

Rarity shook her head. "No, those Royal Guard ponies are only interested in the princesses. They won't think twice about helping the townsponies."

"Rarity!" Pinkie Pie scolded, driving her hoof into the dirt, "If this turns out to be more than just a big spooky storm, then we're going to need the Elements of Harmony and we can't use those if you're twenty minutes away in Canterlot!"

"Twilight Sparkle tasked us with warning the ponies of Ponyville and Canterlot. We've warned one but not the other. I will not shrink from my duties just because of some thunder, lightning and… a meteor that just happened by."

"What if you get lost? Canterlot is a big town, what happens if-"

"I can guide her!" Spike said, "I lived in Canterlot with Twilight for a long time before we moved to Ponyville. I know the town more than anypony here."

"Madam!" the commander barked suddenly. Rarity glared up at him. "Not you," he said. He looked at Pinkie Pie. "You."

Pinkie Pie met his gaze and responded perplexingly. She took a quick look behind her and pressed her hoof into her chest while tilting her head slightly to clarify. He nodded, "Yes, you. Might you show me to this library?"

"Ok, sure!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Wait!" Spike said, "What about the castle?"

"I'm sending 6 good guardsponies back to the capital. They'll meet up with the rest and make quite sure the castle's secure. Do not worry, little soldier."

"And you'll be sending me with them!" Rarity said.

The commander turned back to her. His eyes barely contained his indignation, but he retained his civility. "Am I?" he said.

"Yes, you are," Rarity said, "'It is the duty of the Royal Guard to see to the protection of the Princesses of Equestria AND all those acting in their stead.' Princess Twilight Sparkle ordered us to ensure the safety of the civilians in both Canterlot and Ponyville in her stead. So, until this task is complete, you, by your duty, must submit to our orders. And I'm ordering you to send me to Canterlot."

The commander remained stoic. "You must present a formal order written by the Princess herself that bears the royal seal, and you have no such thing. Now please, you are wasting my time."

"…What's your name, sir?" Spike asked.

The commander stared down at him, but relented. "Knight Commander Protean Joy of Her Majesty's Royal Guard, sir."

"Are you aware of my service to Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

"…Yes, I am, sir."

"Do you need a for-… um, formmmm-… uh, one of those special order thingies to take orders from me?"

The commander let his face slip slightly to that of a pony realizing he'd just admirably lost a trying game of chess. "…No," he said, "I would not."

"Okay," said Spike, "Then I order you to take Rarity and I back to Canterlot, so that we might carry out Princess Twilight Sparkle's will. Should you refuse, I'll be sure to let Princess Twilight Sparkle know that Knight Commander Protean Joy stood in the way of my royal duty."

Commander Protean Joy allowed himself a soft sigh, then bowed respectfully. "Yes sir."

He turned to his squadron. "Flash Sentry! Come here!"

A relatively smaller soldier from the end of the line promptly approached and stood stiffly before his commander.

"You're tasked with escorting this little soldier and-"

"...My name's Spike, sir."

"…You're tasked with escorting Lord Spike and his sycophant to the capital and ensure their royal mission is tasked to completion. You will then promptly take the two back into the castle to ensure their safety before rejoining your fellow soldiers."

Flash Sentry saluted. "Sir, yes sir!" he said.

Commander Protean Joy turned back to the rest of his squadron. "Knight Sergeant, you're with me. The rest of you will report back to the castle and tend to the safety of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I will regroup with the lot of you once the Sergeant and I have claimed the package. Move out."

He turned towards Pinkie Pie. "Could you show us to this library, madam?"

Pinkie Pie looked over at her friends. "Please don't go, you two. Please."

Rarity smiled at her. "It'll be fine, love," she said, "We're just going to make sure the ponies of Canterlot are safe. We'll be back before you know it."

Commander Protean Joy locked eyes with Flash Sentry then, silently reinforcing his previous order. The young knight nodded. He called out to Rarity, "Ma'am? If you could come with me, please."

