• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 5,191 Views, 169 Comments

Love Me... I Mean, If You're Ok With Me - elmago02

What happens when the bearer of the Element of Generosity finds a mare sleeping outside her home?

  • ...

Just for today.

“Alice Sawyer? That’s not a name one normally hears.” Alice fidgeted at the floor. Rarity was curious how she got this name, but as a good host, she didn’t ask her guest something she clearly wasn’t comfortable telling. “Well, Alice, it’s late and I suppose you haven’t eaten.” Rarity turned to look at her sister. “Sweetie, please go up and prepare the bath for our guest. I’ll be preparing something for the three of us.” The little filly made her way upstairs while Rarity walked back to the kitchen.

Alice was left alone in the main room of the boutique. Unsure of what to do, she gave a quick look to her surrounding. She hadn’t paid much attention when she first got inside the building, but now, she was awed at the place. The mirrors, the decorations, the ponyquins, and more amazing than anything else, the dresses. This wonderful dresses.

Alice made her way to one of the dresses to inspect it. “Beautiful” was the only word to describe it. She lifted a hoof to touch it, Her eyes glistened as she got closer to it. She couldn’t help licking her lips.

“I hope you like the daisy sandwich I made,” Rarity said as she got out of the kitchen, startling the other pony in the room. Rarity watched as Alice squeaked and gave a small jump to the front, causing her hoof to connect with the ponyquin that was in front of her. “Oh my.” Rarity said as the ponyquin that got pushed collided with another one that was near, starting a domino effect with five more ponyquins.

“I’m sorry, it was an accident. Please, don’t be mad. I’m really sorry.” Alice said as she moved backwards, accidentally stepping on the dress that was lying on the floor. Alice gasped and tried to clean the print that she had left on the dress, only making it worse due to how dirty her hooves were. Alice gave up and curled in a ball, giving a quick look at the wide eyed unicorn that had her jaw loose.

“Alice...” Rarity said as she placed a hoof on the earth pony’s shoulder that started to tremble. “Don’t worry, darling, I’m not mad at you. I know it was an accident. And this...” She said as she looked at the stained dress. “I can wash it later, so don’t worry.”

Alice met Rarity’s eyes with hesitance. “You... You aren’t mad?”

“Of course not. Just help me cleaning this mess, okay?” Rarity saw Alice answer with a nod and started to help her return the order to the boutique. Rarity picked up a ponyquin with her magic, while Alice tried to lift another one without touching the dress it was wearing with her hooves.

After setting the last ponyquin in its original position, Alice retreated a bit before causing more problems. She gave a small jump in surprise, thankfully not crashing with anything this time, after her flank brushed against something. She turned to look that Rarity was standing behind her. “Sorry!”

“Relax and come here to eat.” Rarity waved at Alice to come to the table. “I wish I could make something more for you to eat, but after the little incident that my sister caused in the kitchen, we should be thankful that at least there is this.”

Alice stood and walked to the table. She sat down and accidentally placed one of her hooves over Rarity’s. She immediately took it back. “Sorry!”

Rarity gave a small laugh, “You apologize too much, Alice.” She watched as Alice was about to take the sandwich with her hooves before taking a look at them, they were dirty, so Alice craned her head and gave a small bite. “So, you were looking at the dresses?” Rarity asked.

Alice swallowed before answering, “Umm, yes. They are really beautiful.”

“I’m glad you think so. I try very hard to make them the best that I can. When ponies that are not from Ponyville come to my boutique, they ask if I brought them from Canterlot-”

“No, they are more beautiful than the ones in Canterlot.” Interrupted Alice before giving another bite to the sandwich. She almost choked after noticing what she had just said. “Sorry.”

“No, don’t be. It’s flattering that you think my dresses are nicer than those from Canterlot.” Rarity said with a smile.

“It’s not flattering. It’s the truth, those dresses in Canterlot lack something that yours clearly have, looouuvvv..., passion? Yes! Passion.” Alice said with a nervous grin. She then shook her head and turned it to look at the dress. “All the dresses in Canterlot are either mass produced or just made fancy to sell expensively, while I can see that you take your time with yours, not stopping until you make them the best as possible. Not for you, but for the pony that might buy it.”

Rarity gave a proud smile. “Well, thank you very much, but, how can you notice something like that? Only my friends know how I am when working on a dress, but that’s because they have known me for a while. This is the first time we have met.”

