• Published 20th Jul 2013
  • 21,043 Views, 53 Comments

Heartwarming moment with Rarity - NightShader

You are Anonymous the lone human in equestria. You've been living in Rarity's boutique ever since you came to equestria. After Rarity has yet another failed date you decide to take her out to cheer her up.

  • ...

A friendly date.

Heartwarming moment with Rarity.

You sat alone in the carousel boutique, rarity went out to a club with some stallion she met last week. You're lying on your bed thinking about what you did today. You helped the cutiemark crusaders build a raft to cross the lake, and helped them dry up after you hopelessly failed, it was still quite fun to play with them. Your thoughts are disturbed by a door slamming shut. Uh oh that's not good, it’s not even past midnight yet. You run over from the guest room to the door, and see a red eyed and sniffling rarity on the ground.

"Rarity what happened?!" You say quickly kneeling down beside her and checking for any wounds.

"He dumped me for not being fast enough." She says.

"Not fast enough? What does that mean?"

She explains that they were dancing and he put his hoof on her flank and said he wanted to progress to the next step in a relationship. She refused and he scolded her and walked away leaving her alone.

She’s crying again by the time she finishes her story. You pull her close and give her a comfort hug.

"He isn't worth your time, you should stay away from stallions like him they don’t know how to appreciate mares." You say in a soft tone.

"Besides there are enough pony's out there that would treat you as you deserve to be treated." You slowly let go of her and lift her back on her hooves.

"You're right, I’m just going to get some sleep now." She smiles but it’s obviously a fake one. You could feel it, but a good night of resting would help a lot. You both go to your rooms and go to sleep.

The next morning she's gone. You knew she probably just went to the spa, she always does that when she feels down. You walk downstairs and in to the kitchen where you grab some apples as breakfast and leave the boutique. You still had some books you needed to return to the library and decide that’s where you’re going first.

Arriving at the library you were about to knock on the door when it suddenly swings open.

"Hi ra- huh what are you doing here Anon? I was expecting rarity tell me everything about her date." Twilight says.

"Yeah about that. She got dumped yesterday." You say, and explain what rarity told you yesterday.

"Oh no, that’s not good." She responds after listening to the whole story.

"No shit."

"That’s not what I meant. I mean before you came, this actually used to happen quite frequently. Then she just stopped going out, until she met him. She thought he would be different."

What she just said left you mind blown. Were there so many douchebags in Ponyville? You decide it’s up to you to give her a good night out, so she sees you always have her back.

"Well I’m going to try and cheer her up see, you later twilight." You say turning around and starting to walk away. You decide to check the spa first.

Upon arrival at your destination you move over to the counter and ask if rarity is in there, the spa ponies point towards the sauna, making clear she is in there.

"Thanks." You wanted to enter, but you were stopped by the same ponies.

"You can't go in there with your clothes on, and you didn’t even pay yet." One of them says. With a grunt you give them a couple of bits and head towards the changing room. Closing the door behind you, you start to take off your clothes, wrap a towel around your waste and then start heading back towards the sauna part. When you walk by the spa ponies you notice they're staring at you, mouth agape.

"You like what you see?" You say flexing your muscles.

They both turn beet red and immediately bolt away. Those days at the gym do pay off, you chuckle a bit thinking of what just happened and resumed walking towards the sauna.

Opening the door to the sauna, a huge wall of steam escapes and when your vision clears you see rarity and pinkie pie sitting there.

"Oh hey Anon, we were just talking about you." Pinkie says making rarity blush a bit.

"Oh? What were you talking about?" You ask now curious.

"About how nice and kind you always are and that you should really take r-" she is stopped by rarity’s hoof blocking her mouth.

"That’s enough darling." Rarity says now turning to you.

"I didn't know you like going to the spa?" She says.

"I don't, I was just wondering if you want to go out with me tonight to that new restaurant.

Suddenly pinkie shoots of in to the distance.

"Ok." Rarity says grinning as a school filly and also shooting in to the distance. Leaving you alone in the sauna.

What the, why did they leave?

Never mind you have better things to do. You have to make sure Rarity has a good time tonight for a confidence boost.

You walk back towards the changing room, get dressed and head towards the carousel boutique. You notice everyone seems to be watching you. You shrug it off and go on with your walk. When you arrive at the boutique and enter the main room you hear rarity is busy with something in her room.

"Better not disturb her." You mumble to yourself. You have no idea what to do all those remaining hours. Until you see one of rarity's romance novels on the table... A peek won’t hurt.

4 hours later you read the entire damn thing. Not because you liked it but just because there was nothing to do.

"Oh crap it’s almost time!" You quickly put on a suit rarity made for you earlier last month, and head towards the bathroom to brush your teeth and comb your hair. When you’re done you walk over towards the stairs and slowly descend. When you enter the main room, you see rarity standing there. She had really out done herself. You never have seen her as pretty as she is now.

"How do I look?" She says striking a pose.

"Beautiful." Is the only thing you're able to say.

"Very well, let’s go." she says.

You hold the door open for her. And here the most adorable squeal you've ever heard escape her mouth.

