• Published 2nd Oct 2011
  • 3,984 Views, 44 Comments

My Little Hellsing - Lunafan1k

Twilight's life is in danger as a secret organization aims to take the life of Celestia and Luna.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Applebloom slowly opened her eyes, staring at a blank ceiling. Sitting up she looked around the room, clearly one she's never been in before. Her bed was much older and more grand than the one she slept in on the farm. The headboard was hoof carved, various carvings of leaves and vines tangled around the surface.

Getting out of the bed she walked around the room, observing a dresser, stand up mirror, a writing desk, and several old paintings of various landscapes hanging on cold stone walls. She approached the dresser and opened the drawers, curious of any items within. To her surprise one of the drawers held an outfit, with a note attached. Ignoring the note she unfolded the outfit and laid it out in front of her for a better look. It was a slightly darker yellow than her fur, matching her eyes. The stitching was red to match her mane and tail, and on the flanks there was patch in the shape of a shield with the writing “Hellsing: We are an a mission from the Goddess” over a crescent moon.

She picked up the note and read it, “Please wear this uniform at all times, lest you be seen as an enemy.” She didn’t recognize the hoof writing.

She slipped it on, a perfect fit suggested that it was Rarity’s make. She walked over to the mirror to see how it looked on her. As she stood in front of the mirror she thought she was looking at the wall behind it, but the outfit floating in midair told a different story. With a playful giggle she walked around to the back of the mirror, she didn’t know what she was looking for but did it anyway. Finding nothing of interest she assumed the mirror was enchanted to not reflect ponies as a joke, having a little fun watching the clothing dance around in the air.

There was a knock at the door, interrupting the filly’s antics. Wondering who it could be, she opened the door, revealing Twilight Sparkle and Applejack.

“Applejack! Twilight!” Applebloom pranced in a circle, happy as can be before stopping and cocking her head to one side, “Now that ah think of it, what ahm ah do’n here?” She asked, beginning to become unsettled as the reality of the strange place came crashing down.

“That’s why were here, Applebloom. Please, sit down. We need to talk.” Twilight said, placing a hoof on Applebloom’s shoulder, leading her to the bed. Applejack followed behind, closing the door as she did.

Applebloom went through the entire range of emotions as Twilight retold her story about her experience in the dungeon, meeting Alucard, evacuating Ponyville, and the battle with the vampire. When they told Applebloom she was now a vampire, she stared blankly at the wall for several long moments. Applejack was about to say something when she spoke.

“So.... Ahm a vampire...” She stated flatly, still staring at the wall.

“Yes, Applebloom.” Said Applejack.

“And that mirror, it’s not enchanted is it...”

“No, its not.” Twilight said, not sure where to go from here. Suddenly Applebloom perked up and began stripping off the clothing.

“Ah bet ah got ma cutie mark! Being a vampire is permanent, so this is it!” Once she was undressed enough, she twisted around to look at her blank flank. “But ah don’t understand,” She said dejectedly, “Why don’t ah have ma cutie mark?”

“Because you are not yet truly a full vampire, little filly.” Alucard said, phasing through the wall. “Only once you drink blood for the first time will you become a real creature of the night.”

“But, ah don’t wahn’t ta drink anypony’s blood.” Applebloom said.

“Don’t worry, you will in time.” Alucard said as he departed through the wall again.

“He’s a strange one, ah’ll give you that ‘un Twi.” Said Applejack. “Com’on Applebloom. Got some ponies upstairs that want ta see ya.” She said as she made her way to the door.

The trio walked through several old torch lit passages, passing room after empty room. They continued walking up several flights of stairs, and out into a dusty room with books littering the floor. It looked as though an entire massive bookshelf was ripped off the wall, throwing the books in every direction haphazardly.

“Whut happened here? Ahm sure we didn’t do any crusadin' tuh make this mess.” Said Applebloom.

“Oh, well, Princess Luna said to bring Alucard to the library, where he tore apart my basement for this door.” Twilight said, obviously still enraged over the destruction of her precious book, motioning towards the entrance they just came from. “Turns out this was the original Hellsing HQ during the war, disguised as a tree to elude enemies. The Princess is pretty clever to come up with this.”

