• Published 6th Mar 2012
  • 1,736 Views, 9 Comments

Cancelled - Lucky Roll

Your worst nightmare is coming true: Hasbro cancels My Little Pony. Why would they do such a thing?! //Written for the February Write Off//

  • ...



At long last, Saturday morning! It was that time of the week again! After six full days devoid of new pony episodes, our salvation drew near! It was only a matter of seconds now before we all –

"We regret to inform our viewers that, due to technical issues, the show 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' is cancelled. We apologize for any inconveniences. Thank you for your understanding: Hasbro Studios."

What. Just what. Bronies across the country, nay, the whole globe, were staring incredulously at the screen, scarcely believing their eyes. This must be some sort of misunderstanding. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening!


The Internet exploded within minutes. Astonishment, rage, sadness and, of course, trolling flooded the web.

"Just what does Hasbro think?! My Little Pony showed me the way of friendship, acceptance, and tolerance. They can't call of the series like this!" – BronyBro92

"Everypony, calm down, please! I'm sure Hasbro hasn't shut down the show by choice. Give them time to overcome the difficulties and everything will be fine! Please, let us show them we are a community of patience, empathy and maturity!" – Flutterlover111

"0|\/|6 \/\/7|= ||\/| 60|\||\|4 |<1|_|_ 7|-|053 |=466075 |V|ˇ/53|_|=!!!" – |_337|\/|4574 (translation: "Good gracious! Hasbro sure has it coming, those trouble-makers!" – Leetmasta)

"lol ur precious cartoon ponies just got trashed by the system! U mad, broniez?" – Trolling_Stone$ (response to the above)

"Confound this Hasbro, they drive me to drink!" – ~ArrowToTheKnee~

"My son suffers in cholera, poliomyelitis and measles. He only ever smiled during the episodes. Since the declaration of the annulment, the doctors are telling me he's getting worse. Please, send me your prayers! A worrying mother." – MarieSmitter77

"Tits or gtfo" – Trolling_Stone$ (response to the above)


Meanwhile, on the top floor of the skyscraper serving as Hasbro's headquarters, angry words were heard. A Man Wearing A Very Expensive Suit barked exasperatedly in his cell phone.

"This has gone beyond a joke! What do you mean 'no more episodes'?! The contract clearly says you're bound to deliver –"

"I'm genuinely sorry, Sir. The situation is out of our control." The phone distorted the answering voice into a disembodied, metallic intonation. "The targets refused to cooperate."

"Refused to cooperate? Refused to cooperate?! Do you know anything about business?! When your targets refuse to cooperate, you make them cooperate!"

"With respect, Sir, that's against the law –"

"You know what's against the law?! Not obeying the conditions of a legal contract!"

"I repeat we are very sorry, Sir. There's nothing we could do."

"I tell you – Okay, that's it. I'm sick of talking to idiotic, incompetent secretaries. Get me your boss this instant! No, I wouldn't even care if he was having a frolickin' bubble bath! Just get him!"


The whole mess started two days ago with Twilight Sparkle heading to Fluttershy's cottage. The timid mare was shunning company lately, even more so than usually, and her friend wanted to ensure she was all right. Reaching her destination, Twilight looked around: thanks to the weather pegasi, it was a sunny day, without a single cloud shading the fresh green grass. It seemed unlikely Fluttershy was home and wasn't spending such a beautiful day with her little critters somewhere in the forest or on the meadows, but it was worth a try. Twilight raised her hoof and knocked on the door; the answer arrived without delay, as if her friend was expecting her.

"No! Go away! I don't want to see you! I don't want to see any of you!" Her voice was not only frustrated, but almost desperate: whatever had happened to her, it'd taken its toll for sure.

"Umm... Fluttershy? Are you all right? You sound a bit –"

"Don't open the door! Don't come any closer! Get away! I'm warning you, I'm serious! One more step, and I will beg even harder! I'm not kidding, I'll do it!"

"Fluttershy, I'm Twilight! I'm here to help! Please, let me in!"

