• Published 2nd Oct 2011
  • 3,982 Views, 44 Comments

My Little Hellsing - Lunafan1k

Twilight's life is in danger as a secret organization aims to take the life of Celestia and Luna.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Twilight let herself into her library home, the party-goers long since gone. She held the door open for her friends as they entered the darkness. Once inside, she lit several candles around the room, casting eerie flickering shadows onto the walls.

“Now Twilight, ah think it’s high time you told us why ya had all us run out ta the forest in the middle of a party.” Said Applejack.

“Yea! Telling people to go home when there was so much more partying to do is no fun!” Said Pinkie Pie.

“Okay everypony calm down!” Twilight said, not wanting a small riot on her hooves. “Did you really think I would call you all to the forest for no reason? There was an attack, Alucard was killed and Applebloom nearly lost her life!”

“What? But he’s right there!” Observed Rainbow Dash, prodding Alucard with a hoof to make sure he was real.

Twilight forced her way between Dash and Alucard before somepony got hurt, and she wasn’t worried about Alucard. “Dash, he’s immortal, but it takes time to rebuild his body after having it cut to ribbons.”

“Ribbons? Alucard? He’s a vampire not a party decoration! Or is he...?” Pondered Pinkie Pie.

Rarity ignored Pinkie, “Darling!” Rarity demanded Applebloom, observing the poor condition of the suit she made for her. “This simply won’t do. I’ll have it repaired by tomorrow night.” She said, removing the suit from Applebloom. Once removed she held it up to the candle light for a better assessment of the damage. “Twilight,” She said slowly, “why is Applebloom’s suit covered in blood?”

“Whut?! Lemme see that!” Demanded a worried Applejack. She used a hoof to scrape some of the dried blood off. “Yep. Just like Big Mac's bandages when he gets injured. Applebloom, whut exactly happened in the forest?” She said sternly, using a weaker version of Fluttershy’s stare she had perfected as an older sister.

Applebloom had long ago become immune to her sister’s Stare, but gave in because it was important her sister and that the others knew the truth. “Okay, fine.” She said, then retold the events of the night.

Once she was finished retelling the story, silence fell upon the library. Nopony moved or said anything, save for Fluttershy, weeping in the corner. Rainbow dash was sitting on her haunches, staring into a far corner of the library, concentrating on not showing emotion. The others placed a supportive hoof on Applejack, hanging their heads low.

Applejack was the first to move, slowly and carefully examining every part of Applebloom’s body, folding the fur back and examining the skin, shaking her head every time she saw a slowly healing scratch, knowing that was the place she was run through with a dagger.

“Twilight,” Applejack said as she finished her examination, “Ah don’t want Applebloom working with this here Hellsing anymore. It’s too dangerous.”

“But Applejack,” Twilight said, “We need her. She’s going to help the save Princess.”

“Ah don’t care!” Applejack raised her voice, “Ah will not put Applebloom’s life in danger ever again an that’s final!” She turned to Applebloom, “Comon Applebloom, were leavin.”

“No...” Applebloom said in a tiny voice.

Applejack quickly spun around, pressing her forehead against Applebloom’s, staring daggers into her eyes. “Whut. Did. You. Say?” Applejack said slowly, pressing her weight onto Applebloom.

“Girls? Please, don’t fight...” Twilight said, failing to be heard.

“Ah. Said. No.” Said Applebloom, fighting back against her big sister, easily overpowering the strong workhorse. With a quick shove, Applebloom threw her older sister off her hooves, crashing noisily into a bookshelf.

Applejack quickly jumped back up, a bead of blood trickling down her left cheek. “Well fine then.” She said darkly, “Ah don’t ever want to see you on ma farm again. Ah don’t want anything ta do with you, vampires, or Hellsing. Ah don’t care what the Princess says, ah don’t want nut’in ta do with it.” As she turned to leave, a single tear dropped to the floor as she slammed the door behind her.

Stunned silence befell the library. Rainbow Dash made to go after her, but Fluttershy stood in her way. “Leave her.” She said, “She needs to sort this out for herself. Its getting late, we should all get some sleep.” Fluttershy opened the front door, “If you want to, you don’t have to.... I mean...well...” She trailed off.

“Fluttershy is right,” Said Rarity, “This has been an exciting night.”

“Yes, you all get some rest.” Twilight said with a yawn. “In the morning I’m going to send a letter to the Princess explaining what happened tonight.”

