• Published 11th Jul 2013
  • 1,030 Views, 10 Comments

Super Sonic Romance - MegaTJ

When Rainbow Dash bumps into a fellow flyer, will she fall head over hooves for him, or will he just be another challenge to beat?

  • ...

Misery Before Pleasure

Misery Before Pleasure

Rainbow Dash could only gulp as she stared at the door of Twilight's library. She breathed in deeply before walking up to the door. There she spent even more time contemplating her next move Her hoof rose to give the door a knock, but despite all of her effort, she couldn't bring it down to alert the ponies inside the library of her arrival.

While she wasted precious time deciding what exactly she should do, the ponies inside waited drowsily for their friend to arrive. None of the four knew why she asked them to meet her so early. All they knew was that her discreetness and blush when asking added to their confusion. The only one really trying to figure it out while the others napped through the early hours was Twilight Sparkle, who paced back and forth as was her thinking ritual. "Rainbow Dash sure was acting funny yesterday…"

"There's no telling, Twilight", yawned Dream Runner from one of the couches. "Why don't we just wait for her to get here and…" he yawned again, "ask her then?"

She sat with a small, irritated huff. "I guess, but it would put my mind at peace to know exactly what's going on. It's unlike her to be so bashful, and even more unlikely for her to get up before sunrise!"

"Oh, don't be such a worrywart, Twilight, you can't have fun when you worry too much. Like the time I—"

She was cut off by a soft knock at the door. It was so faint that no pony got up to answer it. They all merely watched it, as if they had just seen it get up and walk around. On the other side, Rainbow knocked again, putting more force into it this time. Her second attempt got a result. The door opened to reveal Twilight and the other ponies she asked to help her out for the day were all present.

"Rainbow Dash!" cried Pinkie Pie, tackling the distressed mare with a hug.

"Hey, Pinkie", Rainbow mumbled in return.

They got back to their hooves to let Rainbow explain her predicament. She took a deep breath. "I know I didn't say yesterday, but…" Her voice derailed. Rainbow Dash struggled to get out what she desperately needed, but embarrassment provided her with a stubborn mute button.

"But what?" Twilight asked. She examined Rainbow Dash closely. She had never seen the Pegasus so worked up.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. "I…need to do something…that I can't do myself…"

"What is it?"

"We'll do anything we can to help", declared Fluttershy.

"…You know how the Ponyville Ballroom Blitz is tonight…" Rainbow mumbled.

Twilight smiled. "Yeah."

"Well…" Come on Rainbow! Think Cloud! Think Cloud!

Dream leaned forward. "We're listening, Rainbow Dash."

"You don't have to rush if you don't want to…"

"Tell us Rainbow Dash!"

"Rarity's trying to get Cloud before me so I need help looking better to impress Cloud more and I don't know how to do that and I know you do so please please help me look pretty!" she screamed at the ceiling of her volume output.

The whole library paused while everypony processed what just came out of Rainbow's mouth. The only noise was the silent confusion emanating from the ten wide open eyes.

Twilight approached the Pinkie Pie pink Pegasus and smiled. "Let's get started on that, right now."


Sweat dripped from Cloud's nose as he strained under the constant pressure of the four Pegasi pinning him against the net of Canyon Run's dashball court. He still refused to let the ball go. They were too close to his team's goal with the game tied at nineteen. Completely out of options with his teammate's screams echoing in his ears, he decided to take a chance for the win. He twisted out of the grip of one of the assaulting ponies and kicked off of the one holding his rear hooves.

Now that his wings were free, he pushed with all of his might to the other side of the field, carrying the remaining two clutching Pegasi with him. He caught sight of Wonder Spin and passed the ball along. When the two ponies released him to chase after his teammate, he grabbed them by their rear hooves and spun them around and around, releasing them in a helpless heap of kicking and flapping into the rest of their team, sending all six ponies to the safety net.

"I seriously hope they broke something", Clover spat sourly.

"S'what they get for playing dirty", Lavender growled.

They watched the team writhe in the ball of pain while Spin drove the ball into the right goal for the final point. Deciding that their opponents didn't deserve the courtesy of a respectful ending game salute, Cloud led his team back to their hanger. Inside, they all removed their jerseys in silence. The air boiled with seething anger at the opposing team's unfair plays and constant fouls.