Rarity place her hoof reassuringly on Pinkie's cheek and walked over to Flash Sentry. Pinkie bent down to Spike. "Hey, order her not to go, Lord Spike!" she whispered.

Spike shrugged, "Just because it's dangerous doesn't mean we shouldn't go. Risk; reward - y'know?" He motioned his head towards Rarity and raised his brow.

Pinkie Pie looked back and forth between them and, in a moment of clarity, smacked her hoof onto her face. "Oh brother…" she muttered.

"Madam, to the library please," Commander Protean Joy said.

"Yes, yes… I'll show you. Good luck, Lord Spike."


Canterlot was as even more withdrawn than Ponyville. The storm was bleaker, the air was heavier, the streets were all the more void. Spike tapped his fingers together as Rarity politely knocked on doors and questioned residents a bit like a well intentioned but nonetheless fussy mother. He did his best to mimic Flash Sentry's stoic and dutiful patience, but his longing to return to the library struck through that pestilent ice-cold feeling that stung in his belly fractured his militant mindset.

As time drug on, he even caught glimpses of such a feeling spark in Flash Sentry's eyes as he would take to quick gazes towards the looming Canterlot castle. Spike did his best to inspire the young soldier by displaying a clearly calm and in-control-state, much like the soldier's stark commander. To his dismay, Flash Sentry did not notice.

Then came another rumble from above. Spike brought his attention upwards to realize he couldn't see the sun now. Dots of torches and lanterns lit up inside the cobblestone houses to counteract the dim light filtering through the obscuring cloud line. The group walked along a road that intersected with the main one which stretched from the main gate to the great front doors of the mighty castle itself. As they crossed, they were caught off guard by a sudden shift in wind direction. The dreary lights that flickered through blurry windowpanes apexed then flashed away. Gasps and muffled worry echoed out of the nearby buildings. Soon, streams of fire flowed like wind currents from chimneys and out of the cracks beneath doors and windowsills. They sauntered in the immediate sky above the town with a haunting radiance like the Northern aura come to life and spread on a thick sheet of paper. All paths converged on the castle.

Flash Sentry went stiff.

"…Well, that's fairly beautiful if nothing else," Rarity squeaked in a frail attempt to break the silence.

"…Pinkie was right…" Spike whispered.

Flash Sentry said nothing. He stood ramrod stiff, but his breathing picked up and his eyes darted. Spike walked up next to him.

"What do you think it means?" he asked.

"I don't know, sir," Flash Sentry said, "I'm no meteorologist but that is not a natural weather phenomenon. I think we're in a lot of trouble, sir."

"No kidding…" said Spike.

"I… fear for the Princesses, sir," said Flash Sentry. The two of them looked back towards Rarity. Her eyes shifted between the two before she unleashed a relenting sigh.

"Ok, fine," she said.

They slowly approached the castle's entrance. The streams of fire sunk into the vacant windows there and promptly disappeared inside.

Flash Sentry turned to Spike and said, "Might I request sir remain here? Villainy could be occurring inside the castle and I'd hate to put sir in unnecessary danger."

"What?" Rarity barked before Spike could answer, "You're just going to run off into the castle alone. By yourself? Have you never read a horror story?"

"I merely wish to keep the two of you from harm, ma'am," Flash Sentry said, "Think of me as a scout. I'll see if the castle is dangerous and if I can find any of my brethren there, then I'll return to you."

"Well, don't let me stop you. I'm just saying that you've said everything a pony in a good horror story says right before they disappear!"

Flash Sentry only looked at Spike.

Spike sighed. "Yeah, okay. We'll wait here. Just don't take too long, okay? That's an order."

Flash Sentry nodded then disappeared inside the castle.

Rarity scoffed. "This is ridiculous."


"I still can't believe you let him run off into the castle without us. What if something happens to him? How are we supposed to get back to Ponyville? What if-"

"Hey, he just wanted to see if ponies were okay. Isn't that the reason you wanted to come here?"