After everypony left for the night, Twilight turned to Applebloom. “Come on, I’ll take you back to the room you stayed in last time.” She led Applebloom to the basement, and through the twists and turns of the halls far below the tree. “Here we are.” She said, “Now, we had to make a few changes regarding your strength.” Twilight opened the door, allowing the filly to enter first.

“WHUT THE HEY IS THIS!?!” Screamed Applebloom. Twilight allowed herself a slight chuckle.

“What ever do you mean, Applebloom?” Twilight smiled, enjoying Applebloom’s reaction to the coffin.

“Where. Is. Mah. Bed??” Demanded Applebloom through gritted teeth.

“This is your new bed.” Twilight said.

“Whut do ya mean?” Applebloom said, stomping her hoof in frustration.

“Well, I told Princess Luna about you not drinking blood like a proper vampire.” Twilight said. “She said you will slowly become weaker, so her instructions were to make a coffin lined with the soil from the farm, your birthplace. This smallest of concessions is the only way to keep up your strength.”

Applebloom said nothing, looking at the coffin with a frown. She was a little upset, but it did look comfortable.

“You're an idiot.” Alucard said as he entered the room. “You chose the night, once you’ve turned your back on the light of day all that sunlight should ever mean to you is smoldering pain and a slow death.” Alucard said with a smile. “Now get some rest, we continue your training in the evening, little filly.”

“Yes, my master.” Said Applebloom. As Alucard and Twilight left, she turned to the coffin, her new bed. It was greatly detailed, an image of the crescent moon adorned the lid, and the finish gave the wood an unusual shine. She opened the it and was surprised at the decorations. It was obvious her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had put the inner lining together, their CMC logo was stitched into the dark red fabric. Also included were several pictures of the three of them together, one was when they tried to zip line, resulting in being covered in tree sap. Another photo was of their talent show performance, it was such a disaster it was rated as a comedy, and being the only comedy act they won the Best Comedy Act award by default. She was going to miss crusading with them like they used to, perhaps they could play for a little bit before they have to go to sleep in the evening.

She lay down in the coffin, the pictures of the friends next to her as she closed the lid and let the darkness envelope her. She was amazed at the level of comfort as she lay down, her soreness seemed to simply melt away as she drifted off to sleep, memories of her friends and family floating through her mind.


Applebloom woke to the sound of a light knocking on her coffin. Still mostly asleep, she used a hoof to open the lid. She sat up and looked sleepily at Twilight, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“Evening, sleepy head.” Said Twilight. “Sleep well?”

Applebloom nodded, suppressing a yawn, “Now that ah think about it, this is much better than the hay mattress at the farm.”

“The grimoire Luna sent me says that a coffin lined with the soil of your birthplace fully rejuvenates the mind and body of a vampire as it sleeps through the day.” Twilight said in a matter of fact. “Now come on, Rarity dropped off your uniform, good as new. Get dressed, the Princess is holding a meeting with the mayors of all the cities and towns in Equestria, and she wants Hellsing and the Elements of Harmony their as well. The Princess sent two chariots for all of us and the mayor, so hurry up we don’t want to be late.”

Twilight closed the door behind her as she left Applebloom to get ready for the night ahead. She could hardly believe how much her life has changed in just two days. She thought back to how she used to just wake up whenever the sun got too bright to sleep through, usually about ten in the morning. Spike would have the mess from her late night studies already cleaned up and breakfast, more like brunch, already on the table waiting for her. Then she would take a walk around Ponyville, spend time with her friends. She smiled at the thought of Rainbow Dash and Applejack either in a heated argument or in a fit of giggles about something, they didn’t know the rest of them either knew or had their suspicions about the two. Twilight would usually end her day back in the library, studying some random subject she stumbled upon late into the night, to be repeated the next day. Now she finds herself up all night baby sitting vampires and chasing ghouls till dawn, by then she’s too tired to do anything but sleep practically all day, sunlight be damned!

Twilight let out a long, drawn out sigh as she entered the basement of her library, where she was greeted by the Mayor of Ponyville. “Oh! Hi Mayor, I didn’t think you would be here already.”

“Well of course, Twilight,” Said the Mayor, who’s name oddly enough was Mayor Mare. “I’ve heard rumors about a real vampire in our midst, and I want to see it first hoof.”