"How's the wing, Whirlwind?" Cloud asked.

"G-game nurse said I'm g-going to be o-out the rest of the season." the pink Pegasus held back her tears for the team. "B-broken in four places and j-jerked out of the socket…"

"Come on, Whirl, we have to get you fixed up", the referee said, nudging her out of the room. "You've stayed long enough, already."

"Okay, Mom…s-see ya later, guys." She waved as they left.

When he was sure she wouldn't hear, Cloud gave his locker a fresh new dent. The team stopped to watch him remove his hoof from the metal surface. He mumbled something under his breath, but no pony dared to ask what. They could only think about how much they wanted to get out of their jerseys and away from the furious captain as they could.

When Cloud made it back outside, he found Mind Fracture and Sugar Pie waiting on him. He didn't acknowledge them until the mare bounced over with a wide smile. "Not now, S.P."

"Yes now", she said sternly, taking her friend by the wing and pulling him along with her. "We have to get you cheered up before tonight."

"I'll calm down before then." Cloud pulled back until the pain in his flying appendage became unbearable. He slowly gave into Sugar Pie's pull until she was making good head way.

Mind Fracture followed behind to make sure he didn't make a break for it. "Please cease your resistance, we're only trying to help you."

"I don't need help, I swear!"

"Whatever, you don't have any clue how to look good for a date!"

Cloud finally stopped pulling to spare himself from the pain in his sore wing. "Mom told you didn't she?"

"You should know by now that your mother doesn't keep your secrets from us."


They led him across the still-darkened plateau. It might have been eight in the morning, but daylight still hadn't crept over the high walls of the canyon yet. Cloud kept following his friends until they came to the center of the town. He could hear the churning and dull roar of water as they closed in on their destination.

"The hot springs?" Cloud asked.

Sugar nodded. "Gotta get you cleaned up first!"

"Whoa, nuh uh. I don't think so." Cloud protested, coming to a stop. "You know I only shower at Frostbite Falls."

"Well, you're going to bathe here, today", Sugar snapped. "Don't worry, we booked a spot all to ourselves."

"'Ourselves?'" he gulped nervously.

"You don't think we're dumb enough to just let you in there unsupervised, do you?" Sugar Pie asked.

"I was hoping you were…"

"I heard that!"

They forced him into the office building, where a light gray Earthy Pony checked off something on her clipboard. She immediately recognized Cloud, and ran up to him the second she clambered over the desk. "Rain Cloud! What an honor!"

Sugar Pie stepped in between them. "Hey, back off, sister! He's already got a mare!"

"I don't do autographs", Cloud mumbled, taking his friends by surprise and pulling into the lead. "Get the room number so we can get this over with."

"So saucy", Sugar Pie giggled.

"I already told you I'm not in the mood. Whirlwind—"

"We saw", Fracture interrupted, "And we also understand how you feel. But know it wasn't your fault."

Cloud huffed and walked off aimlessly to the back of the building, where hopefully he would find a backdoor to escape through. His companions followed him, leaving the clerk confused and terrified in the middle of the floor. Luckily, Sugar had requested her usual room, so she didn't have to waste any more time finding out where their reservation was. She took charge of the trio again, guiding them to the room at the very back.

The inside was pretty well lit, providing Cloud with even more reason to be embarrassed. No pony even knew when he bathed, let alone got to watch. And now his two best friends were about to join him. He looked out onto the massive pocket of steaming water hesitantly. Before he could beg for privacy, Sugar Pie rushed out ahead of him.

"Yahoooooo! Cannon mare!"


"That's 'ball', Sugar Pie", Fracture corrected.

"Whatever!" she called from the start of a backstroke.

He placed his sword next to the door and took a running dive into the water too, leaving Cloud the last remaining dry pony. He knew leaving was out of the question; Fracture and Sugar would be on him faster than him on brownies. He approached the edge of the spring's vent, trembling at the heat rising into his face. "I hate hot water…"

The bubbling water made it hard to see through, and even harder to see Sugar Pie's sneak attack. She came up from the water and in a quick jerk, had her Pegasus friend in the warm water too. He struggled to get back to the surface, the panic making it a bit difficult find where it was. When he did get to the oxygen-rich air, he immediately made his way to strangle Sugar Pie for such a dirty trick. He was met with a wall of water. "Sugar!"

