• Published 5th Jul 2013
  • 732 Views, 22 Comments

Mind of a Princess - AppleJared

When Twilight is crowned a princess, how does she coped with her new lifestyle; especially when tragedy strikes her life? Some battles are best fought alone.

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Coming Down the Mountain

Dear Diary,

After leaving the note on the table I became restless and was unable to sleep for a few hours. I guess I just got myself worked up again so I traveled down the mountain for about an hour to scout out the terrain. What I saw was a little frightening. Gorges and steep drop-offs that tag-team with endless gullies make the trip for today seem impossible. I have no choice but to continue anyways. Since I did not sleep much last night, I feel that it will be easier to sleep later tonight. I feel some kind of attachment to this star in the sky. I can only await to see where this takes me. I will write again tonight, Luna willing.

It has been a long day. I have cut and bruised myself several times from the sharp rocks here and my tendency to trip/fall onto them. The gorges I encountered presented a problem when I needed to cross them. Parts of the mountain were far too steep to traverse down and whenever I would encounter these parts, there would always be a gorge in my way. Seems about my luck.

There was a moment where I wasn’t sure I would survive the trek down the mountain. I slipped and almost fell into what I can only describe as a bottomless pit. It had to go down thousands of feet below the mountain and what little light I had only showed a small amount of detail inside the crevice. It was a large tunnel with a ramp/stairs on the walls on the inside. It seemed like something a pack of diamond dogs might do but the entry point was far too wide. It was large enough for a dragon to use but I’ve never heard of underground dragon lairs. Keep in mind that anything is possible here, wherever that may be. That alone keeps me a bit unnerved.

After finally making it to level ground, I found a small cave at the base of the mountain I stayed on and it seems free of any critters or predators. I can hear a pack of coyote outside but they don’t sound close, (that’s what I’ll keep telling myself). The clouds blocked my view of the sky so I could not go in any direction. I hope to be guided in the morning. I’ve already wrapped the cuts I got from the mountain and I’m fairly comfortable here. Exhaustion seeps into my body as I write, to the point it is hard to finish this entry, I will write again in the morni… [scribble].

It is early in the morning and while I did sleep without waking, I still feel tired. I am ever-aware of dangers around me and it is started to affect my judgment. Still yet, I feel an ever-present urging to move forward. I have plenty of food and water with me to last 3 days, anything beyond that could become dangerous. There aren’t many sources of food around and seemingly, the closer I get towards my destination, the less plant-friendly it becomes. What worries me the most is that I have yet to run into a water source of any kind down here. I can only hope and move forward.

Speaking of here, I should specify where this is. I successfully traversed down the mountain last night as stated in my last post. Looking around, this is definitely outside of Equestrian borders. This only worries me because of the monsters that are allowed to live outside of our lines. The evergreens populate the majority of the land down here but grasslands and tundra to the north are the main terrains. Caves are in good number, which suggest many bears live here as well. For the most part, my way lies between two rows of mountains, both sides spearing the clouds. The air is much thicker here than it was at the cabin so breathing is easier. Permanent snow caps are present around 12,000 – 13,000 feet on the mountains (only a guesstimate) and it feels about 60*F at base level. My instincts have surely taken over and I am on survival mode.

On a different note, I miss my friends very much. I wish to see them and Spike as well. II never thought I would see the day when I would miss his sarcastic comebacks with everything I say, but today certainly is that day. t gets very boring walking down here and since I have no one to talk to, I will start to write while I walk. This will lessen the chances of me completely losing it out here. And by “it”, I mean my hoofin’ mind.

Before too long it turned into the second night on base level and when I'm bored my brain often takes me back to the past. I have thought about decisions I made years ago and I am currently deciding what I could have done to change the bad decisions I made. I question the relationship I had with the royal guard, wondering if I should have kept him around. I question whether I should have gone out more as a filly or young mare and actually participated in a social life. I… I even question my life’s goal of being a mage and pursuing magic. This new reality is challenging everything I knew. I can’t even believe I’m saying this but I’m starting to have doubts. I shudder to think how much things could have been different. Heck, some mares my age are having foals by now and look at me… no foals. Not even a special somepony. I just wish that I [… smeared by tears…]

But... if I make it back...

But when I make it back, I’m going to change all of that. I am going to be exactly what I want to be. I am going to change what I don’t like about Twilight Sparkle and the only thing that can stop me is myself. My fate is in my hooves and I will make of my life what I wish!!! First comes first: I need to get back to Equestria.

After a much needed deep sleep, I found myself waking to almost-freezing temperatures. I am used to casting a spell on myself to stay warm; but wouldn’t ya know it, still can’t cast spells. As long as it does not drop too low below freezing, I should be fine. Cold, but fine. I wore myself out last night thinking and after some good sleep, I’m ready to focus on surviving this journey. I found the star last night and documented its position in my notes. It still seems so far away. I feel like I should get there faster, but you can’t run and consume the same amount of food. I mean, I’m not going at a snail’s pace but still…

On a personal side of things, I could really go for a bath. I’m not filthy by any means but I don’t think someone like Cadence could last out here. I’ve never seen her go 8 hours without a 2 hour bath. Then again it may be because her and Shini….

Ya know what? Not going to even go there.