A few seconds of silence, then the door creaked open just wide enough for two big blue eyes to appear. "Oh... oh, Twilight! I'm so sorry! I didn't want to hurt you! I just thought you are... you are one of them!"

"That's all right, though I don't see what's the big deal with them. After all, they've been hanging around us for what, one year? Two?" She entered the cottage, and looked around – realizing stupefied something was totally wrong. "Uh... you boarded up the windows?! What's going on here?!"

"Um, nothing... nothing important, really... I don't want to bore you with this..."

"Fluttershy!" Twilight gazed at her steely. "It's obvious you have a problem. I'm your friend, and I'm here to assist you! Please, help me help you!"

"Well, if you really want to know..." She carefully avoided her visitor's sight. "It's just I... I..." She cracked, tears suddenly filling up her plate-sized blue eyes. Her behavior became flustered and troubled, her words gabbled. "I just can't take it anymore! They're always here, always watching me, observing my every moment! I asked them to go away, but they said I 'haven't got an episode this season yet’, and they would focus on me even more! It's unbearable! One morning I woke up to them filming my sleep! It's insufferable! I simply can not, not, not take it any longer!"

Twilight stood dumbfounded by the unexpected outburst: she'd had no idea her friend had been enduring such pain! "Oh, Fluttershy, why haven't you told us what are you going through? We could have fixed this in no time!"

"Um, I kinda tried... but when I brought up the topic, Rainbow Dash started to talking about how cool it was and everypony could see her awesome feats. Next time when I attempted Pinkie Pie shouted it was the funniest thing she could imagine, and I never got to the part I'd like to stop it, and I know Rarity loves it too, and, well, if everypony's enjoying this, I don't want to ruin their –"

"Perish the thought! I'm going to tell them our movie star days are over this instant, okay? I won't take no for an answer! I'm setting off to find them right now!" Twilight, happy to discover the root of the problem, immediately trotted to the door, but turned to the pegasus once more before she left. "Do you... do you want a hug?"

A pale smile appeared on Fluttershy's tear-bathed face. Yes, she did want one.


"Twilight! I'm so glad you popped in! I was just thinking about you and cupcakes, well, more likely my friends and cupcakes, but you're my friend and these are definitely cupcakes, so this checks out, which is really swell, because I like my friends and, for that matter, cupcakes too, but don't get me wrong, the cupcakes aren't my friends, well, you could say they are, but my friends clearly aren't cupcakes, at least I think you are not, are you, Twilight? Don't tell me you are, because, duh, I would recognize a cupcake in –"

"Pinkie! Would you stop talking, please?" The two friends stood in Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie was holding a tray of cupcakes in her lips, which, for some uncanny reason, didn't hinder her motoric mouth the least bit. Twilight, already barely standing the verbiage, was glad to have a chance to actually say something. "You know about this whole filming business? I –"

"Oh, I love TV cameras! Do you love them too? I think it's soooo funny to have these and all, and just imagine when I grimace like this: bleeee –"

"Piiin-kiiie! Listen to me! How about we close down this operation?"

"What? Don't be a silly filly, Twilight! I can't imagine any reason in Equestria why should we stop this! Any reason!"

"If we don't, Fluttershy will be sad."

"Oh, we must finish this once and for all! Now that we talked this over, about those cupcakes –"

Twilight sighed. It seemed she couldn't get off cheap.


One mare down, three more to go. The next one would be Rarity; she'd probably be a bit tougher nut to crack.

Twilight found her in her boutique, just as she expected. Rarity, exerting herself to embellish a dress with the help of her trusty sewing machine, smiled as she recognized her guest. Levitating her working glasses on the table, she trotted to the door to greet her friend.

"Twilight! So thoughtful of you to visit me! Why don't you sit down while I bring you something to eat?"

"Thanks, but really, there’s no need for this." The two headed further inside the building. "I'm here about the filming business."

"The filming business?" she repeated wondering, raising her eyebrows and tilting her head. "Do forgive me, but I fail to see anything extraordinary concerning it. Apart from my overwhelming success, of course, but it's hardly surprising, now is it?"