"Spice!" she giggled in return, letting him have another splash. "Lighten up, jeezers! You're angrier than Fracture when he forgets to bring his sword somewhere."

Cloud rolled his eyes. Knowing that all means to escape were officially down to zero, he fell backwards into the water and floated along the surface. He could feel the water absorbing into his delicate wings, helping him stay buoyant. The transparent ceiling overhead gave him a clear view of the sky, so he sighed and tried to relax. It was probably best he just go with the motions. He closed his eyes, knowing that his day was going to get so much better if he would let it.


Knock knock knock!

"Can we go now?" Rainbow Dash begged.

Twilight continued to ignore her while Dream and Pinkie Pie held the Pegasus down. She gave the door to Rainbow Dash's least favorite place another knock. Finally, after the fourth attempt, Aloe opened the door. She blinked in surprise to find two of her regulars standing outside and a frantic Rainbow Dash struggling to get out of the grasps of the assistant librarian and Ponyville's biggest partygoer.

"Twilight, you of anypony should know we don't open until nine."

"I know, but we have an emergency", Twilight responded seriously, nodding to the three wrestling ponies. "Rainbow Dash…" she put a hoof to her mouth and whispered, "has a date."

The Earth Pony's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh!" Aloe practically jumped out of the way to let the five ponies in. "What are you waiting for? We'll be more than happy to help!"

Rainbow stopped struggling when the door closed behind her. She looked around the lobby as if it were her grave. Twilight conjured her up a paper bag to reduce the risk of hyperventilation, which she was pretty close to. The unicorn walked with Aloe to the desk. "I'll be covering the charges for Rainbow's treatments."

Aloe nodded, and grabbed her clipboard. "And what will those be?"

Rainbow couldn't hear what Twilight was whispering over her heavy breathing. Fluttershy ran her hoof over her distraught friend's back for comfort only to find that it didn't work. Dream wandered off to a chair to catch his breath while Pinkie Pie sniffed around for a candy bowl. They all took in where they were until Twilight turned around. "Okay, Rainbow Dash, we have a full spa treatment for you. Is there anything you want to make sure got on the list? I did leave a few things off."

Anything? Come on, come on! Cloud! Cloud! In spite of her self-motivation to brainstorm ideas, she could only draw blanks."Uh…I can't think of anything", she replied in the smallest voice imaginable.

"If you do just let us know."

Rainbow nodded.

"Rainbow, if it's any consolation", Dream said, using one of his Twilight words, "we won't tell anypony."

Rainbow sighed. "Thanks…"

Aloe led mares through the doors into the spa. Dream stayed back to respect their privacy. Rainbow gulped as she looked around the room at the various torture devices meant for beautification and relaxation. "Okay, Rainbow Dash. I don't know how much you know about spa care treatments, but—"

"Nothing except hooficures…"

"Well, then, let's get you started on your first experience." She stopped in front of a chair. "If you'll lie hear, we can start you off with a mane wash."

Rainbow hesitantly took her mane in her hoof. "…uh…"

"Don't worry, it's only a basic wash. Gentle for even the most sensitive of manes." Aloe offered the new customer a reassuring smile, but it still took her three minutes to ease into the chair.

"Just go to your happy place, Rainbow Dash", Fluttershy suggested.

"Yeah, that's perfect! I go to mine when I'm nervous, but I'm not nervous a lot so I really don't have to go there! Half the time I can't even remember what my happy place is!" Pinkie Pie fell silent to argue with herself about which of the many fun places in Equestria was the most emotionally and mentally secure.

Rainbow Dash did take the advice, and as Aloe reclined the chair into the sink, she imagined herself in Canyon Run. The sky was as clear as the last day she visited. Visualizing one of the most peaceful places in Equestria took her mind off of the warm water soaking into her multicolored mane. As Aloe continued the pretreatment, Rainbow's mind wandered around the topmost part of Cloud's hometown with the said colt.