Alice rubbed the back of her head. “Emm, I-I...it just felt this way to me.” She gestured to the ponyquins. “Like with every stitch you were worried how it would look on the one buying it, planning how to put in the colors together and the way to cut it to make it perfect for just the right customer. None of your dresses looks the same and they all got something special to it unlike the same clothes off the rack or the overly jewel and sparkles draped fancy dresses in Canterlot.” Alice paused and turned to look at the little statuette that was over a table, the one she gave to Rarity. “That’s how I’m while working in something.”

Rarity felt how her interest to know more grew. “And what things do you do in your work?”

“Uhh? Oh, Well, I normally do statuettes like that one. And, I also make some toys.”

“You make toys?”

“Ummm, yes, but not only that. I can also make other things like furniture, but I prefer to make toys.”

“I’m sure the colts and fillies love your toys.”

“I work really hard to make sure of that,” there was silence after that. Alice got back to her sandwich.

“Alice,” Rarity finally said, “where exactly do you work?”

“I don’t work anywhere at the moment. I’m a traveller. I just make some small stuffs with the wood I gather from my surroundings and when I meet someone interested in them...” She trailed off before giving another bite to her sandwich.

“So, you have travelled all your life?”

“Oh no. I had a little workshop in Canterlot a year ago.”

“Oh, so you lived in Canterlot.” Rarity looked to her dresses. “I guess you saw a lot of dresses there. That’s how you can tell this are not from Canterlot.”

“Ummm, yeah, I guess you could say that.”


Alice looked directly at Rarity, “and what?”

“What happened with your workshop?”

“Oh! Emmm, I-I, you see...” Alice paused and took a breath. “I had to close it because of some problem I encountered.” Alice lowered her head. It was clear that it was a topic that she didn’t like to talk about.

“I’m sorry.” Rarity couldn’t believe herself. It was the second time in the night that she had managed to upset the poor mare. She was trying to think of something to make Alice mind think on something else. “Sweetie sure is taking her time, I hope there’s not another problem like the one in the kitchen.”

Alice lifted her head and met Rarity’s eyes with a smile. “She causes a lot of problems around here?”

“Yes, she does, but I wouldn’t change her for nothing. She usually manages to make me angry in a way or another, but I know is not in purpose. She’s full of good intentions and initiative when doing something, but...” She leaned closer to Alice and whispered, “she has four left hooves.” She sat straight again while laughing warmly. “Oh, how mean of me to talk of her like that.” Rarity sighed. “Even if she causes a lot of problems here, I just can’t help to keep loving her.”

“Yes, I can see that you love her alot.” Alice said. Before anyone could continue with the conversation, Sweetie Belle got down the stairs.

“The bath is ready.” She said as she made her way to the table to eat her sandwich.

“Thank you Sweetie. Alice, when you finish eating, you can go ahead and clean yourself.”

“Why are you doing all this for someone like me?”

“Someone like you?”

Alice panicked for a moment. “Oh, um, I mean, for a total stranger.”

Rarity gave a warm smile before answering, “Because it’s the right thing to do, so don’t worry about it. And, you are no longer a stranger to me. You just shared a piece of your life with me when you didn’t have to, and that’s enough to consider you a friend.” She wouldn’t normally consider a pony she had just met a friend. That was something Pinkie would do, not her. But... it felt right.

‘A friend?’ Alice was incredulous.

“Now go and clean yourself.” Rarity waited for Alice to finish eating her sandwich. She then grabbed the plates and watched as Alice made her way to the second floor. “That mare feels so mysterious, but as a lady, I should respect her privacy.”

Alice entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She took the saddlebags from her back and placed them next to the door. She then walked to the tub and slowly submerged one hoof in the hot water. It felt almost weird, but relaxing at the same time. She proceeded to enter the tub, one hoof at the time, and slowly lowering her body. She let out a sigh of relief while allowing this “magical” water do its job.

“Friend,” She said as she started to clean herself, The water got slightly darker. “I don’t remember the last time someone considered me a friend.” She paused for a moment. “It’s... nice. But I shouldn’t stay here for long. Just this night and that’s it. If I stay for long, if I get too attached, I could risk getting discovered, again.” She continued washing herself in silence, aplying shampoo to her mane and washing it off. She finished cleaning herself and got out of the tub, pulled the plug and let the slightly dark water drain. “Just this night.”