They turned and walked up the stairs into the pitch darkness of the main library.

“Now where is that light switch?” Asked Twilight to the darkness.

“SURPRISE!!!” A hundred voices screamed out as blinding lights flashed on, confetti, streamers, balloons and candy rained from the ceiling. Applebloom backed into the wall from the sensory overload as Pinkie Pie flashed up the the group.

“OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS! This is the bestest most superly wonderful fantastical party ever! It’s a Welcome to Ponyville Alucard party and a Hellsing is Back party and a We Saved Ponyville party and an Applebloom is a Vampire party! We’ve got cake and pie and presents and sarsaparilla and sugar cubes and candy canes and pin the tail on the pony!!” Pinkie Pie rattled off at a thousand words a minute as she bluntly broke the laws of physics, obviously in a much larger sugar high than normal.

“Applebloom!” A pair of voices called out as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle forced their way through the crowd of ponies.

“It’s so good to see you guys!” Applebloom said, embracing her fellow crusaders in a big hug.

“We heard you were a vampire, a creature of the night! How awesome is that?” Scootaloo said.

“Wow it is true, look at her teeth Scoot!” Sweetie Belle said, forcing Applebloom’s mouth open for Scootaloo to see.

“Wow you're right! I know! You could make us vampires, and we could be the Cutie Mark Creatures!” Cried Scootaloo, hoof pumping the air as she visualized how awesome of a vampire she could be.

“I don’t think Cutie Mark Creatures is a good name.” Said Sweetie Belle.

“Should you allow Applebloom to bite you, you will become the Cutie Mark Corpses, wandering Equestria to Applebloom’s will as nothing more than ghouls.” Alucard said from behind the Crusaders. The thought of death quickly put to rest any thoughts of being vampires in the fillies.

“Come on guys,” said Applebloom, “Master is right. Lets have some cake!”

“Why do you call him master?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

“Well, he turned me, so ahm like his student.” Said Applebloom.

“Oh. That makes sense. I wonder what he teaches?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

“Well, so far he wants me ta drink blood.” Said Applebloom.

“Drink blood? Ewww!” Said Scootaloo as they disappeared into the party.

Pinkie Pie slowly approached Alucard. “So. We meet again at last, big mean meanie pants. How do you like the party? The one I made, because YOU came along? Huh?” She narrowed her eyes and began to circle around Alucard. “You should try the PUNCH!” Pinkie began breathing heavily through clenched teeth, glaring daggers at Alucard.

“Pinkie? Are you ok?” Twilight witnessed the incident and approached from the snack bar.

“This big, fat, mean meanie pants doesn’t like my parties! EVERYPONY likes my parties!” She seethed, rounding on Twilight.

Thinking quickly, Twilight said, “Pinkie, please understand. There weren’t any parties a thousand years ago, just war and chaos. He doesn’t know what a party is, that’s why he needs a friend to show him what a party is all about,” Twilight locked eyes with Alucard who was standing behind Pinkie, “Right?” Alucard sighed, getting the message.

Pinkie continued to stare deeply into Twilight’s soul for a moment, before bouncing around and giggling once again. “Oh well why didn’t you say so sooner Twilight? I have the privilege, no, the responsibility to teach Alucard how to party!” She turned to face Alucard, “So, what’s your favorite drink? Oh wait, you're a vampire. Silly me, I’m sorry but I don’t have any blood for you. Oh! I know! We can play pin the tail on the pony!”

Alucard allowed himself to be blindfolded and spun in a circle by Pinkie. Holding the tail in his mouth he walked up the the wall and pinned it perfectly in place. He couldn’t help but smile at the sound of a collective gasp as he continued on to other party games, remaining blindfolded.

“How are you doing that?” Asked Rainbow Dash from the spot she was hovering from above the snack bar.

“I don’t need to see with pony eyes, my mind’s eye allows me to see everything with perfect detail at any distance.” He walked through the crowd to Applebloom, who could hear everything he said with perfect clarity. “Now I want you to try, little filly.” He said, removing his blind fold and placing it around Applebloom’s eyes. “Now focus. Don’t look with pony eyes, use your third eye.”

“Oh wow! Vampire training! I have got to see this!” Said Scootaloo.

