• Published 3rd Oct 2011
  • 3,896 Views, 155 Comments

The Reaper's Game - SIaanme

The World Ends With You meets Ponies.

  • ...


DAY 5-4

"Now this is just unsporting!" Rarity cried, glancing around the arena. "It's unfair of you to be invisible!"

"And who said I was interested in playing fair?" Oriens voice said from somewhere behind her. Rarity spun on the spot, and dropped a barrage of rocks roughly where she heard the voice coming from. She heard a chuckle. "Nice try, but no. I'm over here now!" Rarity turned to see a ball of fire approaching. She hastily summoned an ice pillar in front of her. In defiance of conventional wisdom, the ball bounced off the pillar instead of melting through it, rebounding to the side.

"Is that the best you can do Oriens?" Rarity asked the wind. "I suppose that invisibility isn't helping you after all."

"I wouldn't say that," replied Oriens from right behind her. "It let me sneak up on you after all." Before Rarity had a chance to react she felt a series of slashes on her back, causing her to stumble forward. Without looking she conjured another ice pillar, this one directly behind her. She heard a grunt of pain, and immediately followed up with a hail of rocks. She was rewarded with several muffled thumps, followed by a larger one. She finally turned around to see Ori struggling to his feet.

"Well played," he wheezed. "But don't think you've won yet." He launched another fire orb at Rarity, who once again blocked with an ice pillar. By the time it had vanished, Oriens had also.

"Again with the invisibility? This is getting tiring," Rarity grumbled.

"Why mess with a winning strategy?" Oriens replied. Another fire orb appeared to Rarity's left. She dodged this one, since she her ice pillar pin was recharging. Suddenly Ori was right beside her, and he slashed at her with his wings. Before Rarity could respond, he had disappeared again, with another fire orb aimed straight at her in his place. Rarity threw herself to the ground, the orb flying harmlessly over her. She summoned another hail of rocks off to her left. She heard some of them connect by chance. Managing to get back onto her hooves, Rarity tried creating an ice pillar, but unfortunately her pin was still recharging.

"You know, a real stallion wouldn't need to resort to such underhanded tactics to win," Rarity cried out, dropping another barrage of rocks behind her.

"And a classy mare wouldn't make disparaging comments about somepony she barely knows," Oriens shot back. "So I guess we both have our faults." Another orb of fire appeared, heading for Rarity. She dodged to the side, only to be knocked back into it by Oriens. "Look, you're barely managing to hit me. If you give up now, I promise your erasure will be as pain free as I can manage."

"I don't need to hit you to win." Rarity scanned the area for any hint of Oriens. "I just have to survive long enough for Fluttershy to defeat Sea Breeze."

Oriens reappeared and let out a chuckle. "Well that won't happen anytime soon." He performed a lazy loop in the sky. "You're already exhausted. It shouldn't take too many more hits to finish you."

In response, Rarity summoned her rocks above Oriens, battering him to the ground. She followed though with an ice pillar, then more rocks. "Maybe, but I still have another trick left." She tapped her new pin, a sewing needle with thread, hoping she had guessed its ability correctly. A light blue glow suffused her, filling her with energy again. "Oh good, that is what it does."

"So, you can heal yourself," Oriens said, shakily rising off the ground again. "Well that certainly will make things more interesting." He vanished again. "But it won't be enough."

"Au contraire," Rarity replied, looking around for a clue to Ori's position. "So long as I keep damaging you when I can, eventually you will be beaten. Even if you can damage me more, I can heal from it."

"True, there is that," Ori conceded. "However, you forgot the other side of this battle. Our partners."

"I'm sorry, did you miss the part where I said Fluttershy would win?" Rarity quickly glanced over to the other side of the battlefield. She saw Fluttershy surrounded by her barrier approaching Sea Breeze, who was unable to do anything but flee. Rarity winced in sympathy as Sea Breeze retreated into a water orb, knocking her down.

"Yes, I have misjudged that battle," Rarity said dryly. "Clearly Sea Breeze has the upper hoof. However shall we win now?"

"No need to be like that," Ori huffed. "Considering how unfair that barrier is, I say Breeze is doing well. But that's not what I meant at all." He suddenly reappeared close to the other side of the battlefield. "BREEZE! HEALING PLEASE?"

Rarity's heart sank as she watched a green glow surround Oriens and Sea Breeze. "Ah," she said. "I admit that will be a problem." Quickly she dropped some rocks on Ori, only managing to score a few hits before he vanished again.

