• Published 10th Jul 2013
  • 4,235 Views, 40 Comments

Head In The Clouds - spacecardswell

Rainbow Dash has a secret that she has kept secret for a long time, but when Scootaloo finds her she is in for one interesting night.

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An Odd Encounter

Rainbow Dash, trying desperately not to be seen, hopped from cloud to cloud over Ponyville in the waning light of Celestia’s Sun. Spotting her destination, Sugarcube corner. She slowly lowered herself, thoroughly hidden within a disguising cloud, opened the top window, and crawled in.

She looked around feverishly for anypony who might catch her trespassing. Then with a grin creped over to her target, a package of Equestria’s softest diapers. Eyes and ears perked to their fullest extent, Rainbow dash adjusted the straps of her saddlebag, and reached inside the plaid patterned package. As she stepped forward one of her hooves hit a weak board, and it let out a loud creak. Rainbow stopped when she heard voices "Pinkie dear, could you check upstairs, i think the twins got out again". Rainbow's heart rate doubled as she raced to the bag, and carefully she removed one of the sky blue diapers, and quickly set it inside empty bag. She then grabbed a second, and as she grabbed the third diaper she heard hoofsteps coming upstairs. She quickly tore the diaper out of the bag, causing the package to fall out off the changing table.

She slammed the bag shut, and quickly flew her way catwise back to the portal, onto her cloud and away into the failing noon. Pinkie hopped into the room and looked around to see the twins still asleep in the crib. She noticed the window was opened, she went over and closed it, wondering how it got opened, and turned when she saw the bag of overturned diapers next to the changing table. She walked over, and set them back on the shelf. "why was the window open and why would the diapers be on the ground?" she asked herself.

Abandoning all but the pretext of stealth, Rainbow Dash made good her last name on her return journey and with a heavy sigh burst into her house in the sky, threw off her bags, and slammed the cloud she had taken back into the hole it had left. Dismayed, she noticed that a small hole, only about a hoof’s width around, was left were some of its mass had been lost in transit and would now provide just enough of a breach in her floor for her to be observed if the onlooker were a pegasi, or embarrassingly lucky.

That won’t do, thought the Rainbow manned pegasus and with some logical improvisation, covered the hole wholly with a puff of cloud that she saved when she needed to be alone. Hanging around Pinkie Pie long enough had taught her her to always be prepared. The nasty chore of concealment complete, Dash proceeded to remove one of the baby blue diapers she had liberated from Pinkie out of her discarded saddlebags. She slowly opened the diaper onto her bed, her heartbeat quickening as she savored the anticipation of what she knew she was about to do. With more of a flapping bound than actual flight she hopped onto the spread, disposable diaper, briefly disappeared in a cloud as she applied powder, locked the tapes in place expertly, and let out a deep breath she hadn't realized she had been holding in.

This odd desire of Rainbow’s had come to the surface after her misguided attempt at an ambitious aerial maneuver had landed her in the Ponyville hospital for an unwelcome period of time; she suffering from a concussion as well as a broken wing from the crash, had been put, albeit against her will, back into diapers. This quickly evolved into a pleasurable obsession, and all the more inconvenient due to the innate connection to the other highly unlikely passion she had discovered in her time there: reading, the Daring Do books in particular.

After the entire hospital mess had been sorted out, and life had gone back to whatever semblance of normality Ponyville could maintain, Dash found that the act of reading, pleasurable as she had found it in the hospital, had had its silver lining removed without the sensory addition of the thick, crinkly garment with which its pleasure had been inseparably tied.

Soon after this she had the idea of going to bed in a diaper, finding it to be incredibly relaxing. Soon she had found herself wearing one every night. She started going around her house in them: it just felt right. When she had to meet her friends she felt out of place, she couldn’t shake the feeling of nervousness, and nakedness from her body. She realized later that the diapers had turned into a kind of coping mechanism for her to unwind and relax after a stressful day. She had rejected the idea of telling her friends, yet, until the time was right. For now she was happy to relax in her secret, guilty pleasure.

She got up after a bit, and walked around her room. In her blissful state she didn’t realize that the cloud covering the hole had been blown away by the blissfully unaware mare, and she was walking to the hole. With a few slow steps her back hoof sunk into the hole. Rainbow panicked for a moment, and saw that her hoof was caught. She tried pulling her limb out, but it was very much stuck. Struggling hard to remove her hoof she fell to the ground and with a quiet puff a part of her cloud floor came off, and dragged her with it. She gasped for a moment, and stopped the cloud. She looked around to see if the coast was clear, and let out a deep sigh of relief.
"Rainbow dash? Are you in a diaper?," came a familiar voice.