“Shh! She needs to concentrate!” Chided Sweetie Belle.

All Applebloom could see was darkness. Taking a deep breath she looked deep inside herself, sure she’ll know when she finds her new vampire abilities. She stood there for a minute, she was about to give up when she felt something, so she went after it. At first it eluded her, but her will to become better and make her master proud allowed her to delve further. When she reached it, her entire mind, body, and soul were flooded with an alien presence, but at the same time it was warm and welcoming, as it was a part of her, yet not.

She felt a part of her open up, then suddenly she could see. She saw everything, every fiber of hair and fur, every bit of dust floating in the air, every imperfection in the wooden floor. Delving deeper she began to hear, no longer the jumble of voices she was used to hearing at parties, but she heard and understood every word with perfect clarity. Applebloom was lost in everything for several minutes as she slowly grew accustomed to the sights and sounds.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she realized she could smell everything as well. She could smell the sweat of the ponies on the dance floor, the sweet smell of the candy, the smell of the blood running through the veins of the ponies. Her mouth began to water, she began to taste the air, imagining the taste of blood flowing down her throat, she reached out, throat and body begging to be fed the sweet nectar.

“A-Applebloom? Y-you're scaring me.”

Snapping back to reality, someone had removed her blindfold, allowing to see herself embracing Lyra in a tight hug, steadily licking the nape of her neck. Applebloom immediately backed away in shock, then burst into tears and fled out into the night.

Applebloom ran, tears streaming down her muzzle. She didn’t want to be found, she didn’t want to be seen like this. Without slowing she fled into the Everfree Forest, deeper and deeper she ran into the darkness. After what felt like an eternity of running she came upon a clearing in the woods. She curled up in the center and cried herself into a restless slumber.

She awoke to the sound of heavy breathing. Opening an eye she saw a giant manticore smelling her body. At once she tried to get away, but the manticore pinned her down with a giant claw and roared fiercely at her head. The manticore continued to press its massive weight on the filly, slowly squeezing the life from her.

‘No! Ahm not goen out like this!’ Applebloom thought. She shut her eyes, focusing inward as she did before, this time she knew where to look, and quickly harnessed her vampire power. Using her new found strength, she forced the manticore off of her. She leaped to her hooves and dodged to the side, avoiding a massive swipe that would have easily cleaved her in two. The manticore roared in fury and frustration, then swung its stinger at Applebloom with speed and dexterity that even Rainbow Dash failed to evade.

Applebloom saw this as an opening and rushed toward the manticore, its tail burying itself in the ground, where it stuck fast. Applebloom jumped up into the chest of the manticore, punching a hoof upward. She felt her hoof connect with the manticore, then felt the manticore’s flesh give, then break as she followed through, cleaving the manticore’s right arm as she ripped the torso nearly in half.

The manticore collapsed, bleeding heavily from the mortal wound. It let out a pained moan, then lay still. Applebloom stood over her first kill, her first bout of blood drawn. She did this. She had killed the feared manticore. She was a monster that sent other monsters running, and she liked it.

Looking at the body, her blood lust had returned, eyes glowing bright crimson. She sat back on her haunches, slowly raising a bloody hoof to her mouth, tongue stretching out, begging for a taste.

“Yes, drink your first spill, little one.” Alucard said, emerging from the edge of the trees. He had followed her as she fled, in order to stop her in case she decide to feed on one of her friends.

Applebloom began panting heavily as the moment drew closer, when she felt the sharp pain of a silver dagger pierce her neck, followed by more immense pain as multiple daggers stabbed through her entire body, missing her heart, not from poor aim, but to make her suffer.

“WHAT?” Roared Alucard, “Blessed daggers?” He observed. There was a flurry of paper that pinned themselves to every tree and bush around the clearing. “A barrier?” He asked, spinning around to find the culprit. He turned to the sound of hoof steps and rustling bushes and watched as an unknown pony stepped into the clearing.

He was off white in color, with a short cut gold mane and tail. He wore blue tinted glasses and a white overcoat, his cutie mark was a gold colored guillotine. He swung a hoof and another dagger was reloaded into the machine on his arm.