Her friends watched her finally take her first relaxed breath while her spa attendant added the first conditioner to the water. They sighed. The worst was over. The rest would be a breeze; at least, that's what Twilight figured. Rainbow Dash just needed to get into the motions.

They watched Aloe add the shampoo, and then giggled when they noticed Rainbow had fallen into a light snooze. Rainbow's mane was one of the stiffest Aloe had ever worked with. She added another splash of conditioner. It only slightly helped her hooves work the natural elements of the shampoo closer to the cyan mare's scalp. She continued to work diligently. Not one of her clients had ever complained, and she wasn't going to start today.


"Hey! What gives!?"

"Hold him, Fracture!"

"I'm trying!"

"Let me go! Now!"

Sugar Pie ignored Cloud's protesting as she attempted to get her hooves to his white mane. "No, you're going to get a proper bath and you're going to be happy about it!"

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" he screamed as her shampoo covered hooves finally got to the top of his head. They instantly got to making suds. Luckily Cloud's mane was thin and short, because he managed to break Fracture's grip and swim as far away from the two as he possibly could.

"You do realize we'll have to catch him once more to wash the rest of his body, don't you?" Fracture asked, watching Cloud frantically rinse his mane.

Sugar sighed. "Yep."

By the time Cloud was completely clean, all three ponies were breathing heavily and worn down to the bone. Despite now being thoroughly cleansed, Cloud still glared at his friends from across the spring. Sugar Pie started to laugh. It quickly escalated to her holding her sides and tearing up.

Fracture gave her a glance. "What's so funny?"

"Think about how hard it's going to be to get him in a suit!"

The Pegasus shook his head. "I can't say I share your humor…"

They kept soaking until Cloud softened his gazes and climbed out. The other two climbed out after him to make sure he wasn't going to leave the party early. They caught him at the door, where Sugar Pie threw a towel at his face. He rubbed it vigorously over his wet fur until he was as dry as possible. Fracture grabbed his sword and Cloud reluctantly let them guide him out of the springs. The clerk ducked behind her desk when she caught sight of Sugar Pie. The said mare stifled a laugh and continued out with the stallions.

"I'm scared to ask", Cloud said once they were in the sunlight, "but where are you taking me now?"

"Just to Lucky's", Sugar said simply.

Cloud sighed. "Whatever, at least I'll leave looking good."

"That's the spirit!" Sugar grabbed him in a headlock. "Gotta look good for your girlfriend!"

"She's not my—"

"Oh, right, that's what tonight's for! Confession date!"

Cloud's cheeks flushed. He couldn't deny that. Well, at least not hope against it. Nothing was set in stone, he just had to make sure everything went right for once. He didn't fight back; he couldn't risk any more embarrassment Sugar Pie could unload on him at any moment. He walked alongside his best friends back to the opposite side of the town, walking past the dashball field, and then by the playground to the most populated section of Canyon Run.

The bell to Lucky's Suit and Tux rang the second the trio pushed through the door. The green pony behind the counter approached them enthusiastically. "Velcome! I see zat vee 'ave new customers! I am Lucky Charm, zee owner of zee home of zee finest formal attire in Canyon Run! Please, tell Luck vhat he can do for you!"

Sugar took advantage of Cloud's shock caused by the abrupt attention to make the order for him. "My friend here has a very special dance tonight." She put a hoof to her mouth and whispered, "And we all know he's already beating the girls off with a stick, but we need something to make him stand out to a very particular filly."

"Ah, oui! A tale vorthy of zee, how you say, fairytales! Lucky vill take care of you, no?" He grabbed the measuring tape from around his neck and went to work measuring every aspect of Cloud's figure. "And zirty-seven…hmm…vhat colors should Lucky look at for you? Zer are many, many options to choose from, yes?"

"I think a nice blue might do the trick", Sugar Pie suggested while Cloud was still stunned by the energized fashion pony.

"Oui, oui! Lucky vill return in a moment!"

Cloud watched him disappear behind the curtains hiding the retail portion of the building from the warehouse. He returned seconds later with a saddle box full of shirts, coats, and vests. This is going to be a long stop…


"Now, just be still Rainbow Dash", instructed Lotus as she applied more moisturizer to the Pegasus's face.