“Alice, is everything fine in there?” Rarity called from the other side of the door.

“Waa!” Alice almost slipped on the wet floor after the voice of Rarity surprised her. She managed to stand steady on her legs. “Y-yes! Everything is fine.”

“Okay, darling. Could you open the door? I forgot to give you a towel before your bath.” Rarity could hear steps from inside the bathroom, and just a moment later, the door opened. “Here you go...” Rarity’s voice trailed off as she absorbed the view in front of her.

Rarity couldn’t help but think how stunning looked Alice. Her coat was glistening with little droplets of water, her mane was like a cascade of beautiful green. Those sparkling blue eyes that looked like they could see through her. ‘If I could put some makeup on her and style her mane, she would look simply amazing.’


Rarity shook her head. “I’m sorry, darling. You need something?”

Alice was shaking. “C-could you give me the t-towel? I’m getting a bi-bit cold.”

“Oh! Of course, sorry about that.” Rarity smiled sheepishly and gave the towel to Alice. She stood still while watching how Alice dried herself, she could feel her cheeks getting a bit warmer.

“Thank you, for everything. Where should I put this.” Alice asked when she finished drying herself.

“Just give me that. You can go back down stairs. Sweetie will keep you company while I organize the guest room.” Alice gave the towel to Rarity, then grabbed her saddlebags from the floor a put them back on before walking down the stairs. Rarity watched her carefully until she disappeared from view. She then made her way to the guest room.

Rarity finished preparing the guest room and made her way to the first floor. There, she found Sweetie Belle narrating her adventures with the other crusaders to Alice, while the mare used her tools to craft something in some wooden planks she probably brought from her cart.

“Your room is ready, Alice.” Rarity then turned her attention to her sister. “And you, Sweetie. You should go to sleep now. You have to wake up soon tomorrow to go back to our parents house.”

“Ooooohh, okay, Sis.” Sweetie Belle made her slow walk to her sister. “Goodnight, Alice.” She waved at the earth pony, who waved back at her. “Goodnight, Sis.” She said as she gave a quick hug to Rarity. Alice turned her attention back to her little project. Sweetie made her way to the second floor.

“So,” Rarity started, “What are you working on, Alice?”

“You see, after Sweetie Belle started to talk about her adventures with her friends, I just got the idea of giving them something special. Something like an emblem.” Alice then continued working with her tools.

“Oh, that’s really generous of you.”

Alice cut her work to a halt. “Ummmm, is the least I could do for the... hospitality.”

“Well, stop it for now. Go to sleep, I know you must be exhausted. After all, I found you sleeping outside.”

“Y-yeah, just let me gather my tools.” Alice grabbed all her things, including the planks she was working on, and placed them in her saddlebag. Rarity managed to catch a glimpse of the small wooden box in the saddle.

“What is inside the little box?” She asked while walking to the stairs, Alice followed behind.

“Ummm, my treasures. I put the things that mean a lot to me inside the box.”

“It’s really small.” Rarity rowed back quickly trying to avoid the mine she had stepped on again. “What treasures do you have in there?” Alice was silent the rest of the way to the guest room. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. This is your room.” Rarity opened the door.

Alice took a look at the guest room. It was beautiful, not because of the silky covers of the bed or the curtains. Not because of the expensive looking furniture in the room. Not because of the puffy pillows and mattress. But because she could feel the caring Rarity had put in to organize it for her. She just turned around and hugged Rarity.

Rarity was lost for a moment. She didn’t know what to do,what was happening, but she just went with the flow. She hugged back Alice, enjoying the embrace for a moment before Alice broke it.

“I-I’m sorry.” She looked more panicked than the other times. “I just- I’m really grateful for all you have done. It’s been awhile since...” Alice lowered her body a bit, her ears were pressed against her head.

The word ‘cute’ crossed Rarity’s mind. “It’s okay, darling. Now go and rest. See you tomorrow.” Alice nodded and walked inside the room. Rarity closed the door with her magic and was about to go to her room when she remembered something. She quickly made her way to the first floor and walked to a table. “There you are,” she said as she used her magic to grab the little statuette that Alice gave her.

