• Published 13th Jul 2013
  • 499 Views, 4 Comments

Memoir of the Changeling Incursion by Quill Scrivener - Adorned ungulate

We all know the story of A Canterlot Wedding, but what went on behind the scenes?

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Chapter 4

Canterlot Central Station usually a bustling place full of makers of industry, nervous diplomats, and scores of tourists was today cleared of all but guards, various servants, and dignitaries. There was no room for me so I set up my portable writing desk next to Brodie's post where we could see the royal sisters but be out of the way. Already three runners lined up to pass me official business. I had to hold papers down with a hoof so the flapping of departing wings didn't dash them to the wayside.

The gruff guard broke the comfortable silence. "How was your evening after you clocked out?"

"Most enjoyable." I paused to press seal to wax and spell a document off to it's proper destination. "I gave my daughter the second most valuable piece of advice learned this week."

"And what's that then?"

I brushed a honey blond yet streaked with gray strand of mane into place. "To elope."

The stallion let out a few low chuffs while bobbing his massive head. It was the most mirth I've seen him display.

As the train pulled up I paused in my work. This was exciting. It was always a pleasure to be around Princess Mi Amore, a mare of such poise, warm presence, loving grace, such...


But wait?

Uhh, no...

Oh, my.

Perhaps she? Maybe?


"Somepony's forgotten her finishing school lessons." Brodie rumbled.

It was like a pantomime theater, I could practically make out her conversation from here. "She has a right to be out of sorts, I suppose." This was the savior to whom I ran my aborted mission those months ago?

"Most mares are right before their wedding; but I wouldn't know. I spend most me time around stallions."

"She still looks exquisite, at least."

"Not my type, really. Don't fault him if it be Shining Armour's thing."

"Whatever is wrong with Princess Cadence? She's so exotic."

"Eyes are too big an look at that waist." He didn't really seem to be paying attention to it himself, instead never stopping his careful vigil of the platform and surroundings. "Rather have strapping farmmare, simple needs, simple tastes. Somepony I could really take a tumble with."

"Rather dim view of the opposite sex, I think."

"Rather that I know what I want, madam."

"See yourself settling down someday?" Weddings were on my mind I suppose. Serif was about the right age not that I was considering she 'take a tumble' with my new friend.

"Never thought of m'self the marrying type. Not till I exit service at least. Too many widows and widowers in me family." Corner of his mouth turned up a fraction. "Not th'Id mind a little more carousing in off hours."

I gave him a look that was promptly ignored and I turned back to my papers.

Our base of operations shifted to her majesty's bedchamber, just inside the balcony. Thankfully three assistants were on hoof to assist me with the triple burden of nuptials, defensive logistics, and mundane concerns. Strangely Princess Luna occupied her sister's bed cushions across the room. A zebra-brewed sleeping tincture assured her rest and I learned to tune out the smacking of her lips, stretching of legs and the occasional wild billow of her ethereal mane.

I was happy for an excuse to feel sunlight for a moment. "The latest intelligence reports, my princess."

"Thank you, Scrivener." She turned from the spyglass and took them from me.

I scanned the buildings below. From the tallest tower nearly the entire city was visible. Street vendors, hoof and wing traffic abounded far below but once the Moon rises I knew it would be nearly empty. Canterlot was not quite under marshal law but ponies knew to limit nocturnal outdoor activities. "Have you seen anything requiring action, your majesty?"

"Hmm? No, it's a symbolic gesture really as much for citizens as foes. My ponies need to know their princess is vigilant... You should have Palatino and Serif to the castle for dinner after the crisis has passed. The chefs can prepare their favorites, as thanks for me monopolizing your time so... In fact, why wait? Seating at the ceremony is limited as you know but find two spaces next to yourself in the reception hall."

"We would be honored, thank you." I bowed, inwardly thankful of my past misstep being forgiven. When did she take the time to learn their names?

"Quill, Princess Cadence deserves a bit more quality time with her betrothed. Tomorrow, however we shall request the Element Bearers' assistance with the wedding. Make sure Twilight's invitation is on hoof. Once I have a note drafted you send them both off to Spike."

"As you wish." I returned to the ever replenished stack of parchment.

"Me, at the royal wedding!" My daughter squealed as if transported back to her teenage years. She touched the gaudy new pendant she wore bearing a turquoise heart and shield. Royal wedding fever was in full effect all over the Capitol, my apartment not withstanding. "You saw Princess Mi Amore arrive, was she beautiful?"

I set the casserole down on my table, all I could manage in short notice. Did Serif deserve the truth? "She looked... very elegant."

My daughter beamed. She wound strands of her mane into curls. "I must find a new dress! How exciting!"

My dearest husband was more phlegmatic, but gave me a reserved smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Should we bring a gift? I could print off a limited edition run of love poems."

I placed me front legs around him. "I'm sure the royal couple will have a mountain of gifts but it wouldn't hurt. Are you quite alright, dearest?"

"I'm worried. Most ponies try to ignore it, but.."

"We're in good hooves."

"We shall see... I wish you were far from the action after all you've been through."

"Let's take a vacation soon. I'm to understand we are welcome at a country estate in Trottingham where I'm to swap war stories."

"I would like that."

Author's Note:

If you haven't read my first story Quill is the pony who takes dictation for the princesses' letters and uses a spell to send it off to Spike, as well as other destinations, filling a role like Spike does for Twilight.

From here on out chapters will take place between certain scenes of A Canterlot Wedding episodes 1 & 2.