• Published 5th Jul 2013
  • 732 Views, 22 Comments

Mind of a Princess - AppleJared

When Twilight is crowned a princess, how does she coped with her new lifestyle; especially when tragedy strikes her life? Some battles are best fought alone.

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A Chance of Failure


I could feel the breeze on my mane while I watched the sun rise. The pink and purple of my mane just seemed to intertwine perfectly, as if they were playing tag with each other. The sun itself was warm and inciting a feeling of peace that I had never experienced. Yellow just seemed to caress structures around me. I felt like I was in a nostalgic book of paradise. Instead I look down to find myself on a hill, no longer around the buildings I had just seen. Upon a second glance, the hill was on the outskirts of Ponyville. Rarity’s boutique, my library, Sweet Apple Acres, the local school building; all were visible. I had a bird’s eye view of the entire town. Everything was so peaceful.

In the blink of an eye, it wasn’t.

The warmth of the sun left me almost as fast as the yellow star left this new reality. A new sun formed and burned a cold, dark red. The sky was no longer a blue, but a blood-color mixed with a black that was not from a night sky. Fire burned on the dirt roads of my town. Buildings had begun to collapse. Riots had broken out and they were pillaging the entire town. A few bodies lay lifeless in the street. Death was in the air. I could hear a chant to start but I couldn’t depict what they were saying. Suddenly, Celestia flew into the city and in a show of force, leveled an entire building with her magic. Instead of the crowds of riots stopping their pillage, they roared a war cry and continued further. I winced at what I thought would be Celestia’s next move. She would surely fight the riots into submission at that point, but she did no such thing. She stood still, and a silence broke out into the entire town.

Applejack and Rarity marched to the front of the crowd closer to the princess herself as if to confront Celestia. I extended my hoof, silently begging them to stop their defiance. My silence did not deter them. They raised their hooves and began shouting something. Soon the entire town joined in unison chanting “Down with the princess of the light!!” I thought this couldn’t go on. Surely Celestia would intervene for her own namesake. Punishment was due, even if some of my friends were in the crowd.

AJ and Rarity had some kind of verbal altercation with the princess. It seemed like they were making a proposal of some kind…
and by her steps through the crowd she seemingly accepted their terms. She was in no danger, and in fact AJ and Rarity followed her. As she walked toward the east wing of the town, the crowds became one giant riot and followed her lead. The procession stopped at my library which was yet untouched. Then she looked at me, miles away and her eyes lit up. The fourth wall now broken, I had a panic attack from the lack of presence my body suddenly felt. Next thing I knew I was inside the library. It smelled of oak wood burning, which upon a frantic glance, the tree was not on fire. No, not a fire, but a blaze of from Tartarus itself. Celestia opened the door and shouted “This is what happens, Twilight.” After that she magically sealed the door. The flames came closer to me and the heat became unbearable. As I felt the tongues of flame burn my fur, the tickling of hope left my body. Everything started to fade to black. Tears of betrayal evaporated before they could hit the ground. In the final seconds, I could finally hear what they were chanting.

“Down with Princess Twilight”

Next thing I remember was feeling wet. Everything was drenched in sweat. I tried to roll over in the bed to find a dry spot. Between being awake and finishing the nightmare, I felt something strange happen inside the cabin. I just felt something unnatural next to me and by the time I got my eyes to function, the door to the cabin closed. I pulled the cover over my head and tried to not freak out, but it was hard knowing something was right next to me while I was sleeping. It was probably a mountain goat or something. At least, I hope it was just a mountain goat. I got up and checked to see if anyone was still inside or around the place. Nothing. I got some food out that I stored from yesterday and set it on the table, hoping some food might calm my nerves. I placed the food on the table only to find a note laying on the surface. It read, “In three days, make a journey towards the largest star in the sky. There, the journey ends.”

I know better than to do this.