Rainbow struggled to do that. She couldn't stand the cold on her face or the way it felt. "Could you hurry up?" she begged.

"It has to set in first", Lotus replied, "I promise as soon as your skin is revitalized, you can wash it off."


"Ooh, ooh, Rainbow Dash just think that it's mud!"

"It is mud, Pinkie Pie", Lotus called. "Well…in a way."

"What's next?" Twilight asked Aloe.

"One bubble bath", she replied, "Then it's on to wing combing."

"What's that?" Rainbow called to take her mind off of her current torture.

"We'll go through your feathers, straighten them out, and pluck the ones that are damaged", Lotus replied, checking her timer.

"That actually…sounds kinda cool." Rainbow shifted in her chair. "Can't stand it when my wings are a wreck."

"Hey, maybe we can get Dream to get one", Twilight suggested. "He doesn't even comb his mane let alone his wings."

"And we don't charge for it, so no worries. No more bits will be coming out of the bank."

"Thanks, Aloe." Twilight left for the lobby, leaving Fluttershy to read while she and Pinkie Pie waited for their manes to dry. Whoever said that Rainbow Dash had to be the only one to relax in the spa?

"Pinkie Pie, look." Fluttershy tilted her magazine so that the pink mare could read the article.

Rainbow Dash caught bits of pieces of their gossip, but generally wasn't interested in the spa talk. It didn't take long before Lotus gave her the all clear to get up. "Okay, Rainbow Dash, you can rinse the moisturizer off. It's effect will be completely activated after your bath. The same applies to your mane treatment."

Lotus watched Rainbow Dash plunge her face into the nearest sink and rigorously wash away the smelly gunk. "I. Never. Want to do that again."

"Betcha will if you go on another date with Cloud", Pinkie teased. She was hoping for Rainbow to make a remark, but instead only got a glare. She squealed with success. "Ooh, Dashie's getting mad, Fluttershy!"

"Pinkie Pie, we shouldn't poke a sleeping bear", the yellow mare replied in half a whisper.

"Fluttershy's right, you shouldn't tease her", Twilight lectured on her way back with Dream, "This is a really hard thing for Rainbow to do."

"Actually, Twilight", Rainbow Dash interjected, "It's keeping me from having a panic attack."

"Is that why you asked for them to come too?"

Rainbow gave Dream a nod then turned to Lotus. "I'm ready for the bath."

"Right this way." Lotus smiled, stepped aside, and led the ponies to the back of the spa house. The giant tub that most of the patrons used was already full of bubbles. The two attendants at the top were just turning the faucets off. They stepped down to let the customers enjoy the soak in peace.

Rainbow flew up and dove straight in. "Come on! Water's awesome!"

The only pony to follow her in was Twilight; Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy didn't want to mess their new manecuts up. They sat in chairs and talked idly while their friends took their bath. The blue mare swam to the bottom of the huge tub to speed up the time they had to spend in the water. She didn't know what time it was, but had a feeling that the spa's regulars would be showing up soon. She just couldn't risk being seen and becoming a laughing stock.


"I'm going to be the biggest laughing stock ever!" Cloud exclaimed. His reflection watched him with the same distressed expression. He didn't exactly like the purple suit that was forced on him even in the least bit.

"Oh, stop whining", Sugar replied. "There are still ten more things to try on."

"Perhaps", Lucky said, "vee are not zinking in outside zee box. If you vould be so kind as to vait just von more time, Lucky vill return vith somezing you and your beloved vill both like!"

Cloud took the tailor's leave as his cue to practically rip the suit from his body. He threw it into Sugar Pie's annoyed face.

"Can't you at least try to be cooperative", asked Mind Fracture. "This is not the last stop of the day."

"He's just trying to stall." Sugar facehoofed. "Listen, Cupcake, if you don't get yourself cleaned up right, this whole date's going to go down just like Fox Trot!" The two stallions froze. She stood her ground despite their nearly terrified stares. "Yes, I said it. Get over it. The two of you know I'd rather jump off the side of town than see either of you get hurt again. Cloud, look, I know you don't like any of this stuff, but do it for Rainbow Dash, at least. I had my doubts, yeah, but I know she's a good pony. And if not for her, for me, your best friend, compadre, whatever." She sighed.