"What would you say if I suggested to take a break?"

"Taking a break? Hmmm..." She sank into her thoughts. "Twilight, this actually could be useful, if I say so myself! Famish the crowd for more, you know? And just how long an intermission do you have, exactly, in your mind?"

Twilight took a deep breath, and came forward with the worst. "I was thinking about... for good."

"For good?! You can't be serious, darling! Why would we want to throw away fame and fortune on our own will?! This is lunacy, dear – oh, pardon my manners!"

"Rarity, listen to me, please! Fluttershy can't bear the stress anymore! She's on the edge of a nervous breakdown!"

"Oh, please, Twilight, Fluttershy is my best friend! We spend, inter alia, a marvelous day in the spa every week! Are you seriously assuming she wouldn't tell me of such a burden?"

"Why, are you seriously assuming she could simply inform you of something like this? No offense, but you know how... proud you are!" Twilight retorted snappy.

Time and space froze around Rarity, as a miniature replica of her, completed with cute white feathery wings and a halo, popped up on her right shoulder.

"You have to quit the stage! You can't sincerely consider choosing fame over friendship!"

"Now I wouldn't put it in this way." Another copy of her appeared on her left shoulder: this one had butterfly wings and the make-up she wore at the Best Young Flyer Competition. "You aren't choosing fame over friendship, of course. Twilight probably misunderstood the situation: she's a sweet little scholar, but we all know she, despite her knowledge of books, isn't exactly a master of reading in others' feelings, unlike you! Chances are Fluttershy was just being her usual skittery self, nothing serious.

"I... I don't really know..." Rarity directed her confounded gaze from one replica to another: the whole scene was rather puzzling. "Maybe I should go and check on her... Wait, who are you, again?"

"I'm your conscience, and this hussy here is your vanity! Don't listen to her!"

"Who are you calling a hussy?! We're both Rarity! You've just insulted yourself! No, wait, this means you've derogated both, no, the three of us... Anyway, darling, that featherbrained hypocrite is lying: I'm not your 'vanity', I'm your... 'self-esteem'. We all know you deserve the appreciation, don't we? Now, be a dear and tell Twilight she's wrong!"

"A moment, please! Are you calling me 'featherbrained'?! Oh, wait, I do have wings, indeed! And since I have a horn as well, I assume I'm an alicorn? Hah! A god am I! Look upon me, everypony, for I am Princess Rarity!"

"I beg your pardon, but don't you think boasting would be my duty, sweetheart? You –"

"Quiet!" the real Rarity interrupted, getting more and more frustrated. "I'm not here to listen to senseless... Huh, who's this one?!"

Another of her identities cropped up in front of her. This one had no accessories, save for her red working glasses. "I don't know about Fluttershy's problem, but speaking of her, don't you think a golden-lined pale blue evening gown encrusted with a few fire rubies would fit her more than –"

"Oh no, not again!" Vanity buried her face in her hooves. "Who let the designer out?! Celestia is my witness, this is getting just horrid –"

"Oooh!" Yet again, a different Rarity emerged up, wearing her Grand Galloping Gala dress. "If you're going to Fluttershy's cottage, please, would you mind keeping an eye out for any handsome gentlecolts? My, it would be just dreamy to find the perfect –"

"That's it!" Conscience declared. "If that wide-eyed romantic is out, I give up! Everypony, back to the subconscious!"

Rarity shook her head: lights on, time was flowing again, she was back before Twilight, who waited for her answer. Listening to her own subconscious selves was undeniably interesting, but it certainly had not made the decision any easier.

"Well, if Fluttershy can't take the limelight, she could step back any time, but why do we have to give up as well? It would be such an inconsiderate gesture towards our devotees, now wouldn't it?"

"No, you know how this business works! It's all of us or none of us."

Yes, Rarity was indeed aware of this – her excuse was but a last attempt. She bit her lips, yet hesitated only for a moment before her response. "But of course. What kind of confidant would force her friends to suffer? I forsake any stage fever in the future, naturally. Was there ever any doubt?"