It is wrong in every way to follow the advice of an anonymous note left from ...a billy goat... or something. It goes against every bit of common sense I have ever attained from experience in real life. In fact, while I am talking about it, this whole place defies more laws of nature and science than I care to list. It is so, so, so, so, so, so….. VERY wrong.

And on the other hoof, I cannot just accept the current status quo. I cannot just sit here and sulk for the rest of my life. Aside from that, thinking logically and only basing actions off of science has brought me to a place where I don’t feel anymore. I read a book and I do what it tells me. It’s a great plan in theory, but after a lifetime of purely scientific decision making I find that my life isn’t what I wanted it to be. Maybe thinking illogically on occasion is actually the right decision. Maybe the lack of following my heart got me to this point in the first place.

There is one thing I do know. Everything my head is telling me no longer applies here. This place makes you think with your heart. You have to follow what you feel, not what you know. I know what you’re thinking Diary, ‘How does losing the power of your magic and wings help?’ That’s the point, you see. I have learned so much by having those taken away from me. I have to work to get regular chores done now. Working gives me a sense of pride and self-worth; which by the way, I haven’t had since I was a foal. I can honestly see why Celestia would strip ponies of their magic back then. It’s not a punishment, it’s a gift. By taking something you want, and replacing it with something you need you will eventually get both back in return. You learn to live without, and when you get your magic back, you can really appreciate it. Maybe that doesn’t really make sense, but maybe that’s the point as well. Because what has happened over these several days surely cannot make sense to a soul who has not experienced it. Yet, I can feel a difference.

I have to follow where my heart leads, and it beckons toward this star. I have already seen it at night. I know what direction it takes me. I only hope it gives the answer I need. If nothing else, I can't just stay here in this cabin forever. Maybe the star leads back to Ponyville. Either way, I've made my decision and I've leaving.

I’m writing this after getting food to pack for this journey. I have tonight to sleep well, then my trek begins in the morning. I have been very anxious about what is to come, but whenever I get excited my heart tells me to calm down. A quiet voice says it will be ok. I can only listen and act from here.


After giving some thought about this, I think this entry is a necessity. I am writing this separate from my diary because this journey will more than likely prove to be dangerous. I should not worry too much as I can only die by unnatural forces, but it can always happen; which is why I write this. I’m not certain how many ponies come here or how often but I will leave this note here for the next occupant.

I have lived a very worrisome life, filled with deadlines and studies. I have devoted my life to the fulfillment of my dreams of benefiting the world through my hard work. Like most young fillies, I thought that my life would be filled with happiness and ease in the future, but such ease has yet to be fulfilled. Happiness, however, I have attained. I receive a great amount of joy from not only my work, however popular it may be, but from the one thing I neglected as a filly: Friendship. I have wonderful friends that can carry me through anything I face.

I came to this temple after my father died because I had so much to regret concerning his life. I came here because I needed to go away for a little while. Before he died, he told me that “When you make enough mistakes, you no longer fear death. Some battles must be fought on your own.” I now understand what he was saying to me. I realized that I don’t fear death; I fear never living. This battle of guilt and depression concerning not only my father, but also my new title has been one I chose to face alone. By doing this, I have learned to not only provide and care for myself, but to love myself as well. The mistakes I have made formed who I am today, and as of today I am on a journey to be content with who I am. I seek knowledge and the light at the end of this tunnel. I hope to achieve this by the end of my journey. When everything is said and done, remember that fortune befriends the bold.

As with anything in life, there is always a chance of failure. Statistically that chance is 86% higher than the chance for success. The same chance that I will not be returning. If this is the case, I hope that whoever finds this can bring this back to Ponyville for my friends to see. If the result of this trek is to become sour, I want all of my friends and family to know that I loved them very much. I would also like them to know that this had to be done.

Author's Note:

So after months of procrastination, I feel as though this needs to be finished. If you kept the favorite on this story, I owe you a debt of gratitude. I hope to repay that by finally finishing this story.

This was unedited, minus a few minutes of scanning on my part. If you see any mistakes, please comment and let me know.

New character in the next chapter!!