• Published 11th Jul 2013
  • 1,034 Views, 10 Comments

Super Sonic Romance - MegaTJ

When Rainbow Dash bumps into a fellow flyer, will she fall head over hooves for him, or will he just be another challenge to beat?

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Not as Planned

Not as Planned

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath before entering Ponyville's community center. On the inside, she found that she was perfectly dressed for the theme of the Blitz. It was decorated with a ton of cardboard clouds and soft white feathers. The floor had been painted sky blue and the colored lights hanging from the ceiling slowly cast different shades of the hue around in a way to give the illusion that all of the ponies on the inside were in the sky. If she was lucky, no pony would recognize her.

She was glad she was a Pegasus; it eliminated the need for the fake wings that many of the Earth Ponies and unicorns had made for the occasion. Rainbow Dash looked around for the stallion she let her friends pretty her up for. "I guess coming a little late didn't really help me out. He's still not here."

Her fluttering heart sent feelings of anxiety from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. It was driving her nuts, so she decided to get something to drink to help calm down. The long food table looked just like the one from the formal Grand Galloping Gala, reminding her that this was her one chance to grab Cloud's affection. Rainbow grabbed a cup and quickly downed about three full ladles before her fraying nerves stopped twitching in her hooves. It only helped for a few minutes until another group of ponies walked through the double doors of the entrance. That was only more of a chance for her to be seen. She soon found a place to hide from the many ponies of the Ballroom Blitz. In the far corner of the room, Rainbow saw that there was no light shining. Only ponies looking for her would be able to see her, or somepony with a craving for candy apples. She kept her eye on the door, and only occasionally gazed around to see if Cloud snuck in from somewhere else.

"Trying to keep from embarrassing yourself are you, Rainbow Dash?"

The Pegasus turned in a growl. "What did you just say, Rarity?"

"Oh nothing", she replied with fake innocence, "Only that no pony could ever find that abomination of an ensemble even the least bit attractive."

"This 'abomination' was made by your friends. If you don't watch it you're going to lose one", Rainbow threatened.

"I wouldn't be losing much", the unicorn retorted.

The cutting remark sliced right through Rainbow Dash. She took a step back. "What is wrong with you? We've been friends since I moved to Ponyville."

It was as if Rarity didn't even hear her. She turned back to the dance floor. "By the conclusion of the night, we shall see if this friendship will even matter." Rarity walked away with a huff.

Rainbow Dash stared after her, wondering just what had happened to the Element of Generosity. Rarity had never in her life acted so selfishly, except back when Discord was turning the world upside down. But he was locked back inside a statue. There was no way Rarity was under his influence again. Twilight had left out of town just before the Blitz, so there went having her talking some since into Rarity. It would've had to wait anyway, because the only thing she could think about was how the sour feeling in her stomach was now to the point of making her sick. As she watched the unicorn disappear within a crowd of dancing ponies, her priority shifted to making sure that she got Cloud first. She moved closer to the door, now fully confident that she would see him come in before Rarity.

She had no idea that it would be another agonizing ten minutes before Cloud even decided to walk in. He was too busy freaking out on the roof. His family had already gone in when he told them he just wanted a couple of minutes to set himself up. It started that way, then turned into him wondering what was going to happen the second he walked in. He was so panicked over the thought of looking like a foal. He checked his breath, hooves, wings, and whatever else he could think of over and over again. He looked okay from what he could tell without a mirror, and was sure Rainbow would find him okay, but he just didn't know how to act.

Under his hooves, the roof vibrated with music once the band inside started playing. He ran out of excuses to stall, so said to himself, "Better get in before it's over…" He took to the sky and just as quickly landed in front of the doors. They were still open, but the inside was now full of ponies. He looked around at the huge crowds moving around in a massive herd. He sighed in bewilderment. "Oh, great. Now I'll never find—"

He was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. He followed the tap around and gasped at the sight before him. Rainbow Dash, or that's who he guessed from the mane and tail, stood shyly behind him. She was dressed in a light green gown drowned in glitter. It just touched the floor behind her and was latched around one shoulder with a sapphire clasp. Her mane was put up it a ponytail with her bangs dangling around the sides of her face, and her tail was stuck in place with a large bow at the base and was combed into a tight, pointy cylinder.

"Hi…" she said as loudly as she could.

"Uh, heheh, hey, Rainbow Dash", he replied. "You look, uh, really different." He mentally facehoofed for that one.

Had it not have been for Twilight explaining that Cloud was more than likely to say that than an actual compliment, she would have thought her efforts were all for not. "Thanks. You too. Slick mane."

He looked at the ceiling and ran a hoof over it. "Yeah, Sugar's idea. Heh, all of it was."

