• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 5,190 Views, 169 Comments

Love Me... I Mean, If You're Ok With Me - elmago02

What happens when the bearer of the Element of Generosity finds a mare sleeping outside her home?

  • ...


Alice watched Rarity fade in the distance, but the unicorn wasn’t the only thing fading. The strong love that came from the unicorn was turning dimmer as she ran away. She tried to stand up, tried to chase Rarity. She couldn’t let her go. She couldn’t lose her. But she couldn’t get the strenght to do so. So she tried to shout.

“Rarity!” That wasn’t Alice. The changeling looked up to see that the one that had shouted was Fluttershy. The pegasus took up to the sky and chased Rarity.

Alice tried to gather enough strength to stand. Slowly getting on her trembling hooves, Alice tried to move forward, but got pushed to the ground.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Asked Rainbow as she pinned Alice with her hooves. “You think we will let you go after using one of my friends and trying to steal the love of Twilight!” Rainbow increased the pressure on Alice. “You disgust me.”

“It’s… not what you… think.” Alice managed to say. Why was it so hard to talk? Maybe because Rainbow was standing on her chest. Whatever it was, she could feel weaker with each second.

Rainbow snorted. “Oh please! You’re still gonna try to lie to my face after we have caught you? You are really stupid.” She pressed even harder.

“Rainbow, that’s enough.” Twilight said as she used her magic to move the pegasus.

“But Twilight, she-” Rainbow shook her head, “that thing is-”

“I said: that’s ENOUGH!” Twilight interrupted Rainbow with one shout. Rainbow kept silent.

“What are we goin’ to do with... it?” Applejack asked, not daring to take her eyes from the changeling in case this tried some weird trick.

Twilight glared the changeling that laid on the ground, thinking what to do next. Then she looked at the guards, focusing on the one who wasn’t a unicorn. “Sergeant Iron Hoof, right?” The stallion nodded firmly. “Take this changeling to the Town Hall. There’s a small jail under it that we can use for interrogation.” Sergeant Iron saluted and then signaled the guards to use their magic to encase the changeling in the magical sphere again.

‘No… please. I didn’t do... anything wrong.’ Alice couldn’t find the strenght to speak up her thoughts. ‘Rarity.’ The guards got close to her. She could only watch, with fear and sadness, as she got encased again and was taken away.

Applejack looked at the guards walking away with their load before turning to Twilight. “Interrogate it? Why? We already know what that thing is doin’ here.”

Twilight shook her head. “There could be more to it than that. There’s a possibility that there are more changelings around. Maybe, they are waiting outside the town for a signal to invade. We need to know before something happens.”

Applejack watched Twilight walk away for a moment. The alicorn was walking with heavier steps than usual, her face was flared with anger. So Applejack chased her.

“Twilight, are you okay?” She asked with concern.

Twilight took a few breaths, trying to calm down. “That thing… What if it had done something like what Chrysalis did?” She looked up at Applejack, a few tears of anger tracing her face. “If we hadn’t discovered the truth… That thing could have done something to Fluttershy and take her place!”

“Well, ya don’t have to worry. The changelin’ didn’t have time to do anything, but…” Applejack looked up at the sky. “Ah’m worried about Rarity. She looked really bad when the disguise of the changelin’ dropped.”

“Fluttershy will take care of her. And we’ll take care of that monster.” Rainbow said as she flew over her friends. The three moved in the direction of Ponyville.

. . .

. . .

“Hey, don’t forget about me!” Pinkie, who was still tied to the chair, shouted. “I can’t scratch my nose!” Pinkie struggled with her bindings. “Help, it’s really itchy!”

Rarity ran as fast as she could, leaving a small trail of tears behind. Part of her just wanted to stop and lay right there, in the middle of the road, and cry. But the other part of her, with stronger resolution wouldn’t stop moving. It had nothing to do with the dirty road, or if other ponies saw her in such a state. She just felt that she had to reach a place, but had no idea of which one.

“Rarity, wait!” Fluttershy called for her, but she didn’t pay attention.

She finally reached the town. The tears in her eyes must have affected her sight, because everything and everypony around her looked so happy. How could that be true when she was feeling so torn in the inside. She expected the sky to get dark and the beginning of a heavy rain. But the sun kept visible up in the sky. This couldn’t be the reality.