“We are the servants of Nightmare, the messengers of her justice.” He swung the other hoof, another dagger at the ready. “We are the instruments of her divine wrath on Equestria.” A third dagger, wielded in his mouth. “We are called upon to cleanse this kingdom, bringing ash of the flesh of thine enemies.” He widened his stance, preparing to attack. “Praise to our Queen!”

He walked up to Alucard, “Beautiful moon tonight, don’t you think?” The stranger asked, smiling ear to ear as Applebloom whimpered in pain. “Your voice sounds so very lovely when you're whimpering in agony, little foul. Don’t worry though, you're not dieing yet. I haven’t pierced your heart. It’s been a while since I had a good hunt. I plan on enjoying this.”

“You are of the Iscariot occult.” Stated Alucard. “It’s been a while.”

“Right you are, you pathetic Hellsing dogs. I am Alexander Anderson of the Iscariot,” Alexander began walking towards Alucard. “You must be Alucard, the house broken vampire, the monster who hunts his own kind, the famous Hellsing pet.”

Alucard walked towards Alexander, grinning with blood lust at the upcoming battle. Applebloom lay there as she watched them approach each other, both out for blood. They both walked a step past the other, then in a flash they attacked.


Back at the party in the library, Twilight felt a wave of unease and an urge toward the Everfree Forest. Looking around quickly, she confirmed the absence of Alucard and Applebloom. She saw Applebloom almost bite Lyra and run out the library, but she thought Alucard had went to bring her back. The fact that both of them are out unsupervised sent shivers down her spine.

“Pinkie!” She called to the crowd, then as expected Pinkie appeared in front of her. “Where are Alucard and Applebloom?”

“Oh silly, Applebloom is dieing and Alucard and Alexander are about to kill each other!” She giggled. “Wait, why did I say that?” She asked, brining a hoof to her chin as she went deep in thought.

“Pinkie, get the others and meet me in the Everfree forest, I’m going ahead.” Ordered Twilight.

“Okie dokie lokie!” Responded Pinkie as Twilight bolted out the door.


Back in the forest, Alexander landed the first blow, stabbing Alucard twice in the chest. Then just as quickly, Alucard shot a blast of magic, blowing a hole in Alexander’s head as he was thrown into a tree. Alucard stood triumphant and pulled one of the daggers from his chest.

“You attacked a vampire head on in the middle of the night, you didn’t even try to catch me by surprise.” Alucard said, pulling the other dagger from his chest. “You’re a brave pony, Anderson, but you're also a fool.”

“Ma-master..” Applebloom forced out.

“Don’t talk,” Alucard turned and approached Applebloom, “You’ve been stabbed with a blessed dagger. Now, just-”

Alucard sensed movement behind him and spun around, face to face with Alexander, grinning and laughing into the clear, moon lit night as he lunged at Alucard, stabbing him through the torso again.

“What?” Alucard said in confusion. Alexander removed the daggers for another strike, but Alucard jumped away before he could stab him again. He flipped around in midair and shot several magic shots at Alexander, who used the daggers to deflect a few of the shots, taking two in the chest and throwing him back.

He quickly leapt back to his hooves and ran full gallop at Alucard. Alucard stood his ground and fired several more magical shots at Alexander. Shots deflected, Alexander lunged and slashed at Alucard. Alucard glided just beyond Alexander’s reach, continuing to fire volley after volley as he got behind Alexander.

Alexander stomped his hooves on the ground, then spun around, hurling a multitude of daggers at Alucard. Alucard couldn’t help but smile as he shot each one out of the air. Distracted with the spears, he failed to see Alexander run up to him from the shadows, hitting Alucard with a mighty tackle into a tree, whereupon Alexander stabbed him through the torso, pinning Alucard to the tree.

Applebloom watched in horror as the holes in Alexander’s body healed before her eyes, leaving his body perfectly healthy.

“Long live Queen Nightmare Moon!” Declared Alexander.

“A regenerater?” Said Alucard.

“Correct! A living weapon engineered by Queen Nightmare herself to defeat her enemies, the kingdom of Equestria!” Alexander summoned more daggers and stabbed them through every part of Alucard’s body, his blood draining and pooling into a puddle at the base of the tree.