Rainbow Dash didn't reply, leaving them both with a lack of dialogue, but not stuck in place. They looked at each other awkwardly while slowly moving across the floor, hoping that something would happen to get them moving along with their night. Unfortunately, not a thing came to their aid. Somehow, they managed to migrate toward the section of the room neither knew was going to be reserved for pictures. Cloud saw the flash of the camera and was brought out of his silence. "Hey, how about a picture to start off?"

Rainbow hesitated, but agreed after he grinned. "Yeah, let's do it!" She let Cloud go ahead first so she could take a gaze around for Rarity. Her eyes scanned the room. The white unicorn was nowhere in sight.

Luckily, there were no lines holding them back from the memory-capturing camera. "Okay, next!" the pony behind the lenses called. The two quickly jumped into the area most decorated with white feathers. The sky scene behind them provided them with the perfect opportunity to open their wings and pretend to fly. Cloud hooked Rainbow under her hoof and lifted her front half up for more effect. That's when he noticed her hooves were coated with pink polish over a clear coat. He ignored it to smile for the camera. Just to make sure Rainbow was smiling too, he tickled her belly.

The cameramare clicked the shutter button the second Rainbow laughed. "Alright, you two, come find me in twenty minutes and I'll have it ready. Next pony!"

"Thanks", Cloud called on their way to wherever it was Rainbow was pulling him. She still wasn't saying much, and he really wanted to have the opposite of that. And it just so happened that he had excellent material. "You did something with your hooves?"

She stopped walking. "Uh, yeah, they weren't really pretty before, ya know?"

"Yeah they were", he blurted.

Her head whipped around to meet his gaze. Her whole face was painted with a red blush. "R-really?"

He nodded, forgetting how he just threw that out there. "Yeah, really", he laughed. Then one of the lights shone right on her. His heart jumped over a couple of beats. His blush appeared in his ears, trickling down over his nose as he peered into Rainbow's face. She really didn't need it, but the makeup she wore really made her features really stand out. He noticed that the small amount of mascara accented the royal blue eye shadow perfectly to bring out her rosy red eyes even more. He couldn't tell if she was wearing foundation, but stopped looking when he noticed the clear lip gloss that glinted with the light.

She closed the paint gallery that was her face by nodding to the long table she had previously hid behind, unable to look into the stallion's baby blue eyes any longer. It was already awkward enough to be surrounded by a whole room of ponies while she was dressed up more than she would be for any other occasion. The deserts weren't much farther from them, and she spotted the perfect medium with which to move the night along. The earlier she confessed meant the earlier she could start enjoying her night. "Here ya go", she said, passing him a brownie from the rather large tower piled onto a small platter.

He licked his lips and engulfed the warm, fudgy cake with one bite, just like he always did. "Might not be like what Mom makes, but Cloud likes."

Seeing him eat faster than Applejack in an apple eating contest didn't fail even this time to make her laugh. "Man, you eat faster than anypony I've ever seen!"

"Yep", he agreed proudly, "Well, except for that one pony. What's his name? Hangs out with AJ…"

"Thorn Hopper?"

"Yeah, that guy can eat. You see him at the, uh, whatchamacallit again?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Rodeo?"

"Yeah, that thing", he confirmed, ignorant of the fact that he was looking like a really big dummy. "He ate like a hundred hay fries!"

Rainbow nodded slowly to show her mutual amazement, but didn't laugh like Cloud was. Something inside her caused a little confusion in the whole confession process. Do I do it now while he's laughing and Rarity isn't around? The last thought practically sold it, but as life would have it, the second she opened her mouth was the second fate provide a delay.

The keyboardist on stage took over the music with a prerecorded song requested by many of Ponyville's flying residents. Cloud and Rainbow Dash both froze in place to stare at each other.

"You know this song, too?" they said in absolute perfect unison.

"Yeah, I do", Cloud replied first, "It's, like, the theme song of all Pegasi!"

Rainbow's head was filled with so much excitement that she didn't even think about stopping what popped into her mind. "You wanna dance?"

Cloud grabbed her by the hoof, leaving her with zero chances of backing out of her request. Not that she wanted to or anything. Neither knew the official dance of the song, so they improvised the best they could. Cloud mostly bobbed around in tune to the beat while Rainbow shuffled back and forth in front of him. The music behind them intensified to the point of causing Cloud to hop from hoof to hoof and twirl with joy. Rainbow shook her head at his—rather impressive—sporadic dancing. The only thing keeping her from laughing at him was the fact that her moves were no better than his. She was pretty impressed with him, especially when he opened his wings to throw more wild moves into the already wild mix.

