• Published 10th Jul 2013
  • 4,235 Views, 40 Comments

Head In The Clouds - spacecardswell

Rainbow Dash has a secret that she has kept secret for a long time, but when Scootaloo finds her she is in for one interesting night.

  • ...

A Welcome Truth

Looking around, Rainbow Dash took in her environment; clouds, pegasi, and the Wonder-Bolts’ recruiters. Dash started, taken aback, she was at the Wonderbolts academy! A quick look to the left revealed a relative common sight, but one entirely out of place in this situation. Twilight Sparkle, somehow magically having become a pegasi, stood at attention to something outside of Dash’s view. Rainbow looked around again, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, even Rarity was there. All had wings. She heard a whistle blow, and her body went ridged as she saw Spitfire walking up to the six ponies. She looked at the new recruits, and her eyes finally stopped on Rainbow Dash. She looked puzzled at the petrified pegasus, then, confused, shouted for one of the campus guards.

"Guard?" Said Spitifire.

He trotted up to her, "Yes Captain?" he replied.

She pointed at the rainbow mane’d pony, with one hoof, and stood sternly with the weight on the other, "Who let a foal into this academy? This is a safety hazard."

Rainbow started once more, looking with more confusion than curiosity now. Rainbow Dash wasn’t a foal, she was a full grown pegasus pony!

"I don’t know, Captain," the guard pony told her, his usual official and flat expression somewhat thrown off by the presence of a foal somehow having found its way into what amounted to a military encampment.

"Well get her out of here. We can’t have foals running around a flight academy.”

The guard nodded officially, then flapped a two second flight over to Rainbow Dash and, as gently as a guard was able, picked her up. Rainbow struggled instinctively, and tried to escape him, but he held on admirably to the struggling foal, and flew off with her. They flew for some time, out to the outskirts of Cloudsdale, and landed on a small strip of cloud that looked like a foal play area. Upon seeing this she redoubled her effort, trying desperately to flee but, as if to accent her failure, the guard only smiled, and rubbed her head with one hoof. He finally dropped her into a large playpen. Upon sitting, Dash became aware of a soft, plush mass between her legs. She inhaled sharply, fully knowing what cushioned her nethers before even she had seen it. A quick glimpse downward confirmed her fears; the extent of her hindquarters was engulfed by a cushion of white, plastic backed padding, brightly printed and in full view of whoever happened upon her. She, Rainbow Dash, tomboy and elite athlete, was helplessly confined in a foal’s diaper.

She gasped, started, and tried to remove he puffy garment only to find that her hooves were covered in mittens, making it impossible for her to do any more than pad aimlessly at her entrapped rump. Dash buried her head in her hooves, the utter helplessness of her predicament driving her nearly to tears. She looked again only by the prompting of clopping pony hooves, and the sudden feeling of tight fabric set snugly across her entire body. She looked despairingly, and her gaze was greeted by a garment having appeared seemingly from nowhere. Covering her entire body was a one piece foal’s outfit set in the likeness of a Wonderbolt’s flight-suit. Rainbow Dash immediately made attack on her new infantile covering, but the only effect was for her to draw the guards attention, and a single passing comment as to how cute she looked, a comment which drew a blush out of the pegasi foal that could have lit a room.

She struggled, anything to keep from being called cute again, but her legs would not cooperate with her, and she kept falling on her generously padded flank. She didn’t realize she was crying until the first tears rolled down her cheek, and dripped off the side of her snout. Even having realized it, she couldn’t stop the tears, she just cried for somepony to help her, then she saw her friends. They were flying off in new wonderbolts uniforms with Spitfire leading them. She called out to her friends, but they didn’t here her.

"Come back girls, I need you!" she called out between sobs.

"Don’t go, no... no… please... NOOOOOO."


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Rainbow screamed as she shot up out of bed, trying desperately to call out to her friends. She sighed, exasperated, having realized it was a dream, and laying back down against a cold sweat running down her body. She drooped back down into a bed that was not her own, and saw that Scootaloo had woken up, and was fiddling frustratedly with something out of Dash’s view. She threw off the sheets and lowered herself out of bed, a diaper in need of changing weighed heavily from underneath the fleece sleeper she was covered in.

"Hey, Scoots, you always get up this early?”

She looks up, taken aback, and replied with an embarrassed smile, "I saw you were having a nightmare, and wanted to give you something that would help."

"Alright, can I see it?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"NO!" she squeaks, and hides what she was working on.

"Why not?" Rainbow replied, “You said it was for me.”

"It’s not done yet, I will have it done in a bit. Go back to bed, and I’ll bring it to you." she tells the mare with the puckered brow.

Rainbow Dash sighs, and trots over to the bed. Taking a seat, she waits for the orange filly to finish whatever it was she is doing.