Rarity took a moment to observe it with more detail. She knew little of carpentry, but enough to appreciate an exquisite job. A unicorn standing on her hind legs, a cutie mark with the form of a ribbon. No dress, no accessories. As she plazed her gaze on the statue’s head, she got the feeling that, despite the smile on the statue’s face, it was emotionless. She shrugged it off and carried it up to her room, where she placed it on her nightstand. Rarity proceeded to get on her bed, allowing her consciousness to drift away of this world.

‘What did I almost do? It’s been so long since I last consumed this much, this house is so full of it. I wonder if... No, it’s just for today, I shouldn’t get too close to her,’ Alice thought while lying on the bed. ‘I don’t want to make the same mistakes like the last time. I don’t want to hurt anyone.’ Alice rolled on the bed for a while. ‘I’ll leave tomorrow before... I can’t...’ Alice fell asleep.

The next morning, Rarity woke to the sound of activity coming from the first floor. ‘Please, Celestia, don’t let it be Sweetie Belle preparing breakfast again.’ Rarity stood from her bed and made her way to the bathroom. She set to the task of making herself presentable for the day. She did it as quickly as she could, without lowering the quality of her work.

When she was done, she made her out of her room.She felt relieved when she didn’t smelt burned milk and cereal when she got to the first floor.

“Rarity!” The high pitched voice of Sweetie Belle called her. Rarity found her little sister sitting in the kitchen table in front of Alice. “Come here, look at this,” Sweetie said as she gestured to three little objects that were lying in front of her on the table. Rarity made walked to her little sister. “Don’t you think this are awesome?”

Rarity eyed the three little objects. All three were almost identical, three little wooden badges with the letters “CMC” carved on them. They were heater-shaped shield badges with little dents to the sides. Rarity took one of them with her magic and placed it on her hoof. At closer look, she could see the little details in the badge, it was expertly crafted and polished. Rarity took another badge on her magic and placed it next to the first one. What was different between them was that one had a pair of wings to the sides, just above the dents, with little feathers carved on each of them. The other had a horn shaped nub at the top, with a line that went in a spiral from bottom to top of the nub. The last badge that was on the table had a horseshoe in the top.

“This certainly is the work of an artist.” Rarity turned to look at Alice that was now playing with her hooves. Rarity could see how much time and work had been put into it. ‘A way to return the hospitality she received, very generous of her.’ “I see that you did this as best as possible, Alice. Was this in what you were working last night?”

“Yes. After Sweetie Belle told me about her stories with her friends, I thought that she would like something like this, for her and her friends.”

“That’s very nice of you, darling. I’m sure Sweetie is really happy with this.”

“I sure am. Just wait till Scoots and Bloom take a look at this, they’re gonna love it!” Sweetie Belle stood from her place in the table and rounded it to give a big hug to Alice. “Thank you so much, Miss Sawyer.”

Alice just kept still, Rarity could see a few droplets of sweat appearing on Alice head. Alice only talked when Sweetie Belle ended the hug, “I-it’s n-nothing.”

Sweetie Belle grinned as she held the badges on her hooves. She then let out a loud gasp before turning to look at her sister. “Oh! I forgot I was going to make breakfast for us. I’ll get right to it!” She got on her hooves and ran in the direction of the kitchen.

“Sweetie, wait!” Rarity called out to her sister, causing the little filly to stop and look back at her. “Umm...” Rarity was thinking of something to say. She couldn’t just be blunt and say that Sweetie was a disaster on the kitchen. Finally, something popped on her mind. “Do you have everything ready? You know there’s no much time before our parents come to get you.”

“Not yet, sis, but after I finish preparing breakfast, I’ll-”

“No!” Rarity shouted. She cleared her voice. “I mean, no, you go get everything ready, I will prepare breakfast.”

Sweetie Belle looked directly at Rarity for a moment with a frown on her face that was getting bigger and bigger. “Okay!” She suddenly said, with a happy grin, while walking up the stairs.

“I should be on my way. Thank you for letting me stay here for the night.” Alice stood and walked towards the entrance, she already had her saddlebag prepared for her leave. She didn’t managed to get to the door.

“Alice, don’t leave yet. I had planned to take you to a certain place.”


“Pinkie would never forgive me if she discovered that I met the new pony in town and let her go, before she even could throw you a party.”


Author's Note:

Thanks to James Rye and Arcane Howitzer.