"See, Breeze can match you healing for healing, so all you're really doing is delaying." The voice came from Rarity's left, so she summoned her ice pillar. A short grunt rewarded her effort. Before she could follow up, Ori had already vanished. A fire orb passed in front of her, and she reflexively took a step backwards. A sharp pain flared up across her side, knocking her off her hooves. Oriens' attack was strong enough that she was sent flying across the battlefield, hitting a tree. A few leaves fell, loosened by the impact.

"Please tell me you're ready to give up now," Ori said, reappearing in front of her. "I don't actually like hurting other ponies." In response Rarity summoned another ice pillar. She slowly stood up again, her back to the tree.

"Give up? When I have the upper hoof?" She tapped her healing pin, feeling the energy suffuse her. Refreshed, she dropped a few more rocks on the pegasus. In response, he shot a fire orb at her, forcing her to dodge to the side. The orb extinguished as it hit the tree, defying physics and not setting the wood on fire. A few more leaves fell.

"I wouldn't say you have the upper hoof here," Ori said, reappearing to Rarity's right to deliver a slashing attack. "Unless you come from some sort of opposite land."

Rarity used her last ice pillar charge to retaliate, missing Ori. "Not, but with this tree behind me, there are now fewer places you can attack me from." She dropper a few rocks in a random spot, waiting for Ori's response.

"Well, we can't have that can we?" he asked. Rarity heard a series of slashes, but none of them seemed to be aimed at her. A few seconds later there was a sharp crack, and the tree fell away behind her. She turned to see Ori, puffing but grinning.

"Now your advantage is gone." Rarity summoned her rocks, but the pegasus vanished before they landed. "And I thought you'd be smart enough not to tell your enemy your plan."

Rarity smiled. "Oh, I am. Thank you for the weapon dear." A blue aura surrounded the tree, and it slowly lifted into the air. "Hmm, a bit heavier than my sewing needles, but it should get the job done." She swung the tree in a wide circle around her, shedding leaves as it went. She heard a thunk as it hit Oriens, sending him flying. She swung it round again, readying another hit. Before she could line it up , she felt her telekinesis fail, and the tree dropped to the ground with a thump.

"I underestimated you," Oriens panted. "Getting me to cut that tree down, that was clever." He flashed a grin. "But that trick won't work again."

"It doesn't need to, One more hit and I'll have won. And I have plenty of other attacks to do that with."

"I see only two problems with that scenario," said Ori. "One, you seem to have forgotten Breeze's healing pin. And two..." The pegasus disappeared from sight. "Well, I think you see how this goes."

"Yes, I admit under those conditions I might have a bit more difficulty," Rarity said. "However, if I may offer two counter points? One, poor Sea Breeze will have a hard time doing anything right now." Rarity indicated the other side of the battlefield. Fluttershy was hovering a short distance in front of Sea Breeze, her eyes locked on those of the unicorn's.

"You see Fluttershy has quite a naturally intimidating stare. I can only imagine how much worse it is with a pin to improve it. As for you being invisible...." Rarity scanned the leaves that had fallen in a circle around her. She spotted a small group of them moving in the non-existent wind, and grinned. "Well, let's just say that the tree served two purposes." She conjured an ice pillar directly under the swirling leaves, striking Oriens Ventus directly in his chest.

There was a bright flash, and Rarity found herself standing beside Fluttershy, their battle won. "Oh thank Celestia! Are you okay Fluttershy?" Rarity asked. Fluttershy didn't respond, instead looking at the ground. "Fluttershy?" Rarity asked again. She followed the pegasus' gaze down, to find the prone form of Oriens. "Oh. Oh dear."

The green peagasus was fading, still visible but slowly turning transparent even as the pair watched. "I'm sorry Oriens," Rarity said quietly. "But it was us or you. We knew that."

"Yeah, I know," Ori replied slowly. "Where's Sea Breeze? I want to see her... one last time...."

"I'm here Ori," Sea Breeze whispered, appearing from behind Fluttershy. "I'm here..."

Oriens groaned with pain, turning his head to look at the mare. "Breeze... I just wanted to say, the day I married you was the best day of my life."

A cold feeling went up Rarity's back as she watched. But when we first met, Sea Breeze said... Sea Breeze was clearly holding back tears. "But we never married Ori. We were just engaged."