Ugh, at least that solves the hunger problem for a few hours; which is good because this is the third day and I don’t have too much food left. I found some berries yesterday and saved them but berries can only satisfy so much hunger. I guess the hardest part is the unknown factor in this equation. Judging from the star’s position last night, this journey could be another two days. It could also be two weeks. And even if it is just two days, I don’t even know what the heck I’m looking for!!! Things are much simpler when they are specifically outlined with detailed instructions. GAH, I’m so mad I could just light a fire spell. Oh wait…


It’s about midday right now and the sun beaming down along with clear skies brings a warmth I haven’t felt for days. It’s a nice break from chilling winds and the occasional snow. Beyond the obvious discomfort of being too cold, I think I started seeing things last night. I could have sworn I saw a bush get up and walk off not too far from where I slept. It’s clichéd, I know; but it is what I saw nonetheless. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen stranger than that in my years. However, there was always an explanation at the end. Maybe not always, but usually. As long as Pinkie doesn't count on that list then it is almost always. Regardless, I fear I might find an explanation for what is going on... soon.

It didn’t bother me at first. Losing my mind was always a present danger in my line of work. I had accepted that one day, it was going to happen. I accepted the voices I heard last night. As I pulled a blanket out of my saddlebags and migrated into the nearest cave, I accepted their whispering. AS time went on and outside became darker, it seemed as though the sounds were getting louder. What I could not accept is when a particular voice called out my name. After a few times of my name being called out in the middle of the night, I frightfully answered back. As it got louder and clearer, I realized who it was.

“Discord! What are you doing here??” I irritatingly yelled out.

“Funny you should ask, Twilight. I was going to ask you the very same thing.”

“I asked first Discord. Plus, I’m a princess now. You HAVE to answer me!”

“Oh Twilight, you entertain me so. You think that because you have wings now you can boss me around?"

I think about an answer. In truth, I somewhat did think that was the case. It seemed liked he knew that as well. He didn't wait for me to answer.

"I'm afraid that kind of thought may only come true in your slumber. You might be a princess now, but I am the god of chaos. It would behoove you to remember that,” he snickered.

When he laughed it sounded like he was right behind me. I turned around and there was nothing there. “Why don’t you tell that to Celestia, Discord?” I returned. Surely this was another stupid joke of his.

“I have plans for that, baby princess," he responded. "There is a future for her as well. Now back to my question, princess. What are you doing all the way over there?”

I didn’t want to show my weakness. I knew that he would use it to his advantage in whatever he was doing here. “I’m just… fixing some problems.”

“Oh, I didn’t know crying by one’s lonesome fixes problems! You know, I've never tried that!”


“Oh now now, princess. Believe it or not, wittle Dithcord isn't here to hurt you.”

“Yeah right. You weren’t fooling anyone when you promised to be good in front of Celestia.”

I could almost hear his facial expression drop. A serious tone replaced his mocking tone. “No, I mean I’m literally not there with you. Telepathy is a wonderful thing. I wouldn't want to be where you are anyways. Do you know what kind of trouble you’re in?”

I started freaking out. I could feel hyperventilation coming on. “Is Celestia mad at me??”

“Of course she isn’t. Somehow this is like a big inside joke between the princesses except it’s not funny in the least bit. That is, you two don't find this funny."

I could feel my breathing calming back down.

"No," he stated. "I wouldn't worry about that dream of yours coming true."

"Wait," I looked up. "How do you know about my dream? Did you manipulate my dream!?"

"Of course not! I'm not saying that I couldn't do such a thing, but I didn't do it this time. However, I did enjoy watching it! What a show it was! Your performance was was practically on fire!"

"Har har, Discord." I wasn't in the mood for this. He couldn't imagine how that dream made me feel. "You're jokes just keep getting better. Honestly, why don't you just go away? If Celestia isn't mad at me, then I'll just continue making my way home."

"If only things were that easy for you," he said with a grave tone. "Oh no, your trouble is far more dangerous than a pacifist pony princess. You’ve got real trouble coming your way.”

“What is on the way???”

“For starters, one of my old friends, Twilight Sparkle. A very old friend indeed. I would find shelter before he comes by if you want to live.”

“I’m already in shelter, Discord.”

“Then find better shelter, Twilight. He’s coming.”

I didn’t know what he was up to but I knew that Discord did not play jokes when a life was at stake unless he was angry.

He didn’t seem too angry.

I went deeper into the cave I was in only to find hoards of bats. When they flew out I had the whole cave to myself. There was some wood where I stopped so I built a bit of cover just in case the ‘trouble’ came inside. Sleeping was difficult but I wish I could have drifted off before the ‘trouble’ came by. As it turned out, ‘trouble’ was a giant Manticore. His steps shook the entire cave and the rocks rumbled percussion in response. He roared outside the cave to show who was boss to any ears near him. In fright, I accidentally yelped a bit.

He started going inside the cave. I could hear his paws scratch the ground as he moved deeper in the cave towards me. Trying my best to not make a sound or scream for mommy or Celestia, I went deeper as well. I finally found a shaft small enough to squeeze into, but too small for him to get in. As he passed the hole in the wall, I held onto my jaws to keep my teeth from chattering too loudly. He never saw me, but he could smell me.

It was torture for me. He would walk by and then stop, turn around and walk by me in the other direction, only to stop and repeat. He knew I was here, but he couldn't see me. The whole process lasted about 15 minutes, but it felt like an eternity.

Eventually he gave up. Slowly, he turned around and began to leave the cave.

“Quite the beast, is he not?” asked Discord.

“One I’m glad I never got to know." I wiped the sweat off of my face and allowed myself to calm down again. "Did he have a name of some sort?”

“He always enjoyed being called Harry.”

Author's Note:

About the obvious tense issue: I wrote this much several months back and I didn't realize how much of a hassle it was to write multiple tenses, nor how irritating it can be to read it. I'll go back and edit what I can but there are some things that will stay the same until I get to a certain point in the story. I hope you enjoy the story regardless. Also, comment if you see any errors.