"Well, Mayor, I don't want the wrong kind of publicity for them..." Twilight said in a vain attempt to deter the Mayor and her conquest.

"Them?" The Mayor asked with a raised eyebrow. Twilight chided herself for giving away such information.

"Ma'am," She said, "With all due respect, I just don't think you're ready for that kind of exposure. A vampire is not to be taken lightly and as their master it is my responsibility should they cause any undo stress to the community."

"Do you take me for a foul, Miss Sparkle?" She stomped a hoof in anger, "As the Mayor, it is MY responsibility to assess any possible threat to the citizens on MY town, regardless of the caretaker!"

Just then Applebloom entered from the labyrinth beneath the library, “Evening Twilight. Uh, whats the Mayor doing here?”

“Oh, you're just in time Applebloom,” Said Twilight, pushing Applebloom nervously toward the mayor. “You wanted to see the Ponyville vampire, well here she is!”

The Mayor gave Applebloom a once over, “Applebloom was it? Little sister to Applejack?” Applebloom just nodded. “Twilight, I wanted to see the vampire, not some little school filly in a costume.”

“Applebloom, I think you should do something to prove you're a real vampire.” Suggested Twilight, the Mayor getting under her skin.

Applebloom thought for a moment, closing her eyes, she focused on her vampire abilities like she had done the night before. She opened her bright crimson eyes, and locked with the Mayor’s in a death stare more powerful than Fluttershy could ever hope to accomplish. The effects were instantaneous, the Mayor paled as though all the blood had been drained from her body. She broke contact and threw up on the floor, her body shaking uncontrollably.

“M-m-monster!” The Mayor screamed, flailing around in the puddle of sick. Twilight couldn't help but grin, feeling that the Mayor got her just reward.

“You're damn right she’s a monster.” Said Alucard, making his signature appearance through the wall, earning him a scream from the Mayor, much to Twilight's delight. “The little filly may be the lowest of the low, but a vampire is still a vampire.” Alucard looked at the Mayor, now covered in her own vomit, attempting to flee but held in place by fear. “What a pathetic coward. Do you really think she is fit to lead Ponyville as the mayor?” He asked Twilight.

“I have full confidence in her ability to lead, Alucard.” Said Twilight, preserving her status as a proper caretaker of the vampires. She cast a quick spell, removing the vomit from the mayor and the floor. “She’s just not used to you two.”

“We shall see about that.” Said Alucard as he departed for the main library.

Twilight turned to the Mayor, her expression all concern, but inside she was hopping around with glee, “Are you okay? What happened?”

The Mayor said nothing, she just sat staring at the wall, muttering and panting heavily. Twilight turned to Applebloom, “What did you do?” She asked, it was just the most powerful pony in Ponyville having a mental break down in her library, and she couldn't be more proud.

“Ahm sorry Twi, ah coulden’t fully control it.” Said Applebloom. “Ah accidentally shown her her own death over and over. Ah jus meant to look scary, not torture her mind like that.”

“Well you better hope she gets better by the time we get to the castle, or I will have Alucard deal with you.” Threatened Twilight, not letting her own lust for blood and vengeance show through.

'I'm going to have to have a talk with Princess Luna about this sudden increase in blood lust.' Thought Twilight. 'I hope this is just a side effect of working so closely to vampires, I'm sure she'll have some answers!'

Applebloom gulped in fear at angering her master, then followed as Twilight led the Mayor upstairs and outside, where there seemed to be a small gathering of ponies to see them off. Most of them ooo-ed and ahh-ed at Alucard as he simply stood there with a sinister grin.

Applebloom scanned the crowed, and upon spotting her friends she went to say her farewell. Her path was suddenly blocked by a pale green mare with a white and light blue mane and tail.

"Oh, Lyra," Said Applebloom, "Ahm glad ah ran into you." Lyra's eyes widened when she saw Applebloom, she wanted to run but she was curious as to what the little vampire was going to say after the incident at the party. Lyra nodded her head for Applebloom to continue.

"Ah jus wanted tah say that ahm sorry for what happened. Ah didn't mean to scare you." Said Applebloom. Lyra let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Oh, it's ok. You looked more scared than I felt to be honest." Lyra said with a smile, "Now go say goodby to your little friends!" Lyra smiled to herself as Applebloom joined her friends, disaster averted.

“You're lucky, Applebloom, going to meet the Princess personally.” Sweetie Belle said, a slight longing in her voice.