Twilight Sparkle broke into a smile, but didn't answer.


Now that she was done with the worst, Twilight decided she deserved a little rest and started to head for Sweet Apple Orchards: Applejack would be probably easier to convince than Rainbow Dash, who often bragged about how, thanks to the cameramares following them almost everywhere, everypony was able to witness her awesome acts. It turned out, however, that there was no need to choose: approaching the Apples' barn, the moaning of two familiar voices caught her ears.

"Harder... huff... Rainbow... harder and faster! Is this the... huff... best y'all can... hnnnngh... do?!"

"Just you... ah... wait! They don't call me... hah... awesome for... huh... nothing!"

Twilight stepped into the farm building, and found her friends on the floor. Noticing her, Applejack struggled to her hooves, and waved her brown hat in her direction.

"Well howdy there, Twilight! Care to join the fun, eh?"

"Now wait just a minute," opposed Rainbow Dash while taking wing, enjoying the breeze chilling her sweaty face. She stopped before she could reach the roof of the barn, her feathers flapping lazily to keep her in the air. "No offense, but I doubt that's a good idea. This isn't something you could learn from books and guides, y'know."

"Don't be rude, Rainbow! Ah'm sure Twilight got tha skills to become an expert in lickety split, ain't ya, Twi? Or are ya just protesting 'cause ya'll getting tired, sugarcube?"

"Me? Tired?! No way! I have plenty of stamina to go all day –"

"Excuse me," the newcomer interjected, "but before you bite each other's head off, why don't you explain what were you two doing here?"

"Why, a push-up contest, of course!" explained Rainbow Dash cheerfully. "Seriously, what else could it have been?"

"Yup, we decided that Ahron Pony competition isn't over. Don't ya worry, Twi, it's all fun and games this time!"

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves, girls,” she answered, “but we need to talk about something. Could you spare a little time, please? It's important."

"Course, sugarcube. What rankles ya, eh?"

"You know, I've just visited Fluttershy."

"That's mighty nice! How's she?"

"Ill. Really ill. It's about this whole movie business: she's absolutely distressed. We have to stop this filming crew following us everywhere before she reaches total emotional exhaustion! I know you like showing off your (truly fantabulous!) skills, Dash, but this time it's serious!"

"Meh, talk about basket case!" Realizing her two friends were staring daggers at her, Rainbow broke into an awkward smile. "I mean, honestly, what's wrong with a few ponies following you and recording your AWESOMENESS for the ages? But if it disturbs her so much, I could always fly over her house and tell her there's nothing to –"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight interrupted, furrowing her brows. "You're perfectly aware she would just sit there nodding silently to your chiding! You know she never wants to oppose her friends, even when she's hurt, which is exactly why we have to take her well-being into extreme consideration! Or perhaps do you want her to suffer? Well?! Do you?!"

The attack caught Dash off-guard. For a few brief moments she couldn't say anything but was blinking perplexedly. "Are you sure she's... But... but I'm the best flyer in... All right, all right! I'll rob the future generations from the amazement of my AWESOME abilities! Gosh, hope you're happy now!"

"Thank you, Rainbow," Twilight purred, sending a rosy smile to her annoyed friend. "I knew you wouldn't let poor Fluttershy down."

"Well, I am the Element of Loyalty, y'know!" she answered proudly, her aggravation turning into joy.

"What about you, Applejack? I trust you understand the urgency of the situation."

"Well, Ah don't really care about those filming ponies. A lil' advertah-s'ment never hurts the farm, but good wine needs no bush, eh?"

"Excellent! Now that we're all agreed on this –"

"Hold yer horses, sugarcube! Haven't we all signed some papers for this? Ah don't think they'd just let us go free."

"Uh... Applejack, you're actually right. I don't think it'll be cheap... Also, even if we could see the legal details done, what's the proof they won't just follow and film us in secret? In all honesty, I don't trust these corporations. If they decide to go hiding, we won't find them even with an organized search party –"

BAM! "Did somepony say 'party'?!" Pinkie Pie appeared between them, armed with several balloons, cakes, confetties, and other various party necessities.