Cloud never actually thought it over, but he was doing almost everything thing the same way as he did last time. "You know what, yeah. I'll do it. I can't let this crash and burn."

"That's what I wanna hear!" Sugar announced.

Fracture decided that he had his fill and left them to go check out cummerbunds at the other end of the store. As he cleared the bend of the hallway, Lucky came sprinting back from the storeroom. "Lucky has returned!" the green colt weezed, "I hope zis vill suffice." He carried with him a single turquoise collar and white bowtie. "Simple, but eet still vill vork for any formal occasion!"

Cloud tried it on. He had seen a few colts wear the same similar things before, so it stood to reason that it should be enough to wear to a dance. "I like it. What do you think, S.P.?"

"Very handsome indeed", she remarked.

"And I vill not 'ave to alter it!" Lucky announced rather loudly. "Can Lucky help you find anyzing else?"

Satisfied that they finally found something, Sugar shook her head. "No thanks, we have other stuff to do."

Lucky nodded and led them to the front counter to ring them up. Sugar dished out the bits she had on her for the day, then as soon as the collar and tie were in a box, hurried Cloud out, forgetting about Fracture. She received no resistance from Cloud anymore. She was only a little surprised to find him walking beside her when they left. Sugar brought him to Sugary Sweets. "Lunch time", she explained. "A couple of sandwiches and a vanilla sundae are just what we need to get you awake."

"I'm not tired…"Cloud yawned, "Just sore and beat down."

"Then a chocolate sundae." Sugar opened the door to see that the inside was empty. She sighed. "Lemon! The you forgot to flip the 'closed' sign again! One more time and I'm docking your pay!"

A skittish colt appeared from the kitchen with the widest eyes Cloud had ever seen. "U-uh, yes ma'am, s-sorry ma'am!"

"Why do you give him such a hard time?" Cloud asked on their way to the kitchen.

"Because", she giggled, "He's cute when he's nervous."

"You like him?"

"Well", she said with a slight blush, "I didn't hire him for just his work ethic."

"Ever try the dating route?" Cloud asked.

She opened the refrigerator. "Give me three days; I'll be dating alright…him, heehee!"

Cloud rolled his eyes. He caught the sandwich ingredients she threw across the kitchen. "What'll ya have?"


Rainbow Dash didn't know how long they were in the spa, but she was sure glad to finally be done with everything. There probably weren't even words to express her satisfaction. She watched while Twilight discussed something with Aloe. While she waited for her unicorn companion to finish, she tried not to think about how refreshed she felt. Not even the ponies in the room with her could know about how she kinda liked the after effects of a spa treatment. Especially the wing combing.

"Okay, Rainbow Dash." Twilight said finally. "Is there anything else that you might want? I know you may not, but we wouldn't want to make a return trip when everypony is here later."

Rainbow went over everything that had happened so far in the day. Through the visit, her whole body had been gone over. Except the four things Cloud really seemed to be interested in. It took everything she had, but she forced herself to think say it. "My hooves…"

"Rainbow Dash is that you", Fluttershy asked as soon as the words came from her fellow Pegasus's mouth.

"Cloud really likes my hooves, but…I don't know why. They aren't as pretty as anypony else's…"

Twilight turned around to Aloe. "One hooficure, please."

"Coming right up", Aloe replied happily. "Come with me Rainbow Dash."

"Would you like us to—"

"Just Twilight…" she interrupted Dream with a mumble.

"We'll be back in just a few minutes", Twilight told the group.

The three ponies left for the final time through the spa doors. Aloe motioned for Rainbow Dash to take a seat on one of the padded tables. "Just relax, Rainbow Dash."

"Twilight, hold me down. I'm not going to like this…" Rainbow felt sick to her stomach. This went against everything she had ever been about in life. She looked around for something to barf into, and was dismayed to find that in the event of a breakfast deportation from her stomach, it would arrive on the floor.