Now that he was officially out of rhythm, Cloud grabbed his date a second time. He lifted Rainbow high above him the second the climax of the song soared in bass. She instinctively opened her wings while he gently brought her back to him for the slow part of the song. Once her eyes rested on his, everypony else disappeared from her mind. If she timed it right, she could make her confession the most awesome one anypony would ever hear of. She listened closely for the song to hint that it was picking up. The drums increased tempo first, followed by the keyboard.

"Hey, Cloud?"


She looked away from his eyes, settling them on his nose before returning them to finish the job. "Look, uh, I really don't know how to say this but, uh, I—"

"Ah, Cloud, there you are!"

The color in Rainbow's face drained away to reveal a fiery red underneath. "NO!" She ripped herself from Cloud's grasp to face the interruption to the best night of her life.

"Rainbow Da—" Rarity started in her challenging tone.

"I've had it with you already!" Rainbow yelled over the volume of the song, which was now at the part Rainbow wanted to finally tell Cloud what she felt. "Let's get something straight right now! Cloud is mine! Not yours, Rarity! He doesn't even like you! I don't know what's wrong with you, but you are not going to take him from me!"

"Oh, my", Rarity laughed evilly, "Do you really think that acting out in such a barbaric manner will entice him to share the feelings you have?"

The ponies that hadn't backed away from the growing quarrel were beginning to form a tight circle around the three. The sudden outburst from the two mares was enough to knock him over on flank and idly watch as they shouted at each other.

Rainbow stepped forward to get face-to-face with her rival. "He'd like it a whole lot better than the attitude you have!"

"I doubt—"


All heads turned from the two now-shocked mare's to the furious stallion breathing heavily in anger. "Look at you two! Are you seriously going to destroy a friendship because of me! Really? Are you that stupid and selfish!? There are plenty of other ways to settle this than to play dirty and ruin a perfectly good night! And I was just starting to have a better day!"

Nothing else was said by anypony as he turned to leave. He walked slowly, his seething fury parting the crowd of ponies for his path out. He was six steps from the door when the fear and guilt in Rainbow Dash's heart kick started her hooves in a gallop to catch him. The distance between them was too great; he was already out of the door by the time she got halfway.

When she made it to the other side, Cloud was gone. "Cloud!" she called, "Cloud!" She flew into the air, but it didn't help her vision against the darkness, "Clllooooouuuuuuuud!" The realization that he wasn't going to come back weighed her down enough to bring her into a landing not far from her take off area. She couldn't even hold herself up, and collapsed in a crying heap. "Cloud…I'm sorry", she sobbed. Not even she knew that she felt so strongly for the black Pegasus. The sadness was a hundred times heavier than anything she had ever experienced.

The sound of hoofsteps behind her didn't stop her crying, even though she completely hated the pony they belonged to at the moment. "G-go away, Rarity."

The unicorn refused to obey. She knelt beside the Pegasus to help her to her hooves. Rainbow resisted, but was ultimately too weak for Rarity. She didn't know what the owner of the Carousel Boutique was doing until she felt her hooves wrap around her in a hug. It was quick, and when Rarity let Rainbow go, she saw that her tears had soaked her face and caused her makeup to run.

Rarity sighed, holding back tears of her own. "I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash."


"I am very sorry Rainbow Dash. I…behaved so far out of character that I was almost unable to find myself again…I simply can't express how badly I feel for such selfishness. You more than likely hate my very being, and frankly so do I."

As Rainbow Dash listened to Rarity's apology and explanation about why she had acted the way she did, the Pegasus became less and less angry at her. It was probably the look of sadness in Rarity's eyes that showed just how much pain she had caused herself as well as the both of them.

"…and that's why I was so feverish about Cloud. My heart just wanted to be healed from my experience with Prince Blueblood, even if it meant blinding me to take love away from somepony else. Please believe that I would never, ever do something so inconsiderate in my right mind, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash sniffed with a smile. "I-I'll letcha slide this time, Rarity."

"I'm glad that we could come to terms Rainbow Dash. Now there is the matter of explaining this to Cloud. What could possibly bring him to such an outburst? Oh, it hardly matters. We must get you—"

"Hang on, Rarity", Rainbow interrupted, "I know what I have to do."

"You do?"

Rainbow nodded slowly. She turned and began walking home. "Yeah…I just hope that it'll work."

Comments ( 1 )

Love the chapters story, it really is fun to read it. :raritywink: :heart::raritywink::heart: oohh and i hope they get together too, they mske a cute cupple. :scootangel::heart::scootangel: i hope you'll make more chapters soon, and keep up the great work.:raritywink:, ill be watting for the next chapters.:heart::raritywink::heart: and im serous i will wate patiently.:trixieshiftleft: good luck.:twilightsmile:

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