"Pinkie! What... How..." Twilight gasped for air. "This isn't... Why... Not..." She finally managed to pull herself together. "Um... say, since you're – for whatever unfathomable reason – already here, have you got any idea how to get rid of a troublesome cinematography corporation?"

"Easy-peasy! What do you think, how do you get rid of anypony? Leave the city!"

"That's... that's actually isn't a bad advice..." Twilight considered the suggestion. "Say, AJ, what about a little holiday, hmm?"

"Well, it's ain't no applebucking season, so Ah guess Big Mac could handle the farm without mah help for a while. But we'd come back eventah-lly, wouldn't we?"

"Naturally. Rainbow?"

"Whatever. It's not like I'm terribly busy anyway."

"Splendid! And you, Pinkie?"

"Are you crazy?! It's out of the question! I can absolutely, indubitably, unequivocally can NOT take a holiday, you silly filly!"

Twilight's jaw dropped. She guessed if anypony, it'd be the pink party-mistress who'd want to go on a vacation! "What do you mean? This was your idea after all! Why can't you come?"

"Well duh, you have to work to go on a so-called 'holiday', and I don't work a second! So I won't go on a 'holiday', I'll just simply ‘accompany’ you. Oooh, I mustn't forget my party cannon!"

"Okay, that made... perfect sense,” Twilight lied. “All right, meet me at the library in two hours! Rainbow, you tell everything to Rarity and Fluttershy! Hurry, I don’t know how much time we got until sundown! Any questions?"

"Yes," started the pegasus, "care to tell us where will we actually go? You can't hope to dumb a big-headed corporation with some trip to Canterlot!"

"Don't worry, I have a suitable destination in my mind. Pack your stuff, girls: let's just say it isn't in the neighborhood!"

"And two, we haven't discussed the money yet. I dunno about you guys, but I haven't got enough to travel the whole Equestria, let alone to break the contract we signed with those stupid movie fellows! That's going to hurt somepony's wallet, an' I don't have that kind of money."

"Just don't forget to call the others and meet me at the library in two hours, as I said! Fear not, I think I have a solution..."


Being a royal treasurer was a much more stressful job than most of the common folk would've thought, as Safe Lock often pinned down. In theory, it was his duty to define the financial decisions of the Royal Court and resolve monetary questions. In practice, however, the ruling Princess could always take out as much money as she pleased, with or without any reason. Still, both in theory and in practice, the responsibility was his, and he often had embarrassing moments trying to explain the court where has the money gone. His waking hours were therefore sometimes stressed, unlike his sleep, luckily. Or at least that was what he'd believed. He had been terribly mistaken.

Princess Celestia was a benevolent ruler, but this didn't make it any easier for Safe to wake up to her wide-opened eyes staring into his face. From inches.

"Aaaaaaahhh!!!" The poor colt rocketed out from his bed, bowing deeply as soon as he landed. "Y-y-your Highness! I... I'm s-speechless!" he stammered, still trying to decide if he was dreaming. "To what do I owe this honor?!"

"Oh, I'm so glad you're awake! I hope I haven't disturbed you?" A bright smile attended the rhetorical question. "I'm taking out two thousand bits from the treasury right now. Just thought you might want to know."

"Two... what... borrow... the treasury?! How... it's night... two thousand bits?!" Freshly awakened and blitzed, he wasn't at the peak of his communicative competence, understandably. "Uh... might I, perhaps, inquire why?"

Celestia was more than a thousand years old, but her playfulness hadn't left her completely. Still, she resisted the temptation of answering "I'm doing blatant favors for my protégée and her friends", even though the look on his face would have been, without doubt, priceless. "I have important plans concerning film industry and tourism in need of funding. Any other questions, my little pony?"

"Yes, Your Highness, if I may take the liberty of wondering... couldn't these... 'fundings' maybe... wait until morning, perchance?"

"Why they couldn't, of course! I was busy dealing with matters of national security up until now, but this project is of no less importance. I trust I haven't caused any inconvenience?"

