• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 11,875 Views, 65 Comments

A Flash of Romance - Bluecatcinema

Twilight is forced to confront her feelings for a certain guardspony...

  • ...

A Flash of Romance

Princess Twilight Sparkle was on her way to the Crystal Empire's castle. Princess Cadance had requested that she perform translations for some books the Crystal Ponies had recently discovered. They were written in ancient Mareabic, a language that few ponies even knew existed, let alone could understand. Twilight was one of the few who fulfilled both requirements. Knowing this, Cadance had sent her a letter, and Twilight, not wanting to let her sister-in-law and former foalsitter down, had agreed to help.

Alas, due to circumstances beyond her control, Twilight was making the journey alone. All her friends were busy with important work of their own; Rarity had a large dress order to fill, Rainbow Dash had important weather work to catch up on, Applejack had extensive apple bucking to do, Pinkie Pie was planning a party for Pound and Pumpkin Cake's first birthday, and Fluttershy was tending to a sick bear. Spike had wanted to come, but Twilight had insisted that he stay behind and look after the library.

Cadance was there to meet her at the castle.

"Hi, Twilight!" She smiled, hugging her. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"For you, anything." Twilight smiled. "Hey, where's Shining?"

"Oh, he's out putting the royal guard's new recruits through their paces." Cadance smiled. "Now, the books are in the royal study, and your guard is ready."

"Guard?" Twilight asked.

"Well, these are very old, very valuable books." Cadance said. "An unscrupulous pony could make millions stealing them and selling them off to private collectors."

"And... who is this 'guard' exactly?" Twilight asked, not liking the smirk that had suddenly appeared on Cadance's face.

"Guard!" Cadance called. "Our guest has arrived!"

Twilight goggled as none other then Flash Sentry entered the room.

"Oh, hello again, princess." He bowed respectfully. "Princess Cadance didn't tell me you were the expert she'd called."

"Didn't she?" Twilight cast a fake smile Cadance, who smiled back. "How interesting. Would you please excuse us for a moment?"

"Of course." Flash nodded, leaving the room.

"Okay, what's going on?" Twilight rounded on Cadance.

"Why, nothing." Cadance said innocently. "I just thought Flash needed the experience, and that you'd be better off with somepony you knew..."

"Yeah, right." Twilight snorted.

"Okay, fine." Cadance chuckled. "I was thinking a little time together would help you two... connect."

"Cadance, I do not have a crush on him!" Twilight said hotly.

"Oh, please." Cadance smirked. "You can't fool the princess of love. I know you, Twilight, and I know what ponies are like when they're in love."

"I'm not in love!" Twilight insisted.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same." Cadance chuckled. "When you were a filly, you weren't willing to make friends. And now, you're not willing to try some romance."

"Let's think about this for a second." Twilight suggested. "Even if I did have a crush on Flash Sentry - which I'm not saying I do - what would I say to him? 'Hi, we don't really know each other, but I went to a dance with a version of you from another world, so hey, what do you say we go out sometime?' He'll think I'm crazy!"

"Maybe, maybe not." Cadance shrugged. "But who says you have to tell him? Just try some old-fashioned conversation to break the ice."

At that moment, Twilight was glad none of her friends had come. They would have teased her relentlessly over this. Casting a glare at Cadance as she left the room, she turned into the corridor without looking, and bumped into Flash.

"Whoops." Flash chuckled. "It's happening again. Weird, huh?"

"Yeah, weird." Twilight mumbled. Just looking at Flash, with his kind eyes and warm smile, brought the heat to her face, the young alicorn being painfully aware that her lavender cheeks had turned pink. "Shall we?"

"After you, princess." Flash offered.

"Thank you." Twilight started walking. "And please, call me Twilight."

"Will do." Flash smiled again.

'Oh, great.' Twilight thought, as her face flushed again. 'Why does he have to keep doing that?'

They made their way to the royal study, where the books were piled up, waiting to be translated.

"Okay." Twilight activated her magic, levitating the first book over to her. "Time to get to work."

Opening the book, Twilight scanned the markings fervently, writing their translations into a nearby scroll.

"That stuff looks really hard." Flash chipped in.

"It is." Twilight said nervously, as Flash leaned in dangerously close. "Took me forever to learn."

"Wow, you must be really smart." Flash noted.

"I guess I am." Twilight admitted bashfully, one hoof toying with her mane.

"I hope I'm not overstepping my mark, or anything." Flash said apologetically. "It's just... for a princess, I find you really easy to talk to. I'm not sure why..."