“This… isn’t… real.”

Her hooves brought her to her home. She quickly bolted inside, leaving the door open, and ran upstairs. She moved through the hallway and reached one room. She opened it with her magic, got inside and stopped.

She was in Alice room. Why did she run here? The place that had been occupied by a monster that had only used her.

“Was… was everything just a big lie?” Rarity moved to the bed with cautious steps. To think that this day, she had almost...


Rarity had just finished getting ready for the day. Now she was on her way to wake up Alice. She didn’t knock at the door like usual, she just opened it and poked her head inside. “Alice, darling?” She could hear the breathing of a pony that was sleeping happily. Rarity moved to the bed with cautious steps. Her plan was to get close to Alice and give her a small shake to wake her up.

Step after step, each placed cautiously on the floor, trying to make the least amount of noise as possible. She reached the bed, sat on her haunches, lifted her hooves and placed them on Alice side. Time to wake her up... Or maybe not. Rarity waited for a few seconds, just looking at the peaceful expression on Alice face. Her hooves enjoying the soft feeling of the cream coat under them. Was it her imagination or was Alice face getting closer with each second that passed? Rarity closed her eyes, letting her white muzzle approach the one in front of her. She could feel Alice breath on her lips. Just two centimeters more and…

Alice turned on her bed. She was now facing the opposite direction of which Rarity was standing. The unicorn felt disappointed for a second, kind of sad for the lost opportunity. She kept feeling like that for merely seconds before what had happened registered in her brain. She now felt a combination of something between confusion and panic. She pulled away, slowly walking backwards until her rear touched the closed curtains. A small ray of sunlight fell over Alice pillow.

What was she doing? What had almost happened? Her mind was thinking really fast. “I tried to kiss her.” She said barely audible. That couldn’t be true. Rarity had always been attracted to stallions. Not a single time had she felt attracted to a mare. Rarity shook her head. “No, I wasn’t going to kiss her. I was just getting closer to…umm.” She couldn’t finish that line, not when the only thing that came to mind was ‘taste her lips’.

Rarity needed to get out from there. Just as cautiously as she entered, or at least she thought that, Rarity got out of the room, closing the door behind her. She stood on the hallway, looking at the white cold wall on the opposite side. It looked so comfortable right now, so She leaned against the it and breathed deeply several times. “She… She’s a friend, she’s only a friend.” She reassured herself and ignored the fact that Alice was the only friend that she had tried to kiss. “I have only known her for five... days.” She had to force herself to not add the word wonderful to that last line.

The sound of hoofsteps came from the other side of the door, pulling Rarity out fro her thoughts. She stood back on her hooves and faced the door. Time for a take two, act like the first one had never happened.

She knocked at the door, “Alice, darling.”

A few seconds later, Alice opened the door. “Good morning, Rarity.”

‘Remember, act natural.’ “Good morning Alice. Did you slept well?” ‘Of course she slept well, you saw it yourself.’

“Yes, Rarity, thanks for asking.” Alice then turned around a walked to the window. Rarity’s attention got caught by Alice rear. The way she walked. How her tail swished from one side to other.

“It’s something wrong?” Asked Alice.

‘Stay calm and act natural,’ Rarity thought before beaming a smile to Alice. “No, darling, I was just thinking.”

“Thinking? About what?”

Rarity could easily win a poker tournament. The despair on her mind didn’t show in the sightless on her face. ‘Quickly, think something for real. Ummm… Oh! Today’s lunch!’ “Well, I have a lunch scheduled with the others this afternoon, and I was thinking that you could tag along, if you want.”

“Sure, if the others are okay with that.”

“I think they will be fine with it, darling. Now, let’s go have some breakfast.” Rarity walked out from the room, impressed of her acting abilities and quick mental process.

Rarity walked in the direction of Fluttershy’s home, with Alice following closely. Inviting Alice had been kind of an accident, but she was happy that it happened. A good lunch with all her close friends, nothing better than that. She looked back at Alice, and saw that the earth pony was observing the flowers as they walked.