Twilight cast a gentle force field around Rainbow's body. It dead-locked her into position. No matter what she did, she couldn't move at all. The only thing she could do was close her eyes and take the feeling of a file grinding against her hooves. It was so horrible she couldn't even go to her happy place. The scraping echoed in her head, like a ticking clock signaling impending insanity. When it couldn't get any worse, it found a way to. Twilight moved the force field so that she was on her side, holding her hooves out to allow Aloe to apply polish. Once the initial, grueling coat was dry, she took a second wand and brushed a thin layer of pink along the bottom. Rainbow was too busy cowering in the deepest parts of her mind to hear the comment about how it matched her eyes.

I can't believe I have to go through this just to impress a colt and keep Rarity from taking him from me…life is so mean… It escalated further until she passed out. She must have because the next thing she could remember was opening her eyes to see Twilight releasing the spell binding her body to the table. She didn't even begin to think about daring to look down. She already had to deal with being able to feel the polish encasing them. She flashed Twilight a weak, nauseated smile before leaving the two for the lobby.

Pinkie Pie's eyes immediately caught sight of the brand new shiny set of hooves attached to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, they're so pretty! Even prettier than Rarity's and maybe even everypony!"

Despite the fact that there was attention on her hooves, Rainbow actually smiled. "R-really?"

Fluttershy chipped in with her own compliment. "They're gorgeous! I've never seen hooves as pretty as yours!"

Her smile spread even farther until everypony could tell she was happy with herself. "Thanks, you guys…uh…do you think Cloud will like'em?"

"If he doesn't I'll make him get one too", Twilight joked.

Her friends all closed in for a better look, enabling her to collect their necks in the biggest hug she had ever given anypony. "You guys rock."


"Okay, Cloud this is the last thing we have to do today", Sugar said.

"Let's just get it done, already!" Cloud gritted his teeth as he felt Sugar's accursed comb brush through his mane. Slicked with gel, she brought the matted, untidy mane back until the whole thing flowed backwards into a neat waterfall shape down his back. Since it was stuck in place, Sugar managed to square it on the edges so that it didn't look like a mare's cut.

"Aha! And yet another reason it's good to have ice cream sculpting skills!"

Cloud peered into the mirror she held up for him. He had to be honest: it wasn't the worst he had ever gotten. "I guess it still looks kinda cool."

"Perfect!" She jumped into the air and grabbed her clock from the wall. "It's just now five, it starts at six, right?"

He nodded. "I need to get going. I still need flowers and I don't want to be sweaty when I get there. Thanks, Sugar Pie. You too Fracture."

His friends nodded in a "you're welcome" fashion, and allowed him to finally be out of their sight. On the outside, he realized he was on his own now, and that it was solely up to him to make sure that the night went the way that he wanted it to.

He was just over the edge before he was stopped by some of the last ponies he wanted to see in the state that he was in. "Flying high tonight, Hun?"

He turned to see his whole family hovering not even ten feet away. They were all as dressed up as he was, well, even more so. The twins were both wearing matching suits, while Sprinkle and their mother wore dresses. He frowned in confusion. "What's going on?"

Gale opened his mouth to respond first, and was dismayed to receive a mouthful of Gust's hoof. "Before he ruins a tender family moment", he explained gently, "We're all going with you tonight."

"We were all asked to the Ponyville Ballroom Blitz just like you", Sprinkle clarified, "Well, except Momma."

"I'm playing Chaperone tonight", Cirrus said. She smiled, "Oh, look at you. Just like your father when he asked me to the end of school dance…"

The tears were evident in the family's eyes, so Cloud flew over to pull them into a group hug. "Ya think Dad would be proud?"

"I know he would be", Cirrus replied with a sniff. "Of all of us."

The shared embrace lasted until the crickets began to chirp. When they started their evening chorus, Cloud let his family go. He nodded to the gigantic gap between them and the bottom of the canyon. "Wanna help me pick out a bouquet?" The only pony who didn't know was Gale, who agreed by rolling his eyes.

Cloud took a gaze at the sky before he followed them over the edge. He could have sworn he saw a shooting star, so he closed his eyes to make a wish. Please, just one miracle…that's all I want…oh, and name it Rainbow Dash, please…