Safe Lock toyed with the idea of replying "yes, you have", but then shook his head. Even if he hadn't heard of anypony suffering that fate (apart from one, obviously), much less ever witnessed an incident, he wanted to play it safe. After all, he was far too young for the Moon.


Ah, the seashore! The sun blazed fiercely, as if it had nothing better to do (and indeed, the poor celestial body got nothing else to kill time), the azure blue sky shone brightly and immaculately: not one cloud, only the occasional seagulls spotting it. Their squawk, the relaxing murmur of the cerulean waves and the splashes of the joyfully playing flying fishes were the only noises heard. The beach, covered by the finest sand, lay as far as the eye could see; on its silky surface, six figures rested.

Applejack pushed her hat back from her face and stretched herself, sighing pleasedly. "Well, Ah gotta admit, sugarcube, Ah first thought lying on the beach all day would be mighty borin'. But, ya know, I guess I could get used ta it."

"I'm glad you like it. Just be careful not to get sunburned!" Twilight groaned, as this was exactly what happened to her. It seemed unlikely she would be able to put on any bridles in the near future; fortunately, it was a quite safe bet she wouldn't need warm clothing anytime soon.

"Hey! Hey Twilight! Look at me! Look at me! Rainbow buried me!" Pinkie Pie's head shouted, the rest of her body being interred under the sand. "You should try it, it's fun! I'm totally like a pirate's treasure! You know pirates hid treasures all the time, don't you?"

"Not real pirates, Pinkie: real pirates spent their money on necessities," she answered. "But if you want to read about either historical or fictional buccaneers, I'd be more than happy to –"

"Well Pip told me they’ve been burying their gold day in and day out, and he's an expert! Maybe your pirates aren't real, huh? Who are you to decide which one is the true pirate? I bet you don't know any old sea dog phrases, matey!"

"I do! For example, 'aye' is the abbreviation of 'I understand and will carry out the order', used commonly in the naval –"

"Booo-ring, old salt! Shiver me timbers, lass! Arr, yer pieces-o'-eights be mine, landlubber! Anyway, Dash, I'm all buried! What are we doing next?"

"Next?" Rainbow Dash, who was lying on her outspread wings, lifted her trademark sunglasses for a brief moment. "We're waiting for the tide!"

"Rainbow! This isn't laughing matter!" Rarity interjected scandalized. She was the only one who wasn't resting directly on the shore, but on a purple deck chair, in the shade of a large, matching violet parasol. "You can't make such crude jokes!"

"Whatevs," she shrugged as a response. "Try to deal with it."

"If not for me, for... pardon? Why yes, Spike, I would like another cocktail, thank you! Such a little cavalier! So, as I was saying, you should at least consider Fluttershy’s feelings! You'll scare her!"

"No I won't. You aren't scared, are you, Fluttershy? Fluttershy, are you even here?"

Rainbow Dash sat up, looking for said pony. It wasn't difficult to find her: she lay curled up behind Rarity's beach chair, still under the shadow of her sunshade, breathing deeply and evenly: she was sleeping. "Oh well, she fell asleep. I guess she needed this."

"Oh, the poor dear! Just look at her!" Rarity cooed, giving her a loving gaze. "She must have been so exhausted!"

And this time, despite her fondness for the spotlight, Rarity was happy she had given up the stages.


So, long story short, this was the reason why Movie Mogul, head of the Equestrian Film- and Motion Picture Producing Studios, sighed wearily when his secretary announced that Hasbro's spokesperson was on the other end of the phone line and he, putting it mildly, wasn't happy. Not the least bit.

"Yes...? Oh, Hasbro Studios? I do believe my secretary has already informed you about the... No, it’s true, we can’t deliver any new episodes from now on, as... Yes, I know, regrettable indeed... Sir, I'm very sorry, but I have instructions from the upper level, if you know what I mean... What?! Look, I don't know about your government, but when ours tell us to drop a job, we drop it without a second thought! No, it's absolutely out of the question! Excuse me? Is this a threat? Sir, do you know the Sun? It's pretty heavy. Its orbit is also pretty big. Our ruler effortlessly chucks it up every morning, while sipping tea! Can yours do the same? No? Thought so. Therefore thank you for your call, but we can't help you... What did you say?! The Princess herself?! Look, I don't know if it's a good idea... All right, all right, here's her number, but you didn't hear it from me...