Rarity’s imagination worked on it’s own. Alice would be searching for a specific flower, not stopping until finding the most beautiful from them all. She would pick it from its place and would make a slow walk to the unicorn.With as much gentleness as possible, Alice would place the flower on Rarity’s mane, then look at her directly on the eyes while caressing her cheek. Alice would move her hoof to the back of Rarity’s head, and would slowly pull it closer until... Rarity shook her head. ‘I-I’m probably tired of this long walk. I couldn’t possibly think something like that if I wasn’t.’

Rarity quickened her pace, the faster they got to the cottage, lesser was the possibility of thinking something like this again. Two minutes and the cottage was finally in front of her. She knocked one, no answer, so she knocked again.

“We’re back here!” Came the voice of Rainbow Dash from the other side of the humble home.

Rarity and Alice circled the cottage and arrived to an open area behind it. There were her friends, sitting around a large wooden table. The only one missing was Fluttershy.

“Hi Rarity! Hi Alice!” Pinkie greeted from her seat to which she was being tied by Applejack. Nothing strange over here.

“Hello, girls, I hope there’s no problem that I brought Alice with me.” Rarity said as she sat right next to Applejack. Alice followed sweet and sat right next to her.

“Of course there’s no problem,” Twilight answered. “We are actually glad you brought her. The more, the merrier.” Rarity translated that as her friends being happy to see Alice. It surely made her happy to be there with the earth pony.

Rarity watched as Applejack initiated a conversation with Alice about how to repay her for her help. The conversation would have taken a lot of time if she hadn’t told Alice to just accept Applejack’s offer.

After a moment, Fluttershy showed up with the food and set it on the table. They started to eat, chatting between bites, with the exception of Rainbow. Rarity thought of scolding her for talking with her mouth full, but let it pass as everyone was having a good time.

Close to the end of the lunch, everyone ran after Pinkie to try and catch her. Everyone except Rarity and Alice. For some reason, Rarity turned her head to look at Alice when they were alone. Her eyes locked immediately on Alice lips, she had a little stain of sauce under them.

Rarity took one napkin between her lips and used it to clean Alice. She had initially thought nothing of this, but as she made contact with Alice, her mind got flooded by the events of this morning. How she had almost kissed Alice. If she dropped the napkin now, her lips would be able to... She pulled away, keeping her cool. This thoughts just wouldn’t leave her mind. Maybe, it was time to be honest with herself.

‘I have fallen for her.’ Rarity looked at Alice, who was flushed and playing with her hooves, a look on her face that seemed almost dreamy. ‘Maybe… she could feel the same-’ Her thoughts stopped when her friends came back with Pinkie and tied her back to the chair.

A few shouts were heard in the distance. That was the signal that ended the happy dream. Time to see through the lies and deal with the hard truth.


“Rarity?” Fluttershy called as soon she reached the boutique. She could hear something from upstairs, so she moved up quickly. In the corridor of the second floor, Fluttershy could now hear perfectly the sound that was coming from one of the rooms. She had heard it before, but not exactly like this. She moved to the open door and looked inside.

Yes, the sound was exactly what she thought. Fluttershy stood there, thinking of the times she had seen Rarity cry. They were always noisy and loud, kind of dramatic. But this time, Rarity was silently crying on the floor, right next to the bed. Fluttershy felt more worried for her friend right now than any other time.

Fluttershy walked up to Rarity, and sat right next to her, wrapping one wing over her back.
“Everything will be fine, Rarity.” She reassured the unicorn. Rarity mumbled something between weeps. “Calm down Rarity.”

Rarity tried to speak again “I… I lo-loved her.”

Fluttershy jerked her head back, eyes widening, surprised by what Rarity had just said. This was serious.

“I… was s-so happy… being with h-her… But … it was a-all… an act… Everything w-was a lie.” Rarity managed to say between sobs.

“Oh, Rarity,” was the only thing Fluttershy could say, as she was no longer sure how she could make her friend feel better in this situation.

Twilight, still showing signs of anger, reached the entrance of the Town Hall. Rainbow and Applejack, whom were almost as furious as Twilight, were closely following her. Two different guards greeted them inside.

“Princess Twilight.” One of the guards started as both of them bowed. “The changeling has been placed in the cell as you ordered. We also placed a magic restrainer on its horn for extra security.” Twilight just nodded before moving to the stairs that led to the underground jail.