"That's okay." Twilight smiled awkwardly. "I don't mind."

"Would you mind if I took off my helmet?" Flash asked. "I know it's regulation, but it really does a number on my mane."

"By all means." Twilight said.

Flash removed his helmet, and flipped out his mane.

"Ah, that's better." He smiled, running a hoof through his blue fur.

Twilight felt herself go weak in the knees (All four of them). Thankfully, she was able to regain her composure before Flash noticed. In her haste to return to her work, she accidentally knocked the scroll off the table.

"Here, let me get that for you." Flash offered.

No, I've got it." Twilight reached down.

Their hooves touched just above the scroll. In response, they looked at each other, their eyes meeting. For a moment, they stayed like that, before turning away, both blushing.

"I... really should be getting back to work now." Twilight mumbled.

"Yes, of course." Flash said bashfully.

Twilight put her all into translating the Mareabic writings, trying desperately to keep her mind off the handsome guardspony mere inches away from her.

"There." She smiled. "That's the first book translated."

"Wow, already?" Flash said appreciatively. "They must really make them smart over in... Where are you from, again?"

"I was originally from Canterlot, but now I live in Ponyville." Twilight declared, uneasy at having to take part in another conversation.

"Ponyville, huh?" Flash mused. "I've never been, but I have a cousin who lives there. He tells me it's a pretty nice place."

"Yes, I live in the library there." Twilight added.

"A library?" Flash asked. "Big surprise..."

"Very funny." Twilight chuckled. "So, what about you?"

"Not much to tell, really." Flash shrugged. "I grew up on the outskirts of Canterlot. For as long as I could remember, I'd been working to become a royal guardspony. It was the happiest day of my life when I got this armor."

"It looks good on you." Twilight realised what she'd just said. "I mean good as in 'impressive', not good as in 'hunky'... Ah, why did I just say that?!"

"Say what?" Flash said kindly. "I didn't hear anything."

Twilight, blushing again, smiled.

"You have a lovely smile." Flash beamed. "I mean, uh..."

"I didn't hear anything." Twilight echoed.

"You know, I heard there was some kind of trouble when you last visited." Flash said, quickly changing the subject. "Somepony took your crown, and you went... somewhere, that's what the other guards say."

"Well, it's the truth." Twilight nodded. "I followed the thief through an enchanted mirror, to another world. A world where everypony, myself included, were these two-legged, short-muzzled... things."

"Whoa, freaky." Flash grimaced at the thought. "Then what happened?"

"Well, I found out that my crown was being used as a prize in a contest." Twilight recalled. "My only chance to get it back was to win. Fortunately, I found some friends to help me, namely the counterparts of my Ponyville friends, and... another."

"Who?" Flash asked.

Twilight thought for a moment.

'Should I tell him the truth?' She considered. 'It worked in the mirror world, didn't it?'

Taking a deep breath, Twinkle asked Flash's question.

"A very sweet and kind guy." She declared. "His name was... Flash Sentry."

"Me?" Flash gasped.

"He helped me so much." Twilight remembered fondly. "In fact, I even had a little crush on him..."

"You did?" Flash gaped. "Wait, does that mean you..."

"Kind of." Twilight shrugged.

"What do you mean, 'kind of'?" Flash asked, perplexed.

"Because I don't know if those feelings are really for you, or if I'm just transferring them from what I felt for the other you!" Twilight blurted out. "It's just so confusing!"

"It sure is." Flash scratched his head.

"Look, Flash, you're a very sweet guy, but I think it'd be best for us to keep our relationship strictly professional." Twilight sighed. "It'll be a lot less complicated that way."

"I understand." Flash bowed his head. "I think I'll go... patrol the corridor for a while. You know, make sure nopony is trying to sneak in."

Flash dejectedly left the room. Once he left, Twilight leaned onto the table, morosely burying her face in her hooves. She only came out of her stupor when she heard her name being called.

"Twilight?" Cadance asked. "What's wrong?"

"I told Flash the truth." Twilight told her. "The whole truth. I thought it might clear the air between us, but it just made things worse. In fact, scratch that. I don't know what I was thinking!"

"Oh, Twilight." Cadance sighed. "Love isn't about thinking. It's about feeling. Look at me and your brother. I didn't agree to marry Shining because I thought it was the right thing to do, but because I felt it was."

"But Cadance..." Twilight protested.

"You shouldn't deny your feelings, Twilight." Cadance declared. "Sometimes, you need to listen to your heart, not your head. Tell Flash how you really feel about him."