Once you arrive at the restaurant you are escorted to your table. There you pull out her chair for her, and once again you hear that adorable squeal.
“She must be really enjoying it,” you think to yourself.

The night is spent eating your meal and chatting about everything that pops up in your mind. You ate way to much and your stomach was aching. But when you ask her about what she and pinkie were talking about she quickly changes the subject.

"You can tell me you know."

"Maybe some other time, are you ready to go home?" She asks

"Sure let’s go." You wave over the waiter and pay the bill.

Both of you walk out of the restaurant, and are met with a beautiful starry sky. You take advantage of this and try to sit down somewhere to calm your aching belly. Better eat less next time.

"Want to relax on that hill over there?"

"Ugh, I don't see anything relaxing about lying on dirt."

"You could lay on me if that sounds any better." You say jokingly. Suddenly she starts pulling your arm.

"Well what are you waiting for? Let’s go to the hill." She says impatiently. You don't worry too much over the sudden mood change.

Arriving there you put down your jacket on the grass and lay yourself on it. Instantly rarity lays herself on your chest. It was a pretty awkward position as you were kind of spooning her but she felt warm and calming, so you didn't mind.

"Today was the best night I’ve ever had." She says shivering slightly.

"Want to go home?"

"No, I’m relishing the moment...it’s just a bit cold." She says shivering again. You already know she wants you to put your arms around her, but a little teasing won’t hurt.

"Want my jacket?"

"No, actually I want-" you quickly stop her from talking.

"I understand. I’ll get the firewood." You’re grinning like a madman by now.

"Isn't it obvious?!" She responds with annoyed grunt.

"I'm just fooling with you." You say putting both your arms around her and holding her tight. You notice a vicious blush on her face. She looks so beautiful you could just...NO STOP you're falling for her man!! You can't risk making her feel uncomfortable towards you, you're just friends after all.

"This just isn't right, we should go home." you say quickly releasing her. You try to stand up but you're pinned to the ground by Rarity who is now standing on top of you.

"No! I won’t let you leave like all the others left me. Please don't..." She says while tears were forming. It nearly killed you to see her like this. It was your stupid idea to take her out, and now she was expecting you to be all lovey dovey with her or worse... Now you have to play along, if you don’t then bad things were going to happen.

"I wouldn't even think about it, you mean too much to me."

A big smile appeared on her face as she loosens her grip and collapses her back on your chest once again. She moves her head upwards to yours and began softly nuzzling your neck. Lost in the moment you nip on her ear a few times and you could hear her giggle in glee. In one swift movement she turns around and presses her lips against yours in the process. You slowly started melting away. She ends the kiss looking deep in your eyes.

"Nobody has ever made me feel so special." She says. Now laying her whole body flat on yours.

It felt good, but something was burning within you, you weren't ready for this.

"It’s still time to go though." You say to her. This time she just stands up and lets you do that as well. You both start walking towards your home and there is never a moment she leaves your side. She was practically brushing against you the whole time.

You both arrive at the boutique.

"Tonight was wonderful." She says putting her hooves around your neck and pulling you close.

“Yes it was, oh look at the time! I think I’m going straight to bed." You say freeing yourself and scooting up the stairs after a fake yawn.

"Oh I’m afraid you can't sleep in your own bed tonight," she replies slowly following you up the stairs.

"And why is that?" You ask opening the door to the guest room. And then you see why.

It’s totally dismantled.

"I kind of asked pinkie to break it down while we were out, so you'd have to sleep in my bed after our date." She says blushing again.

“This mare sure knows how to plan things,” you think to yourself.

"Are you sure it’s fine that I sleep next to you?" You ask still hesitant. As she seems to be walking closer and closer.

"It’s what I wanted in the first place." She responds now almost face to face with you.

"OK then, off to bed." You say running towards her room and quickly dashing into her bed.

Rarity simply skips towards you and takes a jump, landing elegantly and surprisingly soft on your chest.

"You know what I want Anon."

You quickly give her a peck on the cheek.

"Goodnight rarity." You say turning around as fast as you can. And turning of the lights. You still felt uncomfortable that she was a pony, it just didn't feel right.

Suddenly the room is lit with a blue glow that surrounded your body, you are being turned around by magic and you're once again met with Rarity’s only a few inches away.

"You're the one I've been waiting for, it’s fine if you don’t want to kiss me yet." She says snuggling in to your chest.

"I love you Anon." She whispers as she released you from her magic grip and slowly started moving away.

Screw the rules, a female is a female.
You lay your arms around her body and pull her close. Your lips meet and once again you could feel yourself melt on the inside. Ending the moment you look in to her eyes.

"I love you to rarity."

The end?!?

Comments ( 52 )

2907491 you've read them all except for fluttershy? :rainbowderp:

2907496 ya i can read really fast like :twilightblush: fast

2907506 Awesome, Dont forget to tell me which one you liked the most.
Should I make a :trixieshiftleft: one? after the :twilightsmile: one?

now i've read them all, now i just want these: :twilightsmile:, :trollestia:, :trixieshiftright: and a :derpytongue2:.... kinda want a luna one and a vinyl one, too

2911121 twilight is sure to come. Celestia almost sure. Trixie and derpy maybe, as they are more difficult to write.