With a sadistic grin, Alexander pulled out another, then in one clean slice removed Alucard’s head from his shoulders. “Praise the Queen!” He yelled in triumph.

Applebloom watched Alucard’s head hit the ground and roll near her. “MASTER!” She screamed, scared and afraid, not knowing what to do as the crazed Alexander Anderson barked his mad laughter into the night sky.

“That’s it? This thing was Hellsing’s ultimate weapon? The great domesticated vampire, what a disappointment. He’s a joke. Equestria can’t do anything right.” He turned around to finish off Applebloom, however, she and Alucard’s head were gone.

“Well,” He said, “After all that she’s still able to crawl away. It seems I underestimated the little foal.” He readied another pair of daggers and began to follow the trail of blood.


Applebloom was was doing her best to stay on her hooves, going from tree to tree for support, holding her master’s head in her mouth by his mane. She was losing a lot of blood, but she managed to remove the daggers, the pain more bearable without the blessed silver burning through her body, the wounds slowly healing.

Soon she collapsed, her masters head landing upright in front of her, looking at her with its dead eyes.

“Master...” She whimpered, “Please, ah can’t do this. Ah can’t do this alone....” From the darkness behind her a dagger shot out and impaled Alucard’s head.

“Where do you think you're going, foul? There’s no place to run." Alexander made his way through the forest. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” He said as he neared her. “We are nothing more than dust, and to the dust we shall return. Long live Queen Nightmare.”

Applebloom was in sheer panic, frozen in place by pain, blood loss, and fear. She frantically searched the woods, hoping someone would find her, someone would save her. She was going to die, alone, in the Everfree Forest. Her body left to be eaten my the creatures of the forest.

‘This is no time to lose your head, little filly.’ The voice of Alucard floated through her mind. Applebloom turned to look at Alucard’s head, still impaled by a silver dagger. As she watched, Alucard’s head melted into a pool of blood and gore. The pool of blood began to flow in all directions, soon spelling out a set of instructions.

‘Drink my blood, little filly, drink, and you shall never again be treated like a foul. Drink, and you shall truly become one of us! You will drink blood of your own choosing, wandering the night, powerful and singular. Become eternal and complete! Drink my blood, little filly. No, Applebloom of the Apple Clan!’

Applebloom stood, her master’s voice in her head as she reads his message, unable to decide what to do. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Alexander lunge for the killing blow, only to be blasted with a powerful surge of magic, shattering his weapons and hurling him through the air. Applebloom looking in the direction of the bast of magic. There, just beyond the first set of trees, stood Twilight Sparkle, horn still glowing from the powerful magic she just released.

“Applebloom! Are you ok?” Twilight asked, seeing that Applebloom will live, she directed her attention to Alexander. “Who are you? What do you want with Applebloom?” Demanded Twilight.

“Ah, Twilight Sparkle, prized student of Celestia herself, and now new head of the Hellsing Organization, we meet at last.” Said Alexander.

“I demand to know who you are!” Yelled Twilight.

“Well well, the mighty Hellsing is blind after all." He Laughed. "I am Alexander Anderson of the Iscariot Occult, dedicated to her majesty Queen Nightmare Moon, we will crush this pitiful kingdom of Equestria and have the heads of Celestia and Luna on pikes in front of our doors. Long live Queen Nightmare!” Cried Alexander.

“We, the Hellsing Organization with the Elements of Harmony, will stop you!” Said Twilight, trying to sound intimidating despite her fear. Alexander laughed directly in her face.

“The Hellsing Organization is nothing! You just missed the decapitation of your pet vampire!” Alexander said, driving the point home by swinging his hoof through the air.

“You cut off his head? Is that all?” Asked Twilight coldly.

“What?” Alexander said, backing away slightly.

“Get away from Twilight!” Cried Applebloom, placing herself in front of Alexander, who laughed at the scene playing out in front of him.

“It’s not looking good for you,” Said Twilight, trying to refrain from grabbing Applebloom and running, certain that the moment her eyes leave Alexander she’s as good as dead. “If I were you, I’d leave while I was still able.”

“Have you gone insane, you pathetic foul?” Sneered Alexander, “I’m about to dye the forest with your blood.”