Oriens let out a chuckle. "I see. So that's what your entry fee was. Those b-" The rest of the word was cut off as another grunt of pain escaped him. "Well then. I suppose... If it's my last chance to say it.... Sea Breeze, I-" A flash of light, and he was gone.

Sea Breeze turned to Rarity, tears in her eyes. "Wha... what did he mean? My entry fee?"

Rarity had the good grace to look uncomfortable as she spoke. "Well, if your entry fee is what you value most... then I suppose what you valued most was your marriage."

"Oh Ori...." Sea Breeze slumped to the ground, her tears falling freely now. "I loved you too...." She was beginning to fade now. Tears still falling, she looked up at Rarity and Fluttershy. "Rarity, Fluttershy. Win this game. Win it for Ori and I." Another flash, and she too was gone.

"We will," Rarity muttered. "We will."





"Well THAT was boring!" Candy Cane complained. High Tide glanced at her before turning his back on Rarity and Fluttershy. "I mean it felt like that battle lasted MONTHS, and it wasn't even very good! And that conclusion? Ugh, soo soppy!"

High Tide said nothing, spreading his wings and flying off. Candy Cane followed him. "If you ask me a battle between those friends would have been way more interesting. I mean can you imagine the tension? Tension always makes these battles better, and then it wouldn't have been so obvious who would win like that one was!"

"You bet against the winners," High Tide reminded her as they landed on top of one of Manehatten's skyscrapers.

"Yeah, well, shut up," Candy Cane retorted. "So why then? Why'd you drop the barrier keeping the friends locked up together? It was all shaping up to be a free for all friend fight until you interfered." Candy Cane sulked. And after you stopped me playing with Pinkie and her friend too..."

High Tide stayed silent, a lot on his mind. A borderline illegal mission? Rigged walls? Something was very wrong with this game. And he was going to find out what.

Comments ( 26 )

What's this? A new chapter? IMPOSSIBLE! No, wait that's completely possible.
Sorry this one took so long. I'd promise the next one won't be so long, but I don't trust myself to keep that promise. :twilightsheepish:

I sense one of the reapers being just as aware of the fourth wall as Pinkie Pie is, considering his/her comments.


Only two days to go!

Self-mocking comments by OC's where the A/N should go? Interesting.

So, first-blood (literally) goes to Rarity and Fluttershy. Not to mention, you're playing the 'corrupted game' card rather early...its only the first week, and I suspect that Twilight may be there for more than just 1 week. (Heck...I suspect at least 5...if not more).

And for some odd reason, I'm actually starting to like High Tide. I dunno...I get that he's a background Reaper-pony, but I get the impression he may be the Beat of this world. And I'm probably wrong...:derpytongue2:

I don't know why, but High Tide is sort of making me think of Lexaeus from Kingdom Hearts :rainbowderp:

Anyways, another good chapter. Glad to see this is still around :rainbowkiss:

"I mean it felt like that battle lasted MONTHS, and it wasn't even very good! And that conclusion? Ugh, soo soppy!"
I agree with Candy Cane here... Except for the part with the tree. That was clever.
Also, I think I'm starting to like High Tide but I'm not sure why.

'Scuse me, I dunno if this has been mentioned before, but it's been bugging me. This one glaring plot hole. How could Pinkamena have participated in the Reaper's Game before if she died at the exact same time as the rest of the Mane Six and they've only been playing this one game? Is this her second death? Did the Conductor decide to let her play a week before entering everybody else, for some reason? Were the rest of the cast robbed of their memories of previous games? Is all this going to be addressed in the story? 'Cos that's my one major complaint right now.

Incidentally, did you guys hear that Square Enix is hinting at a sequel to TWEWY in the ending of the recent iOS port? SQUEEEEEEEE.

Yay, it's not dead! The only TWEWY crossover on fimfiction isn't dead! (Unlike so many things within it)

1291480 More than one week? Haha, I wish I had enough ideas to drag that out. I could maybe do a sequel after this is done, but at 18+ chapters, I feel this story is long enough. Any more and it might never be finished. Sorry.

1291825 The previous game Pinkie took part in was when she was younger, just after getting her cutie mark. I think I covered that in chapter 16, or somewhere around then? Maybe? I meant to if I didn't.


Oh, goodness, you're absolutely right. I was probably reading too fast, didn't register. Boy, do I feel stupid. Thanks for clearing that up. As everyone's already said, excellent work you're doing. Best of luck.