Um, ....wow. That's all I really got at the moment. Great job. :pinkiesmile: Extra points for Pinkie's involvement. lol

XD 10/10 NICE:twilightsmile:

Sweet Mother of Celestia, I take it back about the Pinkie story, THIS is the best one :pinkiehappy:
Dawwww, dear ol' Rarity :raritystarry:

Yeah, I get that reaction alot. I have no Idea why people adore my :raritystarry: story.
I just deal with it:twilightsheepish:

I liked this story. I laughed a few times on how Rarity or Anon would react (and he teased her). :rainbowlaugh:
Damn tho, Rarity is quite the schemer when she wants to be.
It would have been funny if Sweetie Belle walked in and saw that her old bedroom was demolished. :rainbowlaugh:

"Rarity how could you destroy my room..." Sweetie Belle witnessed something she wished she hadn't.
"Oh hi Sweetie... well this is awkward. I'm just enjoying my friend."
"I'll say, anyway, I'll just leave and go somewhere else..." :rainbowlaugh:

Once again loud as I can I'm insane

have to agree with Anon on Ponyville seems to be full of Jerks. But Glad he stepped up and showed Rarity not everyone is a jerk. And glad he is giving Rarity a shot

awesome as always. Anon is such a gentleman, good on him! :pinkiehappy:

Dismantle the bed? Dang, Rarity is not taking any chances.... :raritywink:

A very good job man :) :) :) :)

screw the rules! :duck: Ah yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dismantle the bed? frikin desperate much?

it feels wierd how you end all these with "the end?!?" are you planning on finishing all the ponies you have planned before you start on all their sequels btw? & do one with derpy pls! :heart:

This story was adorably sweet <3 I just love how kind and gentlemen like Anon was. I thought Rarity was moving a little forward but I can see why that was the case and it didn't detract from how sweet the setting was. It was rather nice to see something with characters interacting in a simpler way, just enjoying each others company and sharing their love. :heart:

I have a suggestion: Luna, Ditzy (Derpy) Hooves (who is that??), Celestia those are the only ones that I know. I read not watch My Little Pony, and someone tell me what this Derpy, also heard it as Ditzy, looks like. Read it in a fanfic no clue what this looks like, male/female, only thing I know it that it delivers mail and is a pony. WHAT IS IT?!?!?!?

Good story by the way

4078097 shes a grey coated pegasus with blonde hair and "derpy" eyes (hence the name derpy hooves) she is very accident prone, and loves muffins. also, derpy hooves is a fan name and her original name was ditsy doo

4078097 did i mention "is best pony"?

4078390 No you did not but have since corrected that statement.

The End- Until Spike finds out. :moustache:

you see one of rarity's romance novels on the table... A peek won’t hurt.

4 hours later you read the entire damn thing. Not because you liked it

...or anything. B-baka!

Why he took her out on a date when he knew what she was, how they were just freinds, is still a mystery to us all

Because she was rejected the other day. He didn't really see it as a date, he just wanted to cheer her up :raritywink:


In most of my stories, Anon has no idea of what he's doing.

Comment posted by Skizzer64555 deleted Dec 26th, 2014

Oh wow. Pinkie destroyed his bed!!!:rainbowlaugh:

This was a bit funny. Though, it was goo. keep up the good work man!

that was so sweet

I only managed to get to the part when he said 'you like what you see', then I just couldn't go on. I don't know why! It's just like how I couldn't stand to watch Spike humiliate himslef when he thought he was singing Ponyville's anthem, but was singing Cloudsdales instead in the episode 'Equestria Games'. I don't know why! They both were either too stupid, embarrassing, or just too sad (i mean like embarrassed but much worse).

not so much a fan of this one. Rarity was cute, but i was annoying..


you start to take off your clothes, wrap a towel around your waste and then


I can definitely see Rarity being like that, this is the best one so far. :raritystarry:


Well, Anon is known for sh***ing into towels, is he not?

Funny, that happens to me as well, especially for Spike. :moustache:

Honestly, I didn't dig it. Grammatical issues aside, the characterizations were flat as hell.

A bit of errors here and there such as 'of' instead of 'off' and 'to' instead of 'too', but otherwise nice story. Really loved the conclusion too, that was rather epic. Great work :raritywink:

Rarity is best waifu :rainbowlaugh:

I think the Rarity Heartwarming story is my favorite

I love your heartwarming stories, I wish there was more stories like this, Anon, 2nd person, Romance are my favorite genre's of MLP fanfiction. :ajsmug:

"I'm just fooling with you." You say putting both your arms around her and holding her tight. You notice a vicious blush on her face. She looks so beautiful you could just...NO STOP you're falling for her man!!

So, you're starting to have feelings for Rarity, huh?

It was your stupid idea to take her out, and now she was expecting you to be all lovey dovey with her or worse... Now you have to play along, if you don’t then bad things were going to happen.

Didn't you just say you starting to have feelings for her? Now it sounds like you're having second thoughts.

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