Downstairs, Sergeant Iron was waiting next to an old wooden door, the two unicorn guards were in the opposite side of the room. He looked up when he heard the hoofsteps coming from the stairs. His princess and two of her friends appeared.

“Princess, we can start the interrogation whenever you want.”

“We’ll take care of that. Stay here, I’ll call you in case I need your help.” The sergeant nodded before opening the door for Twilight and her friends.

The jail had a total of five cells, four of them empty due to the almost non existent crime in Ponyville. Their destination was the furthest one. A black figure laid there, one leg chained to the wall. The three ponies stood right in front the cell, waiting to be acknowledged by the changeling. Twilight cleared her voice. The changeling opened one eye, looked at them and then closed it.

“Why are you here?” Twilight asked, but Alice did not answer. “Which are your intentions? Are you here looking for vengeance?” Silence, Alice wasn’t even moving, only breathing. “Answer the questions. What are you planning?!” Twilight asked, almost shouting, but no answer was heard.

“Aaahh! Just give me a few minutes with her. She will spit more than words.” Dash extended her wings menacingly.

Twilight placed a wing in front of her.“No Rainbow! We won’t resort to violence!”

“Twilight, this thing is not going to say a word! It could be waiting to be rescued by a swarm of changelings!” Rainbow stomped her hooves on the cold floor of the jail.

Applejack put one hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “Dash, Ah’m sure there’s no need to turn in a monster to get information. But Ah surely have no idea how.” She looked at Twilight. “Any ideas Twi? We don’t have much time if Rainbow is right. Maybe a spell that will force it say the truth.”

“That wouldn’t work if the changeling doesn’t speak.” Twilight answered while she glared at the changeling. “There’s… one way to know everything, and I mean everything.”

“And which way would it be?”

“It’s an ancient spell, but it can only be used in case of an utter importance and under the consent of a princess.”

“Well, If there is a changeling swarm out there, this count as a case of extreme importance.” Said Applejack.

“And we are lucky that we have a princess right here with us.” Rainbow pointed at Twilight. “So, get started with the spell.”

Twilight hummed, “There’s one problem. We need one object of incredible worth for this changeling, and it’s obviously not carrying anything.”

“Then that’s not an option, we need to think somethin’ else if-”

“No, wait. I just remembered something.” Twilight interrupted Applejack, then trotted out of the jail.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash only took two seconds before following Twilight. “We will be back, so don’t get comfortable. You monster!” Rainbow shouted.

‘... You… monster…’ The words resounded in Alice head, but not with Rainbow’s voice. ‘... Rarity...’ She felt so empty right now.

“Keep an eye on it. I’ll return.” Twilight said to Sergeant Iron before bolting upstairs and out of the Town Hall. Applejack and Rainbow caught up with her in no time. “Ali- The changeling.” Twilight corrected. “When I talked with that thing two days ago, the changeling had a saddlebag on its back. Maybe there was something-”

“Where are we going?” Asked Pinkie, who came out from nowhere.

“Aaaah!” Applejack, Rainbow and Twilight ran into each other after being surprised by Pinkie.

“Pinkie!” Twilight shouted, trying to get out from the pile of ponies. “Where did you… Agh forget it.” The three ponies got back on their hooves and resumed their pace. “We are going to Rarity’s boutique.”

Fluttershy was still holding Rarity under her wing. The tears were staining her wing and coat, but she didn’t care in the least. Still not knowing what to say to Rarity to comfort her, Fluttershy looked around the room, trying to find something of what to talk. Right next to the night table, was an old saddlebag, most likely from Alice. Not something she could use for a conversation right now. The quiet wails of her friend made her stop her search.

‘Think something, Fluttershy. You can’t leave a friend feeling like this. Say anything.’ “Ummm-”

“Rarity! Fluttershy! Are you here?!” Twilight shouted from downstairs.

‘Thank goodness Twilight is here.’ “We are up here!.” Fluttershy shouted.

Seconds later, Twilight and the other four entered the room. They stopped at the entrance when they saw the crying unicorn with the pegasus holding her under a wing. Fluttershy reluctantly stood away from Rarity, promising to return.