Rrring! The slender brass telephone receiver started to glow in a soft yellow light, as the sun goddess levitated it to her left ear.

"Hello, this is Princess Celestia speaking... Why Hasbro, what a pleasant surprise! How may I... Oh? Yes, I am well aware of the fact that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is your most popular product line – or should I say it was your most popular product line...? Well that's a pity, but unfortunately I can't see any reason why should I place your money above the well-being of my faithful subjects... How? The bronies? Hmm... all right, maybe we can work out some sort of compromise... Pardon?"

She smirked. "Oh no... you see, when I said 'we can work out some sort of compromise', I actually meant 'you have to accept my terms without opposition'... First of all, let the poor souls have this weak off. They deserve it. Secondly, from now on, you'll need Fluttershy's written permission every single time your commissioned movie corporation, the Equestrian Film- and Motion Picture Producing Studios wants to record her. Since she isn't exactly the most... decisive pony, however, you'll also need Twilight's approval. Oh, and for they are such good friends, let's say, Rarity's one is needed too. How do you say? Too much paperwork? Well then, I guess it's the end of the show. What a shame, it was so well-known, not to mention profitable... Ah, I knew you were so considerate! And there's another thing. After such a long argument, I think it's time to determine an age-old debate of ours, now shouldn't we?"

The Princess levitated the receiver closer to her muzzle, and began to whisper.


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Several passers-by looked surprisedly at the skyscraper, from which a bellowing scream resounded, casually breaking some nearby windows. On the top floor, Hasbro's representative fell on his knees. "Not that! Anything but that! Please!"

"You've heard me," answered the calm voice from the phone. "Either you carry out this modification, or you can forget about your pretty little series. Now, which one will it be?"

"Curse you, Princess Celestia, curse you!" he muttered, shaking his fist in vain anger, but he knew he had no choice. "All right! All right! The changes will be declared tomorrow! Happy now?!"

"Absolutely. So long, it has been a pleasure!"

And the next day, along with the return of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, white Princess Celestia toys were announced.


DISCLAIMER: I have no idea how Hasbro's HQ actually look like, I doubt they're purchasing the episodes from real ponies, and I'm sure their employees are pleasant persons. I hereby apologize if I've offended or hurt anyone: the Hasbro representative's rude portrayal was done for storytelling and / or comedic purposes. Please don't sue me or I'll give you the puppy eyes.

And to everyone else: thank you for reading!

Best regards: the author

Comments ( 9 )

"And the next day, along with the return of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, white Princess Celestia toys were announced."
OMG This is the greatest thing ever....

The story horrified me! How could we shove TV cameras into the ponies' poor little faces?!

Anyway, interesting concept! I liked it :D

Thanks to everyone who deemed my story worthy of their time!

To clarify: I made this to the February write-off, before the airing of "Putting your hoof down", that's the reason why I wrote Fluttershy didn't have any episodes yet.
Also, adding Humans tag. Not that humans play a very important role in the fic, but I guess rules are rules. (The Humans tag was also unavailable when I finished the story.)

"We regret to inform our viewers that, due to technical issues, the show 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' is cancelled. We apologize for any inconveniences. Thank you for your understanding: Hasbro Studios."

Then everyone went back to playing D&D 3.5.

The end.

Uhm... what? I seriously need to stop wandering to this wierd side of fimfiction.. at least it isn't the r34 or dark side.. Good read anyway :twilightsmile: Thumbs up good sir! :moustache:

~Parajack :twilightsheepish:

i have a feelong mlp will get canceled in six weeks

.... I thought the world was going to explode.... I thought it would be something weird like that.... Oh well, it's still good.

Well, it had a great finale season 9.

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