Rainbow jumped as ice filled her heart, she spun around, cursing her luck. It was the orange pegasus filly, the one that stalked her regularly. Scootaloo stood by the edge of the Everfree forest. Rainbow looked back up, and turned away from the filly to hide her blush, and got an idea that might just fool the young filly.

"Haha very funny Soarin'- heh. Told you I could model anything and make it look cool" the blue pegasus yelled up to nopony. She heard Scoots make an exited noise to herself. With a fake smile, Rainbow hoped that she would believe it, and go away, but instead of going away she only continued speaking to Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Rainbow Rash, could I show you something?" she said with a now quieter voice.

"Sure, kid. Just, uh, keep your mouth shut about this. Wouldn’t want anyone getting the wrong ideas about me and Soarin' " she replied back, still trying to make sure nopony saw her in her current state, then, remembering her ruse, shouted, “Hey, Soarin' I’m gonna be gone for a while. Just chill out, okay?”

"Uh, if you’re busy with Soarin' that’s alright," and the orange filly waited for her reply.
“Oh, uh, it’s no problem Scoots, just lets hurry it up, okay?”
“Great!” said the filly, and waited for Dash to come down.

The rainbow pegasus used the cloud to float down,and with a little help form Scootaloo she got her hoof free. She left it next to her as she stepped onto the ground. Scootaloo ran towards her, and saw her looking around.

"Rainbow, you ok?"

"Yeah I’m fine, just checking" she said, hoping she didn’t ask why.

"Checking for what? Ponies that will see you in a diaper?" she asked curiously

Her rainbow maned head shot up like a rocket “No” she said quickly.

"Hey why don’t you wear the cloud to cover yourself, that won’t look conspicuous at all." Scootaloo said.

Rainbow thought it over for a moment, and smiled and said "Not bad, kid" as she climbed into the cloud, and fit it around herself, more or less shielding her from inquisitive gazes. Scootaloo smiled, and the two pegasi began walking into the forest. They were taking a different way that the normal way to Zecora's, and after about twenty minutes of walking Scootaloo stopped at what looked like a small shack. Scootaloo opened up the tiny door, and stepped inside with a will, it was apparent that she knows her way around it. Rainbow ducked her head, and looked in, and gasped a little, form the outside it looked like an abandoned shack, but on the inside it looked like a well kept home, with a bed, a dresser, a bookshelf, and a few knickknack here and there. The blue pegasus stepped in, and closed the door behind her, and turned to the filly in the room.

"Ok then, why did you bring me here? You said you had something to show me."

"I do" she answered "it’s about, well, the diaper your wearing" she said while blood filled both their faces.

Rainbow stopped for a moment, and looked curiously at the orange filly, "Okay, you caught me, what about it?"

She stroked the back of her neck, sweat forming on her face. She tried to look up at her idol but stopped and spit it out. "Well... You see... I... umm. I kinda... Iliketoweardiaperstoo," she said as though she was competing with Pinkie Pie in a speak off.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, "Oh, really?"

"Ever since I was little, well, littler, all the kids would pick on me. I wanted something to hug, and know I was safe, who know diapers would do that to me," she said with a weak chuckle. Rainbow smiled a little, stuffed the cloud out the door, sat down next to the filly, and wrapped a wing around her neck, "Hey, cheer up, I know something that will help."

"Oh yeah, what’s that?"

And without even thinking, true to her element, her loyalty sparked as she spoke the next five words. Rainbow said what she had wanted to say for a long time "I enjoy wearing diapers too." The orange fillies head shot up, and gasped at her hero, "You do?"
Rainbow blushes a new shade of red, and replies quietly "yes."

She is then hit with what felt like a train as the young filly hugged her. She jumps slightly, and looked down at the orange and purple blob clinging to her.

"I always hoped you would like them too, I knew it was too good to be true, but I always hopped," she said with a spirit that touched Dash’s heart. the two of them sat there and hugged for what seemed like hours, glad to have found someone to relate too. As the sun started to set, they let out a simultaneous yawn.