“Hey, how’s Rarity takin’ it.” Asked Applejack when Fluttershy got close. The pegasus only looked down and shook her head.

“Nothing strange. If a friend turned out to be a giant black bug that was using me…” Rainbow said with anger.

“It’s not that simple.” Fluttershy mumbled, thinking of what Rarity had told her a while back. “She fell in love with… Alice.”

Everyone’s eyes widened. Rarity, the pony that talked so much about her perfect stallion, falling for a mare? Their faces darkened. The only natural answer to this was...

“She manipulated her. She knew how to pull the strings.” Growled Applejack. “From the first day, that thing was feeding from Rarity.”

Twilight felt bad for her friend.“She needs time and a friend. Fluttershy, stay with her.” Fluttershy nodded at her marefriend request. Twilight would had offered to be that friend, but she had something to do. She looked at her other friends. “We have to look for something that belongs to the changeling. It has to be really important if we want to get the information we need. Let’s split and-”

“Where is s-she? W-where is Alice?” Rarity asked from her place on the floor.

Twilight looked at Rarity, whom looked back at her with red eyes. “We… We put her in a jail under the Town’s Hall for interrogation. Alice remained silent to each of my questions. There’s one way to get the information. If we find one object important to this changeling, I can get in her memories.”

“Y-you are going i-in her me-memories? I w-want to go.” She said as she levitated the old saddlebag to Fluttershy. “You need s-something important for her, Right? Inside the b-bag must be what you n-need.”

“Rarity, you should rest. Being there could be really hard for you. And this spell only works in one pony.”

“T-then let me be the one to go inside, T-Twilight. I want to k-know from first hoof what I m-meant to her.”

“Rarity, listen to me, you shouldn’t-”

“LET ME GO!” Rarity stood on her hooves and quickly faced Twilight. “I… I have to do this. Please, Twilight.”

Twilight was trying to think of some way to persuade Rarity, this could be too much for her. But Fluttershy walked to her side and gave nuzzled her. “Let her do this, Twilight. She need this.” She whispered.

Twilight sighed and looked at Rarity. “Alright. I will cast the spell on you, Rarity.” Twilight then looked at her marefriend. “Fluttershy, look if there’s something that I can use in that bag.”

Fluttershy nodded and started to examine the contents. She then pulled one little wooden box. Rarity looked back at Fluttershy. “T-that’s supposed to be her t-treasure box.”

Fluttershy opened the box and immediately dropped it, letting escape one little squeak. Four object fell to the floor, one rolled under the bed. What had made Fluttershy drop the box was the little statuette of a changeling.

Twilight peeked up, one by one, the three objects she could see on the floor. “A figurine of herself, or it could be Chrysalis. A picture of three unicorns. And a piece of wood.” The little statuette made her feel a bit of anger. The picture, she had no idea what to think of it. And the piece of wood, what was that? Not knowing if any of the objects would be what they needed, Twilight decided to try with the weird piece of wood first. If it didn’t work, she would try with one of the others. Any of the three should do the job.

“Rarity, are you really sure that you want to do this?” Twilight asked with concern.

“It’s not that I want. It’s something I have to do.”

Twilight nodded. “Very well. Then, this is what we have to do: While I cast the spell, you have to picture the image of Alice in your mind. This object will work as a gate to the past.” She showed the piece of wood. “The spell will put us in a deep sleep where you will be able to see the memories, and nothing else. It’ll be like watching a movie.”

“Ooohhh! I should go and make popcorn for everypony.” Pinkie clapped her hooves.

“Focus, Pinkie. This is serious.” Twilight cleared her voice before continuing. “It could feel like a lot of time is passing, but it will only take about half an hour here, in the real world.” Twilight looked around. “We will be here, waiting for you to wake up. Right girls?” Everypony nodded. “Now, Rarity, are you ready?”

Rarity sniffled before nodding. “Then, let’s get started. Stand in front of me, Rarity.” Twilight placed the wooden object on the floor, between her and Rarity. The others gave a few steps back and watched. Rarity closed her eyes.

‘Please, Celestia. Give me the strenght to deal with this.’ One last tear fell from her face.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Arcane Howitzer.