"But, the translations..." Twilight said feebly.

"Can wait." Candace interjected. "Now, go get him."

Swallowing hard, Twilight went into the corridor, where Flash was "patrolling" (Or rather, standing around listlessly).

"Flash!" She called.

"Twilight?" Flash looked.

"I didn't mean what I said back there." Twilight admitted. "About our relationship being professional, I mean. Look, the truth is, I have some pretty strong feelings for you. And by 'you', I mean the you right in front of me. The kind and handsome pony in the armor."

"Really?" Flash blushed. "Well, as long as we're being truthful, I've been... kind of taken with you since the moment we first met."

"You have?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I have." Flash smiled. But I didn't think it would be 'proper' to just come out and say that to a princess."

"Well, a friend once told me 'Love isn't about thinking. It's about feeling.'" Twilight chuckled.

"Good advice." Flash grinned.

The two ponies stood there for a moment, smiling nervously.

"Sooo, what now?" Flash asked. "Is there some sort of protocol for something like this?"

"I don't think so." Twilight shrugged. "All the same, I'd prefer if we took things slowly. I've... never really dated before."

"That's okay." Flash said. "Neither have I."

"Really?" Twilight asked. She would have bet money that a handsome stallion like him would have had plenty of marefriends.

"Like I said before, becoming a royal guard took up a lot of my time." Flash reminded her. "So, what do you say we grab some lunch? It's almost noon, and I know this great diner nearby..."

Twilight's stomach growled.

"Lunch would be nice." Twilight said, embarassed.

Flash's stomach started rumbling too.

"Guess it's unanimous." Flash chuckled.

"Shall we?" Twilight asked.

"After you." Flash offered.

As the two ponies walked down the corridor, Cadance peeked her head around the door to the royal study.

"Way to go, Twilight." She whispered.

"I just thought of something." Flash mused. "Maybe it isn't coincidence, you being into the other me, then the pony me. Maybe it's more like... fate. Then again, that does sound a little crazy, huh?"

"Not as much as you'd think." Twilight smiled. "In fact, it wouldn't be the first time fate's intervened..."

Shortly after they left, Shining Armor returned to the castle, having given the trainees their lunch break.

"Welcome back, my love." Cadance kissed him.

"Good to be back." Shining smiled. "Hey, where's Twily? I figured she'd be here by now."

"Oh, she's here." Cadance confirmed. "She's just out on a lunch date with one of the guards at the moment."

"Oh, okay." Shining nodded. It took a moment for his brain to process those words. "Wait, my little sister is what?!"

The End.

Comments ( 64 )

A few mistakes here and there, but overall pretty good. I wouldn't put in brackets, I would use hyphens instead. Looks more professional imo. :twilightsmile:

"Even if I did have a crush on Flash Sentry (Which I'm not saying I do), what would I say to him?"
"Even if I did have a crush on Flash Sentry - which I'm not saying I do - what would I say to him?"

Nice one-shot of Twilight and Flash.:twilightsmile:

Lol, epic ending xD

Don't take the dislikes u have seen the wrong way. I'm sure it's just people who hated the movie. I didn't like it but I didn't hate it. I'm not going to judge anything on weather shipping is good or bad even if it is a cannon ship. I enjoyed this short one parter. You wrote it well and didn't overstep any boundrys. Good job il give you a like to try to balance things out

:yay: Glad to read this. Even though I haven't seen the movie, this couple is really growing on me both from the fanart and the other stories on this site. Really nice and very few errors but nothing that took me out of the story. :eeyup:

I really enjoyed this. It was cute and totally believable for the canon Twilight. XD

"Their relationship strictly professional." Like with Shining Armor and Princess Cadance?

nice job write more:rainbowwild:

*Fangirl squee* OMG THEY R SOOOO CUTE TOGETHER!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

2840628 Funny you should mention that. I was already thinking about doing a multi-chapter story about their growing relationship.

2840336 I completely agree with that, and I can fully attest to it.

:unsuresweetie:I'm ambivalent to Flashlight, and haven't seen the movie :pinkiecrazy:, but cute story and upvote! :pinkiehappy:

SA: "what are you doing with my sister, Sentry!!?!"