"Ya’ tired?" the orange pegasus asked her idol with a mischievous grin.

"Me? Never, how about you?" she answered, a tired look in her eyes.

"Not a bit," she said with drooping eyes.

Rainbow let the filly go to get ready for bed "Got anything we can sleep on?"

Scootaloo lightened up noticeably, "Bottom drawer."

Rainbow Dash cautiously walked over, not entirely trusting that kind of reaction, and opened the bottom drawer. She removed a large piece of well shaped fabric, maybe even Rarity’s work, and looked it over intently, and found that it was a fairly large foal sleeper with, of all things, Dash’s cutie mark printed on it. She smiled a bit and turned back to the tired looking pony, "Diapers and foal sleepers?" the filly blushed a bit and nodded. Rainbow threw the sleeper at her. She started to clumsily work her legs into the thing when she realized she had forgotten something.

"Oh yeah, the diaper," she said, and quickly took one from a large stack she kept under the bed, then finished putting the sleeper on. Rainbow couldn’t help but giggle at just how much like an infant she looked. Scootaloo blushed, and looked up smiling at Rainbow, "There’s one that might fit you, if you want," brimming with anticipation, she went to the dresser and threw a tye dye sleeper at the blue pegasus. Dash blushed visibly, thinking of how much of a baby Scootaloo looked, and how that’s exactly how she would look wearing this particular article. A question popped into Rainbows head held onto the foalish garment.

"Hey Scootaloo, why do you have a foal sleeper in my size?"
She looked up at her, and blushed a little "I had always had a dream that you were like me. That you wanted to wear diapers as well. so I got that for you, encase you were...ya'know like me." Rainbow Dash looked at the blushing filly, and she started to slide the sleeper on, but found it to be much harder than Scootaloo had made it look.
“Uh, Scootaloo?” She asked, turning her head away, “little help here?”
“Anything for you, Dash,” she replied, and was about to start putting Rainbow into her sleeper when she made an observation, “Um, Dash? Are you going to sleep in a wet diaper?”

Every muscle in Rainbow Dash’s body tensed at the realization that she had wet the diaper, and now, having none of her own with her, would have to ask for one of Scootaloo's, "You have any diapers that will fit me?" she asked, squirming openly after the hit to her pride.

"Yeah, I think so,” she replied and after a little digging, handed her a diaper in her size. To Dash’s surprise and continued embarrassment, It was covered in foalish prints, even more so than was Scootaloo’s, but she put it on, and with a little help slid the sleeper in place. It was quickly apparent that, while the diapers she normally wore were thick, this one was of a different style entirely, it’s bulk could scarcely be hidden by the tight sleeper I Mm was in, and it was made all the worse by the look Scootaloo was giving her.
Rainbow Dash slowly climbed into the bed at Scootaloo’s beckoning, and, giving in to the role entirely, wrapped a leg around the small orange filly. Rainbow was about to fall away into slumber when she felt something rubbery get pushed into her mouth, she opened up one eye, and to her surprise it was a largely over sized pacifier. She turns to Scoots, and raised an eyebrow, but Scootaloo, likewise pacified could not reply but with a subtle smile. Rainbow could do nothing but smile back, suck unconsciously on the rubber nipple, and snuggle to sleep with Scootaloo.


Fluttershy knocked on Rainbow's door, expecting to be greeted by her friend. "Hey Rainbow, I was wondering if you had that Wonderbolts hat I got you, Angel Bunny wants to wear it to the Wonderbolts game." She knocked again, a bit harder, and the door slid open. She poked her head into Rainbow's bedroom, and saw that there was a rather large hole in her floor. She rushed in to assess the damage when she spotted something unusual on her friend’s bed. Upon further inspection she found that it was two sky blue diapers, a bottle of foal powder, and some foal wipes. To say the least she was confused as to just why these were in her friend’s room, but being Fluttershy she was not one ot put her nose in other peoples buissness, but her curiosity had peeked and she wanted to know. As she picked up the supplies in one a pile, the foal powder fell, and hit a bump in her friend’s bed. She reached down to grab it, and saw that it was a slightly open drawer. She opened it up, and found only one item: a sheet of paper titled "Telling The Girls".

Author's Note:

Hello readers. I have edited my work and now hope that it is better than before. I originally wrote this several months ago and did not have a place to put this until i found out about this group. So I thank you all for reading this