“I’m just mad I won’t be able to hang out with Rainbow Dash till she comes back.” Said Scootaloo.

“Aw, come on, were not going to be that long. We’ll all be back by the morning.” Applebloom said.

“And that’s another thing!” Scootaloo said. “We can’t do any crusading with you sleeping all day. Without you we're just the Cutie Mark Couple.”

“Scootaloo, I thought I told you we’re not a couple.” Said Sweetie Belle, slightly embarrassed at the thought.

“Whats wrong with couple? Two is a pair, but couple is two, and it starts with a C so we can keep our logo!” Said Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle facehooved at her logic.

“What happened to the Mayor?” Sweetie Belle asked as she saw the Mayor standing stiff as a board, “Looks like she just saw a ghost.”

“That was my fault.” Said Applebloom, feeling bad for what she did. “Ah didn’t mean to.”

“WOW! What did you do?” Asked an over excited Scootaloo.

“Well, you know Fluttershy’s Stare?” The fillies nodded, having seen it in action first hoof. “Well, turns out ah can sorta do it too. But its a stare of death, making you die over and over again.” Applebloom concluded.

“Oh....” Said a depressed Scootaloo. “That sounds kinda...”

“Horrible...” Sweetie Belle finished.

Everypony began looking up to the clouds as the chariots came down and landed in front of the library.

“Well, ah have to go now.” Said Applebloom, her friends too distracted by the thought of their own horrible demise to notice her trot to one of the chariots.

The Mayor, looked after by Fluttershy, and Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash loaded into the first chariot, leaving behind an irritated Applejack.

“Dang nab it Rainbow! Ah know you are just going ta fly next ta it anyway!” Yelled an irate Applejack.

“AJ? I thought you weren’t coming?” Asked Twilight.

Applejack sighed, “Ah know. But ya’ll are ma friends. Ah can’t jus leave ya.”

“AJ, whats wrong?” Asked Twilight. “There was the argument last night and now today you're avoiding Applebloom.”

“Aint nuthen wrong!” Applejack yelled as she stomped toward the other chariot carrying Alucard, Applebloom, and Spike. She jumped on board, not making eye contact with Applebloom. Twilight sighed again before boarding as well.


They were in the air for about 20 minutes before Alucard broke the silence, “Little filly, I think there is something you're hiding from your family. Don’t deny it, I saw your entire life when i turned you.”

Applejack spun around, “Whut’s he talken ‘bout Twi?” She demanded.

“I-I don’t know.” Twilight said, at a loss for words. “Applebloom?”

Applebloom looked from Alucard, to Twilight, Spike, then finally her sister. “Okay, ah guess now would be as good a time as any...” She trailed off, tears welling in her eyes.

“Applebloom?” Applejack said, looking at her sister for the first time since the argument. “What is it? You can tell me.”

“Do you remember when our parents disappeared?” Applebloom said slowly. Applejack nodded her head, Twilight had wondered about their parents before, but she just assumed they were away. “Ah was with them, mom and dad, they were tending to the trees nearest the forest. Ah was playen nearby when ah heard mom scream. Ah ran as fast as ah could, and when ah got there, dad was dead. He had an axe buried in the side of his head. Mom grabbed me and shoved me in a bush nearby, told me to be quiet. She tried to fight them off, but they got her too. They laughed at our parents’ bodies, then they did THINGS to them, AJ. They did THINGS to their bodies!!” Applebloom broke out into open sobs, nopony moved to comfort her as she forced herself to continue. “They dragged our parents into the forest, that's when ah ran home. You know the rest.”

Applejack could do nothing but sit there as this new bought of information slowly sank in, tears running freely down her muzzle as the truth became known. Twilight had to look away as she, too, was crying for their loss. Applebloom and Applejack embraced each other in a tight hug.

“Ah thought if ah just ignored it and pretended ah didn’t see nuthen everything would go back to normal.” Applebloom said, burying her face in Applejack’s mane.

“It’s okay, Applebloom.” Applejack comforted, “It’s okay.”

“That’s why ah chose to be a vampire, sis.” Sobbed Applebloom, “Ah don’t want nuthen like that to happen ta anypony else.”

They sat there embracing each other for the remainder of the flight. Twilight let her own tears flow, the thought of witnessing the brutal murder of her own parents just too much to bear. As they approached the castle, they dried their tears and treated each other to a hearty smile to give one another the strength for what lay ahead.