2840108 Noted, and implemented.:twilightsmile:

I like this! It was cute, in an innocent way! :pinkiehappy:

I loved the movie, but the problem I see is having two ponies dating in a kids show...one being a princess and stuff. I did not like that part, but I am not going to complain and I am not going to downvote a story I didn't even read if its about them

Good job at getting the Popular List, wooo!

please tell me there going to be a sequel to this

Quick to get to the point and enjoyable! I love this couple so much! :twilightsmile:

2844135 so your saying the kids movies of our day such as Snow White beauty and the beast Cinderella and countless other classics did not involve romantic attributes between people of class and royalty as well as commoners? We grew up with the same shit. And chicks dig the uniform

I'm a girl and I hate those princess movies, I was honestly surprised when I liked my little pony. Its like the princess movies are trying to cram it down little girls throats that they can become princesses and marry a prince, and I know that wont happen. that's why I hate those movies, fake promises. Being called a chick makes me feel like guys are calling me a baby chicken...

2847919 and being called a dude makes me.....wtf is a dude anyway? I see your point in that its stereotypical. I personally think that raising kids with images like that is stupid too but the movie and tv industry will make what sells. What kid wants to watch a reality show. I grew up watching animal planet discovery channel and history channel but only when history channel was actually about history

them making that is also making guys continue stereotype girls as well. The girly girls aren't helping either, I have more guy friends then girl friends. A dude I think is a...guy. That's all I have, I think its another word for stud. The worst part is I have all these princess books and movies and I don't watch them. I never watched them and my mom and mimi are like, "why don't you watch princess movies?" they are horrible movies. Anyway, at least its nice to know im not the only one who doesn't like the princess movies

2847967 I'm guessing your a scootaloo fan. She is best CMC

I don't really like the CMC they don't seem to understand what their special talents are, even though they keep doing them! They annoy me...

2848108its the innocence and cluelessness of childhood

it makes me feel like the show is trying to tell us that kids are idiots and the CMC are idiot girls...

2848147 hahaha kids are idiots. It's got nothing to do with gender. Look at snips and snails. Straight up glue eaters right there. There is a lot i didn't understand as a kid when I look back

Does being a teenager count as being a kid? Because im 14 and most of the boys I know are idiots. The thing I find most interesting is that snips and snails are both buys and they are idiots. I like how the show tells us that when guys are younger, they are idiots and girls are smarter. Girls mature faster then boys.

2848262 I don't think the show is trying to be philosophical I think it's just trying to be humorous

This was actually pretty cute. Shining Armor's like "Oh yeah, not a problem, that's totally cool WAIT WHAT" and it's hilarious. I can imagine a situation in which Shining Armor threatens Flash Sentry with about ninety-five-billion different kinds of pain and misery if he even puts one hoof on Twilight, because it just seems like that's the kind of big brother he is. xD

I loved this! Very cute TwiFlash oneshot! :twilightblush:

Nice story. LOL loved the ending there.
"Next story! Flash Sentry vs. Shining Armor! Who. Will. Win? lol

LOL, MAREabic. :derpytongue2:

This was really cute, but I also feel like it was a tad rushed? :twilightblush:

And Shining proceeded to hunt Flash down :pinkiecrazy:

"Oh, she's here." Cadance confirmed. "She's just out on a lunch date with one of the guards at the moment."
"Oh, okay." Shining nodded. It took a moment for his brain to process those words. "Wait, my little sister is what?!"

now Shining will kill Flash :rainbowhuh:

This is a very good story and I hope you do a sequel where Shining Armor comes to terms with Twilight being a grown mare now. :pinkiehappy:

"Welcome back, my love." Cadance kissed him.
"Good to be back." Shining smiled. "Hey, where's Twily? I figured she'd be here by now."
"Oh, she's here." Cadance confirmed. "She's just out on a lunch date with one of the guards at the moment."
"Oh, okay." Shining nodded. It took a moment for his brain to process those words. "Wait, my little sister is what?!"
The End.

That last part got me HA HA HA HA /):rainbowlaugh:

I'm really afraid the whole Twilight-not-sure-she-likes-pony-Flash-since-she-liked-human-Flash thing is going to become a cliche among the upcoming twiXflash fanfics. Good read though, but I'd like to point that out.

Well I hope Shining dose not kill Flash.

3846774 *laugh* more like rip his head off and beat it to dust then feed it to the crocodilly in the ever free forest. MUAHAAHAAAAA

I loved it! Really great plot. Wish you could add a sequel. Really left me on a cliffhanger there. But I really support Twilight and Flash. Great couple! :twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::raritywink::scootangel::twistnerd::yay:

4402442 There is a sequel. It's called "Twilight's Love". Check my story list.

I love this and I can't wait to read 'Twilight's Love'. :heart::twilightblush:

The ending reminded me of when my son became a drill sgt and started dating one of the new recruits.

I love the story

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