If you need help, I can help in regards to being a beta and what not.

1342595 Wow, I didn't realise so many errors slipped through the cracks. Thanks for pointing them out to me!

A game called The World Ends With You. Originally for the DS, but recently it received a port to the iPad 2/ iPhone. I can't vouch for the quality of the port, but the original at the very least is worth a look if you have a DS.

1291480 If I'm not mistaken, High Tide's this game's Kariya, but I might be wrong. There are definitely some similarities between the ponies and the original TWEWY players, and I can see Pinkie Pie as the Joshua of the story, although from the way things look she might be Shiki, and Fluttershy is almost definitely Rhyme. Rainbow Dash would make the best Beat, although Applejack's a good candidate as well. Also, Discord would totally be Minamimoto or Higashizawa.

I agree on High Tide being Kariya. I just hope High Tide is able to free himself from the Conductor's plans unlike Kariya was. Also Candy Cane would be the pink haired reaper that hangs out with him. (Can't remember her name.)

I can see that Celestia is the Composer, but what would Luna be if she's not the Conductor. Oh, maybe she's Mr. H! If she's the GM for this week though, I feel sorry for everyone. After all, Day 7 is erase the Game Master day, it's the only mission that's consistent.

Uzuki, if I'm not mistaken.
After rereading this, I can kind of see Pinkie as this game's Neku, with her not really connecting with her friends, whereas Twilight's a lot like Shiki in that she tries to help Pinkie along and get her to open up, sort of. Rarity, I guess, would be Joshua, seeing as how Joshua's more the witty banter and clever tricks guy when it comes to fighting.

Also, I see Celestia more as Mr. H than Luna. Hanekoma's the laid-back, casual joking, who-really-gives-a-crap type, although he can be serious when he wants to be, and that doesn't sound too much like Luna. Maybe Luna'd be Shades. But then who would be Composer?
SPOILERS: It's Derpy.


You know what I give this fic? Three Minutes Clapping

Still hoping you'll continue this, it's amazing!!

Man, this fic was awesome! I know its been awhile, but you can't quit now!

For awhile, I had a suspicion Pinkie (or Pinkamena) was the composer. That would explain her prior knowledge of the game, despite dying after most of her friends. Now I imagine she died when she was a filly and came back. (That alone could make an interesting side-fic).

THIS. IS. SO. AWESOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiecrazy:

3829245 :rainbowdetermined2:
No, I dont mean personality wise, i mean literally wise. This is pinkemena's second time playing, and neku plays the game three times before being able to be released.

needs lots of work which i doubt will happen since its a dead fanfic but its very good none the less

similar to my own fanfic since its ponyfied however mines more all of equestria not just several places and its got a full cast but still a good piece of work, not sure about twi being neku though, needs more boldness like rainbow dash but still a good fic, best one i've seen apart from mine.

but the main cast are not really meant to know about eachother, from the off twilight knows about pinkie, would be better if they had been ignorant but still its a good stab at the story

still some characters are missing and no character sheet to compare who is who,

oh no, you didn't

made the fucking Composer the fucking game master


was going to be a 4.5 but now dropped down to 2/5

1. Composer can't be the game master otherwise the Producer would have to get involved and erasure the Composer since the Producer's job is to make sure the rules are obeyed and not fucked up

The Producer has slightly more power then the Composer however the Composer cannot directly take control of the game and becoming the game master since the game masters normally set a mission on the 7th day saying face the game master at ..... If the Composer did that he could erasure all players with a flick of his finger.

The Producer, Composer And Conductor cannot become game masters since they are the ones that run the game.

The Producer makes sure the Conductor is following the Composer's orders and does not break the rules like issuing a mission saying "erasure your partner"

The Composer Runs the game and sets the missions and says how many players can come back to life.

The Conductor monitors the Game and follows the Composers instructions however they can chose the game masters and take control with a EC if the game itself is threatened meaning they no longer need orders from the Composer until the game is safe again.

Started off good, till you killed the plot and realistic nature of the game, no wonder you couldn't finish it


I don't know if someone has already said something abaut it but hearing how they all gave what was most valuable to them i think Twilight gave her friends. That would explain how none of them remembers her. Also, creat story! I really hope this updates soon. (Apologies for my bad grammar.)

2499553 There is Black Saturn, but that's an after-endgame pin.

Two years without an update. Tis a shame.

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