Spike pressed on ear against the great palace door and scanned the soundscape inside. He heard nothing but Rarity's voice in his other ear.

"What? Hey, I wanted to make sure the citizens here were okay, not-"

"And he just wants to see if the Royal Guard is okay. See? You're not so different after all."

"…Spike, would you just let me complain? The more I complain the less I pay attention to how utterly creepy this place is. I mean, look at us; we're sitting in the dark on the doorstep of the royal palace itself underneath a storm that just needs to commit to starting already."

"…How long have we been waiting here."

"Oh, I don't know. Fifteen minutes maybe?"

"…How long do think it would take Flash Sentry to sweep the castle?"

"I don't know, I've never swept a castle before."

Spike sat down on the steps beside Rarity. A silence brewed, but, before long, she began to pat him on the back. "I do very much appreciate you helping me, Spike - particularly with the Knight Commander. It was very sweet of you."

Spike shrugged, but smiled. "Hey, I could understand your goals. You wanted to help ponies, so I helped you help ponies… That's all."

Rarity smiled back and looked down. She paused for while, but soon relented. "Okay, when do you want to go in?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You've had your ear pressed up against the door for the past ten minutes. You're worried about Flash Sentry and all the others that might be in there. You helped me so I'll help you. If you want to go in there, I will go with you."

Spike gulped and looked back at the door. The castle was so still, so lifeless. He'd much prefer something loud and menacing, that way he'd at least know for sure that they were in trouble. He sighed, and cursed his new found 'honor'.

"Okay, we'll go in and check the throne room. Maybe Princess Celestia will be in there. BUT, we'll keep a path open to the front door and not wander off in case things get hairy and we need to get out quickly. Agreed?"

Rarity smiled wearily. "Agreed. I'm not so altruistic that I'm not going to admit I don't want to go very far in there."

Rarity pushed the great doors of the palace open. Spike followed her inside. The halls were silent with the bright art and windows masked in a dim stillness as a shadow cloaked the ends of the long walkway to the throne room. There was no sign of the guards that had rushed here before them. Apart from a slight echo that ricocheted slightly from the looming columns, the whole palace seemed unresponsive, as if trapped in time on a particularly dreary, foggy night. The great stain glass art that contextualized the walkway seemed to leer down on the unsettled Rarity and Spike as they proceeded carefully down the hazed hallway towards the throne room.

The castle groaned as they walked and the wind could be heard throwing itself against the stonework outside. Thunder lightly tapped in the sky; it was much calmer than before. Spike swallowed, feeling the rush that comes with willingly placing oneself in danger, and lit a nearby unsullied torch with his breath. The dark gave way, just a little, for them to see the great emptiness of those decadent halls.

Spike felt compelled to holler, but Rarity discouraged him. Near the end of the hallway, they could just barely see the large doors of the throne room. They were cracked open slightly, barely enough for a full sized Royal Guard to fit through. The two approached it, mindful of the art work that colored the glass leering down at them. This dim castle was homely no more.

They reached the door. Rarity motioned for Spike to stop. She grasped his torch with her magic and skillfully slid it into the crack in the door before her. It slowed to a rest and illuminated that chamber. Next, Rarity pushed the door on the left open slowly, so that they might see what's inside. There was rubble, broken columns and evidence of a fight scarred into the walls and floors. The chamber bore two great holes; one in the ceiling, the other engulfing the far window and the roof above it. Both gave view to the dim, gray clouds above.

Rarity entered with Spike close behind. She slid the torch further along the ground, lighting more of the room as they entered. Spike found another unlit torch near the base of a broken column and set it alight. He tossed it to the right in a perpendicular motion. It smacked against the adjacent column. Near there was a dusty brown book.

Spike separated from Rarity and approached the book as if from sheer habit. Rarity continued along her path. She leaned on a column and, after a few coaxing breaths, whispered, "Flash Sentry? Princess Celestia? Anypony?"