Scootaloo eventually finishes tinkering with her gift, and wraps it in a piece of white cloth. She slowly makes her way up to the pegasus, a grin stretching from one side of her snout to the other, and hands the package to her. A quick unwrapping revealed a small purple dragon plush, ironically it bore a stark resemblance to Spike the dragon hatchling. A curious examination by the blue Pegasus showed that many years of loving wear and tear had been visited upon the baby dragon, an eye was nowhere to be found and many painstakingly re-sewn seams caught her attention.

"His name's Spines" Scootaloo blurts out, the smile slowly fading from her face.

The blue mare looks at the orange filly, one eyebrow raised, "How is this going to help me?"

Scootaloo resumed her embarrassed smile, "well, a while back, I told Fluttershy I was having bad dreams, and she gave me him. You know, for when I need somepony to, well, hug."

"Wait, Fluttershy knows about what you – wear?" she says, and gestures to her sleeper and diaper.

"Yeah, after she gave me the toy, I explained it as best I could.”

Rainbow felt flustered, flustered and shaky. Every second unknowingly brought the dragon plush a bit closer to her chest until it was snugly squeezed against her torso, and, to Rainbow Dash’s surprise when she realized, she felt considerably calmer.

Rainbow looked over the doll, and smiled sincerely, "thanks, Scootaloo, I owe you one."

The filly blushed, turning her face more red than orange, and hopped up onto her idol’s lap. Dash wrapped her front legs around the filly and the plushie both, hugging them close and rubbing Scootaloo’s mane with one hoof. The two of them fell backward onto the bed, rolling around in full filly foolery until finally the two came out of their stupor of joy and righted themselves to a deep squishing noise coming from the swollen padding between their legs.

"You too, Rainbow?" asked the bright orange filly, blushing as bright as the dawn star.

Her hero was too frozen in embarrassed to do more than smile awkwardly and nod.

“No worries, Rainbow Dash, I think it can wait until morning,” Said Scootaloo, with an affectionate head rub against Dash’s side, then tugged her down to snuggle under the blankets. Rainbow was asleep in moments, exhaustion finally overcoming her. Scootaloo was hardly far behind, but, before succumbing to sleep, she nuzzled Dash’s ear and whispered, “See, Dashie? No more nightmares.”


Fluttershy paced back and forth in her room, her mind running and mack speed. She went back to her bed, and reopened the letter that she had found at Rainbow Dashes house. She didn’t mean to find it, it just happened. she skimmed over the page for what seemed like the hundredth time. her friend enjoyed diapers, she couldn’t believe her eyes the first time she read it, but the more she read it, the more it sank in. It also answered a lot of questions that she had about her friend, how she was making plans to be alone all the time, how she kept on saying that she was always training for a new event, and even how she told her friends that she had plans for days on end without telling them. in the middle of her realization she saw one of her badgers coming to her, and tug on her tail.

"What is it Mr. Badger?"

The badger yelped and shrieked, and Fluttershy realized something

"Im late, oh im so late. I hope she is not mad at me" she told herself as she quickly packed a bag, and set out to find the little pegasus.


Rainbows eyes fluttered open as she eyes started to adjust to the light in the small room, and she realized she was still clinging to the dragon plush Scootallo had given her the night before. she sat up, and stretched a bit, getting a few loose muscles stretched out. She felt Scoots wake up next to her, and do a similar waking up ritual.

"Morning Scoots" the blue pony told her sleeping partner

"Morning Rainbow, did the plushie help?" she asked curiously

Rainbow smiled "it sure did, no bad dreams for me"

"awesome" the orange filly said, giving dash a morning hug.

The little filly got up, a spring in her step, and went off to get started on the day, while Rainbow Dash flopped back down, and stared up at the ceiling, hugging the plush. she shifted to her side and was starting to get comfortable when she heard a knocking at the door. Her eyes shot open and she froze up as she heard Scootaloo gasp quietly. She quickly jumped out of bed, and dashed under the bed, backing as far to the wall as possible. Rainbow saw the outline of Scoots hooves along the floor as she went to get the door.

"Hey Flutters, I forgot you were coming today" Scootaloo shot out quickly

Rainbows heart froze even more, Fluttershy, her only pegasus friend was standing outside of the little shed, and she was in her current attire.

She saw the two of them enter the house as they continued their conversation

"so how has my little filly been doing these last few days?" asked the yellow pegusus

"fine, a little cold at night but fine" she replied back

"Ohh i bet we can fix that, a few extra blankets should do the trick. Now sit down and play for a bit while I get something for you to eat" she said happily, and Rainbow watched her trot off. Scootaloo sat down on the rug and looked under the bed, and stared at Rainbow, a look in her eyes begging her to hold on. Scootaloo quickly righted herself as she heard Fluttershy coming back into the room with a bottle of milk in her hoof. As she trotted closer one of her hooves tripped on the rug and sent the bottle flying out of her hoof, and rolled under the bed. Before Scootaloo could say anything the yellow pegusus dashed under the bed to grab the bottle, and instead found her friend Rainbow Dash hiding under the bed, in a tye dye sleeper with a very thick diaper on underneath it. She gave off a small gasp, and looked at her friend.

"Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here? and why are you in a diaper?

The blue pegusus simply blushed, and tried to form a sentence, but her tongue froze up. "Flutershy I can explain" were the only words out of her mouth. She slowly crawled out form under the bed, knowing it was pointless to hide form her, and sat on the bed with a small crinkle. Fluttershy sat next to her, and wrapped her hoof around her friends neck, and held her close.

"Im sorry dash, I should have never gone under the bed"

"its ok Flutters, you were going to find out eventually, I was just too scared to tell you and the girls"

Fluttershy looked at her friends sitting there in complete embarrassment, and a thought came to her mind that she wanted to ask "Hey Rainbow?"

"Yeah Flutters"

"How did you get into this mess?" she asked, knowing how she did this through the note, but wanting her to say it.

The padded pegusus cleared her throat, and started her story.


After telling her the story, and Fluttershy confirming it with the note she asked why she couldn’t tell her friends. She answered with a simple "I was scared what they would think". After a bit she the yellow pony asked with her help if Rainbow wanted to tell her friends. She was afraid at first, but faced facts and said yes. After sneaking out of the Everfree in the cover of night she slept over at Fluttershys cottage. She was surprised to see that she had moved her diapers to her house, and after questioning her about it she told her that if she stayed she didn’t want her to have an accident. Rainbow got changed into a clean diaper and fell asleep on her friends couch.

The next day she had Fluttershy invite her friends over for help her with the animals. They agreed and came over.
Rainbow Dash was upstairs in Fluttershys room, pacing back and forth having second thoughts about telling her fiends. She heard her friends downstairs chatting about what Fluttershy needed them to do. The blue pony heard a knock on the door and she freaked out for a moment.

"Rainbow its me" Fluttershy said behind the door.

Rainbow exhaled, not realizing she had stopped breathing and let her friend in. she trotted in and took one look at Dash and saw she was scared.

"Are you scared Dash? do you not want to tell them?" she asked kindly

Rainbow looked at her and replied "I want to tell them, but I don’t think I can walk downstairs in just this" she gestured to the diaper. The yellow pony thought for a moment and had an idea. She ran to the bathroom and came back with a towel, and wrapped it around Rainbow, letting it cover up every part of the diaper. Rainbow smiled at her friend. "thanks Flutters"

Fluttershy took her fiends hoof and led her to the door. Rainbow took one last deep breath and stepped through the door. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershys friend sat downstairs waiting when they heard the sound of hoofs coming down the stairs, and saw Fluttershy come down the stairs, with Rainbow in tow. The friends looked surprise to see Rainbow with a towel wrapped around her midsection, but didn’t comment. The yellow pegusis led her blue friend to where her friends were and started talking as Rainbow tried her hardest not to look scared.

"Girls I called you over here to take care of something, but it wasent one of my animals" Fluttershy told them

"Then what was it dear" Rarity asked

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow and the pegusis nodded and closed her eyes. "This" she said as she removed the towel from Rainbow's flank, showing off the diaper wrapped around her friends body. There was a gasp form Rarity and Twilight, and silence from Applejack, and Pinkie's jaw unhinged. Rainbow felt her face grow warm as she blushed deep red and stood there. Rarity was the first to speak up "Rainbow Dash why on Equestria are you in a diaper? Rainbow looked at her and replied "its a long story."



Rainbow got up from bed, her diaper sagging badly and in need of a change. She groggily set her changing mat on the floor, and started changing, unsnapping the onesie she was wearing. After getting cleaned up she put on a new diaper and went off to hang out with her friends. When she told them they were more surprised than mad at her, and after a few days of the new information they were fine with it, she was still Rainbow Dash after all. She would wear her diapers whenever she hung out with her friends, and was working up the courage to go out in public with it. She got back to reading a lot more now that she could read at the library, and actually started a new series of books. She was relaxing on a couch in Twilights room as she needed to go, with a small smile she wet herself, not even looking up from her book. She enjoyed the feel for a bit and tapped the floor to signal Twilight. a flash of purple light brought twilight up to her room.

"You called Rainbow"


"You need a new book, or a change?"

"A change"

"All right" she levitated the changing mat, and levitated her friend on it. Twilight had gotten better at changing Dash since she came over so often and was getting very good. The change was over so quick that Dash didn’t notice until she was back on the couch. Twilight teleported away and Rainbow put the book down for a moment and just looked at the diaper. She gave off a small smile and rolled over and closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Author's Note:

I finally got around to finishing this. As alwyas any criticism or helpful advise is always welcome.

Comments ( 5 )

parts of it seemed a little quick. But i was waiting for this one awhile..:rainbowderp:

Is that all? Doesn't really feel like much was accomplished. :applejackunsure:

Perhaps this idea sounded good on paper but I don't think it worked out the way you wanted it to. :twilightoops:

3620020 purhaps it didnt, I have one im working on that might be better.

I think if this story got a sequel, it would be awesome.

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