“Then you better make it quick,” Said Twilight, hoping he doesn’t take her advice. She needed to stall for more time, keep him talking. “That vampire you decapitated will be coming back to life any second now!”

“He what?” Said Alexander, turning around to look for the vampire. Thousands of bats flew into the night sky from the clearing, a stray approaching Applebloom.

“Why didn’t you just drink the blood, you idiot?” Said the bat. Applebloom gasped in realization that the bat was her master, Alucard. The swarm of bats descended from the sky, surrounding Alexander in a flurry of wings.

“Cut off his head? Pierced his heart?” Twilight said as she tried to recall the details Luna had sent her. “He is nothing like any vampire you have ever known! Your tricks won’t kill him, you might be the best your little occult has to offer, but over a thousand years of the Hellsing Organization produced this, Equestria’s crowned glory, the vampire Alucard!” When she finished her victory speech, Alucard stood amidst the whirlwind of bats, main and tail unusually long, floating through the air as he howled his laughter from the pits of pony hell.

“Master!” Applebloom clapped excitedly.

Soon Alucard was back to his normal appearance, where he exchanged several blows with Alexander, resulting in Alucard having his front legs cut off. Alexander turned back and grinned at his successful attack, and roared in anger as the limbs grew back in an instant, first the bones, then muscles, followed by the skin and fur. Even the coat repaired itself.

“I think you're beginning to understand. What will you do now, Alexander Anderson of the Iscariot Occult?” Twilight asked, she knew better than to poke a monster in the side, but she couldn't stop herself, some twisted part of her was enjoying all the bloodshed.

“I’ll need further preparation to kill this one.” Alexander said as he pulled a book from inside his jacket and placed it on the ground in front of him. The cover opened and the pages began to flip through on their own. “We’ll meet again, Hellsing! Next time, I’ll put you in the ground.” The pages in the book tore free and whirled around Alexander, soon the pages flew into the sky and disappeared, along with Alexander.

“It’s over...” Gasped an exhausted Applebloom, collapsing into Twilight’s hooves.

“It’s ok, your safe now.” Comforted Twilight. “Are you alright, Alucard?”

“Yes, it’s been a while since my head was cut off. And now we know who we’re fighting, and why.” Said Alucard.

“We need to warn the Princess, now that we know where to look I’m sure we can find more information to arm ourselves with.” Said Twilight, thinking back the the Royal Archives in Canterlot.

“Then what are my orders, master? Shall I destroy them? Wipe them from Equestria? Grind them to dust? Just give the word, my master, the Prized Student, Twilight Sparkle.” Alucard asked, clearly desiring more bloodshed.

Twilight thought for a moment, “When the time comes, I will.”

“Really?” Grinned Alucard, “I can’t wait! It’ll be a pleasure, a truly great pleasure.” He turned around and stood over Applebloom.

“You.” She turned to look him in the eye. “Why didn’t you drink the blood?” She turned away, “Why not drink?”

“Um...Ahm not sure..” She said, “But.... It felt like.. Felt like if ah drank the blood, it would mean the end of something important inside me.”

“You are an idiot.” Alucard said, then turned away. “But perhaps you have a point. Perhaps it is time for a vampire that does not walk alone through the night.” Applebloom smiled.

As Alucard walked past Twilight, a thought occurred to her, “Why in Celestia’s name did you turn her into a vampire? She’s just a filly!”

Alucard smiled, “Why indeed. For fun? For sport? Maybe it was just a whim. Maybe, but that doesn’t sound like me. Perhaps after years spent with ponies you’ve finally rubbed off on me. I might be developing a sense of whimsy. Let’s go little filly, don’t dawdle!”

“Yes, my master!” Said Applebloom, recovered enough to walk at a decent pace. “But sir, my name is not little filly, it’s Applebloom.”

“Enough, you coward.” Alucard said, turning to face Applebloom. “You are a little filly, little filly will do.”

“But!” Gasped Applebloom, “Aw whut? You're mean!” She sped to catch up with Alucard.

Twilight brought up the rear, smiling to herself over the exchange. During the walk back they met the others, and together they walked back to the library. The night is done, the battle, won. However they all still had a lot of work to do in order to stop the threat, but for now they allowed themselves to rest.