Spike picked up the book and struggled to view its decrepit title in the dim light. He could only make out one word - 'Epic'.

"Princess Celestia?" Rarity called again. The air and the angle of the walls began to press down on them. Spike found himself grinding his teeth and clasping the book firmly. His eyes shot up. Movement. He caught some residual movement scurrying through the dark on his left side. His breathing slowed, and he felt all will power sink into his eyes. He scanned. No movement.

"Flash Sen-"



Then, a slow moment to the left. Spike's head turned, and he stared long at a small motion. It osculated like water waves, or… Princess Celestia's mane.

"Rarity, look to your right. Do you see anything?" he whispered.

"… No."

With his eyes glued on the movement, Spike reached out for the torch near his feet and tossed vaguely to his left. It landed near the base of the residual movement, and illuminated Princess Celestia's dark frame.

Rarity gasped. "Princess!"

"Don't. Move," Spike said with protective male anger. His order was not heeded.

She approached the princess and was taken aback. Many Royal Guards, perhaps even Flash Sentry as well, were as black as Celestia. They did little more than tremble, and seemed to be organized together. Each held space away from the windows and columns as if purposely placed away from danger. Yet, no sign of who afflicted them or moved them.

Then a sweeping fire.

"Rarity!" Spike cried.

A bandaged specter with a piercing blue eye appeared on the far side of the room opposite the entrance. He send his fire magic at Rarity rather gently, getting her to back up. She whimpered.

Rage shot through little Spike's veins like a hormonal response. He was compelled to shout. He felt a great pain in his fingers, then a swell, then a tear. He opened his mouth to yell and, much to his own surprise, a relatively mighty strain of green flame burst from him like it had been held back for years. It struck the dark figure, doing little more than startle him, and he stared back at little Spike in wonder with his eye piercing the shadows there.

Spike swallowed but stared right back.

The dark figure conjured fire of his own from his horn and sent it at the sturdy column near Spike. Its intent was to startle the little dragon right back. Spike stumbled, using his hands to brace his fall. Curiously, his claws seemed longer. His right fingers had become lodged in the brown cover of the old book. Before long, he felt himself get swooped up by Rarity and placed on her back as she made for the door. Spike looked back. The figure did not pursue. His eye glowed white.

The dead torches in the hallway lit themselves methodically as the two fled from the throne room. The skies peered in through the grim stain glass grew pitch black. The darkness swallowed the palace around them. The stain glass art shattered from pressure and rained bits of glass behind them. The door to the exit seemed to stretch away as she neared it, but Rarity sprinted at a hysterical pace and dived out of the palace into the empty street. Spike employed the book as a makeshift shield against the tiny shards glass that managed to get close to them.

Thunder bellowed outside. Rarity burst from the castle into the empty streets. Windows shook open with a howling, and the clouds ahead swirled around, with the occasional lighting striking the roof tops and sending sparks to the street. The frightful activity that had populated the town coming in was all gone. The streets and houses stood idle and empty.

Out; that's what Rarity's body language said. Out. She didn't even seem to see anything else. Spike understood. He watched for her. He watch the castle go black. He watched the chitinous darkness fester and boil. He watched the empty places. He watched the empty gates, the empty stores, empty guard posts, empty factories. He watched the city then fall into the distance. He watched his hands shake and that lodged in-between his fingers dance along them. He turned his head to watch the clouds overtake the light above Ponyville.

"Rarity?" Spike called.

She remained silent. She was overcome.


Rarity was unresponsive. She just ran. Spike just stared back at the capital. It seemed to be set alight in black flame. His old home was gone. Spike felt a hot shred in his chest then fill up his blood, his veins, his lungs. His hands hurt and trembled. In stark contrast the sheer weight of the arid air around him, Spike wept and felt more like a child than ever. The thick, black sky above him rumbled like it was preparing tears of its own.

Author's Note:
